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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
Section Two-Pifts 9 to If i . lilia Bfflalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam & 0 ir" - 0 MawaiiaBaaaaHwaaBB? . BIIBPHBSBlHPrEfQBv 4 fainter That dives TUt News Fttty-fw Wick Each Tear Br S1,5t. VOLUME XXXX. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 12, 11)12. NUMBERS 0 DISCOUNT SALE " " I!T IB 7i -33NE3aV- 1 Wn 4 VC SATURDAY HORNING, DECEMBER 7th TO -I A T A C UA I O SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 21st 14 V A I d - ATE commence an extraordinary Discount Sale Saturday morning, December frth and continuing until Saturday night, December 21st. To early Christmas Shoppers this is your opportunity to make your money go a good 'deal farther, in other words you can buy better presents and more of them for less money. Ladies9, Misses9 and Children's Cloaks mwKMm imiaMaSaa '. tWHh K VT9 $ 5.00 Cloaks for $ 3.67 6.00 Cloaks for 4.00 7.00 Cloaks for....! 4.67 $60 Cloaks for.l.-. 5.00 8.00 Cloaks for $ 5.33 10.00 Cloaks f or . 1 6.67 12.00 Cloaks for... 8.00 15.00 Cloaks for 10.00 $18.00 Cloaks for 112.00 20.00 Cloaks for 13.34 -25.00 Cloaks for 16.67 30.00 Cloaks for 20.00 k!" j BLANKETS! v BLANKBfS! RUGS A ic be f Rngi, worts $2.51. and $2.75 to be V On all Wool and Cotton Blankets we will allow ar -.y f tl -J' special discount of 20 per cent. t"" " $1.68. "' tiAii -i..w.t..( an r 4hn'ft1an'VoB far It fin 1V1 !.T "A D D .17 1 C.I . -. . f. . ., IMIIUaUM!UlUI,f-( -.f aw ,. -.w v v A R - , I 0 I ...UUIU "Jl J 3.00 Blankets for. 2.40 ., . 4.00 Blankets for 3.20. ... w',rf. nX'iB. wn nKL- lo.iai.JL'.P' i" jti.11 ii iiiii iiiHiaiii vjaiucLn. ww iui uui voiu. at. kjmj " 0- - w - w ,'i 45.00 Blankets fpr... .rrr -Hoo, Union Ingrain, Wool and Cotton, worth 50 arid 55c, at42c. (i'T- S H 0 E S Table Linen, Napkins, Toweb With Any Pair of Sh9? Worth Mnercertdinoint m TtMe'S V s'Ltdiet' Knit'Gloro and Mittent '' .. a.n MA - -: --' O 4KnIIiU am.uu or over we aive irec . yi n. oc . . ... . . . , . . - . . . . 2.00 or up to 13.00 free Tpair 25c Hose' ' en' MMW ' A OMiy : vdWbfqr..yB.;t lvalue foi;..25c 1.00 or up to 12.00 free 1 pair 15c Hose -" Uie to select frfm ?' .. : ; '.. 25c value forj.......:...9c L D k. . n 9Riwi....HI..H. 4.....V ......B4-UBili..........Hil.......Bm. ..B?Wnk.H " JK.T .'i.VT.v.r ' HH Sweater Coats 33 1 3 Per Cent DiKOunt. 1-3 Off Ladies and Misses' Sweaters. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits 1-3 Off. 331-3 Per Cent Discount. We Have Only 14 of These Left, of This Season's Styles. Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk Dress Goods 20 Per Cent Reduction Ladles' Tailored Skills An Elegaat Line Aboat 200 to Select From 20 Per Cent Reduction Ladies' Hand Bags, Scarfs, Lace Collars, Ties, Etc., at Manufacturers First Cost This is a Traveling Man's Sample Line m u Red Cloud, Missouri Pippen Apples 75 Cents Per Bushel TURNURE BROTHERS Nebraska. mmmmmmmtsBeaat3sssssK2rs2cammMimmmam.2. , ss . -ssca.