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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1912)
'ni NmmnirMnTCt .,. t w I 4. WB - 'M7 raSr itv Kh. i r , ?? HONE NEWS Bulletin et Tha Wetk'a Dolnfs E. T. Herrlek was Id Mine lllll Tues day. Rev. J. .1. Ilayne Is in Kearney tbls week. ' W. .1. Scrlvner Tuesday. was in Hastings R. A. Wylie of Hastings was In town Tuesday. Fred Wlttwer weut to Kansas City this morning. E. L. Anderson of Hlldreth was in the city Tuesday H M. Alexander of Hastings was in town Wednesday. Henry Nybeig was a passenger to Hastings Monday. Brakeman Tom SeliaeiTer was lown from .McCook Sunday. Frank Howo of Hastings was in town tliis week on business. 51.00 to 82.00 for good narrow stripe fur. J. O Cai.iiwm.l Elmer Simons and wife were dowu from Cowles Wednesday. Sheriff Hedge was a passenger to Deuver Monday morning. Will Holmes left Wednesday for Falrbury to visit relatives. R. D. Morltz and family spent Thanksgiving in Hastings. R. O. O'Connel of Slloara Springs, Ark., was in town Monday. Lee Keith of Holdrege spent Thanks giving in town with friendl. Miss Olive Jones spent Thanksgiving iu Hastings with her parents. Chas. Bennett and daughter were down from Cowles Wednesday. N. S. Bantz spent the latter part of last week visiting in Saronvllle. Miss Anna Newman of Chester was visiting friends in town Tuesday. J. C. Emnett of Rising City was a business visitor in town Monday. Jesse D. Denton of Lebanon, Kas., was in town a few days last week. Buy a Duplex Safety Razor at Cot ting's for only 3.1 cents, ndv Paul Pope and wife spent Thanks giving iu Superior with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Croighton wero passengers to Itlue Hill Wednesday. Lue Kellogg formerly of this city died in Arkansas about two weeks ago. 300 Popular Copy-right Books at 50 cents to select from at Cotting's store. Mrs. T. A .oiKsspent Thanksgiving nt the home of her daughter nt Alum. Mrs. C. C. Cox spent Thanksgiving with her son Chet unci, fanilly lu Cow les Dr. A. E. Boles spent Thanksgiving in Hastings. He returned home Mon day. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spent 'IhaukbgUing in Riverton with rela tives. L. D. Thompson and wife arc home from Hebron where they had been vis iting. B. W. Stewart left for Lincoln Satur day where he will remain for some time. Mrs, Fred Bortfelt and ohildrcu of Alma are visiting Mrs. T. A. Jones this week. RoyGarberand wifa of Lawrenoe spent Thanksgiving In town with hla parent. Mr. .and Mrs. Bert Morhartapent the latter part of laat week visiting in Kearney. John Roae and L. F. Schmidt of Bine Hill ware in town on business Batarday. Misses Marcelin Longtln and Lucille Btroup returned home from Hastings Saturday. Lyman Esslg and wife are the proud parents of a baby girl wbloh was born last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rlohards of Butte, Montana are quests of James Ryan ana wne. Will Holmes, who has been in Call fornla for the past two years, returned home Saturday. Mrs. B. M. Qrice and son Flave spent Thanksgiving In Cowles with Mr. Chet Cox and family. Roy Tait left Wednesday for Lincoln and Omaha where he will look after business affairs. Miss Rena Herrickstead of Denver, Colo., was the guest of Miss Dorothy Potter last week. Kenneth Williams and wife of Hebron spent Thanksgiving in town with his mother. Mrs. Geo. J. Warren spent Thanks giving in Blue Hill as the 'guest of J, F. Grimes and wife. Road Master Philip Trout of Red Cloud, visited friends in McCook Sun day. MoCook Gazett. Frank Etherton returned to Ksne saw Tuesday after spending Thanks giving with his parents. ' , Bee J. H. Ballsy for best rates, terms and option on farm loans. Sole agent for Trevatt, MjttU 4 Bkr. WWrfWAWAVWAWW GOOD SOUND APPLES! 75c to $1.50 per bushel 20c to 40c per peck B. E. McFarland All the Phone Webb Ray spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Lincoln. He returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs H. E. Abher aud child ren spent the last of last week visiting her parents at Campbell. - M. O. Gorman and family departed Tuesday for Albion where they will make their future home. Noble Ball of Franklin has accepted a position with the Lincoln Automatic Telephone Co., at Lincoln. E. W. Coplen Is home from Cawker City, lad., where he was called by the serious illness of his father. Mrs Kehan of Republican City spent Tuesday in this city visiting with Frank Henderson and family. If you want Ihe best Pocket Kulfe, Shears or Scissors for your money, get one at Cotting's Drug Store. adv Mrs. H. H. Morgan returned home this morning fiom a short visit at Red Cloud. Saturday's Superior Journal. Mrs. J. E. Jarboe, of Red Cloud, was in town this morning on her way to Love well. Saturday's Superior Jour nal Mr.jiud Mrs. Robt. DcWitt went to Hastings this morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Warren Longtln and the new uelce. Miss Laura Owen came up fromRed Cloud Wednesday uveuing aud is visit ing home folks. Sutmday's Franklin News. ' Tlio VV 1 f' WW- " -x" will meet Saturday at Let every mumbor be 3 o'clock P. M. present as there will be election of o liken. Mr. and Mr. Frank Ringer have re turned to their home at Lincoln after several weeks visiting with Boyd Smith and wife. Geo. Griffoth and family have moved back here from Clay Center, Kas. Mr. Grlffeth will farm his father's farm uext year. Grant Christy, Harry Brown and Ira Smelser returned home from Culbert son Monday morning where they had been working. A. Kramer of Kenosha, Wis., was in town the first of the week showing automobile owners the merits of an In vention of bis. Geo. J. Warren returned home Satur day from Claremore, Okla., where he had been for three weeks, much bene fited In health. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ely and little son spent Thanksgiving in Red Cloud with Mrs. Ely's mother, Mrs. E. B. 8mith. McCook Gazette. The second division of the Aid Soci ety oi me Baptist onurcn will now a market and Bazar at Burden's store Saturday, Dec. 7tb. Miss Alfa Longtln went to Hastings last Friday to spend a few days visiting at the home of her brother, Warren Longtln and family. Miss Ethel Osborne of this city and Mr. Geo. E. -Latta of Cowles were mar rled in Lincoln last week. The Chief extends congratulations. Roy Etherton, a brother of Mrs. L, C. Hoffman, and his family have moved to Republican City from Red Cloud. Republican City Ranger. Phil Sherwood and Floyd Turnure returned to Lincoln the first of the week after spending Thanksgiving in this city with their parents. F. J. MoCartney a nephew of Mrs. James Ryan has returned to his home at Kansas City, Mo., after spending several weeks with relatives. Mrs, D. C. Jenkins aud son Paul hare returned to their homo at Bea trice after spending Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. A. Cummings. Mrs. Burke and son Paul returned to their home at Walnut, Iowa, Mon day after a short visit with Mrs. Will Bailey and Miss Kathyrn Burke. T. C. Hacker Is home from Akion, Colo., where he was at the bedside of his daughter Mrs. D. F. Parker, and re ports her on the road to recovery. Hadley L,.'?ent, formerly ot Red Cloud but now of Humbolt, was united in marriage to Miss Georgia Billings of Humbolt,' at Falls City last week. L'hilihen uie iiomefrom Hastings. The Misses llosina and Faith Bern-' hard went down to Red Cloud Saturdtty morning and spent tliH day with their fnunt, Mrs. C. E. Cross. Wednesday's Franklin News. Miss Norma Schuebel returned to her home at Omaha Wednesday after spending several weeks visitlug her aunt Mrs. Barbara Pharos and uncle E. 11. Newhouse Dr. aud Mrs. Crelghton, who left the latter part of September for an extend ed visit in eastern cities and New Or leans have returned home and report a most enjoyable trip Wm. Reiher, a well-known farmer mm muuKiuan ui weusier county, ixe braska, eiluie In today with a consign ment of swine Monday's St. Joo Stock Yards Dally Journal. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING IS WORTH WHIL1J-B8 00 worth of ware fur nothing is wot th your time to in vestigate. See our big add ill this paper. PorK Biiohivrs The Misses Mm guret Heal and Marie llollisler aud Jack Cather went to Hustings Sunday afternoon with Kits- sel Amack hi his uutw where they took the tialn for Lincoln. Mrs. A. W. Koluigrain, Mr. and Mrs. Urn Uewitt and son went to Hastings Wednesday to visit Mr. aud Mrs. Warren Longtln aud also to visit the new grand daughter and noice. We have the exclusive sale of two acres of laud adjoining the City limits good house, barn, fruit trees, alfalfa,' city water and electrio lights. Garukii, Hutchison A Saladkn- Bernard McNeuy has traded off his auto, for a brand new one of the latest model, and Is ready to guarantee his friends that they will return home when he takes them for a pleasure trip EDUCATION consists in knowing things KNOW how a range Is made inside and outside. CALL at our store during our SPECIAL MAJESTIC RANGE DEMONSTRATION-Week of December 0 to 14th. Popk Buotiikrh. Manager Warren of the Tepee show ed Monday and Tuesday the Siege of Petersburg aud gave a special matinee Tuesday for the old soldiers. Mr. Warreu is endeavoring to please bis patrons unci pictures of the nature of the Slego of Petersburg will always be appreciated. The many friends of Ed. Garber gathered at his home during the Thanks giving holidays and joined him in devouring a monstrous turkey. So many were present so it is reported, that Ed. was compelled to make his dinner on lino toes and one shank. Be (creful not to say "turkey foot" to Ed. or the goblins will get you. FlaviesH