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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
njT-. , p-r- 1 , -p..-,,- r -, . ,...... r-r-y- y- frrfiMS i tVl 11 r -1 If 1t-I r- t-w . 6)- EM- I' Ef i? Lf i ! K IIP r 11 13 i" ? ) t .', k &i ft K. B t& IS fcl. jj i r , Closing o . UR trade has been Seaaon but we ate of Holieay Goods this year Tnvft . Games - Dolls China ware - Etc. J We are slashing prices and it will pay Vou to , make your Christmas I 7 CHAS. L. THE DRUGGIST r'S vAW F The Red Cloud Chief Ks4 Cloud. Nebraska PUBLIBBBD EVERY HIUBSDAT later ed In the Fostofflee at Bed Cloud, Neb., m Second Class Matter 0 B. HALE PCBUSHKR TBUD ONLY DEMOCRATIC PATER IN WEBSTER COUNTY Da bist wle to Blame 80 hold and schoen and rein; Ion schaa' dich an, and Wehmut 8chlelcht mir ins Hers hineln. Heine. Fall knee-deep lies the winter snow, And the winter winds are wearily igbtng: Toll ye the church bell sad and slow And tread softly and speak low, For the old year lies a-dying. Old year, you must not die; You can to us so readily, You lived with as so steadily, ". ""Old year, too shelf1' die. J ' He lleth still j' he doth toot pore; ' 1 He) will not see' the dawn of day.' He hath bo other life above. He care me a. friend, and a true true Iotc, , ( Aadtthe New.-year will.takr'emaway. ,,,- Idyesfyoousjtnsfrgoi So long rH yoa hays been with us, 8uch joy m yoa hare seen with us. , Old year, you shall not go. Tennyson. Editor Spence of the Bladen Enter prise It celebrating the advent of the twentieth year of his paper's existence. Hebaa been associated with' the paper from. Us lnoeptlon snd has during all ihoas years kept bit columns free from bitter attacks and destructive critic ises. His paper Is optomlstlc and Is al. ways booming the town of Bladen. Judging from,bt advertising columns the good people IB his home town sp. prolate the efforts that he is nuking Oood-byt, old year. After' all we are testa to part.' Many precious memories as'Wsll as many sad things to remem ber will be forever linked with thee. Bat time bids as part and however severely thbu hast chastened us, yet weind our hardened feelings relent 'legend a spirit of charity prevsdes oar being. We forgive as wS hope to be forgiven. In humility and love we bow our adieu and weloomo the New DR. PRICES Cream BAKING POWDER IS ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL Its active principle solely grape acid and baking soda. It makes the food more delicious and whole some. The low priced, low grade powders put alum or Ome I&osphatet in the food. A$k Your Doctor About That Out Sale large so far for the Holiday going to make a clean sweep especially on a lot of these goods see our stock before you purchases. COTTING AWM Year with naught tut good resolves and high asperatlons that each com ing day will see our lives better, purer and nobler in every act and purpose. We are too often forgetful of what we owe to the poetic thought of th j world. la all timet, in all countries, the poets have been tbereaUaspiration or tn people. They are the ones who have interpreted the deenest emotion of humanity, the sublimes t conceptions oi tna inonate. They have made life tweeter, grander and nobler by their exalted intellectual and spiritual thoughts. The real true things of life are best expressed in poetic language. In fact methodical prose is inadequate to convey any idea of the deeper senti ments of life. Band Concert. The Red Cloud Concert Bend will give their concert and musical at the Opera Housm on Thursday evening, January and, instead of January 10th, as previously announced. The concert will consist' of Marches, Overtures, Selections, Baloree, Piano and Vocal Solos' and Cornet Duets. Master Carl HohenseS, ofvHebron. we Buy waaasT.piapouiy will OS nere again, as win aiso we epure reed .sec tlpn consisting of Clarinets and Saxa phones, which number eleven. ,' Reserved seats at Cook's Drug Store, one price to all, 2s cents'. Doors open at 1:30. Org inizatioBj Indorse Development Commission