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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1912)
,tp "ff" wYW"" Astonished Husband. De Wolfo I Ioitor tells a kooiI story nbout tho doincHtlc iinhnptilnoHs of nu. other nctor. Tho hero of the Joko was a mnn who hnd ninrrlcil because tho woman had much money, nlthough no beauty. Naturally, after the wedding ceremony and tho acquisition of tho bride's llnnnclal resources, tho hus bnnd was never very attentive to her. Another member of the company In i 'whlrh the couple were appearing was, 'however, far more nppreclntlvo of tho i lady's charms, and proceeded to mnko love to her In an ardent but stealthy manner. The Krnnd llnnle came ono cvcnlni; when tho nctor discovered tho other man kissing Ills wife, Tho fond lover stood petrllled with fear, and expected to bo shot down tho next moment. No such thing happened. Tho out raged husband only lifted his hands toward tho celling with a gesture of Intense surprise, and exclaimed: "Merciful heavens! And he didn't even have to!" Those Paroled Ones. No. 07,810 (Just paroled) "y, Tur tle 'ow are you? Wot's doln' In d' bit?" His Old I'nl Hullo, Chlckenl Bhake. Wot's new In d' biz? Nottln' much Here's n feller Invented a vault door dat's llvo year ahead of d times! No. 67.SI0 Oee, dat's bad! Tho Pal An' Skinny Moss has in vented a jimmy dal'H llvo years ahead of d' new door! A Quarter Century Before the public. Over Five Million Tree Fain)los civoii nwny cncli yenr. The con stant anil incrrnsing billed from F.nnplcs proves tho genuine met it of Allen's Fnot Juine, the nntisoptic powder to be pti.'iken Into tho uliocs for Tired, Aching, Swollen Tender feet. Sample free. Addrets, Allen B. Olmsted, Le Koy, IS. Y. Final Recourse. "Do you wnnt to get a hearing In this court?" shouted the magistrate. "Sure, sir," replied tho very deaf defendant. "Then," yelled tho magistrate, with a last mighty effort, "you will have to go to a specialist." Some peoplo lovo to tell the truth when they think it will hurt. Dad luck is often but another nnme for poor mnnngement. FOR ALL SPRING AILMENTS It is impossible to find a better or more reliable remedy than the famous HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS We guarantee it absolute ly pure and you will find it a great benefit in cases of INDIGESTION, COSTIVENESS, BILIOUSNESS, COLDS, GRIPPE, MALARIA. TUT A BOTTLE TODAY. IT DOES THE WORK. PILES CURED AT HOME NO KNIFE OR PAIN FREE TRIAL PROVES Instant relief. If yon have piles wrlto me iitul I'll iovo thnt you enn bo cured hvnil mi money don't delay if you want Free Trial Treatment. Address Dr.H.J.Whittier.220E.11thSt., Kansas City.Mo. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYeCcfable Preparation for As similnting llie Food ami Hegula ting ihc Stomachs and Bowels of A M ti tmmmmtmwmm e Promotes Diges ti on,Chce r ful ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral Not Narcotic Rtvpt cfOMDrSAMVUfmlEt t IKunpkiH Sttd' MxSmna ,'xk,ll, Soils -tilt Slid tltpptrmint Jfi CvivtatiStHn Hirm Sttd CU'ltd Suyar tiinkynm fttnrtr ? hi Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep Fjc Simile Signature of The Centauh Company, 1MB I .1 t 3 II ft J i-'-'k. ;mi,t m l!" NEW YORK. 1 Guaranteed umlcr the FoodaM Exact Copy of Wrapper S&y-tgss ir.