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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
':': :TZ. rmumvmkmnrmmm. (( ss.v. : .... ..... -.. "rr'Mrn9w,TETOvi' r fwtvw. 3.ff ,.;v' t: ".' rv:f ,r--ii,J. "' .- - .r ,t, f w,.r t- . -t D S.jM fc n I 1 State HI ovlcnl Society ... .'k.. - " - . . v-aBjasav-- -?- - - --- - . -- -.v S2&dsa ' :" li" l!1' j4 - A ?r . TfrjfZ- t- " rt'-Jj' T - T- " 3: JK -O'TVj? t ttUmJ Hv id K k'ri't-K'f -"1 V" r'UUltfkjifr jL b i - I iTTf i? i'T T r-lTt!.''.m!CjJUffWrf" fcPBjnPyW' ytlrwi::'aj'ai'- ' BB 1 a K r ft" rr HjtH"-" ?t j 'it'lf -" - ...- - am-, ., . - r j'ir S ir' n. ' - -Tt 'tHYw d , -J ii. jd- -zZ'mrrt't' .?i?' VOLUME Y. ,tr -, Hi i r. i, , . I f , i .in iiri';i up 11,11111 , ' 11" . ' IHiin I, , - , ; ; . ' , ' '! f :;i . , r If You Desire j VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on -time deposits. I ll. .lUi sz ae: Kj I Deposits Guaranteed by m-. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA OAPITAIi 82.1.000 iimi ri vw; I,,' I , '., . I You will make placing, your, VwT V.- ORDER THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Your Wants" The Diamond As an Investment fia E t fleajhoase JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Watch Inspector For C. B. &. Q. Red Ciodd State Guaranty Fund " ; i'V'i'" :u '!""T ',iii !; .!ii in. iu. , ... . ..I. a....:.. .;...... 'iiMli no mistake by a J WITH US m s The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of pros perity that is far reaching in its influence.- These are commercial times, and to BE successful you must LOOK 'it. People are always judged at first by their appearance. As an investment the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as an adornment. When you are ready to buy a dia mond, at whatever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come here. Nebraska s rf. mi-i a. " vr t j- . 4 Newspaper That iitvr.s The Ncks RHJD CLOUD, MfillRASKA. JAXUAHV W, 1!LJ. R. D. Moritz Accepts ' The Deputyship . t). MmiU, Mipuilnlollilfllt. of tlu public -chools ut l!ul Cloml, tvci'iitly ; (li'clint'd Iti iit'copl 1111 iippuinl nn'iil to, tll.l Mtllllt llf lll.ltlltl' Ultll.t Ull IU1ti lit llll. ' "" - "I"".' ....., .............. (lent. Pit'l'li'inuix, Ntsitu siipcrlntiMi ilt'iit very muiili ik'slics (lie sorviei's mid iissi-tiuico of Me Moill., lie was pleased Kilday to ivueivi! word Mint Mr. Moritz had coiisimiUmI to m'ocpt ' tliu deputy-hip as soon as hitctui luuvo! Ui'il Cloud without iiiturfiM'iiiK with thu wot hint's of tilt) si'liouls As soon as tin; buliool lioiitd of Hod Cloud can si'i'ui( imotlii'i- man in his placu Mr, Moritz will leave. 'J'hi! school board ral.sud his salary to SI.SoO u year, and oIVlmimI him u thri'o year cunt met to induce him to stay. Superintendent Thomas eousiduis Mr. Moritz one of thu best school iiiuii ill the stite. .Superintendent Thoniiis has decided to keep a complete ollhie rceord of every cent expended by liiw tlepart inent and will use 11 set of boohs that will disclose at a glance how iniieh has been expended from each fund and for what purpose expended, lie will also keep a duplicate set of vouchers lit his otlice so that he need not jfo to the state auditor's ollice every time he de sires to see a voucher. A meeting of county superintendents has been called by Superintendent Thomas to be held in his olllee Jan unry 10 and '20. There are forty-two new county supciintcndenls in Xe hinsUa. It is believed a meet ink' of this kind will lie of benefit to not only the new county olllclals but to the old ones. State .lourual. Superintendent Moi it. certainly has the ability to organize theschool forces and make t hem count for etlleienoy. DuriiiK his iilnoyearssiipetintcndeney bore ho has revolutionized our school system to such an extent that there is none better in tlio state. This com munity will miss him and it will be difllciilt to find a man to taUe his place. Farmers Take Notice Bring in your hogs on Tuesday and Saturday as Sunday aud Wednesday are our only shipping days. Don't bring them on other days. Weksseii & Koontz. Business Men Banquet The business men's dinner held at. the Royal, Tuesday, was easily the best yet held so fur as good fellowship i's concerned. We are getting to Unnweach other and the stiffness is wearing away. This is as it should be. After all we are just n good size family aud we should all work for the interests of the family. Team work counts. If we only knew it we arc all nearer together in our views than we think. The question of Belgian relief was discussed and the men enthusiastically joined the state movement and sub scribed n goodly sum of money, wheat and flour. Mr. L. I Albright and Mayor Uatnerell nro the committee who have this work in charge for Webster county, The noxt regular dinner will be held the second Tuesday In February. Chester Shoeloy and wife arrived homo from Guide Rock Wednesday evening. Judge Dungan and Court Reporter Balrd of Hastings arrived In town this morning to hold court. Jack Masters returned home from Holdiege Wednesday evening whero he had, been to attend