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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1913)
sLi.".n.'jJi ' -i.' .... - yzr r7lMM!rM ftSS ; A-" .' W;r-3I aIam? isHmi iv"rji,i s'.jaiKws na i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Mimtim jaLUUmit'y'MmtftttmM. ;jm- L-f- !' How to Detect the Alum Baking Powder "Which re the alum baking powders ; how can I avoid them unless they arc named?' asks a housekeeper. -. Here is one way: take the can of a low priced powder in your hand and read the ingredient clause upon the back label. The law requires that it the powder contains alum that fact must be there stated. If you find one of the ingredients named alum, or sul phate of aluminum, you have found an alum caking powder. There i3 another and a better way. You don't have to know the namco of the alum powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only; that assures you a cream of tartar powder, and the purest and most healthful baking powder beyond question. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF."'1'-'1 u lMtiwn t,,MH' UmiU n . -. j m i i euttiiitf M'vuntot'ii tons; total one R.i Cloud. Nebrki mlwl nni tlil.iy lnis T(s w(is I'TELIf-Hl'D KVfcKY THURSDAY Mild at fronySS to Si.-! 11 ton. Mfhth. Tltiirtior & Urniuliitfo published this ..JEsUrcd .ii the remit lllru nt Kid ( Imul.Ncb. Horn under thi! caption "Can You Heat ns Hccotut Claim Matter j .' Mr. Dututhi, of course, eneount . ered tho full effect of the dry weather vS B. HALK l'UIII.IMIKIt Real Estate transfers. yj5 ONLY IIKMOUUATIO l'AI'KIt IN WKIIHTKIt COUNTY Lot Uio keynote of our C hiUtmas In 'jLiivK 'pence on oiii Hi, jjood will to men." Let thou- wluiiiiCSoil lias hlrmod ,.tvilh plenty sou to It. tiiut their iieiu.h tors and fiionds have urod choir mid uumlaneo to niaho their hearts flnd. Christmas Ihoinlnonllj tlieoliilditu's Hhv. From the pay of ourly dawn it 1h tho only day in winter when their oyc'H open at that hour at tho latcM. Jiour at iiIkIiI, lot ovoiythiiiK I'ive way to tho III tie autocrats whoso tyranny In courled by every mini mid woman mho lias any of tho essence of line in vtbo breast, l'oinp end tumble and fcotit wllli thoin. When another Christinas ooiiio-', mimic of them will tdot bo horo, and tlut'O that ate will by ccuo yiar lio that much fiiitlior from jtbo rojalty tl at dolh mi llttiiiKly bo tcouio tlio in. ChilslniiiH 1- for tho ueliililioti-lot evoivlhii'k' bond to their enjoyment. Can You Beat It? Jlruudat.0 & Thiirlier, publirliers of t,ile TecuniKeh Cliioftaiu, have sout thu following fauts to tho. idutu board of .jijrrlcultuio anil vouch for the aceur- jny of the figures 3. II. Douglas, a husltw'SH man of To rOT-"-1'. took 8l,(iOO RtOHsreoeitps from Ufclrty-six acres of alfalfa. He hired jjl-ibe labor and paid out IIM for vfctlp. IIIh net proUt was St.lftO. Pine thw Valuation of SloO an acre on the '.JmkI kc received a gross income on Ills 4Meatinont of SOJ'f per cent or a not in itHioof 21 la per cent From the first Bttlng ho not thirty six tons; from dJMEecotnl milting sixty four tons; For the week ending Dec. lilth., 19K1. Compiled by M. V. Gaiter, Bonded Ah- stractor, Uoil Cloud, Nubr Amos Dilliu and wife to O. I). Hedge, wd, pint, or (" Sub Dlv of Ouido Koel by Odin unco ? lOdd (.) 