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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1913)
Tr3f :r- ,XnfTrr''-jr-' --- ? t.uw- - rttfiWi.'ij'v. - Vfciri','"- p $ RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ty ,K V ) .- r r. ? trCs u m 1W I fit. ' r lit,' rvt. l-X THE RED cloud CHIEF Doctors Hold Session. Rei Cloud Nebraska. ,-v. rLBLlbliLL) rMRV 'lllUHSDAV Entered In tlio I'oMofllce nt lttd Cloud. Neb. I an Second Claw Mutter I 0 B. HALE PlMIMSItKIl SUK ONLY DKMOCItATJU PAI'KU IN WKUHTKH COUNTY Many pooplo in this city thought' 3eaaly persist in throwing their nshes Jntotho streets. This practice costs the automobile owners a great tniiny dollars In tlio corn-to of a year. When Jin auto runs o.ver u nail tlio tiro picks it up. The nail goes thru the outer .covering ami penetrates tlio inner tube and nearly always tears this in such , way that it is ruined. This costs .from three to four dollars which is Tery expensive. Throwing ashes in ,hc street is in most cases done with out thought but it acts very dotrl mentally on the owners of autos and has the same effect no tlio sumo one bad deliberately robbed them of three ..or four dollars as the easo may be. There- is nn ordinance Hgainst the practice and the law abiding cltlzoiiH will strictly comply with the law. The Chief docs not desire to curtail oy fun that the boys of this city may Ojoy but it docs wish to sound the .Bote of warning against some forms jjf fun that were praoticed Hollowc'en jright. We allude to the break lug in cflfthe Washington sohool building. Jtefore the Superintendent and Jaultor iWl the building that evening every .window was cloBed and firmly nailed idown. During the night some boys jpried a window open and entered the building. Many a man has beeu sent (.seed to a term in the state penitent iferyfor during no more than this. HUe law calls acts of this kind burg llary and surely our boys do not wish to lay themselves liable to crimtnul prosecution. That the building was a .Mliool house makes no difference and we caution the young men to think the matter over very seriously before ilttey ever again endulge in a prank of ibis sort. . ., Wanderlust. IA f Tm going to take a long ocean iyage, tb' -nobody knows where, and jsne back, nobody knows when. I jtfMll alt down by the wayside wher--.ver I please and play with tho chll dhwn of thestrcet, the HttlCbrown ba IMm of the Orient, perhaps, or the tttttte blue-eyed Saxons, who knows? l!Xla great to go as you plcaso and rMsae as you please, with no tele Kttmxs to send, no stress of meeting (friends and missing friends, and all ahat ' Now York Times. Disease lecolved an awful jolt in tills vicinity last week. The Doctors of the Republican Valley Medical Association met in con vctitlou in this city, not to discuss the subject of fees and compensation, but to compare notes on the best modes of relieving their patients, not of their cash, but of their ills, how to till their veins with healthy blood, build up a vivid tissue- and restore diminished vitality. There wero fourty physicians present, and during their stay among us the grim demon of sickness dis creetly retired to ills hiding place In tlio tall timber. In addition to the ineiiibais of tho association, Dis. Palmer Fiixllcy of Omaha and E. II. Evoielt of Lincoln, were present and guvo their latest results from the city hospitals and piacllceou their special ities. The Conimerienl Club extended the privilege of their handsome and con venient rooms which wero occupied by tliu doctors In medical discussions and clinics during the day, while the ladles weie preputlng an uppropplate banquet for tho evening in tho Masonic rooms. Tlio physicians who attended felt themselves repaid in the wider outlook guined, and in the specific in formation received. The city was pleased with the visitors, who made a favorable Impress ion as a body of Intelligent, earnest men equipped and equipping them selves to be the most