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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
c - . r i T5!rS!rr...J,trt,.jv 4rfivjxiAih4a,.V,ffiWWJra5K'a "itn Historical Society gUgsajg8ggT5a!M giaiL,,. A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. VOLUME XXXXI RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, XOVEMBEU Irt, 1013. $ This Qovernment Won't Its Money In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar National Bank, on any other to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to in a bank bank, unless the furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T LOME! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA ?& Put ffl 1! m 4" The Farmers Institute The agricultural exhibitions at the Farmers Institute this year aro u sur prise to everyone Delicious apples smooth potatoes, fine small grain ami even excellent corn can bo seen dls played in the Turnuro hall Five cutt ings of alfalfa measured ten foot, wat er melons, turnips, beets, In fact all garden vegetables are right up to standard. The school exhibit is far greater than auy previous yeai; the work being done by the school child ren being worthy of the highest praise In the ladies department, one hardly knows what to say because only one Jibing enn be said and that Is 'excellent." There were more holies, cuttle, hog-., poultry and other animals on exhihi- tion than ever before. The big tie barns are too small to hold a'l (he stock. The interest in this annual affair is constantly Increasing. lory known as the Louisiana l'urehase This address was of great value to every one who was pieseut. The vocal selections by Alva Pierce i were greatly appreciated ny uotn out and young. Mr. I'M Overing delivered an address! taking for his subject "Home Hardens" Ills lecture drew the close attention of every one in the audience and Mr. Overing demonstrated that his study of p!auts had not been In vain. He told how he raised tomatoes this year that, aroused the envy of his neighbors and In brief he gave a lecture that was of great value to every man, woman and child who was present, psseses-v ithh- 3na TUESDAY AbTERKOON 0rf5S cgS-vU Mackinaw Coats Sweater Coats Overcoats Fur Coats The Best for the Money Paul Storey THE CLOTHIER - ' HART, SCHAFFNER fc MARX CLOTHES YOUR HAIR MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE Beautiful balr has made the fortune of many a woman, by adding charm and loveliness to an otherwise plain face. Nothlug means more to good looks than beautiful hair. It adds to the attractiveness of every feature. Without it you can't be beautiful; with it you will be at least pretty. To have" beautiful hair, use Harmony Hair Beautifler. It will Improve the beauty of your hair, taking away the dull harshness and Btringlness, soften ing and polishing every hair in your head and making It soft, silky, glossy, easier to put up and keep in place, and at the same time giving it a rich and lasting rose fragrance that will de light both you and those around you. Very easy to apply simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. It contaius no oil, and will not change the color of tho hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, Insuring a quick and thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few'momnnts. Both preparations come in odd-shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops, flarmony Hair Iicauti Her, 81.00 Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sola in this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of ,tho more than 7,000 leading drug stores of tho United States, Canada and (Ircat Brit ain, which own tho big Harmony laboratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. II. K. Qrice Drug Co., Bed Cloud, Ncbr. DOLLARS GROW IN OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Advertisers and Readers Gather Them. UK. ATl'EJJDANOKATTHB OPKIU HOUSE TUESDAY EVENING The opeia house was taxed to Its c.ipiiciiy Tuesday evening with funnels tunl tlme interested in the beiteiniuut of fur m conditions The add i cm, of welcome by .Major Saunders was greatly appreciated by the audience and jfor fcur that we can not do justice by description we quote it here. "In behalf of the people of the city of Ited Cloud, I am pleased to have the opportunity to welcome the opening of our annual fannois Institute Will say that 1 am pleased to welcome our Farmers Institute for two piincipal reasons: First. It is certainly a pleas ure for our peoplo to meet once a year and view the grand exhibits in art farm products, stock und poultry that this community lias placed here on ex hibition in our city; and Second is the great good that is derived from such exhibits. The Farmers Institute is a modern institution, it is an up to date method of educating our producers to get the best results. "Our entire community seems to be thoroughly imbued with the progress ive spirit (some people show it In dif ferent ways). In same people it only crops out politically, but by carefully looking over these splendid exhibits that our people bring together here on this annual occasion we arc fully con vinced that the people of this vicinity have the true spirit of progress, that is to iucreaso the quality and quantity of everything they produce especially to the quantity of their money. "In view of these facts why shouldn't it be a very great pleasure indeed to welcome this grand and noble institu tion to our city? Just a word for the business interests of the city, I think I I can truly say that our business men in general and the lied Cloud Chamber of Commerce is more than glad to lend a band to help our farmers morally, physically and financially