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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
s A v. f 4H;s. f (if. if r-t Sf Vii. ' -" "ji , r AVVvrtv.vAvv.VJV.AvvvdSv We Wish You One And All A tfappy Nem Year 1 And wish to say that, we thank you for your liberal patronage during the year just drawing to a close, and ask for a continuance of the same during the new year. -:- -:- We can assure you of the same courteous treat ment in the new year that has been given you in the past, and if you come to us with your order, no matter how large or small it may be, you oan rest assured it will receive our most careful attention. Turnure Bros. Red Cloud, VUWWWWWUWWVWAUM On Burwell of Holstein was in town Friday. J. 11. Nash of Guide Rock was in town Tuesday. P. W. Allen of Hastings was in this city Monday. C. D. Wilson was down from Bloom ington Monday. Glen Walker made a business trip to Lincoln Sunday. J. 6. Caldwell was a passenger to ftnorlen Tnesdav. ' '' John Meyers jwas a passenger to Histlngs TTlirtaTT- - Miss Freda 81mons is visiting in Lincoln this week. W. A. Kent wastranssctlngbusiness in McCook, Monday. Harry Waller and wife of Cowles Dent Sunday In town. J. W. Shepard left for Omaha to spend Christmas Tuesday. Try a pair of celebrated Weyenberg Work shoes at Bailbt and Bailey's adv. Boyd Smith and family left for Lincoln, Monday, to stay for some time. Allen Hadell of Long Island, Kan sas, is visiting relatives In town this week. Miss Elsie Arnold to spending the holidays with her parents at Bloom ington. W. E. Herrlck left for Hebron Tnes day to spend Christmas with his nrnta. iiw.b anitnn. who has been on the .it, tut araln on duty at the John Barkley and wife are spending Christmas at jamesumn, .u, ... relatives. Misses Hazel and Beatrice MoKelgh an are'vlaltlog their mother in Lincoln over Xmas. Ben Ludlow of Excelsior Springs, Mo., to in town this week visiting relatives. Miss Pearl Johnston of Clay Center, Nebraska, is visiting Miss Hazel Robinson. Nothing better than a "King Quail ty" shoe for men at Bailey aud Bailey's. dv Miss Kathryn Burkeleftfor Walnut, Iowa, Monday to spend the holidays with ber parents. Mrs. Nellie West Castor and daugh ter, Josephine, are home from Alma to spend Christmas. W. A. Carpenter and wife of Lincoln are spending Christmas with Mrs. Carpenter's parents. James Doyle and wife left Tuesday for Beatrice to spend Christmas with a ulster of Mrs. Doyle. v Mrs Harry Cramer departed Monday for Plsttsmouth, Nebraska, to spend Xmas with relatives. Sheridan Phares arrived home Mon day from Lincoln to spend the holi days with his mother. J. B. Wlseoarver and wife and daughter, Ethel, left for Chicago, Sat urday, to visit relatives. Mrs. James Etherton left for Sut ton, Tuesday, where she will spend 'Christmas with relatives. Ralph MeConkey and wife came up from Nelson, Monday, to spend Christ mas with his parent. J: HOMENEWS ji MleUn ef The Week's Detngs j; -:- Nebr. L. W. Smith of Hastings, was a visitor in the olty Tuesday. Misses Josephine and Mabel Esslg were in Hastings Saturday. Henry Molley of Franklin was a Red Cloud visitor Saturday. Mr.vV; A. Kent and Miss Irene Kent -were in, Hastings, Friday. Mrs. Meda Savath of Guide Rock visited friends in town Monday. Lloyd Grimes of Grand Island ,1s visiting his brother, E. L. Grimes. Mrs. W. Overleese and daughter, Hazel, spent Monday In Hastings. J. S. Schlatter of Kearney was a business visitor in town Saturday. Fred Bortfeld and family of Alma, are guests of T. A. Jones this week. , 'Miss Martha Abel is home from Mc Cook to spend Xmas with relatives. Miss Elizabeth Bruley is 'spending Xmas.wlth ber:pateitnrt Campbell... Guy C. Snare has opened a creamery office ia town'and will boy cream for the David Cole,. Creamery. .Dr. S. S. Deardof of Superior intends to locate here after the first of the year and practice veterinary. E. U. Overman and ,wife left for Kansas City, Tuesday, where they will spend Christmas with relatives. George Hummel is home from Lincoln where he secured quarters and seats for the coming legislature. Miss Gertrude Blaokledge is home from Rookford, Illinois, to spend her Xmas vacation with her parents. Mrs Matt Frobnen returned to her home at Hastings, Friday, after visit ing ber daughter, Mrs. J. A. Bradford. Asa Blaokledge and family of Alma, came down Tuesday to Spend Christ mas with bis brother, L. H. Black ledge, and family. M. Jefferles of McCook was in town Monday and purchased the Burlington hotel of G. F. Howard and will take possession at onoe. Mrs. Nels Longtin and daughters, Alfa and Marcellne attended the dedl cation of the new Catholic St. Cecelia's churoh at Hastings Sunday. John Hamtnel returned to his home at Stratton, Colorado, Isst week after visiting at the home of Henry Ny berg and family for some time. See J. H Bailey for best rates, tertnB and option on farm loans. Sole agent for Trevett, Mattis & Baker. We Wish Yh All A Happy New Year B. E. McFarland All thm Pkn Wesley Tabcr Is visiting in Inavale this week. Chet Cox was down from Cowles Monday. Frank Etherton is home from Kenesaw, Fred Smeloer returned from .Indiana Saturday. Father Fitzgerald was a passenger to Superior Tuesday. Iraest Hopper of Ashland was Ib town Tuesday on business. Miss Vern Robertson Is visiting friends in McCook this week. Claude Jones of Hastings spent Bun day In town visiting friends. Mrs. J. Burgess to reported quite sick at ber borne In this olty. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Carsaoney of Mc Cook spent Xmas In Red Cloud. Ed and Vern Holly of Lebanon, were Red Cloud visitors Batarday. Frank and Edgar Melntosh spent Xmas in Grand Island with their aunt. Mrs. Arnsson is enjoying the holi days with her children on Walnut Creek. Mrs. Williams Is enjoying a visit this week with her daughter in the country. Mrs. Lanttand son, Tom, came in from Omaha Monday to visit her ohildren. Miss Dessle Taylor Is home from Boulder, Colo., where she has been for some time past Mrs. Bessie Anderson arrived in the olty Saturday for a visit with .her mother, Mrs.'Ducker. Carl' Mo Arthur came home from Des Moines Monday to spend Christ mas with his parents. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold a market Saturday at Wullbrandt's grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topham departed Monday for Oklafioma to visit 'their daughter, Mrs. Rose MoCall. Chas. Brubaker returned home Fri day evening from Omaha and Guthrie Center, Iowa, where has been visiting. Mrs. P. L. Hansen returned from Prairie View, Kansas, Sunday morn ing where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lew Kellogg, for several days. E. L. Grimes and family and Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. J. Warren spent Xmas, at' the home of J. F. Grimes at Blue Hill. Paul Johnston, Floyd Turnure, Phil Sherwood, Claude Cramer, Don Fulton Cecil Esslg, Jack Cather and Howard Foe are home from Lincoln fou.tbe holidays. . Mrs. J.M; Weesner who hasMBeen here visiting with her parent, 0 M. Shambaush and wife has returned to her borne in Red Cloud. Moadsy's Superior Express. . ' Ralph Creider. left for Scranton, Pa., Sunday, where he will reside In the fa'tare. Ralpb has made many friends here and they all wish him success In his new home. The city tennis tournament was held on the court grounds Christmas day. The winning teams wore so evenly matched that the finals will have to'.be played off later on, probably on New Years Day. This will leave the champ ionship some what in, dotfbt because the year will end without a decision. People are blamed curious, creatures, When attending a pubic entertain ment they all make a rush for the front seats, but, when those same folks at tend church the rush to right the re verse, everybody crowding Into back seats until the empty pews are all between them and the preacher. It looks as if they are afraid to get sal vation right off the .bat, but would rather get in on the first or second bound. k Coroner Amack was called to Blue Hill Tuesday due to an accident which cost the life of Mr. H. Blackeway, a driver for the Standard Oil Company He had started on his usual trip to Bladen, when a motorcycle 'coming up behind his team caused them to become frightened, and running into an embaukment upset the wagon, which fell upon him. Mr. Blackeway was about 3s years of age and leaves a wife and family residing in Blue Hill. Everett Stroup Is the first one" of the boy scouts to attain the degree of second-class scout. This is a notable achievement and speaks well for th,e industry, perseverance and pluck of Everett. We very much doubt two grown men In Red Cloud can be found who could pass this examlnaiion. To be a second glass scout one must know the best approved methods of treating emergency cases and be able to demon strate the treatment, he must be able to signal with the semaphore or Morse or Myer alphabet, track half a mile In twenty fire minutes, go a mile In twelve minutes, fifty steps walking fifty run ning, he must build a fire in the open, using not more than two matches, cook a quarter of a pound of meat and two potatoes in the open without the ordinary kitchen cookiug utensljs, cam and deposit a dollar in a public bank and know the sixteen principal points of the compass. This acoom- nlisbment that Everett has made will undoubtedly prove a stimulus to the other scouts. Fred Gund and family of Hliin Hill spent Xmas In Red Cloud, with rela tives. M.B. Corner and family spent