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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1912)
. ifWrtfT WWirrt.vvv4 1 1 vj.t ikMnM TT-rt-if-n -n TrlTrrr-ii rwimiw r urn iwhiim iwrntifii iiMMHwnmiiMr"i ggjn KMMWMI Semi-Annual Statement of the County Treasurer of Webster County, Nebraska, from January 4, 1911, to July 1, 1912 R. W. KOONTZ, COUNTY TREASURER, RED CLOUD, NEB. ' I f y ?3t COl.UXTIONS. Cnji on limul Jan'v ltli, WO" Tax Collected 1H08 Tax Collected 100!) Tax Collected 1910 Tar. Collected Kill Tax Collected School Land Interest . . . School Lund Lease Univ. Land Princ Univ. Land Interest Univ. Land Lease June Appt Misc. Coll. General ..:.. Misc. Coll. Hridtfe Misc. Coll. Komi Tines and License Interest on Co. Deposits County Poor Farm Redemptions Motor Vehicles Fees Knor Sch. Hoiul 1!)11...$ ?:,7i;iU)l ',):,):, .17 117.18 72'J.SO 101,003.15 ,,177.:il) 70.10 HOO.OO l.Kil.K! 210.C.5 :!,(il0..11 2,851.18 .'UO.UO 48.8 1 013.00 50(5.11 1,505.78 .193.50 220.00 22.25 (5.00 $102,241.43 DLSniKSKMKNTS. Paid State Treasurer 28,122.30 Paid Co. (Jon. Warrant, ll,S(i!U9 Paid Co. Bridge Warrants 0,533.55 Paid Co. Poor Warrants 1230.72 Paid Soldiers ttelief Wairants.. 140.2$ It. It. Hond Coupons 300.00 School Bonds and Coupons 1,125.00 School District Orders 13,018.50 Commissioners Orders 2, 1 1 1.07 Dist. Kontl Orders (5,200.0 1 Poll Receipts 51.00 Garfield Twp. Spec 2(52.08 (. Rock Twp. Spec (530.00 I na vale Twp. Spec 1.32 City and Village Treas 10,807.0(5 City and Village lionds 2,330. 10 Redemptions 530.(50 Olllce & Co. Expenses 135.8(5 Commissioners 2,301.02 Tees 22.25 llLNCi:s JtLY 1st. 11112. $122,143.03 (icnoral I'liivcisity lliidjro Sch. Land Int. . Sch, Land Lease I'nlv. Land Prine. L niv. Land Univ. Land General It ridge . i.: Int. Lease State State State State State State Slate State County County County Road County Poor Kami County Soldiers Relief . . . County Railroad ltond . . . Commissioners Districts .. School Hond School Districts Hladen Village Uladen Water Hond Hladen Water Works .... Hladen Klectric L. Hond . Hladen Klectric L. Works Hlue Hill Hlueliill W. Hond Hlue Hill Klectric L. Hond Hlue Hill Klectric L. Works Guide Rock Red Cloud General Red Cloud W. Hond Red Cloud W. Works .... Red Cloud K. L. Hond .... Red Cloud K. L. Works . . . Rud Cloud Special Red Cloud Judgmelit Garfield Twp. Snec Guide Rock Twp. Spec. Pleasant Hill Twp. Spe Redemption Fines and Licence pec. 0.332.(51 1, SO 1.58 370.(55 501.88 .01 207.00 408.15 4 1.03 5,211.37 3,502. 15 7,355.53 452,(53 308,51 0,0(50.28 0,083.74 4,502.75 13,085.41 (55.00 813.11 (5.01 257.02 15.11 373.00 3(51.(51 052.05 73.(51 70(5.00 73.82 70 1.53 27.78 230.70 41.08 23.73 72.45 400.42 740.21 410.82 02.05 0.00 $ 70,007.80 I hereby certify that the above atatement, showing the balance on hand Jan. 4, 1912. The amounts col lected and disbursed from Jan. 4th, 1912, to June 30, 1912, inclusive, and the balance on hand July 1, 1912, is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Railroad bonds outstanding, $15,000.00. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July 1912. R. W. KOONTZ, County Treasurer, E. W. ROSS, County Clerk. By C. D. ROBINSON, Deputy Now Ready for Business! The Diamond Mm Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska , . . Manufacturers of , . . The "Diamond Brand" Hard Winter Wheat Flour Also Graham Flour, Pure Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Self-Rising Pancake Flour, &c. iimjt. The above stock can be found at all Red Cloud Grocery Stores A complete stock of Bran Shorts, Corn Chop, Haled Hay, Alfalfa, &c. Free City Delivery. The Diamond Milling Co Office and Salesroom -Bon Ton Bakery. Phone, Red 69 i I ,.V.SSV.V.V.VAVV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.ViVVAfVlW,JV I (waogy: &&&& r v murrw WWUW.i'ffif Esraaasasi iiiTTTnwai m mmm G WakWPikW' ft Red Cloud wwMiwiMWWMnWMMmwMeaMnMMMBe Warble 8 Granite Works AtllllTianf s tlle visale evidence of UllUlllvIlL rfimfimhrfl.Tinfi fnr thft rift- parted If you wish "to keep the memory green" of those who have gone before, don't fail to call and in spect the different styles and designs of our Stones and Monuments We can erect such an one as your judgment dictates for a moderate price. A M A Stately Monument JLJib&L kkkkkka n rnf y bMB ..ii l. a mwmmZ'm. jtaraniiiim yii"ms!fubamm Speaks Almost -ts?-. ,18" Living Thing Ou beautiful Monuments have made our work very popular. . We make all kinds, from the massive boulder planed on one side for the inscription to the modest column or other ornamental designs. E. McALISIER, Prop. Red Cloud, Neb. V JTiMm, ) ... m V yMjV y Mm 1 1 ykrlimSmmWSIa ., ''S.imWTi MmWwmmii I A J K tyfSfff0P N Make Our Store Your Rest Room during Chautauqua You are Welcome LICENSED UNDERTAKER--NEBRASKA--KANSAS ALL THE PHONES ED. AMACK irrJ S -7'"sAV'NA,,rfN,vA.vvyvy S THE HOME GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. K We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy I Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain "A. B. C." CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 Independent Phone 44 Great Change in Homestead Law More liberal Than Ever Before .lust think of it! Only I.M mouths HOt.uul residence required during three yearn, Instead of no inontu at before. Write today and lot me tell yu about the HMHkll 120-Acre Fnt MtMMteate in WyoinlnK, A Rood chance for farm hands, farm renters, and others, to obtain valuable dairy and stoclc farms, 5 Nwtht Atanct Each Year O 6verMRciit Irritated Farns la I ke U Ham lasla Twelve years time to pny for water right, without Interest. Ouly small pHyiaents tirnt Ave ,y ears. ladnded la New Law What This New Law Moanai Thlh new law is the lefcuU of the jint wisdom of the best poijted UihI men of the west. You can he away from your homeMead A mouths each year earning money to Improve your farm. The 7 months time of residence van be employud to get in hhape for keupinff stock, and a Patsnt thus early se cured Kives you credit to buy etiouKh stock to start with. Semi for new folder leUiny all about the soil, crops (frown, conveniences to timber, eal and other advantage fer home building. Whea writing let me know which lantlh interest you most. D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Af nt Itoa rarnmm t., Omaha, Nabramha. Cut this vut,tui Mail to friend) THE CHIEF Recognizes no Equal in tht Advertising FieM of Red Cloud or Webster County A I'T l f ' " t m it ft If it1 M 19 A.M '1 i 1 1 i n" f th &&T mm H