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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1914)
.x.. i j .faiA-ti. i-o nPa'gar i ....... 'p."",' 'rpp"--T-v,j( ,S yjsV xiiHAif.-r KwsrsaJEsjfcjrgT rrqsi' :r--!r'Srt'ste: terror srrw I'm mm 1 1 i ifl '"T?5p' 19 I 1 'txV h v tt ' A A -? VOLUME 4i ddaaddddaaadSri'ad-asaa. Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to .Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Desides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the Stale Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. iE it to l l l ili to to to to to 0 to 'to to to WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA fcasasaaasMasa ssa ssa 20 fgr Per Cent Discount 4" A " E3E5 bAdn Will Be Given On Suits, Overcoats and Trousers In addition to this discount I will give on some special lots of suits and overcoats a discount of 33 1-3 per cent 1 am closing out Boys Shoes and will SAVE YOU 50 to 75c a pair on them . Some high tops at $2.25 20 Per Cent off On Sweater Coats, Flannel Shirts, Sheep Lined Coats, Duck Coats. All the Boys and Children's Knee Pant Suits go at 1 -3d off. To clean up some odds and ends slightly soiled dress shirts, will sell "Cluett" $1.50 shirts at 75 cents. No goods sold at These prices Except FotCnsli. PAUL The Clothier w m (?) m m ' (i) m m m 9" Per Cent 4 Newspaper That Gives The News RED CLOUD, MEBKASKA, JANUARY 132, 11)14. Death Invades Four Homes Mrn. S.unh J. Ryan, nxed 07 yours.' ilifd nt. tho homo of her son. .lauios Rjan, who resides thli teen lnilossoutli west ot , this city, Moiulny niornine-. Thu filiioiul was held from the Catholic ohuii'h Wednesday mottling, Father Flt.gui.ild olHolaMng. Sim loiiios sovoial oliilureii to moiiiti hot- r1out li. Duthil took nluco in tho Catholic eeiuetoiy. Miss Bessie Pi'KC dauxhlor of Mr. mill .Mi n. .1 V. Vow dioil Sunday at Omaha and tho body was hroiiKht huio Monday ovoniiiL'. Tho fiincial was holilTuobday moiniii,' at tlio Method 1st chinch, Kuv. Wright oondnclnj; tho but vice". Sho loaves liosides her parent-, llo biothet'. and tlnoe bisters and :i laio number of frionds to mourn her death. liHoimont tuulc place in tho city oemcteiy. Mts. Fannie M IJiovmi died at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Hunoy, last.'1'111' Indies. Satmdny after a Ioiik illness. Shu uiih boi u April Ii, lh(J0. Hoi husband died a few j ems am. The fiiucral was held ill tho ISivthrcn uliiiti'h Tuesday afior-! i.oon at 2 o'oUiclt. Kuv. WiiK'onor and I.' W. JM on condui-ud tho funoral hdivlceb. bint leaves -four bons to mourn her death. -, Intel moot tool; place in the citj tvineleiy. Tohcph Ifoltz, ajj'd 82 years, 1 mouths mid 10 dns, died at tho liunio ot h!r daughter, Mi s. Anthony Schat- fer, who hvth. southwest ol this ciry, Satuidnj nlieinooli. Ho was bom in Hamburg, tioiniany, August 3D, Isl'.'. Ho was mniried to ttuolino yinitli .September 'JO, 18.)S and tp this union woroboin hIx chi diim. Ho was a member of the Lutheran ohuich. The funeral was hold Monday afternoon, Kuv. Hummel conducting tho bet rices. Intcriuonl. took place in tho cityeemo tory. Red Cloud Wants Reformatory Nino Nebraska towns linvo entered tho luce for the location of tho state reformatory soon to bo bottled by tho boaid of control, bays tho World Horalil The towns uro IlnstlngH, Kearnoy, l'lattMnouth, Kcd Cloud, Humboldt, Table Itnck, Iloldiege, Cicto niul Louisville. Tho board mtidu tho nnnotiiiocmont today that It would get busy In tills direction 'and that it hoped to make the holootlon by a dato not later than February 15. It is probable that exhibits, maps and briefs betting out tho advantages of of nil (owns will bo examined by tho board in addition to tho trips to bo taken to ench slto offerod the state for tho Institution. Tho Rod Cloud Ohambor of Com mcice has taken up tho matter with real earnestness, and tho Public Im provement commlttco of this popular organization is soon to get busy and select n site, uirango data, cto., to bo submitted to tho board of control, mid which will clearly demonstrate tho many ailvimtagos of locating this In btltutlou nt this place. Couio on, get in tho baud wagon Let us nil pull together and land this now retormu tory in Kcd Cloud. J. W. Dawson Will Be At Cowles Farmers' Institute Any person In the town or country who keeps ono or moio cows should not fall to hear J. W. Dawson who will bo ono of the spealiois at Iho Cowlos Fni mots' Institute Jan. 27-28 Mr. Daw son was raised on u farm, had n couro in tho Agricultural School at Lincoln, m foi'ii number of yeais Dairy Inspector for tho Stnto of Ne braska, and for