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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1915)
v A A.-"" . . IT jZtf,. ZSyA r- v & ,- SS i 5. 4 ... 5jrK.XVy i ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ,Jf f 'r -im un 2jG Public Sale OwIiik to tlii-ik'iilli of iny wjfi-I urn p''iK '" ''"V" "IU 'mm "" will bold u clean up Mile at my ilncc lo miles north mul S'j miles east of licliiinoti. Kiuimis iiml (linllcssoulli iiml I mil oust of Ited Cloud, Nebraska, on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd Commencing at to O'clock A. M. g 17 Head of Percheron Horses and riares 32 HEAD OF HORSES llhic.U stiilllon II yrm sold, ui'lKhf.',(H(); (hull Iron jjray Mnlllon. I years ohl, weight Itmo. These two sliillloim me jinic biud import- odPeiclieroiiN. 1 bluett jourlluKl'erulicinn stallion, IfiOit American biod; .'I full blond Aiiieiienii bied Pcicheron htallintis comliiK jour- line's; '1 imported puic bred Pctoliernn mures, 7 iiml VI yents old. wtdultt l?(0cnc1i; I Anifi It-iin bied Pcieheiou iiihiih, 5 years old, r J. wt'llit 170 i-ticli; I pine 1. ifil IVii'hi'ioii mine. II yiuisnld, wotM. f 17(0; 1 putebtiil Peielicniii nunc, ilyonis old, weight 1100; :i fomlti 'J ydir old pine Inert Peicbcmn fills. 'J lihc mares are :ll Mifo ill foul bv nine hi nl lVii'hiMon Ikiim'. Pedltfioes will ho fornWied t Willi till of Ihi'sv Imf-i-s niifl nitiii'. "mi ilny of Kilo 1 hltfli parte Pciclieinii limn- :ilMii- old. weight KDO with foul; 1 bleji trrmle ' Peiclietoti mate, S jean old, ueiejit lC.f'O u itli foul; I (food lily omit- i- iiiK .'I vim- o!l field iiikK 1 exlin llin' III .V con. in;r II y m old; U tfrarto r Hiicldlnj,' colt", 1 jjooil old diMiijf tri in; 1 ln I oikc nine yeais old, wolfhl Hiio tiiiwiMiwwwwiwMWWWMWwwiuii w tini"wwiiwwwwwwiwwwiimiw nii 8 HEAD OF CATTLE .'l heart pole I tc J Short I (nil entile, '.'cinv mid 1 ei in'i k' vi'iir llntf heifer. These Oiiith' 'ir-fr in 3 V'liuir S ii"ol erp-iV hetrt; 1 cow. 1 j cms old. fi".i in Mn : I m hi llnr ! r ii'm New Ford Aulo, Chickens, Potatoes and Grain About (iili en rllli'lcn"-, id out "0 bushels pot'iloi".: nbiitll (KlO Imslicls of outs ii till 'Jl)U I iivlicls I'Mi- corn FARM MACHINERY, ETC. I j'i.i d fiulii ii(on. " old wi'i'ioi, 1 new iMilliiiitot; 1 Komi ViCoituicK tnoivfih. 1 hi-y -tii I'd i 1 jroi d Nupcili r Iimv ImjiIc. im' ,1i li'i pci n iM ihj jdow: 1 pM'd m In nil, leu to s-.; nil of my hnu. In Id tromU nod uintiv oil cr im- ful nrtie'e- hm utimerniis to nienllni'. I L i in. i .mn. . i. iii .ii mmw wi.mi.i miT T ' I I I I I " i ' i i ' I I ri r lurwli Mil S'.t: Km it! I) Hit: Womit llfiw hull's Alii .SsUdy rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. I'tiLISUKD bVKKV TI1UK8DAY iSnorcil In llif I'okIoIIIioiU Hut Clouil, Nob. n Hicond ClniwjMnttur V It. MiAUTIlUR I'tMll.tsiiKIl TUB ONLY M.MOCIIATIU I'AI'Klt IN WIIIISTKH COUNTY l-'loiir Ih now higher In price, tlmti ever liefoio in the history of this city. It luih reiiuhcd the hlh niHilt of SI ." per Hiieh. 