Omaha, Neb., Deo. 13d: The Farm era Congress sod the Nebraska Co operative Live Stock and Shipping Associations indorsed by resolution and Instructed their legislative corn mtttees to dse every honorable means to seoure the psssags of the bill creat ing tbe Nebraska Development and Public Welfare Commission. A tenta tive draft of b bill as proposed by. committees from the StetfBssoolatlou of Commercial Clubs and 'the State Editorial Association was explained, after which the Commission was ap proved. . The Commission hss for its purpose the publication of useful facts relative to Nebraska and the prevention of the publication of statements which reflect on the state. NEW RAILROAD INCORPORATED Cauda to Gulf Line May Piss Tkroflg a Adams Connty Lincoln, Nebr., Deo, '20 -Articles of incorporation hive been Died is the secretary of state's office for the "MM lsBd Continents! railroad company, witb.headquarters at' Omaha. Those nsmsdln the filing sre 1 1.' ,8. Dun eoasbe, 8; Y. Flsnsburg, E. t3. IfcOll ton, E B. Haines ssd 8. Tv Smith. Dnnoombein a Chicago msnitdls president of the company. The auth orised capital stock Is 1X0,000. The project In view le a aorta and south line of rallrosd from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, Through Nebras ka tbe proposed line la to traverse Boyd and Holt counties aad rmn south ward bs follows:- .v. - Through Garfield, Wheeler or' Grte- ley; Sherman or Howard; Buffalo or. Hall; Kearney or Adams; Franklin, or Webster. , The line Is to connect up At Smith Center, Kss., with one built through that stale. ., The Continental Midland railway Is one of several north and south rail road projects proposed since tbe be ginning of the Pauama canal. Noth ing is known here of the Midland's plans further than that given in the foregoing message, but some people believe that the company is connected with tbe Anthony A Northern railwav company, recently chartered In Kansas to build a railroad with a terminal at Anthouv. Has., and this city. The routes proposed by the two companies form practically a straight north and sooth line through the two. states. As laid out on paper they would oarallel each other between Uastings and the Kansas state line, but If there is1 any connection between the two companies the linen could be changed to jojn somewhere in the vicinity of Red Cloud or uioomington. If all the proposed north and south roads should be built they wouldnrob. ably outnumber the east and west lines through ' Nebraska and Kansas and such a coudltiou is not to be expected. The rail road building in the next few years, however, may be chiefly in the direction of the gulf and It Is not beyond the range of the possible that Hastings may be Included In another system in the next few years. In the meantime, however, tbe Anthony & Mldlsnd projects are causing no excite ment here and people"' lit this section wlll'walt for something mot talble before resolving their hopes '.In the bulldinB of tha nronoied. line, if P There is-spmefetgalieanee perhsps in the pairing of. counties In the. Mid land's incorporation papers, for if tbe company should ask for public aid there would be the incentive of compe tition between adjoining oountiea to get the. new road, as for instance be tween Adams and Kearney connty. Friday's Hastlng's Tribune. Some New Year Resolution ' MSlHI That vou will keep so busy boosting that yoa won'U have time to knock 1. , That you will vote, talk and work for a bigger better, brighter town, That you will help to make this a good, town so the town can make'eoodi. That you will iucrease tbe valds of your property by improving ItaapWsar anoe. 