sovoral years lias been operating a daily of his own. Ho is well qualified to speak on dairy subjects, Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Holds Joint Installation - A Jnlut itistiillittloii of llu Modem Woodmen of Amotion niul tlto Royal Ni'thUius wab liolil in thu Woodman 'mil lust 1'ilduy night. Mis. Ulenii Wallior noted as installing nuloor for ' t'' Unjal Neighbors anil her purl oi "'' plagium was conducted In 11 most I'vollont minium'. The same may ho mu1 of each and oery olio who hud a placo in this eoienioiiy. Tins marches and ill UN weio o in led out in sp1inliil shnpo. Tho i illcoi'S of thu Woodman ( loiljju woro Installed by spuchil deputy . WHmiii in a lltliiiKmannor. After those, coiomonlos a voiy ox- ii'idlont lopast was set veil to ahonl one h'inilied and llfly people. Then fol lowed tho following piofjram which was presided over in a very uhlo man ner by .Inline If V. KiUnti: Duett Mlshes Smith 1'iuiny Diill Di'sreoatair Solo CJInnn Wallier I Camp Activity Dopnty Wilson n. J. OveiliiK, Jr. Glutei mil History In duo Ueeboi The ootiinjf'n entertainment was ono of the best ever ijivon heio in tho history of Woodcraft. Tho Intoicst ' "clilbltoil bespeahs renowod activity i 11l unquestionably thl older will materially Ineieanj its membership dm ini; tho coming season: Tho fol- liiuftur fiJIti'itii. it'itt'.i itiuffillftil ,1 I'MIM i lllVt) !.. III1.IIIIVU "r".Mtrf i: VVtflcli, I'.ist Oracle:- Mr. J. M Iturgess, Ui iiclt; Mih. M.ary Hall, Vice Orat'li-: Mrs. Kd 1'iilMplior, C'luuinellor; Mi" V. L. !liii(", Kocoider; Mrs. II. i.'. Cutter, Receiver; Mis. Ilalley, lusido Sentinel; Mis. Ed. (ill belt, Out'dde St'iitlnol; Mrs, Anna Turner, Maislial; Mis. Mildred Hall, Assistant Maishall; Miss (ioitrudo Wullbrandt, Managti; Mis. Walter Win i en, iniisii'ian II. C. Wilson dlbttlct deputy Install ed the following niiicois: Ilert IJiicker, V. C; Ilert Loouaid, W. A ; C. l Wallln. Cleik; Ilert 1'cr sou, Hankci; Geo. .Sheldon, Hscort; If. .1. Maurerj Sentry; Uco. V. Hutchison, Trustee. Real Estate transfers. Ueul Estato Transfers for week end ing January 20th, 1011. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Abstracter, Red Cloud, Ncbr. Thomas l. Chainhcra and wlfo to Augusta Kuhn, wtl, nwJ.TJ- 4-10 8 0000 Irti B. Wagoner and wife to Jesse E. Wagoner, d, uoj-f ne'f sco. 29-1-10 3.100 J. A. Dice to Li.lo Dice, wd, lot 32 I'litniorc'sStib-Div., Red Cloud , 400 Cowles Cemetery Association to Wobster County, wd, part of nwK nwJi sec. 3-2-10 40 Charles R. Bosso and wife to Frank l'. Sutton, wd, lots 11, 1U, Ulk. 14, Jackson's Add to Rod Cloud 100 Charles J. 1'lutt and wife to School District No. a Rod Cloud, wd, part sw x4 neK &ec. 2-1-11 . . 1300 Charles S. Wolf aud wlfo to Port er B. Halo, wd, part iiwjif 37-1-10 0D00 Lois Foo to Olive A. Foo, wd, lots 1,5,0,7, 10, 11,12, Blk. 7, Cowlos 2000 Ross L. Foo to Mabel U. Foo, wd, I wtf boK 20 8 10. . 3000 . B. A. Straycrund wife to C. II. Stinycr, wd, lots 7, 8, Blk. 10, .Smith fe Moores Add to lted Cloud 1C0 Otto F. Stoll'regan and wlfo to C. F. Gund, wd, south Co foot of lots 2.', 20,, Blue Hill.. 300 B, W. Anderson and wlfo to K, i N. and M. L, Roboi'ts, wd, pint i u iv M 15-t-l 1 10CO William J. ICelloy and wlfo to Wlllinm N. McCoy, wd, o nw Y and sw'f nwjj, n nw of iiw'fsec. 11 1-12 12000, Mortgages flloil, g.'J.HS'J.Os. Mortgages toleitsed, 822.03B. Oooil Alfalfa For Bulu: Inqulro of Ned Orlmes. Farmers' Institute, Cowles, Neb., Jan. 27-28 YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, Cylinder, (I Come in and E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler fl RED CLOUD, - 03ajK2iSE3 u I JjgMlJ For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and buying the best at lowest price from the Old Reliable Harness Store. Headquarters for Harness of every description 23 years experience in building harness. Now is the time of year to oil your harness before spring work. Begin it. Keeps the leather soft and pliable, , prevents it from cracking and renders it water-proof. JOE FOGEL THE HARNESS NAN n u VvASSSSr- .. We Are Grateful.. For the excellent trade we have enjoyed the paft year, and to wish you abundant prosperity and happiness during 1914. We are better than ever able to supply your needs in Furniture with larger slock, better prices and a better acquaintance with our patrons. .'. ; ROY SATTLEY Licensed, Embalmer 'Nrve3e3vyM NUMBERS $60.00 to $475.00 15.00 to 200.00 let us prove it. - - Nebraska $St I Do You Want Good Harness? andFurnituro Dealer, i u .1 I i .a m V V M y. sAj V4 ui f J I frSSl lil M 1 m M. Ml Ta I MS n w m 'W w Wi n 4 t& ?'& ,-$