1). Hedge and wife to Amanda May Dilliu, im'iI, pirt of lilU. (i, Sub Dlv. (iiilclu Ilock, by oiditiauco 1000 Amos Dilliu ami wife to O. D. Hodge, wd. part of Ullc. (5, Sub-Div. of liable Koi.'U, by ordinance 101") ( 1). lldgo and wife to Aiuatid i May Dilliu, qui, pint of Hlk. O, Sub Div. of (iuido Unck, by oidiuiiiic.o 100(1 Arthur 1'. Howard and wife- to Mabel O. lio.Mird, wd, undivid ed Js'nf lols'Jl. .2, DIU. 14.Kel Cloud 1 Hat mon Ii. K i U o ud i IVe r to Kiniiia Kioltoiid'IVor, ud, lots :.,((, Ullc. I, Itlndon f. K. Ij. Shiii'lc and wiTo to A. V Klolil, wd, lolu 12, III, II, 1.1, 1(5, HIU. 10, litildo. Ilouk t()U() S.uah I', (iilhain and Ilusb. to T .1. .Sluror, wd, pirt nHsw'i :U2.10 Joseph Unjiiuind lloato to Char lea L Fulwider, wd, lot r, Ulk. Ti, Hohrer's Addition to Oluu Hill Cliaik'8 C. Hon nt' tt to Harry Hoove, wd, sJi m.'0 29 Mayio J llenuett to Harry Reeve, wd, self sec. 0-2 0 William Denuott to Harry Keeve, wd, njsu. 0 30 Porter 11. Halo ami wife to Wall aoe A. Maynard, wd, part nej sec. 21, uw'i 22-210 MortKHget, lllod, SlC,lCl).o:i No MortKnyos released,. nooo 800 cooo iooo GOdO 13500 1 THE ClltflSTpS 6BYIJIG Season Is Jta On And Everybody is Puzzling their Brain to to Know what to Buy 45 Come in and let Us help you solve this question. tj A nice Rocker makes a good Service able Present for Father or Mother. fl A Rug or Library Table will make a nice present for your Wife. Pictures For Everybody In fact wo have so many things that are suitable that we could notexplaln them all In this space SO COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU I ROY SATTLEY I.. Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. Keep The Town Healthy Tho life of tills town, 1IU.J tho lifu of a luiiniti beliitf should be held sacred by everyone who culls It homo. TIi'h town, IIUo tho human bolnjr, needs liniirisliini nt mid caro If it is to become a factor in thlnn material. A town !h as likely to become III, so to speak, as a man, woman or child. Who is to help It regain a healthy and vigorous condition, if not those who make it their home? The II s of n town are, for the most part, of such a nature that tlicy cn bo prevented, and I huso which are. not can be cured, There is a remedy for eviry iIImjmso likely to inoculate a town. PhjHluloiry toiielns that cleanliness is a nocrsMir, adjunct to the health of the human body. Tills is tine of this to .vii. How about tefiifjo and arbimeY Is jour biiok.Miid or alloy such that you are not ashamed of cither.' Dis ease and sickness lurk in unclean places. How about the streets? Would j oil tiael over 11 bad stioet. 01 road if there were a betti 1 iv to f," ? If your iifK'lilmr had a 1 1 1 1 . "c farm fiiim which he plat nod to soli ,ou aiyl your ol her lit iuhhors his produce, Hudson and your no tfhbors sent to the city for .vour vop-tubles, could tin truck pudener continue to raiso pr i-. ducoV If your homo merchants have purchased kooiN and brought them here for your convenience and you send to tho city for tho very same articles which the homo mt reliant cariics, can ho consistently continue in his elforts to servo you? Help this town to kicp healthy: cotitrihuto your share toward tho Im provements necessary to make this town a beacon liht-u leader instead of a trailer. If this town is Kood' enough for you to live in it is mi worthy of you to icfuso to help in keeping it healthy. .1. li. Wi'itfht slopped over 11 few days the last of the week to visit relativis mid friends, lie had boon down in is'onri visiting retail "cs and was 011 his :iy home at Maricopa, Cil PORKthT A c;ood 100 farm 7 inlUs flotn ltod (Jloiid. (i miles south mid 1 mil) wist This is a o d laco and will 1011I for cash. For full pal ticulais -ul or phono 1'.' 011 0 -M I. Mi:iuiii.i.. A. L. Saludcu mid l. S. (iarher came down from lied Cloud thi- mot it litf. They ai o with ll o Ked Cloud Invest mi'iit Co , and 1110 loikinc nft-r Homo business unttoi-s lioie. TucMliiy'r. So pciiiir Hspre's. HOW TO AVOID COLD WEATHER DISEASES r For The Christmas Shoppers What To Give& Where To Get It? j You will find immediate answer in our I'o picvcut cold weather dlscts p, put your body into a piopor healthy con litloii to successfully resist thoin. Colds, giippo, ;broiu'liiiiu, pui-uinoiila. catanh, typhoid fever, rliouinatlsm and other ailments may be e'c.itiod in most caos, if this is