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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1914)
. j I js-.ii.ii..-.l TriwaBB" ' MjlpiMW "- -i" t- " JWt--ri- fj -"rHt-l RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OH IE MmitKnMHM nnrvrMaMvzii xjowanurr.t -X'.: ,Mfl?'"rilca,'Q Ntw PRE-INVENTORY SALEf! Champion Cow (Wftwr-qjwn ' p ? - miumm 'jmnreiaaii i nil ii.nimm iimnMiam mmmam nx niimi wmmm oigiiwi OUR JANUARY 1 ... ., 4T $ :J t I , 'A S l V if ,u rv: S V t" f ' fc .r ,. V Closes Sat. Might. Jan. 11 ?V JL ? A few Cloaks left. We have cut deep in the price. 100 .Shirts, black and colors, all izeo 1-2 Price The Season's latest slylos in Furs 2-6 per cent CM Wool Dress Cioods i. 2B per cent Discount on Shoes and nearly everything in the store X c;"n a"k PiM isTT fit-"? V ! Mb lla illl I1HI w & OWii $.x.9t : .vv:vv::,:'',''", V.".V.V.V."bV.V.V.Vi.V.V.VV.! "a , i: HOME NEWS g! : : i Bulletin of The Week's Doings J " ' ",!Iloo''" "o'WWWWo ill Take your cream to J. (). Caldwell. Judge Beeboof Alma, is in tho city today. Will Blount ford was in Uowles Wed nesday. G. K. I'utinaii of Cowles was in town Monday. Mis. Moranvillo went to Guide Hock Monday. Joo Tophatu Sr., was iu Guide unci; Tuesday. Fred Hedgo was in Guide Rock Wednesday. Fred Turnuro was. in Chester Tuesday ou business. Good Alfalfa For SaleiInqulro of Ned Grimes. Harry Dedrick went to Cowlob Tucs day-morning. Tho county commissioners arc session tills week. A. 12. Atkins was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday. Harry Buckles arrived home last Friday from Omaha. Jus. Peterson returned homo from Omaha Tuesday evening. Mrs. Merteu returned to her home nt Bluo Hill this mornlug. J. W. MoKlsslok of Beatrice was iu town Tuesday on business. The largest lino of rugs in the city on display at Miner Bros. Co. For Sale Registered Poland China male hog. C. F. Wai.ux. Henry Pharos loft Sunday for Omaha, whero he will attend college Sam Sherman spent Tuesday iu Hastings looking at tho "high build ings." Morris Groat and wife were down from luavale Suuday visiting ms father. Frank Starr and Walter Davis left Sunday night for Wray, Colo , ou business. Walter B. Smith of Deuver anived Tuesday morning aud is now employed in this olllce. Ben Williams was home from Geneva over Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs. I. II. Holmes. Seo thi" complete lino of rugs at Mmor Bros. Co Closing out sale of Harness, fc-'eo me for Bui gams. P. I; ndv W. X. Richardson was able to bo down town anhilo Wednesday after noon. Wo arc glad to seo him out again. . The Methodist minister will discuss tho Ainii'-etneiit Question on Sunday evening. Cards and Dancing, Right or Wrong. The following shipped stock Wed nesday: Win. Thomas ono car of eat tie to St. Joe; Wcesner & Koontz hogs to Kansas City. IM. Giilard nnd wife of Nnponeo were in town Tuesday visiting ner brother Allen Tullcys and wife and her sister, Mrs. Uora Eldredgo. Sheriff Carroll of Alma was in town Tuesday. ,Ho brought a man down hero for safe keeping who got thirty days for contempt of court. I have the best rate in tho county ou farm loans. See mo and bo convinced My motto pi ompt service. A. T. Wai.kkr. .JrVoodmert and' Royal Neighbors-wni have a "mint installation ou Friday night. January lilth. Members and their families of both oiders invited to attend. Two cat loads of cattlo were sont in for todaj's ttadis by Edward Wiggins of Webster county, Nebraska. Mon day's St. Joe Stock Yards Dally Journal. A stcrcoptician leoturo entitled "Around tho World" will be given at the Christian church next Wednesday evening. These pictnies will be for eign missions, etc. Alva Hildcbrand, who resides near Blue Hill, was. brought before the in sanity board Wednesday evening and adjudged insane. Ho was taken to Hastings today by Sheriff Hedge. Sheriir Hedge is home from Kearney where he took Guy