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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1912)
I, i -nni-r Trt m ' '"""" jrJKMmsaaSjllKres! -s. - . .Commencing July 13 and Ending July 2T::. .mw- . " Attr I tfr 1JAW ,? To clean up the stock we have specially priced many lines of goods far below the cost to manufacture. In fact, the COST has not been considered. We are simply going to give the public an opportunity to buy DISHES, RUGS AND PARASOLS at their own price For one hour each day commencing at 1:00 p. m. we will sell at Auction the following goods until sold: 50 Axminster rugs 27x54 ins. 50 parasols. $400.00 worth of dishes, consisting of white Haveland china, ransom shape white Bavaria china. Ransom shape American decorated and white English semi-porcelain. Dinner sets will be offered in 1-2 doz. lots and single pieces. Also a lot of Fancy China, Salad Dishes, Vases, Plates, Etc. Oxfords 150 Pair at Special Half Price. These are all the Irving Drew Go's make, and without question the peer of shoe makers. When you buy a pair of the Irving Drew Co's shoes or ox fords you have the best. . Ladies' Shirt Waists One-third Off A discount of 33.', per ct. will be given on all our Shirt Waists and a fine line to select from. $3.00 Shirt Waists for $2.00 1.67 " 1 33 100 " 07 " 50 2 50 " 2.00 " 1 50 " 100 " .75 " Skirts Twenty-five per ct. off 25 per ct. discount will be made on all ladies' tailored Skirts. These skirts are exceptional values All the famous Scheuerman Bros. make. We have sold this make of skirts for twelve years and will continue to handle them so long as they keep up their high standard. Summer Dress Goods One-fourth off, 25 per ct. We believe this is the best and niOFt complete stock of summer circs; goods ever shown in Red Cloud. Specia!--100, i) and 10 yard dress patterns at 42 cts. per pattern. Only 10 offered each day. WW MWWIWWtllW TOCTCV Ladies9 House Dresses One-fourth off Only a few of these left and they will go at li off Latins', misses' and children's spring coats, only a few left at Vi pricei Silk Underskirts Sample line of 30 Underskirts 36 silk underskirts ranging in price from i?3.00 to S8.00 at ., off. $3.00 Skirt for.. : ;. $2 00 4 50 " " i '.! 3 00 6.00 " " .... .'..? 4 00 Muslin Underwear A big sample line especially priced for this sale. At less than manufacturers cost. Table Linen This is the largest line of Table Linen ever shown in Red Cloud at 20 per ct. discount. Sample Line of Parasols Special prices for this Sale Special prices on Gingham, Muslin, Sheeting and Shirtings C: t -4 mmtvm m uwTrnm0-nrJf a, m groceries Overstocked on a few items in this line. While they last 4 (,ans 3-lb Pumpkin for 25c 4 Cans 3-lb Hominy for ..... 25c 2 Cans Standard Tomatoes . .,?' . . . 25c 8 Bars Lenox Soap ; 25c 8 Bai s S.wift Pi ide Soap . . . .V. 25i ? fl oo v&w&w.xi&jz.'Ek'tr' -ta& vr:ai.Twrrttrr&n 'Jcmwratlc State invention 1 1 - ccoiuinon.iod iy t" stun, com- The democratic ehctois of 11, slnto " tl...t i.o,s bo ,ecoWni,. A ct Nebraska u.u l.oioby called I,. .... et T ' - '""ventlon, but U.ut the in delegate convention in tl.e oily ot (iniTia llunit, Tiiosdiiy, .Inly M. liHii, Ht 2 o'clock p. m.. for the puipo-e of lrfti"K di'iiioi'rutle state plntform, the election of a democratic Mate com mittee, and t traiis.cthn of any other business which may ninpcrly come before the convention. The representation in s'lld conven tion will hi' uaaed upnu the vote cast. for presidential electors In l!Ml8, anil uach county will he entitled to mm delegate, for each Ifio vote, or major fraction thereof, cast at said president ial election, and one dt'l(.pate-at-larc from