done. Uulld up your health and stiougth youi nerves and bloiul and entire body-into such shape that, you can c unit 011 Kood health all dining the winter months by takiut,' Uexall Olive Oil Hinulsioii. tho ideal bio id, nerve and body bul'd or. Tiiis is a remarkable medicine, but a common sense one. It doesn't stimu late. So called "tonics" that stimu late (,'ivo you 110 permanent relief; but lenve you worse off than before Rox all Olive Oil Emulsion contains untie of these harmful, stimulating inured louts, such as alcohol and dangerous and hablt-foruiiuK drugs. Us great benefit to you is through its real nervu and blood and body-builtllug effects It iiourlsl os. builds, stionglhons. lis merit docs not to-t on making you fool bettor lor a few inliiut' s at a time after taking it, but on making you feel lie' tor as a result of making yon well liOMill Olive Oil Ktnulsiol'. is the ideal blood and ucrvo-food tonic. Yon who a i'0 weak and run-down, and you wlio are apparently well now, but are liable to sutler ft 0111 various cold weal h or ailments, use Uexall Olive Oil Kmiil slon to get and keep well and strong. For the tired out, run-down, ueivous, emaciated or debilitated tho conval escing growing children aged people it is a sensible aid to renewed .strength, better spirits, glowing health. Kexall Olive Oil Cmulsinn-king of tho celebrated lltxall Remedies -is for fteedoin from sicknoshuf you and your family. You'll lo u enthusiastic, about It as we aro when you have not ud Its ploasnut taste, its strengthening, Invigorating, building-up, diseaso-pre-venting effects. If it does not help you, yourmouoy will bo given buck to you without argument. Sold in this community, only at oar storo-Tlio Uexall Store one of the more than 7,000 leading ding stores In the United States, Canada and Orcat ltiitnln. II. B.Grice Drug Co., Ilcd Cloud, Nobr. 8 8 8 Splendid Stock of Holiday' Goods We wait the opportunity to put you in touch wjth all the latest and best in Practical Chrasfm&Qif is for 1913 We arc offering the best products of the most reliable manufacturers and certain aossurance of High Quality and honest worth in each article Satisfactory Selections For Every Person Altogether the most desirable line of Holiday Goods, insuring an early selection of nppro propriate gifts for old and young. We shall deem it a privelege to show you these atrac-tions I We Offer the Best At Tempting Prices' I m mi IkJaT ir si 1 1 ne rimer Bros. Uo t General Merchants j 69SSSS3S96SSSSSSSSSC3SSSSSSSS9iCi U r Xmns WMfMlUMW HtMMMMM . m Mr, , ,g- Tim $ m & iok j&,ac m wwmt Christmas Shopping Made Easy For You It isn't the PRICE that makes the gift worth while, but good taste in selection, irrespective of the cost. The idea of combining inexpensiveness and quality is a feature of our holiday merchandise. .. .'. .'. .. .'. Shop S Early S In the : Day X And ii Early S In the Jj Week I Farm Loan- have a limited a mount of private money to nlaco In first mortgage farm securities, hhort'or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phone. Daniel Qaubkii, Riverton, Nebraska. Our China Department Offers Many Suggestions Royal DotiltoH China You can choose from a splendid selection of Ar tistic Pieces of Unique Interest. All illustrative of the life and character of Merrie England. No two pieces the same and each piece bears the stamp of the celebrated Doulton Factory. .: .'. Prices range from $1.00 to $5.00 COR Mother or Sister nothing would be better than a set of nice furs or a Muff. We have used great care in" selecting our stock of furs and can assure you that we can show just what you want. Prices range from $8.00 to $22.00 Toy Department Dolls -:- Unbreakable dolls at 1 .00. Games, blocks, circus dogs, dishes, prices ranging from 5c to 75c. F. G. Turnure & Son r r n m " um wxwnumntwitwa ami