Douglas to the re form school. The young man was charged with criminal assault on a little girl wdio lived near Roseniont. "The Salt of the Earth" will bo tho subject of the sermon Sunday morning at the Congregational church. In the evening tho pastor will give an address on tho subject, "Are Chiistian's Better and Happier Than Other People." Monday afternoon and evening Man ager Wan en had on the curtain at the Teneetho "Prisouer.of Zonda." Mr. By j, h. rr.iiiilsr.n Ufliartnu'.nt of Bnlry Husbandly. More than twcnt,-two times her weight in milk N the lt-muiliaMe to cord nl bj da Mav. a tlotsteili uw owned by the Nehiaska College of Agriculture. In one viur. just elood, Lit May produci'd "Ju'.uW lb , of milk and TTII.lll lbs., of butU'r fat which, ac cording to the llolMein IMeMnti Asso ciation itiK'B, N estimated to pvodticn IhSuS lbs., of butter. ThlMOeord r uikn her nintli in mill: production among the cows of the woil I. Sim almi holds the dislliu'liun of giving mot. milk iu a year than any other cujv owned by n titatc Akrieiiltiual College. lm ly wan j)nt under olllcial tOM ouXovciuber JS, ItUU nt llio ami of 11 o years. By good care she was Induced to give as much as !!).! lbs,, of mill: in one day. This N equal tu about U.f gallons Fur tho whole yiar sho aver aged T.'lo lbs,, iViily oi neatly 8.B ga' lons per lay. hhc is a splendid ropro scntalhe of the breed and shows ex cellent dairy tiiinner.uuent. She weighs about 1. '200 lbs., and it Is a striking proof of her ellleiency Unit she has been abl to go thiough it year of hay feeding wltliout (ho addition of auy aurt Ills fat. I he following tigiucs gives an ac count of her ptod'.clloii together with the amount of food she consumed and its value llgmcd at current pi ices: Milk'JO.iJbO'J lbs: Butter fat 77.1.10 lbs; Grain 0771 I lbs"; Hay f2ll).8 lb-.; Silage JS:;i lbs; Beets :i23tJ lbs; Total cost of feed 8lf2 0:i llcr feed bill amounted toSHS.0.1 for tho year and sho was feed high pi iced feed. Her milk was actually sold at ten cents per quart after it hail been standardized to contain !1 percent fat to comply with tho State dairy laws. At that price it brought, in 8 1, '20 1.55. Fioni this, however, must be deducted not only the cost of feed but also the cost of labor in cnrlng for tho cow ai.d the milk, including bottling and de livering tho milk to tho patrons. But oven after making most liberal allow ances for these items it can readily be seen that sho netted the Dairy Depart lueut a splendid profit. Of course, theso figures aro not re presentative of what could bo expect under prevailing farm conditions. Taklug into account average farm prices aud conditions, Lu May's milk after being standardized to 3 percent whole milk would bo worth S.1H5.80 if sold in bulk to the dealers In Lincoln at a price of S'2.00 per 100 lbs. a pi ice paid by sevcial milk dealeis in the oity. Again supposing that her pro duct had been sold jij the form of but ter fat at HO cunts 'per pound (this price was given by a representative ol one of Nebraska's leading creatneiios as the average price paid for butter fat, net at creamory, during the twelve months iu which this record was made) aud tho skim milk at 25 cents per hun dred, La May's product would have yielded the sum of S'JfVJ.SS. ItA'lloN l"Kl lu round llgurcs, La May's average dally ration was made up of '28 lbs. of silage, 8 lbs. of alfalfa, 8 lbs. of "alfal fa t" aud 20 lbs. of grain mixture, or a pound of grain for every three fo four pounds of milk produced daily. The bulk of the grain ration was madu up of corn bran, oil meal and cottonseed cake. To keep her appetitoand digest ion lu good condition, however, slight changes in her ration were made from time to timo by adding or substituting such feeds as oats, gluten meal aud sugar beets. It is not to be presumed that all cows can do what La May has done but rather that it indicates