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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
mimiMipwi niiiiniii'iniriimiiTiirMnii k .. a . rTr 8 B V " re & (.; K P' U! , 'V ft w 2K fr it it Tun Drn ft ntm r'fJIET monUof nmr,-tei-. of piopeit In that Int. KED IL.UUU Wlltr ,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,, .l M.(.mili,. stay in tin- city nf Uu" pirsunt, There, ntiil then only, will yon llnd the tnatcilals that minister to vour siicei'St. It U only tlii" in in who I i v- in tin' prevent who ih :il, homo when uppoi Utility come iiioiiiiil witli n nituk of ciillluir curds. The man who dwells in tliu suburb of the past is llhclv to be commuting when the great visit is made. ('Illll'UUtttl'. Rod Cloud, Nobrnoko: I.. I. ! y PUDIjrBHKI) KVKKY 'J III HH AY Ktltcrul III tilt I'osKill'irtint llnl HomI, M 1. ns Hm-oiuI CIstHH Matter l 0 II. I1ALH l'tMlMSHKM' rilK ONLY liKMOCHATH' I'Al'KIt IN WKII.SIKH COUNTY Now that tho Inoonto tnx I- an as Miro I tiling we tiro llltely to see some fast scrambling to tho tall woods or poverty. It Is mighty Inconvenient to bo poor lint many will he grateful that there I" olio tax t lint thoy can escape. Jf your Income is less than live thotis. and n your jon are perfectly Hitfo hiiiI may posu its u rich man lint if it'ex cecds that itiutuiut you tuny as well be gin now to plead poverty. Moving 'lay will soon lie hoio It Ik such u delightful occupation that one enjoys thinking about It for sometime in advance. It Is a Mvrct tidbit, asso elated with painful lui'iiinrli's. lint then moving N action and notion is what we ale itfter. Tho ititl fun of moving however is the ixpcctincy of bein' better situated. 1 1 tahe on the appearance of being nil advancutiient. An excellent thine; to look fot wind to but not tobH mentioned while In progress The Webster County Argus, under the ellicleiil management of Y. I) Ed-on, has announced the fact It was a bit hasty In donning short clothes mid will appvar again this week as In days of old, in long dresses or ill other words as a weekly Instead of a twice n week paper, to which it was changed some few weeks past. Our esteemed coiitempoinry, while sailing uif'er the linn de plume of u weekly, alwuys presented it uiedltublo nppear atico and alforded Us considerable joy in lending its columns each week, and w eagerly await Hh le-appeariuicc this week. The birthdays of America's two greatest presidents occur in tho month of February George Washington and Abraham Lincoln will always be re membered us long as this Republic lasts Our public schools all over this country conduct Hpproptiute .exorcists (luring this month nnd the children are specifically instructed as to the acts ami actions of these great null. This program will keep the rising gen erations familiar with their country's history and develop their patriotism. Don't dwell in the ptst. No matter how attractive may be the adveitlsc- Advotislug soenis to be an art yet to bi; discovered by souitt people 'that is, the practical part of it. A constant stream of water from one or more tire engines will soon extinguish or got un der control u very largo lire, hilo a few buckets of water, dashed on here and ihoie, have little or on effect. The modern fire department is practl cal, an I has outgrown the bucket sys tem, and so with modern advertising plenty of it, used in a practical common sense mid judicious manner, pays. If you want to catch a certain kind of fish you use a certain kind of bait; ! not, all tlsh bite at nil kinds of bait. Not all people respond to every adver tisement. The newspaper is a medium indispensable to thu majority of adver tlsers, because of its wide and repeat ing circulation. As a promoter of t.rnili, mill tiriiflt iinvvfciiunnr iulii,'tlfi. i iug is no longer an open question; that I x, when done in a practical and intell igent maimer, ami pays because of its effectiveness and cheapness. GetLoff th Irt'fcTHP.HJ lii ! LJ U . ehose , r- a U r" 7 I i svuL. - c(.& I T-IiTT.lttikT III '111! II . BW . t I S. v Copyrighted 1912 - tl ' III 1 if II. J. Palmer ---rrarBgT ( .jf & What would the Police do to Mr. Truck Driver if he stopped his truck on the lire hose? It would be quick and sufficient! The firemen have to have all the water the hose will deliver to master the fire. It is a simple case of cause and effect. The cause, the truck on the hose. The effect, no water flowing from the nozzle. Remove the cause the effect disappears. So it is in the human body. A vertebra slips or turns a little out of place, a nerve is pinched and the flow lot life force from the mind is shut off and the part of the body rreached by that nerve becomes weakened and sick. What to do? Relieve the pressure on the nerve, of course! Nature needs no other help. Nature starts the life-giving mental force on its mission of health. Chiropractic merely gives it a free course and only the human hands and proper knowl edge are needed to make the adjustment. Chiropractic is a wonderful example of com mon sense, cold, solid fact reasoning and logical conclusions. Everygraduatcof this school not only knows howeasily, quickly and certainly to relieve all spinal pressure on the nerves, but he knows how to trace back any ill effect to the cause and ad just the cause. He will be glad to answer your questions and tell you about the wonderful simplicity and self-evident truths of Chiropractic. Talk with him what you will learn may save you a life-time of regrets. C) Palmer School of Chiropractic "Chiropractic Fountain Had" Davenport, Iowa 'In- liioiiie that Iti '"if pn-iiittil to Ills Midleticc h. unlay ovi-iiing, white It was certainly iippropiiate for a church oiganizatioii, and was well pie Miiilud, lliil-o lends itself npuilly well for it