'I'lio ront demiiuil for wheat on t ho other sido of tho water Is directly responsible for HiIh cotnli Hon. Iloscoe Weeiner has puruluised the Interest F. 13. IVrry had in tho incr caulilo estiibllshmunt and the new lb m will be. known us Koscou I'. Weesner t Co Wo wish tho new ill in hiu'coh. Mr. I'erry is undt elded yet as to what he will do but we trust he will i cumin with us. Theehtueh bell-how its melodies ) , rin, ns its tones vibiate and linger. jTlio f.ishloiiiiblo bidle, with a beau on ij her strltifr, has a beautiful ritifron iier linger. A political i inj,' is a very bad tiling it coops in the fool and the seholiii; but so plrnsiiiK n iii"K has no eiilhly tlili g as tho ring of lli livrd si vcr ilnllar. D 'EF.HHSt- f.iitl noil under cm'Ii Ov ei t.M o eie 'll ot .'), 0, ! r I inoii'lis tilli" will he niel', puivhii'-er iiin; no'i' wi'h nppie i elO l. I i III illT ti II I'i'l " nl ill' i if t fl i 'in il'ile. X pio; ei ty In lie K o n. .1 until settled for. iiw.ui)i.iihiw.iwib. Ill) b Sw. u v s 3 S P k AX &. J r M l ni i in HjI V HbO'lIli:!!. Anetio s 3E HI A Better Farming Meeting lloo II. Y. Oampix'll. -u'lll known ii. Uij Korinloir t'liiiipbell, mid ,). II leiiiwni will I. o to this city on Alon ilnj, Kt'biiii.ry 1st, to li'ihl a uontor eli'ewlih furmors on bettor methods nf f.ioiiny. Tils wl.t ocoi.l' lit the op m Imiisi. in the iiftertioi it mid of ciiinse will tin fieo Mi-. CntnpWll Is cinislderedi an mitl orliy on XeltrnwkH faiiniiiff nod It will pay my farmer to iitlniifl Ibis UWetllitf. IIh wIU I1 tore and as he leOMli'H'? Iin desires miy o ie to ash qncs' Inns. Ik will jH-at ioi the following 8iti j.'(!l: lie'ttn MhIImhW of TilUifO fiU'CiTHln l'i'il-: A Xuw Method of Uuwlntf . one mid rmtilej' Troj s; A Coupnr ilvo Plan tor Introducing b'ntno Nw Ibops; (Jrowiiu (Tiops- for KxliiMt Purpose to dver1 l-o this ISv;tioii) The Pit Slln Bud Its Value to-lhe Weslurti Karuier. 'I'he Cluof lit. iili (v i.ers who v cm in ni'eii'l 1'iis ino'liu Word was ri'oclied here this week that. (Jratidtiia Mule, a former resident of this city, died in (JIiIuhko Monday m Vonholle-Shannon At tiio homo of ('. W. Sliiinuoii at high noon .Immary 2Hth, in the pits encc of relatives oectirtGil tlieinarrlin;e of Miss Lena (1, Shannon to Mr. Christ J. Vonlinlleti, Uev. litimtnel otlluintiiiK. They were attended by Mls9 Xota Shiintion mid Ii. F Iliitohinson. The brldo Is one of Wobster count 'h tul eiited yotniK ladies and a KtaduHto of tlie Red Cloud hi'h school, eho-S of im:i. The Krootn now lesides in Orleans but was for a whllo oveeiseer of tho .J.L. Christian farm, southwest of this city, mid is coiibidetcd a jounp man of sterling worth. After congratulations all wore in vitod to the dining room, where a bounteous feast was purtalton of, after which those present weto treated to some very line music, both instru mental and vocal. The young couple rtill iimke their homo near Orleans, and the Chief joins with their m.iiiy friends in extending congratulations. imm iiwmili iin ' ii ii iiiinimiTT ' " " ,r !TPS Caffi1"' vi: Kl fefer- 5 ' i iP Mi, i M --lii '- rr::::r-TjH u i s,if I w",iS I . VW I ii!'' W , . K. ! r Ml v i si "- Uti AT? i h" Ml tWuMsl z: '! 'H&x i COL. R. C. PETERS GerveroJ Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Ask Thoso Who HuvuIIiul Him Cry Their Sales Write or Wire ror Dates Guide Rock, - Nebr. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Oruduiito Chicago Vetoilnmy Colleue vi:its i:m'i:i:ii:m i: AT UAIMJYVSTU: IJAKX Red Cloud -.