J. Grice Is now known all over the Burlington system as the man who buys tickets for one station and then goes to another. ' He took the wrong train forOuido Rock the other day and then insisted that ho intended to go to Cowles all the time. Conduct or May Ion admits that Flave is a "game sport" and can carry a good bluff. Supt. Bruce Robinson returned to Clay Center Friday morning after spending Thanksgiving lu this city with his parents. When Bruce arrived at Clay Center no doubt many of his friends there thought he, must of 'got into a "flstlstlc" encounter here. But we know different as he played foot ball with the Alumni team against the High school and got bruised up. From all reports about the Farmer's Institute at Red Cloud last week we judge that it was a great success. . The workers who were present from the I state university said that the exhibit of grain, grasses, fruit and vegetables was the beat they bad seen in the state. Webster county has many surprises for our eastern brothers. She is fast forg ing to the front and will soon be known as thevery best county in the state. Bladen Enterprise. The people who appreciated the ef forts of Miss Winifred Wood, of Denver to entertain them during the Farmers' Institute will be sorry to learn of. her injuries received in an auto wreck Tuesday even Ing. She was accompany' ing Air. Buerwood and wife and Miss Irene Miner In a drive west of town, in Mr. Ueorge A mack's car, Mr. Amack himself acting as driver. During the ascent of the hill west of Indian creek one of the wheels gave way, and the occupants of the car were thrown out with some violence. Beyond a few bruises the others who were in the car sustained no injuries. Miss Wood had her collar bone broken. This will give a sober cast to her visit here, but we trust the pleasure she has given others will in some degree meet Its due re waid, uud that her stay among us will not be an uuhappy part of her life de spite this unfortunate accident. Weather SwMury far fevsaasr Temperature: Maximum 70 deg. on 10th; Minimum 15 deg. on 24th. Great est daily range CO deg. on loth. Precipitation: Total for month 0.88 inches. Greatest in 21 hours 0.88 inch es on I2tb.; number of days with O.l inch or more 1. Days clear S3, partly cloudy 4, cloudy" 3, no snow, i- thunderstorm on 12th Prevailing wind, direction N W 11 days! Mrs. J A Bradford and E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE. Philosopher's Tip. "I was riding In the park with the great Carlyle one morning when his wideawake blew off. A working man very civilly ran and picked It up. In stead of giving the man a pourbolre, however meager, Carlyle took the re turned hat with a bow, and said: "Thank ye, m man; ye can just say ye've picked up the hat of Thomas Carlyle." "That Fourth Generation, by Janet Ross. We Sell at Right Prices , Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posti, Sain, Doors, Blinds, Hard and Soft Coal, Cement, Fencing, Paints, Lime, Plaster, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, i Sand and Brick Saunders Bros SSBBSaS)'H)W ---' aN'r'SSMS tplfk s pm As usual we have the finest line of Christmas Gifts in the city consisting of Toilet Sets, Perfumes, Fancy Calendars, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, Games, Etc. Stationery Nice Stationery is always a suit , able Gift. We have a supeib line in Holiday Packages, also the gold em bossing initial and address stationery. i i RHZORS RND KNIVES We are showing five kinds of Safety Razors including the Duplex Demon strating Razor for only 35 cents. Our Pocket Knives, Shears and Scissors are the "Shur-Edge" brand, fully guaranteed. .... COME CHAS. L. COTTING. B. this is Overcoat d Suit an s eason. And the best picking is now. Wo have received some special patterns and models for the holiday season, and we want you to sec them. Browns and Tans Are the rage and we have a most . beautiful array of these popular shades. Kuppenheimer Clothcraft Society Brand . Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $30.00 Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats, $10 to $25.00 Society Brand, for Young Men, $20 to... $25.00 It is not too early to think of Christmas presents. Ours are here. Come and make your selection. The Co wden Kaley Clothing Company ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS pff A Superb Showing of HOLIDAY GIFTS IN AMD INSPECT OUR STOCK THE DRUGGIST awi'ysav awWSvuXtTTaaaSaaw aaKwSHft W7MlWmiSSmWe at- .-Jaw WfpJrtfo- 5 SSUH c&fiSr Jsf Mfinr urn- ' ' 1 im. ! Copyright I9I2 JR. 3h The Home o f LlfJIl aH Kuppcnheimcr JjaS flaS Books-Calendars You know that we always excell in our stock of Gift Books and Calen dars. We have a beautiful ' line this year. Hi. 4f"i.l H ffl M & i; 1 vr. tji- .; : .! H t ff '(Of- n 'A pinnr utaa- i v tfife4!SitMj 3W."to..... M5 - T- "