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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1913)
i!"'53 m&AWMS ZZ,,pi.y.u.xvLSA , M fir" I'f 3A. i &C p-Jl Ai COODJAR Sec the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock. You want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inflator, which can inflate your tiros for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polusine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none tob good for a car. ' We invite you to come and see us, when in the illage. CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowles, Nebraska Glacier National Park Newly Revealed Wonderland This recoil of majestic, Kinder-cupped mountains -the climax or the nuged grandeur of the Kockies--ls reached by the Ureitt Northern Railway from Ghuior Park Station, at which point the Hallway Company has construct ed a hundred thousand dollar hotel. An automobile road has been built from this station to the Interior of the I'ark. A detour of from one to four iIhvh ran be uuJti at the very moderate cot of from 810 to 2T, Including, hot Is, auto mobile,, launches and coaches, covering dietaucei of from forty to one hun dred and lifty miles. ' As all hotel and transportation arrangements in the Park are under the aiipervUi u of the (Ireat Northern Hallway Company, tl.e comfort and enjoy ment of tourists is utiunxl. In making u tour of the Pacific Coutt, a detour intotilaoier Paik will prove to bu one of Its mo-d, iutorestiiif features. 230 Mountain 1 akes. 60 living Glaciers Peaks From 8300 To 10,300 Ft Altitude . E. roc, Ticket Agent. L, W. WAKKLKY, QeneralPaenger Agt. hbh IaI Not Stuns . I iammLmaamaWm Many a farmer has kept a cheap, tight- I HHl W"M "Vine because he didn't want to I B EXCLUSIVE AGENT BSaVBsMsWgflgsVgJ Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., Red Cloud, Neb. I - - - . I RALPH E. CAMP. D. C. 625 Elm Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OF -, "PaWv Scoo o YoY,acYvc "Ctiroinictir Fountain ,',u" Davenport, Iowa Consultation and Spinal Analyals From Phone: Independent aia - ' - w, w mmmmmmmW N"W FOR FURNITURE CO TO THE OLD RELIABLE c furniture Store mamamawmw a At Ar via 7 Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas 7 To Determine Your Faculty For Managing Any one w ho has to manage men or Ililngs inttMt be able quickly to bring order out of confusion. Test your friend's talent In this respect by writ- lug on your paper live words of a spec ial class, .such as the iiuiih'h of live ilowers, or of live animal, or of live fatuous poets, with the Hist letter al ways In the rlnht place, while the older of the other lotteis Is changed. The person on whom you are experi menting knows wily to which class the words belong whether they are the names of animals, or of lloucrs or of poets, hfio now long it tekes hlui (o wiltu ihu live correct noids in pluce ot the inl.spelled oue.s. The uuiiual card may lead, "rulriil, etalenph, dykeno, senllp, galllro." and the vegetable card, "Veloli, dilotfad, melap, inoros nihil, I'uttnoili." Some persona will uc able to read at once: Turtle, ek- pliant, doukei, splii.ti, gorilla,' mul the other card, "Violet, dallodil, maple, iiiushioom, clie.slnut." Otheis who have no liileul lor leiuraiigiiig the eleiuunts of u confused situation will slaic at the nurds, nimble lu iiiuue mo sense of them - Professor Alunstei berg, lu The Vouth'a Companion. Some Work For Burns The big curpointioiis tliat have to sweat and squirm every time there Is h session of the legislature ou at Lin coln arc largely to blame for their per plex) lied. They are victims of a system where by they permit fiom year to year the most threatening legislation to be in troduced and juggled by uupriucipleU legislators ana huugers on of the legis lature until they are ready to pay for having the legislation killed. There has not beeu a Session of the legislature iu years in which the big interests iu this state have not allow ed themselves to be held up. The busi ness iu that Hue is not so brisk us it once was, but it is still brisk. There is u way to stop It. They found It iu Uhto and utilized it until they got u number of legislators lulu me penitentiary. They have beeu try ing it ft late iu West Virgiuia, una have some of the statesmen on the anxious seat. They ought to try it in iNcbiaska. It would bt, u good thing to have some ot William J. burns men put iu a winter tit the -Nebraska capital. So llagraut are the holdui.s that are constantly worked to screw money out of railroads. Insurance companies ami other big interests