- Ncbr.ishn Till' following ll'tlPlH Wid I'D 'IM'.I lo the dead letter otltcit t'oti It, ii not - eiilli'il for liefoie that (late: l.iiuliiN 4'"..,::..A .7 ...ji ,w,..j ' Uenni'tt, O leiella. Julio Uell, Mr &ranulRg or Contestants ii.i.irs. j..i,n i:..,i..i.., m.s 'Dmh The follow Inu is the -'no 'nit u- ll... ' "x MuM !',,!.,,"'1 l"',;;il "ol.s. ronlisliitils ill I'l.e Chiefs nd CooUV l"1. ."."',' '"' '" X ll7'''t,:,'V,n' "," l,1!,U' King S Km. T.lp to the I'aiuiinn I ' ,U J,,,1,;,,,,l,1 ,)) Mt"'U", M,'- Kvposilioii Com. si: L 1 . hmlih. A. I. Uint-i, A. U.od-, , i l..i inoiol elili, Helen .Scow. ili. ,Mo 1 llii.'lO v.. 111.. l...,.o I. ...I, l...x. - i , . tivino i ni-tri( no it o". in lit i ir '-'''-'' theatio. II. (J. I.HI'SilN. P. VI. ST.IS.i lST.'l'J") Dm iug th hifh vitnl Tiic-dny tno'-n TfiOl.l lug purl ot ilii'lnicli 1 1 out of thellvet i)i.Hi;0l lug IJios A- Cos Monument Woil.s 1 III l(t.i j bui'ding tilew down The bilililitik.' is 121 IIIOl ii veni-'-red one and the ilaiuuge is con l.'WilSMslilHiiibio. 7.ISS0 I - (MIO'i j 1 l()(ls.- I !.; in lmm.Vi ainvTo sttm.'i i w ldTiur. I..., f... u... . 1(1.. II.. PJ.. ti , ir. , u;., H. in. j i h'JSlo S.'xtl) 7r.isr. 01 I no What Is tho Best Remedy For Constipation? ? This is n question nsked us many times cacliday. 'Flic answer is Wo guarantee them to bo satisfactory to you. Sold ouly by us, 10 cents. H. E. Grice Drug Co. SG 3SSS3 20 Psscsynf an 4CV nkets We carry the largest line of Blankets shown in the city. The color, texture and finish of these Blankets will appeal to you. We are offering our entire assortment atrr 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT s 1 20 Off on all Night Wear We carry the celebrated Brighton Night Wear. The Carlshad Sleeping System in Men's, Ladies', Misses', Children's and Babies' Garments, also Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments. All these go at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Commissioners' Pror,ml!ns (Continued fioni 1st page) Cotinlv, Xolirnslc.i for mouths ending Pi (.'.111. P.Ml Kees forcoiin'y wink .. .tUM.MI Ml logo lor " " ... 1 Mi .'IS Fees tor all other work... li'l ,() Milage lor all " ... .'I'd M Pooling day book .. . c.'IOl ';" l 'tuny tre.ciiiorp ri c-tpt u s: rHtnicieii 5lnl M Ite-pi'Ctroly slibiiiltti'd, O I). IIBIiil:.MiefilV lieport of iostitutu Fund, .Inuu.iry .".. lUl.i: i Ueei"i'a Ilthiiiiv oii'h.ind July J. mil.. 'XVl1 Kees fur t. unltm'ion hIi I to cordittu teaelier'ticeiiillCiiti'S. . 110 0i) Institute fee 117 Ovl County Ilunid appropricitlon,... 7. t'O Total can 77 Jixpt-ndlttum r.Miniiiiiition at ( j utile Itii'k ..S3 Mi Ins'ltltte 'J.10 01 Totiii :; .ii llithsnee on bund Sll.'i Si tiUirriJUDi'; l. ioox, Comity Sup-tiuteoiieiit Aipiuveil .liituiHi's li. HH'i, .Sum' J m d Moirtll y .juiin.nie 1 liu foHnw-uiif cliiiMn weie nn-lil o tnd it.luivfd and llie Ooiiiify lie' i illlbor'. it unit io-.l iicled to ilf.tu wiri'HUis on their iputlve tund- m I'HymoiH of name: tieiieial fund ' kid AinneU ,f 4 :';. I P. lien n It S U0 i U 1'iirr t to i'ii.v piiiiniiio gaud ittiating Co. 2ti SO B U i l.luHl 40 tKi ( on me coil .ilvelti.-er . ... 4H ft' V. It Kilsoti I. 1 15 Cliiis. i&ihbilan 10 10 W. I). H'lsiMI -. til on Kai niii Imiep. intent I'Iioiik Co lo lift iv. S. ton Iier Wt no iliilehisoiut Haladeo L1,' in HopkiiA Kriihiu pi in (.'inivnei' K ".'