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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1913)
fyifw.trvrTi44ffv,wn,-wiiii ! ' "T-.I7r?.rm'.'iJ." i J-"7''-ywi' - ....,.n...,.,. r.....MMtiwiw.MawMCTrarai fe KWMf7JW ' WWl M A WI MwgtwVMirPWitfWyiiMy).!,. ! t R ; $. i? : i'- . IV THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. fl'ELlfeEID EVERY mUBHDAl Enttrtit In the PciMcilllrc At Hid ( loud, Nik at Hcuind Clii Matter- O'll. HALE l'UIH.lSHKIl 'TUK ONLY DKMOCIIATIO I'Al'KUJN WKIlbTKH COUNTY Just uow every one Is looking for 'a cloud H8 big as a man's hand". Fourteen Commercial Club repte BCDtHtives from all parts of the United i?tatcs were miosis of Omaha last Sunday. The gentlemen who are members of the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Slates, were enthusiastic over Nebraska and Omaha. We note the fact that Cecil Mutt hews, of the Klverlon Hevlew, is on the program for an Bddrcss at 11 fare well dinner to be teudeicd H. L. Met calfe ut Lincoln this evening. No, we aie not jealous, but how plain it bringiTback the old proverb: "Tis hard to keep a good liian down." One hundred ten eutrles have been received for the National Clay Courts tenuis championships, which open at the Field Club grounds in Omaha, July SI, This exceeds former years by twenty per cent. In the list are twenty Nebraska players, the best in the state, and representing various localities. The Nebraska lads .will have the work cut out for them, how ever, as the pick of the United .Statts is represented. Few couutles In the state can show a greater yield of wheat per acre thnn Webster county. Webster county is far up towards the top this year. Mr. Llppeucott's wheat threshed out u little better than thirty tour bushels per acre, Mr. Piatt's yielded nearly tbirtyone and others have twenty six to twenty eight bushels. When we take Into consideration that the aver age yield in Uie state is under twenty bushels we will sec the splendid posi tlon of our own county. Nothwlthstandlng'tW fact that we hav had-along dry Upcttrcf cXtietnely hot weather corn has withstood the unusual conditions lu a remarkable manner aud.if it good rain comes this week the corn cicjj will be excellent. The crop conditions speak high pialse for the scientific manner with which our fanuer6 ate conducting their busi ness. Had the methods of twenty years ago beeu persued this year there is little doubt but what 10)3 would go down into history as a failure. As it is we ulrendy have excellent wheat, one large crop of alfalfa and in some instances two good ones, the potatoes are of excellent quality and a good yield. With the Thirty-Flrst Triennial Conclave of the Unlled States but four weeks off, arrangements are practical ly complete for handling the big gath ering. Denver Is usually well pro. tided with Urst class rooming houses and hotels ami many of these have been leased outright by the larger commauderies of Knights Templar for the week. The decorations alone being placed for the conclave, which work has already begun, will cost 150,000. Fifty-four bauds, including Creator's world famous musical organ. Jzation, First Kegimeut bsud of Wash- LAND Improved Alfalfa, Grain and Stock Farms in The Great Republican Valley Boilht Sold Exchinled Any desirable Ileal Estatelisted up and udvertlsed for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farmR In Webster and l-'iatiklin Counties Ne braska uow listed Several farms for sale that will pay good Interest on the entire purchase price and enhance gieatly In value. Several good fauns for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The Urgent, list of local farms for sale to select from and situated in the ltuckle Hud of the Corn Kelt. FARM LOANS-Liberal amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money alwujs ready. Daniel Garber Rivarton, Nebraska iiigtoH, I). LC MnrsnaU's Military Hand of 75 pieces from Topckn, Kan sas, Captain ilHck Sinelolr's Cowboy Uund, orglunlly formed at Dodge City, Kansas ami many other noted brass organisations arc under contract to setvo the conclave committee and will be In Denver. The grandstuud which Is nearly completed, nnd which will seat approximately .'l,00u people is the largest temporary structure of its kind ever built in America. It is two blocks in length and nearly a block wide, and J,200,C(K) feet of lumber was used tu its construction. Seven teen drill teams of Knights Templar, all of tfiem crack organisations, have entered the competitive drill contests. From Canada and England will come some of the leaders of Masonry and Teniplarlsm. The delegation from Canada alone includes seven past supreme ginud masteis of the Supreme (5 real Priory of Canada. A newly married couple and a frleud were traveling by train, when they were suddenly plunged into the diuk ness of a tunnel. There was no light in the car and when they abruptly re turned to daylight the bride and the bridegroom were caught kissing fur tively. The frieud was embarrassed and he said the first thing that came Into his head. "That ah that tut. uel cost two million dolars." The brldegiooiu uooded his head wisely, "Well," he said judicially, "it wus w oi tli It." The meeting held Tuesday after noon in the Chamber of Commerce rooms showed conclusively that the stock holders of the chautauqua asso ciation weic iu favor of pushing this year's meeting with energy and mak ing it the best ever held iu the city The oilkcrs called the meeting becuuse they wished the stock holders to know the true conditions. It seems that the committee has purchased the most expensive talent ever provided for u Chautauqua here and they desired to know whether or not their actions would meet with the approval of the association. vfter some discussion a vote was taken and the association ex pressed its approval of tbe.