community. "If all the world were like myself, what would the world be like?" Suppose every olio in lied Clmid wen; to ask himself thetpiuslion "If all Hod t loud weie like ntself whtt would Keel Cloud be like?'1 If this (luesllon weie asked honestly and answered honestly (for how can a man lie to himself) we llimly believe that there would be a great demand for biooms, dust pans and wash rags What could the Chamber of Commerce do If there were none of us physically la?y, mentally indolent or morally In active? What might not our city be If every one of Us would put aside per sonal gain, peisotial ambition and pel soual pride and do a little for the com mon good? We are not saying that nothing Is being done, we weie just speculating on how essy the work would bo If every individual would give a boost. Nary Did Have A Little Lamb 4r- 16 If s :tin: ? Separators! Separators! Anxious to ascertain beyond question whether theie was ever a "Mary'' who "had a little lamb,'' as the widely krown nursery poem recites, Mr. L. W. Owens of Pueblo, Colo , traveled to Massachusetts a distance of more than 2,001) miles to make a thorough investigation. She has done it. She has found that there was a real "Mary," and that he had a real lamb. The lamb went to school, too, one day, us the famous versos assert. The young poet, John Uoulstoue, who immortalized Mary and the lamb, took some poetic liber ties with the facts, Mrs. Owens found, but the poem is correct in the main points, tleieare the verses as they weie written and handed to Mary, the owner of the lamb: Mary Inula little lamb, Its llepce was white, as snow; And everywhere that Mary went. The lamb was sure to go It followed her to school one day, Which was ngaitis-t the rule; It made the children laugh aud play To see the lamb at school. And so the teaoher turned it out, Hut still it lingered near, And waited patiently about Till .Mary did appear. "What, makes the lamb love Maty soV The eager children cried, "Why Mary loves the lamb, you know," The teacher then replied The "Mary" of the poem was Mary Sawyer, and later Mary Sawyer Taylor. She lived at Sterling, Mass., and when she was 8 years old, 9d years ago, she owned the lamb. Mary's lamb was a pet. She kept its tleece nice and clean, and sometimes tied a ribbon about its neck. One day she took the lamb to school When she went to JLhe platform to recite the lamb clattered after her. That tnutie a laugh. Mary then took the lamb outside and fastened it to a shed. She took the lamb home at the noon recess. John Roulstone, who was studying for the ministry with Rev. Samuel Capeu of Sterling, was on a visit to the school that day. The next day he rode up to the school aud handed Mary the poem. Mrs. Owens, who Is president of the Loyal Hoys' Club of the West, made the trip from her distant home for the sole purpose of delving itito the past and getting the truth about the lamb episode. Mrs. Owens will write'a book on the life and death of Mary and her lamb. -V3SSSSS.V YOUR CHOICE OF-vs:'v Empire, Sharpies or U. S. Hand SEPARATORS IN THE $75.00 SIZE AT ONLY $50. CASH First Come First Served EdOiarcl Hanson, Ked Cload, Jteb. Ift $ Hardmare and Implements RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 628 Elm Street, ... Red Cloud, Nebraska Graduate of Palmer School of CblroprRctlc Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free OPFICK HOURS: 0 to 12 a. 1u. and 2 to'p. in. fe: '-m c 1 1 : 1 1 Just Received $1500.00 worth of Wool Dress Goods and Silks comprising all the newest and latest novelties there is on the market for this season. Get the habit of visiting our store when you are looking for something new, you will always find we have it. Below we give a list of the different kinds of goods we have, and in each and every one we have a wide .range of patterns and colors: Ki -T( FOR FURNITURE nn ta tup mn on i Ann? I r....... c.- I rmiiiiuiG -aiviG -i.f "SSZ&'SVW FT. MCU Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas V -ALL THK PHONKm- Ai aA WM Fire Fighting Apparatus At Omaha Auto Show Omaha, Neb., Fab.lOth An Interest ing feature of the Omaha Automobile show, which will be held in the Audi torium February 24th to March 1st, will be the exuiblt or tire ttgatlng ap paratus or. all kinds, wuion is replac ing horse drawu machinery in many cities. Of especial interest will be exhibit of trucks, which are being shipped here from eastern cities. Many mayors of Nebraska cities, who will be accom panied by city councilmen, wilt visit the show to iuspect the apparatus and consider the advisability of installing It in the cities of the state. For the tirst time, the heads of de partments of the eastern manufactur. ing concerns will attend the show and peisonally explain the excellency of their products. The show is considered of enough importance for many exhibitors to ship their entire displajs from Chicago, cutting tout Kansas City and Minne apolis from their circuit. This means that Nebraska is considered thu most Important commercial ccuter of any of the middle west states. WOOL DRESS GOODS Melton Suitings Coverts English Cords Bedford Cords Wool Eponges We have a beautiful line of Cream Serges, Cream Bedford Cord and Cream I Herringbone Stripes. Serges Batestes Whip-Cords Suitings Diagonals Wldvw's PcmIm. I he recent act of Ap'rll 10th, VMS gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 812 per month. Fred Mauror, the at torney, has all necessary blanUs. p3k Kffift W SI LKS China Taffetas Messalines Serges Brocades Poplins Crepe Meteor Satin Charmense Crepe-De-Chene Peau-De-Soie Pongee Suesine Also big line of the celebrated Cheney Bros. Foulard Silks.i Weesner, Perry 8 Co. RedCliud, Nebraska s ' i s s PWIII WIWllMWilmll.MriWtTJiimiWMJLW'ir i. m SMJgggM H