each county, giving the seveinl counties representation us follows: Counties. N Counties. No. delegate-, actually pi esunt from each udiiuty he aiitho.i'.ed to oast tlio full number of votes ti which tl.e county is entitled under this call. In addition one delegate-ut-largu from each county J. C. ltVUSKb, Chairman. I.i.o Mai iiir.wH, Secretary. v Wants and for Sale In- Adams IT .lobusou. Antelope U Kearney. ...r S2 Keith.... Maine 2 Hoone '2 Hoxllutte lloyd " Drown 5 liuiTalo 1 Burt Uutlcr U Ca'h I' Cedar i:J Chase H Cherry 8 Cheyenne " Clay H CnlfHX 9 Cnmlug i Vnwnw Caster Perkliw .... t) ... :t Keyn Paha .'I Kimball i Knox..., l.ri Lancaster :8 Lincoln 10 liOgatl s l.oup . ,. 'i Madison U Mcl'hctsou '.' Mvriiuk H Mmilll (i Nance ? Nemaha I 'J Nuckolls 11 Otoe 17 ... 8 I Dakota ,'1'0,Pfi Dawes DawBou 1 Deuel Dixon 8 Dodge ll l.oiiL'las tor. Dundy 4 Saline Killtnore H Prankllu 10 Frontier 7 Furnas 1- vjhc (lurdeu. . fl I'lerce 8 IMatte...., It) I'olk....; 0 Ked Willow.... 10 Hlchardsun . . . ltt Kock :i 10 Sarpy 8 Saunders U Scott'M Hluff. ... A Seward lft Sheridan n iiheimau 7 (Jarlleld ! s,"x Gosper 5 stH"t0 j Grant -' Tliayer U f,itr 8 Tkoiuas 2 Hall 1 Hamilton J2 Harliui 0 Hayeb : Hitchcock r. Holt lit Wheeler Ilookur tt York. Howard 11 JnfferMin lit Total 078 Thurston 6 Vulley ...t s Washington ...U Wayne 8 Wvubtor H A Kood sewiiiKtnachiue for sale quire at this olllce. Foil Sam: A lino up i itfht folding bed. Ii.(iilre of S. B. Kier. L()ki -Fountain pen. Finder please return to C. F. Waltin. Reward. Call rural phone '-'05 if you have cream or poultry to sell. .1.0. Cai.dwm.1.. tio to Henderson's for ana need. We just k'ot In an extra choice lot to go at SI. 40 per bushel. P. K Hkndkrsox. A Barumn: My residence property on Wobbter St., near 4th avenue. First luod oftr takes it. Don't be back ward make me an offer. Address (Jeo. F. Newhouse. The Dalles, Oregon. li A x ii Wo have for sale farms on easy payments and special terms, worth the money. Several mighty good deals. The largest list of local farms from which to select. Das Gahiikk Company, Chief Office. Businei Locals All kinds of Klect.iotl work done by Moil. art Bros ' Dr. Cross the deutlst is located over the State Hank. do to I'. L. Hanneu for your Harness and Machine Oils. Ice Cream and Fouulaln drinks at Warren's rstttauraitt. Chicken dinner every Sunday at Warren's lestaurant, il.1 cents. tio to the Hou Ton Cafe for tliv best Ice Cieam anil Sodu Water In tows. Hot HamWttrfsr and Short Orders at all hoars at Warren's restaurant. The hebt and purest Ice Cream and Summer diinkb in the city at ttie lion Ton Cafe. Have you sveu the Chautauqua soliciting committee? They .are look ing for yoa. The Diamoud Elcotriu Vaauut clean er deionstinted in your home free. Call l'hone Bed 07. J li vmMy iM? U- v cs?'c atCJiiJ.-'-""" &Qt44to w 1 I ll - -$ Dealers in All Kinds of . . ' Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Paints, Oils, &c, &c. Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us Red Cloud : Neb. WW Our Estimate Man Is Always On Hand! And Makes His Multipliers and Products As Low As They Can Be Figured. The cost Of Your Bill Depends Largely On The Size Of The Multiplicand! Bring in Your Multipli cands Or Dimensions And We Will Figure The Cost As Low As We Can! Saunders Bros. D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Oftluo in Moon Block. Bejl, Black 4; Ind., 103, Residence, Royal Hotel. Hell, 47; Ind., 27 alls Answered Day or Night KEW CI.OIJI), nkii. tit'lyKtf"MSMSjSf!iS C'? I1" - T, HT I' "" ZLij ZlZl.m- .. T ..' ... r'lIajIiM yt4MM.V)4MM! A r. rT ...I.' 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