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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1914)
-Z-.' v j(SSr,m '-a-&.v - ." rtT? prK ,8W ZttX&M. ij&sjmirs tt sr-a-. !uW6wsws3u - RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . . . .. u...a ,.1 .SU I. ttW ..jl.l". H i ' WITH VVI9 KkJvKK vlt tyx ibbbv bbbbbb9bsbbbbbV vfianSi iSn: LIB si J vfyfl j lgjiHMWfliJZrMPM wivjffTTiirl fkotorrmpb by BVank Fournler. BtaS HUMOR OF THE DAY Ihe "Glorious Fourth" Consid ered in Lighter Vein. UdMfcfng Into th Futura of Willi and Johnny Some Thought of tho Colobratlon Safe and 8ana Fathor. GRIEF. "Why ax yo weeplns, my poor oyr "Boo-hoo! My p-p-paw said I mu-mu-iBnatat ipend more'n half of m-m-my (money fer firecrackers, bubu-bucauae pr might need the rest for the doo-doo-Mr. Boo-hoa" ALL USED UP The Torpedo I feel bang-up! How fcbout you? The Cracker Ob, I'd feel better If I "wasn't hasted. TOO BAD. "I'm sorry that It Is no longer fash ionable to hare fireworks on the Pourth of July." "Why should you care?" "My wife's old maid sister, who has been llrlng with us for the last 15 years, has Just become engaged to a willing widower, and I'd like to cele ibrate without letting tho neighbors 'know Just why." UNNECESSARY. "Do you always take off your hat when the flag goes by?" "Nawl I'm not runnln' for an office." EAGLE AS NATIONAL SYMBOL King of Birds Properly the Proud Em blem of the Greatest Country of the Earth. On the fourth day of July the cream of tho Amorlcan Eagle can be heard from coast to coast, from lakeB ito gulf, over hills, valleys, plains and imountalns, and "wo, tho people of tho (United States," pay homage In one 'way or another to tho bravo men of 1776, who dared defy King Qoorgo and the British Hon. Tho caglo bad not yet been adopted I ' i r i i 1 " i Hi ssaaWMBlitir slsiaissaaaga 'TTlMlfsa elssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss THE FLAG THEY Photographer, AFTER THE BATTLE "The search among th slain." WHERE, OH, WHERE? WIIllo haa his platol ready, WUlle's heart la full of Klee; lie has bought a little cannon sad his breast from care la free; Willie countfl the passing momenta aa they slowly drag away Where, oh, where, will little Willie be In two weeks from today? , Johnny's little bank la empty, he baa squandered every cent. With a giant cracker Johnny wtll the merriment: begin He possesses all the fingers and the toes he ahould but, atayl Where, oh, where, will Johnny's digits be In two weeks from today? HI8 SAFE AND 8ANE FATHER. "Father, didn't you ever shoot' off firecrackers when you were a boy?" "No. I couldn't afford to burn up money In that way." "And didn't you ever hare a toy can non?" "Never. I did my celebrating In a safe and sane way." "How was that?" "Well, I used to get a piece of gas pipe, plug one end of It, fill it with powder and then touch a match to It Talk about noise. It beat any toy can non I've ever heard." HIS FATHER A STANDPATTER. "Well, my little man, I see you are carrying a flag. Do you know why we are celebrating today?" "Yes. 'Cause Huerta didn't bust the country." INDEPENDENCE. This Is the day on which the average man shows his Independence by doing fooltah things without having gained his wife's permission. n8 our "nai symbol, but it was noi long niter me Bigning oi tne Dec laration that John Hancock began to talk of a sign. Benjamin Franklin had no liking for Audubon's "bird of Wash ington," considering It "a bird of bad moral character, and which does not got his living honestly." But the eagle Is tho king of birds. King of the peak and the glacier, King of the cold, white scalps. They aro wonderfully strong birds, having been known to carry lambs of tbelr own weight for flvo miles, which shows their mighty grasp and twist 1 ? LOVE ROCKETS AND CRACKERS. A wet Fourth makes a lean grave yard. The fool and his digits are soon parted. The sticks fall alike on the lust and the unjust A thumb on the band Is worth two la the alcohol. It Is better not to take a dare than to get your hand scorched. The boy who doesn't get too gay may celebrate another day. It Isn't always the firecracker with the longest fuse that makes the most aols. Remember that the giant firecracker Is always Just getting ready to go off when you bend over It to see what la the matter. Let us then be up and shooting, with a heart for any fate, lighting fuses and then scooting learn to stand aside and wait SAFETY AND SANITY MADE EASY.' Little Willie's sick a-bed. Mumps have put him to th bad: Do we view his caso with dread? No, In fact, we're rather glad. Doctor warns him not to stir; In his bed he must remain; This will make It easier For ua to be safe and PUZZLE PICTURE I lsW 1 1 iSSSssaaaajaasssWW Find the boy who had two whole dot lars to spend on fireworks. NOT WORRYING. "My goodness! I shouldn't think yoa would permit your little boy to hav such big firecracker. Aren't you at all afraid?' "Oh, no, not a bit I'm only his step mother." 