the funeral of his brother. . ' Whon People Ask Us' M what 5s good for nerves and lost weight,' wo always recommend ' cor.Uimiitg llvpophoiphittt t food tonio and tissue builder. H. E. Grice Drug Co. 1 rfl " ArUyrtan. ' -cS- Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. ; Commissioners' '""Ma,aaHpiRniaB't,Bai,BB11 Meton Tuesdayf WE ARE OFFERING Red Cloud, Nobr , .Tan. IS, Hilii Board uu't in regularsessiou. Mem bers present: I'aul .Storey, W. (3. HoIT man, Cratit Sliidlur, Floyd McUall uud T. J. Chaplin. Hoard called to order by County Clerk. On motion Hoard proceeded to elect chaii man of board for eiibiiing year, After balloting of chairman, Mr. Floyd MeCall was elected Chair man of said Hoard for ensuinu year O. D. Hedge, shot ill', asked that. K. A. Hedge be appointed as Deputy Sherlir. On motion same, was approved On uiotlou saliry of Deputy Slioiill" was pliteed at S.'ioo per year .1. 0. Butler asked for help In his olllee, same to be by the day. Moved aud seconded that .1. O. Butler bo al lowed Clerk ' help not to exceed S'.'S.") for the year 101't.' Motion carried. It was moved that the request of .1. J. Harder for a Deputy County Clerk be granted and that the salary be not more than $1(110 pir year. Carried It was moved. and seconded that. County Clerk bo allowed such extra help as may be actually needed. Carried. Request of County Judge asking for clerk hire to the amount of S-'.'iO per year and for such additional help lis may be necessary to pay for recording and malting lianscrlpts. it wnb moved and seconded that S'J.'iO be allovfed to cover "both e'erk hbv and extra help for County Judge per annum. Carried Chairman appointed Bridge Com mittees for the several cuinmUsloiicr Districts as follows: No. 1, Chaplin, lloll'inan aud Me Call; No. 12, Hotimau, McCall aud Shidler; No ,'), McCali; Chaplin ami Storey; No 4, Storey, Hoffman and Shidler; No. 0, Shidler, Storey aud Chaplin. Chairman appointed Committee on County Farm for ensuing year as fol fows: 'Hoffman, Chaplin aud Storey. Now comes U. B. Thompson with a delegation representing Cowlos and adjoining precincts iib to the petition Uled by said Thompson aud others in regard to the bronze tablet in honor of Geo W. Hummel protesting against said tablet being placed in said conrt bouse. It was therefore moved and seconded that the action takeu by the Board grunting the right to R. D. Moritz representing a committee of citizens to place the bronze tablet in court house bo and is hereby recalled. Ayes: Chaplin and Hoifman. Nays, Shidler, Storey uud McCall. Motion lost. In the matter of sealed bids for printing as filed by Webster County Argue, Red Cloud Chief, Commercial Advertiser and Blue Hill Leader. Now cuming On for hearing, it was moved and seconded that the semi annual statement of county treasurer for the year 1915 be and is hereby given to the Guide Rock Signal and Commercial Advertiser. It was moved and seconded that the tax Mat of county treasurer be and is given to the Guide Rock Signal and Commercial Advertiser. It was moved and seconded that all bids be rejected as to other county printing. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the other papers in the county except the two printing the treaju-ur'a statement and tax list bo given an equal share of the printing at prices no greater than the lowcut bid. Canied, Moved and seconded that $100 be divided among six papers, as has been, for printing 'tho commissioners' pro. cuedings. January 18, 191G. Board mut pursuaht to adjournment. Ali members present. In the matter of o.nimate for county expenses, it was moved and seconded that the following bo the estimate for the year 1915 on which tho levy should be mndc: County superintendent $ 1800 District court ,1000 Incidental 8000 Books and stationery 1000 Coroner 200 County board and equalization.. 3700 County attorney , 1200 County nHBosaor and deputies 2500 County road 20000 Poor 10(10 Bridges 21000 Sellers' relief )() SiiEZEls&.'.W US FOR flRTISTIG JOB PRIUTIflG.. 'County court houso levy." 23000 i'll ttoonnn On motVon'sume waVaccepted.'' 'SMrtiVMSsiJr ..,....., ,,, - s - - js t-!j.-i, 300 i .-I BW Overcoats 20, 25, 3313 Per Cent I Diseoant This opportunity to buy seasonable mer chandise at Sacrifice Prices is up to you. The sale includes Mcn'$, Boys1 and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Green Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases Goods Charged Will Be At Regular Prices PAIL STOREY The K. mesmB' mhi HOME, SINGER AND RUBY Ranging In Rrlco From 92B to $45. In Five and Bevcn Drawer. In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good Sewing Machine. There is none better than the above makes. ,', ,'. ,'. ,', ,', ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. We. Can Please You As Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low. iv.. rinf,o. NUMBERS Suits AND For Gash l Clothier IF IN NEED OF A Sealing Machine Come in and let us show you our line. We have the To Material, Style And j. vi w s- I ?v' . t l &' ft I - i'i'm-siMPm4w"'yyx-" , I'''SWW5ill.!ir J fiVui.'s-nv -???"