to push along this big show and help to con tinue to make it the great success it really Is at this time. I thank you." In a few well-chosen words, S. R. Florence responded to the hearty wel come by the mayor. The vocal duett by the Misses Orace Sherer and Hazel Salden called for an enchore and was a musical treat. An address on "Institutes" by Hon. F. J. Munday was very instructive and would have converted anyone that might be skeDtlcal to the benefits that might result from the farmers insti tute. He told of the progress in teach ing argioulture in the public schools, told of "our" farm school at Lincoln and said that he could prove that the farmer who made a study of farming from books and government bulletins was tho successful farmer and he could point them out all over Webster county, Mr. Munday said ho believed a banking reform would soon be real ized aud that the farmer was justly entitled to "ready mouey" when ho needed it. He told of other interest ing facts, how the farmers in one year in Nebrasku produced thirteen times the purchase price of this vast terrl- The vocal solo rendered by Mrs. C. E. Cros wus highly ippivi'i.itvdby I he audielice. The hlh tones were carried easily and her singing is just, the hind that pleases. Miss Elizabeth Chvrmun lead "The Hare aud the Tortoise." litis was a splendid effort. One could icadliy see the race as Miss Ovimiiihii gave tho io uital. She has piiqiicstlniifd mlcut and the CtlKlF predicts that some day she will heconii-oiie of the best readers ill tho I'uited .Mules The piano solo played by Mrs. W. ii. Ilnlley ssas especially pleasing 11 nil appropriate Ihr playing is ulwujs delightful and the piece was rendered in a most excellent maimer. The efforts of these three ladles were appreciated so much that tho audience called them back again and again. Cut Glass Costs Money SURE IT DOES 1310 ATTENDANCE AT WEDNES DAY EVENINU PltOlSKAM. The opera house was not large enough to accomodate the great crowd hat gathered for the Wednesday evening program. The program was very interesting and instructive throughout. The Farmers Institute orchestra opened the program with a few select ions. Glen Walker gave a vocal solo that greatly pleased the largo crowd. iiou. ui. urncst of lecumselt gave a speech along lines that are of gener al interest to the farmer. He urged rotation of crops for benefiting the soil and recalled many instances of farmers who worked hard year after year but did not got the results that they might, had thoy studied the pro fession aud bcnelltted by the advice of the government agriculture stations. A. E. Anderson, supervisor of the demonstration farm, gave an address on the value of a county farm demon strutor. Ho cited many instauces whore different counties had employed a farm demonstrator and proved that this move by the farmers was u great benefit to tho farmers of the county. Mr. Anderson came from Lincoln to fill the place on tho program that was to have been held for O. U. Liebers, the county farm demonstrator of Qage county Olen Foe gave two very fine select ions on the trombone and his part of the program was greatly enjoyed by the audience. Cbas. L. Cottle of Edgar, Nebr., an expert poultry-man gavo a brief talk on the value of poultry to the farmer. His talk was good and those of the audience who are Interested in poultry got some excellent ideas from Mr. Cottle's experience in the fancy poul try business. The bell solo by Raymond Turnuro greatly pleased the people who were present aud Raymond proved himself an artist with the bells. n p3k 1 ill I And the better it is the more it costs just like everything else. But cut glass is bought mainly for its beauty anyway and you can't get beauty without paying for it. But that needn't frighten . any lover of cut glass away from pur store. To toll you that ours is moder ately priced, doesn't explain anything for you, To tell you that we have just qpened a new, clean stock does not let you know the beauty of our glass, nor can you appre ciate the beauty of our new silver deposit ware till you see it. So we guess you'll just have to drop in and jsce for yourself. Will you? E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska SiSiSvAE 3ME J A 939IH sSave Your Hogs 8 Bert Benson Accepts Position in Red Cloud. Jiert Jienson for a number of yours connected with the Journal, has ac cepted a position as foreman on the lied Cloud Chief and went to that town to begin his duties Monday moring. liert is a good, all-around newspaper muu aud will be of value to anyl paper he may cast his lot with. The Journal and Bert's many friends wish hint the best of success in his new position. Superior Journal. When so many farmers are loosing their hogs. It will pay you to feed your hogs a good tonic and vermifuge. International Stock Food has been used in this vicinity for thirty years with satisfactory results. We can sell you One Hundred and Twenty Five pounds for the price of one hundred pounds or $14.00 and guarantee satisfaction, also present you with a set of dish es. What more can you ask. Try it and be convinced. CHAS. L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST. BBBLW. jrir-.v-i-.iJWf TT-Tf-r. .-., --jj -. Tm&TuBTJ??!!!Kf1t NUMBlCIMtf. 69SSeSH. )9 3 No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes tent you for Royal Bak " ing Powder There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. A trial of the Comet Cigar will con ..l -. ..... l.4 It I.. ....II ...-.!. , I VIUUO UU IUHV (l IB WCII UI III IUUIO, I while it is sold for Sets, by all dealers. Cottlng The Druggist sells the "Standard Hog Regulator" guarantee, i to espet worms ana Keep your nogs well! i p Fl - 'I ?l i