that it would be an easy tusk to set a truji tor the unscrupulous adventures who milk the corporations. The interests have followed the wrong sjslcui. Thev have stationed men at the capitul to head oil- that uluss ot legislation This is just what the introducers of hostile legislation want. They know to whom to look for what they aio after. The agents of the eoiporatloiis rather fatten off this sort ot sandbagging, ir it did not mere would be no employment for them. They would be without an occupation. If the iuterests that are in the habit of allowing themselves to be milked every session would cooperate for one whiter lu the establishment at Lincoln of a competent corps of detectives, it would certainly result iu exposures that would put a stop to the legisla tive hold-up. Until they do so, they are going to be compelled every year to buy olF u lot of fellows who got in to the legislature solely for grafting or have friends in that b.idv whom they can use toward the same end. The people will think the better of Hie corporations if Ihe.v adopt some means of protecting .themselves from the grafters who get into polities. It wuuui put tiiu nig interests iu a much bolter light before the people of the stute Hutu the employment of an army of paid lobbyists to buy oil' the promo ters of hostile legislation. Omaha Examiner. Look Here BINDING TWINE 11 Cents PER POUND Edward Hanson Hardware and Red Cloud, Implements Nebraska mASSAt City Council Net On Tuesday Night pNAASSlSJSSr vSSy'lI WV Emergency Plea. One night Marjorle und her slater were enjoying a pillow fight before going to sleep. They had been tnl.i repeatedly to be quiet. Finally their mother could stand the nolan no Innvor and started for their room. They heard ner coming, and live-year-old Marjorle dropped down on her knees beside her bed and said: "Oh, God, pleaso turn me into a mouse, so I can hM itmtop the bureau!" Still a Chance. "What's the matter?" "Sim ha . Jected me again. She says this la final." "Dld'Bho say how llnal?" in. quired the older and more experienced man. Washington Herald. Definition of a Gentleman. A kindly heart, a quiet voice, polite words end manners, a hand open to help, attention to littlo thluga for the comfort of otheiu, freedom from an-KH-, boasting, und patronizing; toward the strong, courage; toward the weak, chivalry; toward all men, fairness. Few men ever seo ono in a mirror. Life. Council Proceeding City Council met In an adjourned session. Mayor Saunders called Coun cil to order. Present Foe, Craus torey and I'owden. Coal contract with Mayer t Coal Co., approved by Council. Petltiou of Geo. Amack, et. al., iu regards to side walks and cross walks read and referred to committee on cross walks. Request of W. A. fatten for raise of salary to 970 commencing July 1st., was granted vGeo. H. Overlng, City Kngiueer ex plained the sewerage system at Hoi drege and Superior. -Moved by Foo and soeonded by Cowden that City Engineer procure an nstitnnt to prepare plans and speci fications und present to council. Levy und appropriation ordinance passed. Tlie following claims were allowed: C ll.JIale ? i; on Tope Hi os , .) oVi School Hist. No. a S3 OS .1. 11. Can- 3 00 Fred 1-Mdy a 75 ii. 11 Overlng '.ii 00 Ouy'eiglor 15 00 R. D. MoriU SCO J. It. Lelimer :i Go Qoetze Packing Co., 7 38 Carbon Coal and Supply Co , . . . 70 09 Mayer Coal Co , 109 87 lAOUi. Ejtckricvu., ii ;u J.n.Crans 8 4'J J. A.Tomliuson 40 10 It. R. Electric Co , s nfl ii J. C. Myers , o ou aiaiaiaitftftfiaiiii mmim mmm 3 9 9 3 JUTisTic woflupjm m m & e & & e & Kxclualvm Oaalgna In Monumanf la Our Mpaoialty & We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. r WMm's Penslan. vA aSm alouw Warlr. 1 Poverty is no disc raco, but it is hay. Ins bard time getting itself to b popular. The recent act of April 10th, 1003 gives to all soldiers' widows n pension il'2 per month. Fred Maurer, the at toruey, has all necessary blanks. CONSULT US A. 5uceVVexv"WlaevVaVaA'OovVimaTvsvp I OVEftlflG BROS. & GO. I Hed Cloud, - ' Nebraska I wwtwwwto 9 3 3 3 3 3 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS VER STATE sHNH Red Cloud a a a a Nebraska War. War' Is a hangover from Us days whsa men ate their flesh hot from tas kill and not frost the Irs. Will Lav lagtoa Coarfort. FOX & S7VTBLSgK I 3 Painters. Paper Hangers and Decorators r When in need of anything in our line give us a trial. We are confident that we can please you. mural Phana 199 -;- mall fhana miaek 2X7 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA 11 :. ,y 'Ik... M 7?: fh-fKtk. . i mmtmiwmwMmifr)tnitb