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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1915)
"f A i .-. ik. '' Uv s I BUlo HUlorloal Sorli'tr " 14.1 . ilBISicr I - ni VOLUMI3 I.') in 3 EC Coffee rai 111 I 5 Cents Per Pound ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS San Matto Brand, formerly 35c, now - 30C Pilot Brand, formerly 30c, now - 2SC Bulk Coffee, formerly 25c, now - - 20c S. A. H. Stamps Given With Every Cash Purchase, J F. G. TURNURE & SOH SERVICE DG 3E 3 Ell "PINNACLE Nil" COLORADO MINED Cleaner, Hotter and Less Ash At THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Coal Service" The Diamond As an Investment E. t lieoihoose JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Watch Inspector For C. B. & Q. tied Cloud s DC DC i Declines FIRST IDG DC 30 t m s The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of pros perity that is far reaching in its in fluence. These are commercial times, and to BE successful you must LOOK it. People are always judged at first by their appearance. As an investment the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has thcadded value as an adornment. When you are ready to buy a dia mond, at whatever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come here. Nebraska m rfjjjjt) ir . m WMWui . ., """"V s-i n vT "r"" "- r' "lmrt-' ""iixi "5' iruwfgy.. ., 4 Nf.wsnaocr That filvos The fltows RMH CLOUD, NKHKAS1CA, -lAXUAIIV 'Jl, ISMTi. Commissioners9 Proceedings It d C mill, Jan. in, 1)5 CoinmiHiiiiiKirt hII present ami the following liUttinoiH who truii acted: All biiiH un Class C blaiioniMy were rt'j ccd un J tiie county cleik win lll SI UCtud to purctltiSJ these Supplied lit puces no lusher than the hid nutimUled by tno II. Ii Griie Drug C. The i o.ird dicided It had no right to refund lax of John Knnzick on note riucurudiby mirtHgt lieeuuso name wns paid mora thiin thirty days before and not under protcat. The n quest of Harry Konta for re ft nd of lax wan referred 10 county at torner. Fell. 2 id at 1:30 p m. win net for hearing road petition of Frederick Farner. The petition f rrnad commencing at the nw corner of ne4 10 2-1), was reject ed, no one appearing in the matter, and balance of deposit remaining afcer pay ment of coatB was ordered returned to petitioner. Furty three window shades for court house wf re ordered of Kd Amuck at a cost of $63. The district clerk was authorized to purchase a copy of Mr.x well's Pleading and Practice. Tne following official bonds were ap proved: Ed Herab, road overseer district 13. Wm. McCord 12., a, O.k Jno. Beyke Adam Alher " Jos. Kolimetacher, constable, LirOPK. ' The county treasurer was authorized to return $46.03 to H. A. RoatH account c-rrontoun asHesiimenb upon filing of proper Biiiuavu. The treasurer was directed 't strike from record personal tax of J. W. Pegg $20 assessed valuation. Board adjourned to check tho various ffices, chairman having appinted the committee a follows: Cnuntv Treasurer,-Chaplin, Shidler and Hoffman. County Clerk, judge, sheriff, clerk of the district court, coun ty superintendent, Storey and McCall, January 15, 1915 Board met in adjourned session, all members present. On motion the settlement with the county clerk, sheriff, superintendent and judge, approved. On motion the clerk wag instructed to spread the reports of the several of. fjces at large, on the records, which are as followi : January 6, 1915 To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: - i n Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report as to tho balance of fees on hand July let, 1914. and feea collected for the ttrd aud ib quarters, of said jsar ana aisourssments or same, wbleh la m follows. Balanee on band July 1, 1914 ...$331 30 Feea for month or July, 1914. . . . 70 26 Feea for month of August, 1914 63 50 Feea for month of Sept. 1914.. 92 35 Fees for month of Oct,, 1914. . . . 96 10 Feea for month of Nov., 1914. . 82 75 Fees for month of Dec, 1914.. 100 30 Fees from Jan. 1, 1915 to Jan. 6, 1915, both inclusive . .$13 90 $850 55 Disbursements as follows: Paid J. J. Garber salary for 3rd and 4ih quarters $500 00 Office expense last half of 1914 $658 75 $158 75 Balance on hand Jan. 6, 1915.... $191 80 Paid County Treasurer as per his receipt No. 823 attached to said report, bal fees due Co.. $191 80 Witness my Tiand and official seal this 6th day of January. 1916. Seal E. W. Ross, Co. Clerk. By J.J. Garber, Deputy Audited and approved Jan. 14, 1915. Storey and McCall. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: Gentlemen: I Bubmit the following report of fees collected in the office of County Judge from Jan. 1, 1911 to Jan. 7, 1915: Fees for January, i'jh $iu 4U i February, " 97 15 ii i ii ii ii ii i ii ii March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept., October, November " 157 25 " 149 60 " 19 45 " ...... 124 20 " 65 40 " . 