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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
411 a a I ' I : - . rrrr il IwrjV-tW Slri'm PI... Mt M -, . ... i urn caaictt Are Siarotoat Moat Sanitary Last Lonoatt That II ttrM ttateaMUt but We'd Htaka it atraaa' if wt knew how. because w art aura that aha Da Laval will mora thaa make good every claim. We don't ask you to take our vtav to. Wa nralar a a .a A a a a let me machine lUelf talk tor hi. Why Mt let tat one up at your house? You can teat it yourself aloagnde of any other machine you like tor capacity, deanneu of skimming, and cite of operation.. We don't atk you to buy a tie Laval upon "claims.1 We-do aik you to be ure and give it a fair trial before you purchase any cream separator. Don t put it off. Do I SOONER. OR LATER it now. I YOU WILL BUY A Uaatf nolo alvely by 08 f tha World' Creamer laa DE LAVAL BEATRICE ((:ream Separators 1 Save Dollar and Cento For You. far Maw, aava taaar, aava waaira-aav all Mm Yakaala battcrfat uutr Ada bnai n It will aiorc thai pay yta to read tbeai carefaUy. 5Mtt la jaar a, aai gm jaa fraafc, warn mam mm farfaaaJag calvaa ana ft. TaaaaaMarfaaTaNUaawtlaaataaa If toy aW far twioa tat atica, vat wM anas riajat. Otlwr Siict at Other Prices Capacity Per Heir $55. 00 Taara la nothing abaaf) aWat Umbi bat tat aria. Thara ia aa batter aaparater aoH at any art at BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE ami are guarantee' fron lop to bottom by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. CUmc. UL Lk,ln, Nabr. Da Moiaoa, la. Sold by, la. GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent "J LA1RETAM GWIDL1UB aaaaaBaaaaaBaBBaaBBaaaaaaBaaaBi IN TOWN! Do You Remember, Him! He It AnOIdAcqutiataace In A New Garb! Look Him Over I From Head to Foot From Foot to Head! Spell His Name Backward And If You Do Not Recognize Him 'all Come Here and Meet Him He Makes HU Headquarters Here WkhUi! -ALSO DEALER IN" - a I . Ef gs , Butter, Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff m I c J d Laab.aM..aez; M llMIDa6FS DT0 1 USEFUL GIFTS AFTER all, it's the practical that pleases most because it shows of more THOUGHT. A clever nick-nack sparkles -and glimers for awhile and then it is cast aside and forgotten. The really useful gift is a constant reminder of kindly feeling. .... Give something that will last not for a few abort days, but for weeks or months oi) longer atUL What? Here is a great list of just such things; SILKS BED SPREADS EMBROIDERY HANDKERCHIEFS HOLE PROOF HOSE )RESS GOODS SCARFS KID GLOVES SWEATERS HOODS MITTENS ILK PETTICOATS LACE COLLAR AND CUFF SET BARBARA PjiARES FORMERLY F. NEWHOUSE lu You Owe It to Yourself Don't buy an engine on bunk from a enncprn mnnv mihs nwnv tlnn't . - .m ..? MrrMi ir. ' an engine from an exaggerated picture book and the de- Ptfonof a dreamer and nine nrtkt. Thtrenlenalni(Sirlenpi ffi its 57 points of superiority is at our store and you can see vourseir. Ed. Hanson EXCLUSIVE AGENT VWI Diamond Milling Co. -MANUFACTURERS OF- Diamond Brand Goods J We manufacture Buckwheat Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Bran, Shorts and Mill Feed, Self Rising Pancake Flour. Also shippers of Bulk and Sacked Grain. Diamond Brand FLOUR Is made ia Red Cloud, and you are invited to inspect our flour, right ia our mifl anyday. Diamond Flour aaakea bread, that is bread. One trial of Diamond Flour it sufficient to convince nay one that no bettor Flour ta nude anywhere at any price. Home folks are the beat, UseDiaaaond Flour and your Bread troubles are over. DIAMOND JVUIililflG GO. Red Cloud, Nebraska "VTA-yVV Establish a Ranch on Public Land High Vom mf Cattla Inauraa Thla fa a mualnaaa Fmr many Yaara It is not generally known, bnt it la a fact, that nm n.nn ... ... ,. " w- w w..w fwaowa. VKU UU1T MiKC bm din MHnA ."?...... i. w 1 1 . a ... ujj iv aviso uj uu(cruuut uana in wyomuiff as loilows: First, file Desert land entry on 160 acres wham vnn ..atM. . in.n. from 1000 acres, in a series of small storage reservoirs sufficient to irrigate as much as 81 acres of the entry and at least 8 acres on any 40 of the 160. For this 1G0 you pay the Government 23 cents an acre at th tim nit.1,. j 1 1. o an acre when proof is made I Second, Hie on 320 as a homestead-no charge for the land but entryman must reside upou the homestead seven months each year for three years and rainu n up ... tv wres mo aecona year ana naveiu acres In crop the third year Third, buy 160 acres from the Government at S 1.25 per acre. This 160 must join the homestead. There are hundreds of such-locations now open to entry. If you want one of these mnches write me today for map and particulars ( Wa wiah You All I A 7 HPPy New Year ( I THE HONE GROCERY l " 1". A. WULLBKANDT, Flwa. tmm I eBBSaaTSSI31.3E3Si...........EiBES Oftea Battered Never Bettered D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent 1004 romani Gi, Omaha, Nebraska JSiSSaxlSI INDISCRIMINATE PRICE ARE QUOTED ONLY ON INDISCRIMINATE FLOUR GOOCH'S BBST FLOUR Has a Definite Price, a Definite Quality and a Definite Value. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. FOR SAIE BY WEESNER, PERRY 6c CO. . ii ) led Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., . Red Cloud, Nab. lp. Red Cloud, Nebraska t' ftfff f Up Tip- i tfJk&am' V1 ir .Vsi'''i . '.Jii ' ,.' -ll). ,'VI kvtt