possible Bervice to humanity. The banquet In the evening was a great success, iu which it was quest ion whether the choice viands that de lighted the palate were more appreci ated than tho delicacies of wit and wisdom which were served up to the fancy and uuderstuudiug. The follow ing is tho program Scarlet Fever-Dr. J A. Doren, Cowles The Treatment of Hay Fever with Vaccines-Dr. J.N. Campbell. Stamford Typhoid Vaccination in General i'raoticc-Dr. W. C. Uarrott, Alma Paper-Dr. W. L. Sucha, Orleans Gonorrhoea in Women Dr. Palmer Findley, Omaha Nerve lilook Auesthesia-Dr. II. H, Everrctt, Lincoln Tonsils and Adenoids Dr. E. A. Creighton, Red Cloud. Ttatts Address of Welcome Dr. Robt. Damerell ,., "The Doctor' 9. R. tfamdt&n ' "lie su siu cor is iu sur ious le prcsia. Filo bris cu tu. Ha hi nia bo fib ulous" K. U. Overman 'Urolceu Hones"-L. H. Uloekledgo ToastiUHSter Dr. Henry Fai-rell;- Music by Mercers Orchestra SSS9BBMB6SamMBM'i S S -veHnaaesssaoenssessssai What Your FLoney Jbloys Here Whatever you buy here, be it a Wooltex coat or suit, an article of fur, a dress, waist or skirt it represents in actual intrinsic value the full worth of your money. Comparison with similar articles sold else where in this city will invariable prove that our prices, when values are considered, are the lowest obtainable. s s K-fK Ht.l I v.1 I ft. M lM.ll ft II l I If II I r I II S V' 1 i V. ii V 1 ii J5I CcwrUht 1911 by The H. Bhck C Then there is the additional advantage of selecting here the very latest word in style, for certainly there is no other style organization pro ducing such authoritative garments as Wooltex. For this wonderful styling ability we make no extra charge, and yet when your friends see you in a Wooltex coat or suit they give you credit for having paid many times more for it tHan you really paid. S bjr Tbe H. BUck C I iS99MHii$saMa '' - - - - - - THE MINER BROS. CO. Program For The Farmers' Institute u-esc VI Ladies Take Notice! All entries for tho Ladles1 Depart nient of the Farmers' Institute should bo brought to Turnure's hall. nc TUESDAY. Fit V. II EVENINfl HK89ION 7!l5 Music Orchestra Prayer Rev. Wrjght Music, v. . . .High School Girls Cho'rus Address of' Wclpoune Moyoi-launders RMponse " - Worance x? i .V- i Grace Shcrcr Vocal Duett j unzel Sltiaden Address "Institutes".... F. J. Munday Music Address-"Home Gardcns"-Ed Overing Nomination of OlUccis Music HUh School Girls Chorus BLANKETS J HLW6969 MMBfiSfiS DCSt 'ICSS1SSDT GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Mighty Sale Place To Trade" esesn OUTINGS COTTON BATS HOUSEKEEPERS Must be Watchfu For great efforts are being made in this vicinity to sell baking powders of inferior class, made from alum acids and lime phosphates, both undesir able to those who require high-grade cream of tartar baking powder to make clean and healthful food. The official Government tests have shown Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful, grape cream of tartar baking powder, of highest strength, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world.. Th Blanket season is here and , we are well able to supply your grants in this line. ; , Cotton ltlrttikets at from 60c to $1.60. Cotton and Wool mixed at S1.80 to $3.26. All Wool Blankets at $2.60 and up. Crib Blankets in the best grades at moderate prices. Now is the time to make your quilts for your own protection on the blizzardy nights a-coming. Our line of outing is com plete. Priced at from 9c to 18c per yard. Cotton Bats at 10c. 12c. 15c, 20c and 25c.- These Bats are' the'best on the market at these prices and are full weight. You will do well to look at our line before purchas ing this class of goods. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 MOHN1NO SESSION Judging Exhibits AvriaiNoos skssion 1:43 Music Orchestra Vocal Solo Mrs. Cross Address-uBeef Cattle"... Mr. Liebers (County Deuioustrator Beatrice, Neb) Reading Elizabeth Overman Piano Solo Mrs. W. R. llailey kveniso"hkssion 7:15 Musio Orchestra Vocal Solo Glen Walker Address Hon. Wm. Ernest Music High School Girls Chorus Address "Alfalfa" Mr. Liebers BjII Solo Raymond Turnure Music Butt.rlck Patterns Warner'. Rust Proof Corset. 