-a- CMtfreftattoMl dutch. Morning preachtug service at 11. Sandy School at 10. Kvening service ,at7:30 Mid-Week meeting on Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Ladies Miss ionary society meets the First Tues day of every month at 3 o'clock p. m. The ladies aid meeta the Thursday be fore,the last Saturday of every month The'Brotherhood meets every other Tuesday at 8 p. m. The Young Wom en's society meeta the First Thursday afternoon of each month at 3 p. aa. The8Mrameatof the Lord's Sapper . Is observed the Tlret Sunday Jo Janu ary. April, July and October. Pre parltory lecture and Quarterly boel Aess meeting of the church Is held on the Wednesday immediately proceed ing the First Sunday in January, April. July aad October. Choir prao- Ckrlstlu Ckircli Amwfeei Bible school, communion and preach Inir every Lord'h day moruing at 10 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eveninp at 7:30. Choir meeting Friday evening at 7:30. All are invited to at tend. O. F. Ross, Minister BaMat ftMerdi Metises. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at it a. a. v Preaching at 7:30 p. a. ' Prayer meeting at 7:30, Wednesday. You have an Invitation to these services. .Special attention gives io diseases of eye sad ear. Glasses accurately tied. Dr. Ueke-en, Bed Cloud, Neb. tad This. Knowing that this great and glori ous country of ours can be developed ana maae to blossom as the rose we we desire to do all we can to promote its welfare and realising that . the more homes we have established ic our midst the quicker willour advance ment be, we therefore have decided.' to give absolutely free one year's sub scription to .the Chief to every couple that marries and settles in thlsooanty. Long established families have depend ed upon the Chief for years and years for all knds of laforiMti4i.asuL.'ad vise and the new homes should start out in life equipped with the seme precious orgsn. Old batcbelors ought not to longer hesitate and young oaes will certainly will be greatly tneoaraged by this gift of ours. Fifty-two copies of the Chief just for getting married and making a home. Who will be the first to send in their name and address? Wants and for Sale A4rrtjtoaiiait Old papers S cents at this office. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros. ' Freeh Oysters served to order at Warren's Restaurant. ' 3 rooms for rent.' Inquire of Mrs. Cor Pitney, Inavale.'Nebr, Fou Rbnt One furnished room, close in. Phone Bell Red 102, RJ0O Popular Copy-right Books at 50 seats to select from etCottlngastorei Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at Warren's Restaurant. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Red 07. "Service," "Quality "and "Legitimate Prices" these are the things which causes our job department to lead. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Momubt Bbos. We have just received a new1 line of the latest designs la apHto-date wedding stationery. Be sans to see It. Lost A Salt Case between James Doyle's farm and town. Finder leave with Miss Bertha Doyle or at the Chief pftoe. adv.. If you waat the best Peek Knife, Shears or ScUsors for your money, get one at Cotttug'a Drug Store. adv A My resldeuoe property on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First good offer takes it. Don't be back ward make me an offer. Address. Oeo,' F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon WWHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND jfijlfc MIANO old Metallic boat. Mld wltk B1imC4 , VrX i Klbboa. Tabs no otbsi. twdm nmbt aa- aak fIrfDBUMUiZZ rWr;.. "M cvpaviaucBr wrniir'' .-amuaw, -.?-""-- TlaWV ' "4 ft f vr A i 1- m i 1 1 V. 4 1 ' 5- h 1 17 1 VI il III U . i S ! if i 5X9; m i i ii ml la TBI M '! .ft 1 . wmt "rm . srw '"MM 'J. Afji .JjrfffiK.Ji w 15S?- 'a vA ' 1WI ,&:m i t X .Su ' .?jvLixt J!$i$iJ&vjtJ$!k --ri iJ AtojVVV ipl4aarfBr M