'K That you will say something 'good about this town every time you write a letter That you will invest your money here where you made it and' Where you can walch it. ( That yon will not point out! the town's defects to a stranger or fall to point them out to a neighbor. f That you keep your premises picked up and your buildings repaired a.a. a matter of both pride and profit. Jt That you will never buy a thing out side of town until the local merchants have been given a chance to fell 'it to you. . I That you will take half a day right now to pick up the odds and 'ends around the place and turn them'i Into either use, money or ashes. sv That you will contribute as much money as you cau afford, and as much enthusiasm as anybody, to any ntove tnent to develop the town's resources. That you will join tbe movement to iuduce tbe people in this town ip do their buying at home or, there U no such movement, that you will start one. That you will make friends wltji the farmers, If a town man, or with tbe town folks, if a farmer, ami Jielp Work togeather for tbe good of the 'com munity of which this town is the-center. t I Only Country Without Typewriters. Typewriters sre now msde for use In nearly a hundred different ; Iasv guagea, and they are sold all over ths world; but there Is still one great as tlon which, for a very simple rtfaoa, hat no typewriters thst writs; Mb to ague.' That nstkm Is Cklaa. r-V ', The sm ssmBmmms: "'' - w 0vuvMvMsynfnjvcNMvv Fresh From the Fmctory Siltcttd My Personal inspiotion A Gar of thm Lift In tha Art of tha Beat FURNITURE MAKERS i C . J .6 trt h'; ; ' . ! h'i e ;if ) '.j-. Which Assures Newest and Nobbiest Goods That it is We music that holidays ED, The Leader v IHfv (lul.a'a Klo .lltn jittlt Af nAna with this issue of tbe pper. Readthe oig au on me last page. Farmers Hold Best Convention in History Omaha, Neb , Deo. 23d. Mors than 600 farmers of the state attended the Third Annual Country Life Congress, which held its sessions in Omaha on December 10 to 10. The Co operative Shipping Association bad ths first two dsys of tbe program, the other organ lzations taking tho last. Tbe meeting Is said to have been the best farmer's gathering that baa ever been held in the State. Questions of vital interest were discussed and reso lutions sdopted, looking to the scour ing of legislation whlob will solve the problems wbloh confront tho farmers of the stats. The Commercial Club of Omaha pledged its efforts to aid in svery legi timate way, efforts which ths fsrmera think will secure them the recognition P dr WE WISH FOR YOU THE MERRIEST KIND - OT M .,' - MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE HAPPIEST KIND,;. " OF A . HAPPY NEW YEAR ii) Miner Bros. Co. 4 J " J .' You of Being Able to 4 Ut have 1 000 pieces of we will place on sale at 5 cents per copy. 3 m MTKCK in Furniture and Undertaking tALL THE PHONES. vAWWVWNavwv they desire. Tbe Fsrmers Congress pledged itself to an smsndment to- the constitution to permit reform in the prteent method of taxation; to an appropriation to make experiments in road construction and maintenance; to a law to prevent Blue Sky Investment companies from operating In the state; to a law to per mit the creation ot a live stock sani tary commission with power to employ a state veterinarian and to enforcn laws for the control of animal diseases; and an appropriation to send two farm ers to Europe to study farming me- thods there. A tentative plan for tha formation of a federation to include all state agricultural organlzntioni was approv ed. George W Coupland of Eluin. mem. ber of tbe Board of Regents, was elected president. Both associations voted to hold their 1018 meetlnm in Omaha after invitations had been ex tended by ths Publicity Buresu. I 8 &nst jt A . j ' i . w' . 3' - L"3j "iiin'" vtxii'i : u? isbcijP 'a-ii Select All of'the Possible to Buy. high class during the -!- F I RE MT TAfsr MLMmma u a.a$..i .,., OF" Fima for the man without InSUrannn. Krnrr Mmn hi. .... !.. engines racing along bis heart comes up In his throat if the fire Is anywhere near bis place. What folly, what mis- taxen economy. considered. Tbe freedom from worrv alone is worth It many times over Hsve us insure you to-day. gF P& m-ww4 k mmmmmmW"'mvtmT 9 .Baywajirl 1 O. C. TECL, tnaurtne: A I 5" k- -i ? i I i M i'M.4 &i' V ! em2Wofe.V: ., . '1 BSm fW SSB S' I "--V'y f imfn iv. ?ntj ...i-njt? Vvfl ti MWiiMW wnim mm