the possi bilities lu the way of greater product iveness. It certainly should drive home to all of us the fact that it is not only possible but highly practical to double the productiuu of the averuge Nebraska cow. dP tei tm n a jit . jrvt'r iitni m . rwa raiv-.Mnv .aatuj'u m-ww- .awa wn fe$ lw$ Cli SL Monday, Af,L I a J k lzs fc U I ecember 0 Av-rf"SJfi,M.u.o And Will Continue Until Jan. 30, 1914. We Will Sell All Our Regular Linos Of Kuppenheimer, ClothcraSt amid Society Brands Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats ' and Pants at a Discount of or MiraansX i J x ,v .JUTTAKb fconvxr rsvnrr.Binq TZ v. JL Jcravs.wj"' JX. ii-w. i'fora our regular plain figure sirSces. We will also offer 1 "t! V mT A Special 33 1 -3 Per Cent Discount On Men's Cravenetls and Men's Velvet Collar Overcoals, besides these Clothing Bargains, we offer the, people the Greatest Shoe Buying Opportunity ever offered in Red Cloud Ail our Men's high grade $4.50, $4.7S, $S.OO and $S.S0 Florsheim Dress Shoes at $3.35 a pair. UiA nil A74fr Mnfo'r CfAfrnir nuu an uur men d lciduijd, ha zu Per Cent Discount Tiger and Champion flats afc We aro over-stocked on hats and offer a fine assortment of up-to-date shades and models at this liberal discount. A line buying opportunity for those people who have waited for Bargains and who need good clothing. This is a Cash Raising Sale and there is NO use asking us to charge these goods at this discount. The only object we have in sacrificing goods in this manner is to get cash which we need badly. The GoajfJeQ-Ialey Glothing Go. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers. First Door North of Postofflce. Tom Sutton aud family left Tuesday Vnfretf has been giving our citizens for Minnesota whero they will make 8aU)0 excellent pictures this winter, their future home. ' and ibe Chief commends him for the Oeno Smith aud wife were down ItasJd displayed at '.their selection, from McCook Saturday visiting her (QBVeraj.0f the neighbors, friends and father, II. C. Wolfe. j - ) relatlvcs.gotiieredlat the home of Mrs. J. U. Geer the popular wlre chief fcr Maria Jackson, yvno lives on Willow the Lincoln Telephone Conipauy, was Creek, last Thursday and gave ber a in Bluo Hill Monday. j ' surprise birthday party and reminded J. A. Tackett and wife of ' Boonville, her thatjb was her seventy-seventh Mo., are in the city vlsltlng'his parents birthday. They oil brought well filled J R.Taokett and wife. i,h j baskits-anU at the noon hour all sat Mrs. J. L.Miner and daughU-r, mTsV down to a bountiful .epast. She re Irene left Sunday for California, where celved several nice presents and a large they will spend some time. number of birthday cards. The guests 1 ' i all weut homo wlsliiug her many more Mrs. Roy Jones and daug liter of b,rtlld B. Clay Center, are hero visiting her " parents, John OrltVoth aud wife. Amos Gust, who lived eight miles Cbas.tlustofl'ittsburg, ICas., arrived southwest of this city, db-d Sunday here Tuesday morning to attend the evening after a short illness. He was Swialof his brother Amos Oust. "bout IS years of age and was born n iiiuuiuiuiw ,'ueimiuiy. He had lived in this county For tho beat 3S0 d uner, also shoit ,.()r muny yt.m.h uml was a,)II(.,lolorHml orders, pie, sandwichcn ami tivsli j fanwr Uu u,llvcs tW(, oysters go to Wanon's restau.ant. , h,MurN M.Si Clll.j ,.U(lu an,i Mr6i Milti A trial of tho Comet Cigar will '0'1- Steele, and two biothers, Charley and vinco yen that It Is well woith lOcth, tleOl.tf0 t0 mourn his death. The while It is sold lor."ots. by nil iloulers. 