() liineolu Te ephnue Co , Us 8 i Mim laiinlM '! Ml iione-Aeli (in, 200 l.i i i ed Mn in ei to (it A. 15. Me iiliur .s I 0 .Ins. Mcliilde Ill ii I ii (live II. OWTIIliT ".' fO Weil Cioitil Chief 'Jti 1 i ii. Itinii ., 1 1 :, ,1'iUll Si I'hv L'0 "5 Annie Ite lie.Smiioi!ie L'o i5 Sehui I Dist. No r:t Mil I II, S'' 40 00 Amiie llellii Siniooule I "J (H) ticln id Dist Xo. Ill Slid Uoy S itt ley.! 'J ;,0 IS W Sic .vii it til CO (). C Teel .II f)0 .1 A. I OlllllllMII .' -ill (J M. WiNon 11 on Itht Woideii motliei'-. pension (1 in nt lis ut Sl" p' c inonlli ll I (HI Pool I'm m P itnl C I,, foiling 7 "i.'i I () Caldwell ' I! s:. Pal meis linlepeoilenl I'lioue Co , I .. lull l.'inri.l ... . I "II lollll (liimlei on il .'.(I I'he Miner Uros. C ll Hi llmne Sutton S ."ill . !! 7.ri . ','(! do PhUI St lev 1 7.r P. f!. riiitinie t Son It 10 1 1 C Wiu'lit '.'7 l! P A. W inliiiii. ill 1(1 II I) (. Wigmmin ... s r.O M ive.l anil seconded Ih t the CViiin t'leiisuier lie and heieby is insitnc'eil to pay ICleetiic Light lii Is hihI Tele pbiine lulls niiuit lily and A'tucr bills (piarterM. in ilei itig statements and til lug clhitus anil voiielieiH with Count Hoar I each time uionlhs. Mutiou cm ried County Cmih direoUd to post the notices as orovided by law in the loud uiNt'erof Frederick Fainer. On motion Hoard udjouroed to Feb. 2, 1015. PURE FRESH GROCERIES PRICED LOW THERE IS A BIG SATISFACTION IN BUYING GOOD GROCERIES: THEY GO FARTHER THAN THE POORER KINDS: THEY INSURE THE HEALTH AND HAPPINESS OF YOURSELF AND FfiMILY, AND THEY COST ABOUT THE SAME AS THE OTHERS. NOT ONLY SHOULD YOUR GROCERIES BE "GOOD" BUT ALSO 'FRESH." WE PRICE OUR GROCERIES LOW AND DO THE BSG GR00ERY BUSI NESS IN THIS GITV: THAT KEEPS FRESH GOODS CQMINo IN RIGHT ALONG. 03DER YOUR GR0 CER5C& FttQW US-IVU'LL SiWIZ YOU MPNY. THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants . "A MIGHTY CAFE PLACE TO TRADE" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA (?23K23S 3SSK3558a United Church 'Pulpit 16M-SSS!,,,,,,,,:'f,,M,,h 1. ' Science and BugoiPijy not always a mark of moral excellence. 2. When rolignn makes men miserable, and useless Ihey shjuld aiSaadon it ai once. 3. Pure morality 'is Hie only genuine re ligion. 4. Dijjr.ily is iiie cheapest sacrifice that can be made and yet is the last thing to be given up for the salvation of mankind. 5. The man vho deliberately places himself under tlr povsr of temptation is only looking for an excuse for wrong dcing. aS22SM8SE:i (i n SSSS31 i l rTzixrT'f-r, xi A Complete Line Of You Can Enjoy Life Eat what you want and not bo troubled with indigestion if you will tako a tiaxsSk DyTaXla before and after each meal. Sold only by ua 25o a box. H. E. Grice Drug Co. Weesner, Perry 8 Co K Red Cloud, SS1 ri), E Nebraska 13- E. S. Gaurbef Heal lCslate. Faitu Loans mid Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIQT 0VLI! MA1E CANH1 ed Clout! Nebraska! S Work arness Prices Ranging From $37.00 to $65.00 In order to compete with catalogue houses and since the prices in leather are advancing, I have decided instead of raising my prices, to sell for cash. Remember I carry everything in ., LEATHER NOVELTIES Such as pocketbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well as a full line of lap robes, blankets, etc., and my prices are the lowest. 8 D. JOE FOGEL si ossesesn Read The (Me for the Items l $1.50 a Year V t m .i n IHJ I V 'ii . vt -Vir vJ BV s N S