-actUwjof the committee. This we think is a wise move. We cuuuot have talent that is too good for this community ami the better the', progiam me lurgeriue crow us wuicu .will Insuie, u tluauciul success. AVe have tuken hold of this foiin of enter taiumeul anil instruction and the Chief believes that we should keep it up uud make it better and better as the years go by. The program selected this year is ery strong and of a character thai- will not only give us intellectual ud vuncement but it will also give us ma terial fiuunclal aid. The Corn man lloweu will be worth thousands of dollars to this community alone. We believe in keeping the good work go- lug and wo believe iu giving the very best that can be secured We aie very much pleased at the disposition of the stock holders to continue even lu the face of a possible deficit but with such attractions as we will otter this year there ought not to be any de ficit. The following is taken fiout the tiles of the Chief of September IU, 1U12. "The second meeting of the Men's Kducatioual Association was held iu the school house last Thursday night. The subject under discussion was ''The changes that may be made to muke our Chautauqua more of a success". Amoug other things the following were suggested: First there should be no permanent platform mauager, but a new muuager should be appointed for each day, who should give his services for noth ing. This would permit an additional one hundred dollars to be appropriat ed for talent, mere slioulu ue one day devoted to the discussion of sub jects of a purely agricultural nature. There should be one duy devoted to home talent, musical, readiug, orator ial Including the school children Prof. MorlU, with the help of Miss Coon, was asked to give this matter consideration, so that the school chil dren of the entire county should have a day to look forward to iu connection with the Chautauqua program." ItellcertPiMlcatlMi Ktnteitirnt loviurNlili and liiunatiemi'i.t ut the Iti'tl I'loint Chlil. a er act ot Con itron. AiiKUKfJi, 1912 Killtor, MnnngliiK ta ilor, I'lihliilu'r, UuhIih'm Manager, and owner C. it. II a uk, Ititl Cloud, Nebraika. riwurn to nnd nubwrlbi'd before me thU mill day ul July, IUIJ. O. ('. Tetl Notary Public. ' 7824 1 )L- 'A 7S2Q 7825 T f Bureau of Markets A number of practical farmers have been discussing the project for a bureau of markets. The problem of selling and distributing farm products has received very little attention in Nebraska. A careful study of the sub ject would mean much cash for the farmers. E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FKEB F I RE THK ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FtRK for the man without insurance. Kvety time he sees the euglnes racing along bis heart comes up in his throat if the fire is any where near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COmr OF" is so small that it IMMURAMCK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone Is worth it many times oxer Have us Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, R0llablo Inmurmno: You Like Square Dealing You appreciate courteous treatment. When we tell you a thing isso and you Dud it to be so your faith in us begins to grow. After we have told you many times how thoroughly we can cleanse and reuew men and women's wealing apparel, Uow nice they will look and how little It will cost, and evcty time you And It just as we told you then you will take our word at "face value'' and consult us when ever your gar ments need cleaning, pressing or ie pairing. See the point? Clothes called for nnd deli vet ed to any part of the city, R. G. HASSINGER Cftr and Oymr Successor to Will C. Crelder tUJClwri, Ntbn.ka l bbbbbbvCk l aVf r av: S SALE CLOSES July 26th .' uj i '7 Do not delay if you wish to save money r Acreage- Reports Acreage reports from assessors, com piled in the oflice of Secretary W. R. Mellor of the state board ot agricul ture, Indicate that in forty-eight coun ties the planting of alfalfa has increas ed 82 per cent over 1012. More than 115,000 acres was devoted to this crop than was planted last year. In fifty counties the winter wheat acreage has inoreased 10 per cent or 85,125 acres. The corn acreage in fifty-three coun ties increased 275,438 acres or 7 per ceut. lu 1012 the total alfalfa acreage was 884,025, winter wheat 2,810,708, and corn 0,070,057, according to figures compiled by the labor commissioner. Educational Exhibits At least three new exhibits will be showu by the educational department at the state fair. Columbus, Hastiugs and Sarpy Couuty have made reserva tions for work. Hastings will display Industrial work, Columbus manual training and Sarpy county will show some of its up-to-date school houses. Each place has made a specialty of the work which they will show. In addition to these uew exhibits most of the old exhibitors will have their usual booths. MuulJfoiw I s The Cool, New Style Patterns You've Been Looking For Are Now Here Also we have a big selection of sheer Summer goods and stylish wash fabrics at -desirable prices just the materials for the cool new styles. Never has fashion been so full of real comfort, yet the new style gowns and' frocks, while confortable are extremely pretty. Come early and get your copy of AUGUST GOOD DRESSING Illustrating Ladies Home Journal Patterns While the supply lasts you owe to yourself to see the comfortable, charming styles. Then come to our fabric counters and let us help you pick out material for the cool new dress. We offer fabrics of wide variety and at prices that will please you and often surprise you. THE MINER BROTHERS CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS A Nighty Safe Place To Trade C - m. r Groceries? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can orrer them. lry P. A. Wullbrandtl 1 The Hfme vtvwwtSSSS 6969oa 3Vv s us. Grocery vA I69E J I i V A N 1 'iJr'SOHNrtWW IN