124 95 73 75 ' 106 75 271 25 " 170 70 ' December. Fees from Jan. 1st to Jan. 7th, 1915 13 50 Excess feea for year here with.. 1656 35 County TreaB. receipt for .same. 6 35 $1650 00 Respectfully submitted, A. D. Uanney, Co. Jurisre. Audited and approved Jan, 11,1915. Storey and McCnll. Hod cToml, Jan. 9, lfllfj. Report of O. D. Hedge Sheriff niul V. A. IIoilpo Voputy Slioriir of Webbtor (Continued on piitfo four) rrrtfr-' rnw- Flfty - lwo Weeks K.ich Year For Sl.fiO. District Court Proceedings Tlio llrst term of district court to lie held in the new Webiter county coin I ImtiM! lie'iiu last TliuiMlny luoriiiiiK uitli ,IiiiIk'o Duiipiiu on tin' hunch. The jury eiiino Monday morning u:nl the I'liinitiitl casus tuUu precedence. The llrst is now being tried, that of State vs Nathan Cury, charged with urssu in connection with the burning' of the lltirliuglon hotel. The following is ii list of llic liliitlL'ls disposed ot to date: Lola Hilton v Josle Nyberg, con tinued for term. Rolling v Wuiillu, uMas oritur of Mile directed to issue. Auiboy Mill .t KlevulorCo. v 11. C. Iliuris, I'oiitinuetl. Rosa .luiies v Geo. K. Francis, dis missed Martin v Proctor, pending continua tion. Martin vShai ahull et til, sulo con llrmed, dctluicncy judgment for 8122.70. Wlsecurver v Koonlz, continued for term. Ogleviov Ulebe, continued. Vance v Ulc4je, coiitl.iued. Ycttcr v Kent, pending slay. Habtiugs v Ulmslead, pending stay. K. lloyd Smith v Vera V. Mlzer. etui, pending stay. S. F. Baker & Co. v O. M. Hedge et nl, defendant given I to days to answer. In the matter of the Estate of Cordelia M. alawsoii, settled and dis missed. Herbert E Hurdwiok v Jos. Top. limn Jr., dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Guide Rocl State Until; v Christs ifauson, iittrtchtneiit dissolved. Mlnuio Kniniiig v August Brosch, court liuds generally for pluintilf and that she, is entitled, to a (i.Ja .interest in tlieseora.J-4-IO. v,v Grace Perry v Jos. O.iPerry, docree of divorce for plaintiff uiid 5ul) aliuiony. Nannie II. Hale vs Clias. B. Hale, decree of divorce for plaintiff Chas, M. Campbell v Floyd Christian et al. Court iluds that there is due plaintiff from defendants 12516. 1st lieu stay of 12 months. Mabel Crow v Earl Crow, continued for term. G. A. Scbultz v John L. Christian, court finds due plaintiff from John L. and Martha Christian 11170 and due Augusta Scbultz from same parties $32x7. Judgment draws 10 per cent. Stay of execution for 12 months Luclena R. White rl, E. White, de cree of divorce for plaintiff and cus tody of minor child. Thomas Albert Jones v Rosa Francl Jones, deed of Jones to Bortfelds can celled. All other relief denied plain tiff. Fara Uais I am again ready to make farm loans in any amount, large or small, and at the best terms going. Sole ageut for Trevett, Mattls fc Barer. CJlMce over Paul Storey s. J. H. Farmers Take Notice Bring In your hogs on Tuesday and Saturday as Sunday and Wednesday are our only shipping days. Don't bring them on othor days. Weksneu & Koontz. Ed (inrber was in Norton. Kan.. Tuesday. A few Buff Wyandotte cockerels for sale at 81 each. Inquire of Mrs. G. W. Trine. Thero will be preaching at the Bap tist church next Sunday both morning and evening. diet Cox and Harry Waller of Cowles moved O. J. Kalley's family ar.d household unnils tn Red lllmifl IVf. day. Mr. Kailey is the janitor of the court house, Mrs. Jesso Wagoner, wife of Jesse Wagoner, died at their home southeast of town Saturday evening aftor a few weeks sickness. She was about 30 years old aud leaves a husband and threo children, one being a two weeks old babe, to mourn her demise. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon and Interment took place in the Wngoner cemetery. The Chief along with the entire community ex tends sympathy to the bereaved hus band and relatives. If You Are Nervous find are losing wcight vro recommend mat you t,uko Olive Oil Emulsion ron'ilriirw Hvpophotphitti for n short time. A prescription which wo gladly endorse. H. E. Grico Drug Co. - , j. ,f 1V T uw .?..,, -r j , . . -i:! ri;-.vl'l.wjJ5OTJ2:i,, -. . - rmvwmnMni mmm VVjI-i ,HL1YJCi KIT 500 ! Overcoats 20, 25, 3313 Per Cent j Discount This opportunity to buy seasonable mer chandise at Sacrifice Prices is up to you. The sale includes Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. .mm V.iMmm CMM Ati4-tm Mil m.lml vtfwtf 1 msiiiB'iaiii ww 1 in mmii m9ii t Purchases Goods Charged WilP PAUL The 1 imw b:;v;:: '':;::t mmmmamtkW HOME, SINGER AND RUBY Ranging In Price From S29 to S4S. In Five and Seven Drawer. In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good Sewing Machine. There is none better than the above makes. ,', ,'. .'. ' ,"i ROY SATTLEY I Licensed Embalmer 11 9aWsmWRmW v THY US FOR flHTISTIG JOB PRIHTIJ1G..,. We Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low. rw zrZ? KUMKIfili 4 JTJLjJLViriU Suits AND For Gash Be Ai Regular Prices STOREY Clothier IF IN NEED OF A Seating JVIaehine Come in and let us show you our line. We have the 2 y and Furniture Dealer l ? 1