8. E. KI8ER. -iSS of talons. They are distinguished for their twinkling eye, always open for danger; qqually for spoils, which re minds one of Napoleon, "the eagle eyed," and of the old song in "Robin Hood." Ono of Its chief characteris tics is that it can see Its prey at so great a distance, swoop down and get It before It can get away or anything eleo Intcrvcno. Its powerful night Is acknowledged by steady wing beats, though It Boars long distances on the level and can ariso In great ascending circles. For long life, few, If any, exceed Its, many rounding out a cen tury, eomo 180 years. TtvTbs' vJrnTffi itv -aM? The American Farmer. All things recalled, wouldn't It bo the part of fttntostnnnBlilp to do con grcasloually for tho Amorlcan farmer? Ho'b ono-fourth of your population, and tho natlon'a boat hope. The American morchunt borrows at flvo por cent. Tho Amorlcan Block gam bler, producing nothing, accomplish ing nothing, n-inorcst leech living by tho toll of othors, borrows for uvon Iobh. Tho American farmer, with all that cun bo said to his good and solv urt ndvtuitage, must and docs pay 8V& per cent. And nil tho timo tho savings and postal bnnkH aro bulging with billions. If tho governmunt would inntio two blades of grneB grow wliero but ono Iihh grown before nnd publicly it would pay tho wide-flung chnnca lies opon. Lot It model action on French or German lines, and plncn tho farmer on n borrowing par with tho merchant, tho manufacturer nnd tho stock Job ber. Lot it evolve a uyRtcm of farm lonnn which shall put thoso savings and postal bank billions ut u por cont within tho farmer's borrowing reach. HearHt'fl Magazine. ECZEMA ITCHED AND BURNED R. F. D. No. 2, Seymour, Mo. "My scalp broko out with fine pimples at tho start. They Itched and burned bo much that I was compelled to scratch thorn nnd they would fontcr nnd cotnu to a head and break out again. Tho trouble was attended by fluch burning and Itching I could not Bleep, also when I sweat it burned tho enmo. My hair fell out gradunlly and tho scalp kept rough nnd dry with itching and burning. After about two years tho pimples broko out between my ehouldors. My clothing Irritated them. I was troubled with that eczema flvo or six years. "I tried everything that was recom mended without nny benefit until 1 used tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment according to directions, nnd Cutlcura Soap and Ointment cured mo sound and well in two weeks." (Signed) 8. L. Kllllan, Nov. 23, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each frce.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. Must Have Stirred Audience. Dan Daly onco essayed tho legiti mate. It was In his early days. All ho had to do was to come to the center of the stage at a critical moment and shout: "The king Is dead; long live the king!" When the time came Mr. Daly promptly assumed the correct dra matic pose, hut for a moment was so agitated that words tailed him. Then he bellowed at the top of his voice: "Long live the king he's dead!" Idle Thoughts. "Why are you watching that fly so Intently?" "I was Just wondering If men will ever bo able to tango up and down the walls like that Wouldn't it bo fine?" Pittsburgh Post Bright, I Say! "Algy makes very sure of himself beforo ho does any boasting." "A safe blower, eh?" It is easy enough to bo popular. Just agree with everything the other fellow ays. Years of Experience Makes Perfect Mothers may try new remedies on themselves but Baby's life is too delicate, too precious to try any experiments. mmw BECAUSE it has been made under his personal supervision for more than 30 years to the satisfaction of millions upon millions of Mothers. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk, or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, REAL LIFE IN THE COUNTRY! Fact Is 8hown by Man' Eagerness to Escape From Congestion of the Crowded City. Why is It that railway magnates, pronldents of banks nnd heads of groat enterprises who must perforce do business In cltlrH, nlnioBt nil try to linvo homes on fnrnm In tho country, whom they develop colls, plant crops and breed unlmtils7 It Is bernUBO thoro Ih wenrtsomo monotony In piled up brick and ntono. There Is confusion In crowded streets nnd clanging trol ley cars and hot smoky railways. Theso tilings man has made, and thoy aro needful, but (hey aro not llfo, much as tho farm hoy may Imngtnn thorn to bo. I.lfo Is in tho opon country. Lifo 1b In tho growing grnHH, tho waving Ileitis of wheat, tho springing corn. I.lfo Ih In tho