1 " ' i i .. . THURSDAY NOV. 13 umiuivn ufc'Smiiv I 10:30 Organization of Hoys' Clubs 11:00 Organization of Girls' Clubs Under the direction of Gertrude Coon, County Superintendent AFTKHNOUM SESSION 1:45 Grade Chorus Mr. Wngoner (Director) Address "Our Hoys and Girls" Miss Sabln Hell Solo Raymond Turnure Address-"The Hoy as a Partner" Mr. Liebers boys' skssion Judging Milk Cows Mr. Liebers (IIIILS' SESSION Lessons ou.l'ood Miss Sabln Demonstration School Lunch MUsSabiu EVENIMl HK8SION 7:15 Music .' Orchestra Vocnl Solo Mrs Cross Address Win. Ernst Introductory Address Mr Morltz Addresh-"Modcrn Ideals in Edueatlou" Mr. liradfoid Rending Ethel Wlsecarver Trombone Solo Gleu Foe Vocal Solo Glen Walker Address "Floral Culture" Fred Maurer Music Weather Prognostications Goodwin D. Swoezy of State University ..... I Grace Shcrer Vocal Duett Hazei saladeii Reading Elizabeth Overman Music . Fulton-Hall A pretty home wedding was solemn ized at tho home of the bride's uncle Mr and Mm. Willis Fulton at 7:3o Wednesday evening. The contracting parties wero Miss Mildred Fulton, daughter of V. H. Fulton, and Mr. Earl Hall, son Mr. and Mi-. (J. E. Hall Rev. W. F. Cole of Genoa was the of. delating clergyman who tied tlio nup tial knot pronouncing the ceremony wlilolj united the lives of these esil mable young people of our city. The wedding wiu a quite nue, only wltnei-h-od by the immediate relatives of the bride mid groom. The bride was be comingly attired in white silk serge and the groom the conventional black. After tliu congratulations nlcu i efresh- meltls were served, altoruu evening of most pleasantly passed in a bucial manner, tho groom took Ills prise to the home he had furnished throughout and which needed only her to com plete it, The Chief along with the many frleuJs extend cougratulatlous. Do I hese Winter Tourist Fares Interest You? There are Winter Tourist Rates to Florida and Gulf Resorts that Include also the route through New Orleans and Washington, an interesting cir cuit tnur of the historical Southland. For Southern landseekers, desiring trips of shorter duration, thero are still lower Winter Excursion fares the first and third Tuesday of each month. Burlington main line, high class trains run to Kansas City and St. Louis, connecting in Union Stations with all trains to the South. Or, will it be Southern California this Winter? If you would like to go tliore iu the greatest comfort, over the interesting and soenle way, ask about the Hurllngton's personally conducted excursions via Denver, Scenlo Colorado. Salt Lake City FRIDAY NOV. 14 AKIK.11NOON Parade Miibio Red Cloud Band si'.ssion 1:in Music Orchestra Address "Irrigation by Evaporation" Father Fitzgerald DOLLARS GROW IN OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. v Advertisers and Readers Gather Them. Call or write for Winter Publications, "Low Rates South," Tourist Excursions," "Pacific Coast Tours." Describe v, tour and let us help you amplify to include all possible attractions. "California your proposed R. r. rOK, Tlcktt A fnt. L. W. WAKKLKY, Qmnmral Patwigir Agt. LEGAL NOTICE. TO MILTON H. OI.AHS:- Younronntlilet! thru on tho '."2nd day ot July 1UI3. llattloN, (Mass lllcd a petition In tho District Court ol Wobster County, No brnakn, against you, the object niut prayer ot which Is to obtain a decree ot divorce on tho Kround ot extreme cruelly. You arc required toanswer thowild petition on or bcloro tho Bth day ol November, 11)13, or a decree will bo entered against you as prayed (or In snld petition. Dated Uctober'.ttnd, 1U1:;. IIattik N. Ui.ahs, IMnlntltr. Iiy Ilcrunrd McNcny, her attorney. J. H. EliLtlNGER General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, " - Nebr. m -i J i !P rw & x ;f ' W. L i'. ,vr '