ClirUt mas with their son, ,Gcnrge, north of town. Geo. Fairfield and family of Guide Rook spent Christmas In thin city with relatives. Dr. A. C. Ames left for Mt. Grove, Mo., Saturday. He haa sold his office here to Dr. Uaiuet. Bruce Robinson and Miss Julia Gil lett of Clay Center spent Christmas la town with Bruco's parents. E. Beaton went to Superior Sat nrdey in response to a telegram announcing! wi aeain oi nis orotner-iB-iaw, J, M. Worden. About fifty membere of the Congre gational church treated the Rev. and Mrs. Bayne to a, surprise party on Monday evealng. The occasion was. a very happy one and the pastor and bis wife were presented with a set of solid silver spoons. The various churches of the city held their usual Christmas exercises on Christmas eve. This year tbey adopted the plan of holding their exercises on the same evening, which proved quite a success from the fact that each church was only comfort ably filled, instead of like times in the past when not even standing room was to bo obtained. mI tftate IrajnTtrt. For the week ending Dec. 2ltb, 1013. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Martha Hamilton and husband to Albert Ferguson, wd, seX 34-2-9 8000 Charles M. Smith and wife to Ruth E. Johnston, wd, lota 13, , 11, 15, Blk.16, Smith A Moore's Add to Red Cloud ' 2C00 Mary A. Smith to Vera W. Mirer, wd, lot 23 in neJt 3M-11 12250 Vera W. Mizer and husband to . Mary A. Smith, wd, lot 4, uH lot 5, Blk. B, LeDbc's Add to Red Cloud 3500 Isaao W. Edson and wife to Will iam D. Edson, qcd, to nti 15-4- Vfl MIIIMltlMIMMMIIIItll Christian Stephni and wife to Harry Stephni, deed, w swtf 0 lt see tin O. F. Gund and wife to Seth Stinson, wd, lots 7, 8, Blk. 0, juiuo mil iimi iiHiiHi ( m 1400 10 140 Fred Maurer and wife to Ed- . ward Relher, wd, lota 10,11, 12, Blk. 10, LeDuc's Add to Red UIOUQ HIMIMSIfll e 2800 CJaraK. Johnston and husband foito Charles M. Smith, wd, 30 ft lluoff East end of lots 9, 10, 11,12, . Red Cloud...; r.; 800 Geo. W.t.Hastings.tand. wife, to -John Sattoa, iwd, u neJi seo 20, wtfnw&svo 21-1-12.. ; 10000 R J. Koehler and wife to Loren zo Thomas, qcd, e nH neif, 'HHH ueH 29.3-10 1 Lorenzo Thomas and wife to Myrt R. Adamson, wd, e)4 u nei seo29-3-10 3150 Mortgagee Filed, 137110.00. Mortgages Released, 11833.50. H aacaasBrrt CS?9aMa9x ccsvtBwrisevimisi iiwwowcst WE WISH YOU EVERY ONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR I M Don't Furniture Chairs - Rockers - Dressers - Etc. He sells the Brass Beds that are strictly up-to-date and will not tarnish. A bond given with each Bed. T. E. The i m A M tt Happy New Year a Cowden Kaley Ctetklai !( AVW' Geo. Carter of Lincoln spent Xmas in town with bis parents. R. G. Runchey and wife spent Xmas with ber parents near Cowles. COWLES Fred Gund was a Cowles visitor be tween trains Tuesday. Gortrude Good came home for a two weeks vacation from Chicago Satur day. E. T." Foe was In Hastings, Monday between trains. , John Rose was la Cowlss Tuesday looking after business matters. Rev. Flfleld of Kansas City, who has beeti holding meetings at the ' Congre gational churoh, left fr borne' Monti day. They had a ' very 'successful meeting' ' "" "ll ': ' Arthur Morse of Seneca, Kas., came in Monday to spend Xmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morse. Arthur to agent at Seneoa. Cbristmas'exerclses were held at the Christian and M. E. churches Xmas eve. They were well atttended and To All : Our Friends and Customers AND ASK THAT YOU fail to look at Our Stock of . t - Carpets "THAT MEAN SOMETHING HTKINS Finltirc Mm art IMertiker VSvi swaiwawawawaVBlBsBHMBaBHBwawlBBwawI YQU " v f, ' : i r .V H I S" VMataay the exercises were well appreciated especially by the children. Horace Morse, who. lives up in the sand bills, oame borne Monday to spend Xmas with his parents and visit old friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Greenhalgb and daughter of Trenton, Nebr., are here spending the holidays with friends and relatives J. R. Greenhalgh, who form- -erly lived here, run a general store here for a number of years sold out and is running a Bauk,ajt Trenton now. He reports business very' good. Miss Pool, wjio has been staying at Mr. Wm. doods.for a.pumber of years, left for Illinois Monday where she ex pects to make her future home. ''Donald Davto of Ballyvillevqcaell to here spending tae-'bOlkkfys With bis parents Mr.'an Mrs. Davis?' I "' Tod Paul, Who has beeiWlsltlng hie son near Joplin, Mo., Is very til. He baa been ailing for some time and has been in very poor health. Henry Keeney and Fuller A Bennett purchased a feed chopper this week to chop up corn to feed cattle. v. Rugs 99 S-l ; ;l .'! ', xw I J 4 t 41 n ttK tW.1 t3il WM . H$ i M .! X-. A vV' . ;V L , $m utavt