1 funeiai Was held Wednesday afternoon Frank Khtredge of riaSalle, Colo., was lu the city Monday hud while hero ho mridc this ollkof a pleasant rail. 5 at. the Penny Creek school houte, Ilev. Hummel nroauhlug tho sorinon In- tormenttook place iu tho I'cnny Cicek i,Mnp.l',rr Deal With Men You Know Don't expect the Impossible of our tovu and its merchants, lie sure first, before you complain of the goods and prjocs.of home merchants, that you haven't had a hand In making it im practicable for our merchants to handle the kind of goods you want at the prices you can pay. Merchants arc not mind readers nor aro they blind to their own best interests. If they haven't what you want chey will get it for you ttt as low or lower price than you can get it any whero else. They deserve to be given an opportunity to do so anyhow, but if they do not do servo it you will be doing, yourself a bigger favor than you will doing them to deal face to faco with men you know and that can be held personally accountable for their piomises and porfuriuaiiceH, Try this fur a itilti of Hading hereafter HalMVork LaiiIi:s-Mih. Ficd Plumb will make switches out of combing') or cut hair. Call at residence, 703 North Kim St or.o 'Jock east of school hous". a-K How Would You Like To Be The Washer-Woman? Do you think you could make that soiled suit "DO" for an other season? Soap anej water will fade and shrink the garment. You will save your back, save your garment and save your money by permitting us to Dry Clean Your Clothes Try Us once and be convinced. R. G. Hasslnger Cleaner and Dyer , tthPhMM ? 9 Red CIihI. Ifchr. trtfer t Sktw Cause In The County Court: State ol Nebratka I WcbHtcr County f At a County Court held at tho County Court room In and tor Bald county December aoth, A. I). 1913. In tho matter of tho estate of Marlon Lovltt, DcccaHcd. ON reading and filing tho ixitltlon of Kllznbeth M.I.ovltt, filed on the SOthrinyol December, A. I)., 11)13, prayhiK (or tho ex amination aud allow nueeof her lliml account of tho Hume date, an order dlMtri liutlti the residue o( pcrMuial tstmoiiiul there upon an order illHchnrKliu; her froDi further Imrdui and Ktr leu lu her mild olllco as Kxccutrlx. OUI)i:iti:i, that Krldiiy tho Klthduyof .Innimry, A, I), I'JII, at tin oVIuek a. in'., Ih iihslcued for htarliu: Hald luilltloa, when all pursoiiH lutortiHted lu Hald matter mny ap pear at a County Court to bo held lu and for hald County aud show cause why prayir ol petitioner uliould not lie isruutul; and that notice of the iieadcauy of Hald petition and the hearliii; thereof ho ulvcti to all u rsons luteahtid lu i:ild Mi.Utor, hy iillilllilii n copy of thN oidur In llio lic.l Cloud Clili:, a vuol;ly uuwHaior printed la Mild county, for three eoaiiceuihu wcuKh prior toKiild day of liuarliuj. A. D. Ha.vnkv, ("c-sl) County J iidtso. .. We Are Grateful. For the excellent trade we have enjoyed the paft year, and to wish you abundant prosperity and happiness during 1914. We are better than ever able to supply your needs in Furniture ;with larger slock, better prices and a better acquaintance with our patrons. ' ROY SATTLEY Licensed EmUImer mnd Furniture Dealer. M wi M MpJBMgJMUBMgjptap jyA p G. G. DENNY JkUCTIONKKR. Superior, v Nebratka. Phone 337 Jan. 20 Q. Vf. Kuhn, 5 miles north west of Superior. Jan. U7 C. J. Cowlos, 1 milo east of Nora. Feb. 2. S. lliclmrdson r "illcs north west of Ilurr Oak. Fob. ..-J. II. Hamilton A: Sou, bred sow salo of Poland Chinas, (Juido Itoek. Feb. 0. W. h. Denny, 0 miles noith of Guide Itouk. Fob. l().Lew Smith, .'J miles noith cast of Guide Hock. Fob. ll.-U. (J. IliggiiisJi miles noith of Nora. Feb, 17. Rodnoy Rogors, 0 miles Jersey mllta 1 miles southeast of Mt. Clare. Feb. 18-Ed O. Lanoy, 11 miles south west of Superior. teo. zo. a. T. Cross, Duroc sow sale in Guide Rock. Feb. 2d.-Nato Simpson, 3 northwest of Guide Roclc. l-eo. 21.-Jas. Martin. southenstof Mt. Clare. March 7-N. O. Paulson, hog sale at Fromont. March 0. Itarnard and IHgglns will make a Poland China sow sale at Ncl. sou. Mutch 18.-WI11 Vondorfetch, 1 aurt X miles cast of Guide Rock. March 23-0. O. Calvin, 2. mUck southwest of Cadams. I' V M i i i 'v'l m 94 ), .i J i? -f- --fMw JPfcjW--J