trecH and birds, life is In tho doveloplng nnlmnlH of the farm. Any man who works with tho land, who foods n field and watches tho re sult, gains n real fundnmentnl know ledge of tho underlying foundation on which roBts nil our civilisation. It mnkrs him n sober man, n thoughtful man, a reverent man, and if ho experi ments wisely n hopeful optimist. Life Is where thlngH aro horn and llvo and grow. On the fnrm Is renl llfo. Breed er's (tll70ttt. Boon to Mankind. IgnntltiB Tootle, the renowned au thority on floral lire, who lives nenr tho quiet vlllngo of Ynnkuo Springs, Is nl tho present tlmo trying to out burbank Bui bank, tho wlz., by grow ing a rectangular wntcrmolon. Mr. Tootlo htiB notlcud for years that uitl mato consumqrs have had much trou ble trying to carry watermolons from tho storo, inasmuch ns thoy (tho wa termelons) nro of awkward nhapo nnd qulto ellppory, nnd nftor n watormolon has fallen nnd hnH lilt tho cement side walk Its usefulness may bo said to be over. Mr. Tootle's wntermelon will bo' long and will linvo squaro corners, Wo of which corners will lit Into the bent elbow when tho melon Is carried on tho insldo of tho arm. Mr. Tootle ex poets to have his now molon grow ing and on tho market by 1927, If noth ing happens. Boston Globe. Anvil on the Sestet. It Is customary when a militant suf fragotto' Is placed on trial In England for her friends to while away their time in court by bounding shoes, bags of flour and bales of pamphlets on tho magistrate's brow. This conduct Is calculated to bias If not brain the court. Now Modern Dancing The leading Expert and Instructor In Mew fork CUr, writ! "J? Bin I nave ae4'h tuT.lAsc, toe amuptlopowar to be shaken Into tbetboea, tor the put tea ream. Itlsablesilngto all who are compelled to be on their feet. I dance eight or ten boar dally, and And that Al lcn'm Vout-Hask keeps my feet cool, takes the friction from the shoe, prevents eomi and Bore, Aching f eel. I recommend it to ell my tniptu)." (Signed) B. FLBTCHBH UAl.LAMORB. Bemplarau. Address Allen&01mtedJKor,N.Y. Wear Well. Husband I note that .the papers again say that Huerta Is on his last legs. Wife Thoy cortalnly do last. , But Not Toothless. "Call off your dog, for goodness' sake!" "No use; he's deaf." Lo Biro. CASTORIA ! ;i SSSSS&i Bears the Signature of :Ws &i0&&M Ji3tnKlim'jiJyf rr-T' WOMEN CAN HARDLY BELIEVE How Mrs. Hurley Was Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Eldon, Mo. " I was troubled with displacement, inflammation und fcmalo weakness. For two yoarB I could not stand on my foet long at a timo and I could not walk two blocks without en during cutting and drawing pains down my right sidn which Incronsod ovury month. I havo been r.t that timo purple in tlio face and would walk tho floor. I could not Ho down or sit still sometimes for n dny and a night nt n tlmo. I was nervous, nnd had very little nppotite, no ambition, melancholy, nnd often felt ns though I had not a friend in tho world. After I had tried most every female remedy without suc cess, my mother-in-law ndvhcd mo to tnko Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did bo nnd gained in Btrength every dny. I linvo now no trou ble in any way and highly pniiso your medicine. It ndvertisca itself." Mrs. S. T. HURXKY, Eldon, Missouri. Remember, tho remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotable Compound. Por solo everywhere. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with dispioce mcnts.inflammation, ulceration, tumors. Irregularities periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, nnd nervous prostration, after all other means havo failed. Why don't you try it? Lydia E. Pinkham ModlcUie Co Lynn, Mass. Make the liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver It right the stomach and bowels arc right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com; pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con stipation, In digestion, Sick Headache. and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PMOL Genuine must bear Signature Wtltn for catalog and fall Information abont a bite pmj Ing uncruwded profession. Hrerj rear wo rvcelve morn rrquetta for our graduates (Ben we can fill. Addreu,l)r.lJurU)nfLttogem,Iean ST. .lOHEPU VETKMNAHY COIXKOB 70 Sjrlvanle Street, HU Joseph, Missouri Manufacture nog; Cholera aernra also. HAIR BALSAM toilet preparation of merit, UltMl to eradicate dandruff. Pa R.rfMlii CTMa awl Beauty toCraror Faded Hair. Mo. and f LoOat Irnnuta. 14 ' vM i SaVHI Always Pres't J v igjggs .Bkw a JSjtaj,- to . r'inTrrjY .asllMeSITTLC LHVr !?? BBBPBBBTm I H rtum &se&ZZr&z sHIMfl '?g?p?rfgyf1yrr', 17MUaAia'iv); V4 .V8f I I sit f'1 ,1 ' 1. f,f CI 4 t$. i t1; ' fi t tu ?i f, x l J. a - m 4 3 ?l v f '.. --T-Jk