-is&, " w,7f i nail ah. Ml ZZZIZZ & ,...,.. TT h L:Hst:sMssiw''"wFsiMMr" JEW SCORED ON ARISTOCRAT I Ill-Bred Remark Brought Discomfiture on Duke of Westminster and His Companion. A friend of initio who Is In Cairo Just now told mo a good story In n recent letter of an old Jew of that city who scored off the young duko of Westminster mid his Inseparable com panion, Lord KIcksavnge, when they were there a few weeks ngo. They were buying some jewelry In the bazar there, and the duke remarked audibly to his friend: "Tho fool doesn't speak Kngllsh of course." Hut the fool understood well enough. "Do you splk Italian?" ho nsked them, to which they replied in the neg ative. "Do you splk Orlk?" "No." "Do you splk Turk?" "No." "Do you splk Husslnn?" "No." ".Me one time fool," said tho old tuan after a short but eloquent pause; "you five times fool!" And tho duko mid his friend retired dlscotullted. Kxchange. PHYSICIAN SAID ECZEMA CAME FROM TEETHING "When my Uttlo girl wns nbout eight months old, eho was taken with a very Irritating breaking out, which camo on her face, neck and back. When Bho llrst camo down with It, It camo In llttlo watery-llko festers under her eyes, and on her chin, then after a few dayB It v.'ould dry down in scaly, whlto ficnbs. Iu tho daytlmo sho was qulto worrysomo and would dig and scratch her faco nearly ull tho time. "I consulted our physician and found sho was suffering from eczema, which ho said camo from her tcethltiR. I used tho ointment ho gavo mo and without nny relief at all. Then I wroto for n book on Cutlcura, and pur chased some Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment at tho drug store. I did ns I found directions In tho Cutlcura nook let, and when sho was ono year old, Kho was entirely cured. Now sho Is thrco years and four months, and sho has never been troubled with eczema Blnco sho was cured by tho Cutl cura Soap nnd Cutlcura Ointment. (Signed) Mr3. Freeman Cravcr, 311 Lewis St., Syracuse, N. Y May 6, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment aro sold everywhere, a sam plo of each, with 32-pago book, will bo mailed freo on application to "Cutl cura," Dcpt. L, Iloston. Up to the Minute. "Well, sho has succeeded in doing tho latest thing, anyhow." "What's that?" "Eloped with her father's aviator." Dr. Tierce's Flcaeant Pellets first put up 40 years aco. fhuy refiiiluto nnd invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. In every action, reflect upon tho end, nnd In your undertaking It con sider why you do It. Jeremy Taylor. rir.r.q ci'kki in oto i pays Tonrilriik'tait will reluml luutiey If lAKU HINT. MUNI' fmN i eiim mi) raw nf ltotimir, llllmt, illui Jmu ur I'rutruUlut: 1'Uea In 0 to U dus. Ulc Usually a man Is a poor Judge ot bis own importance. A lon llfu urn! n incny turn mar bo vx peeled by tlioo who uso tiarlk-ld Tea, tin natural herb regulator. For Milu at all druj tores. I3ut it takes a woman to keep Becret bho doesn't know. Smokers find LEWIS' Sinulo Hinder G cigar better quality than moat 10c cigar Mnny a mnn can't nfford to drcs well because his wlfo does. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMl OINTtU CDH.1NY, MIW VO OITY. Av U Jlf 1KH!DNAT10NAL SUNMSCIIOOL Lesson (lly T O MI'.I.I.nilH, Director of I'.voii llu: Orrmrimrnt, The Muntly llllilu In stitute of CliU'iiKiit LESSON FOR MARCH 24. FEASTING AND FASTING. I.l'.SSO.V TKXT-M.irU MS-I.' (U)l,)i:.S Ti:.T "I fame not to ouM till' llKlili'otl, lint hlllllerM." Mink 2.17. l'vl Mntthow, ho calls hiniHi'lf by tho oppinhrlmiH tide of "the pulillcnn," reprt'hrnlH (lint cliiss of grafting pa triots who through all ages haw ex I'lnpllllcd the seven canllual points of u polltk'iaii, viz., "the two haveu and live llshi'8." Men who will weep over Heiitlini'iital patriotism and serve tho oppressor for piulll. Hotter still, how iir, Matthew Is a type of conversion in thai ho left all and followed .Ti'sus. So weeping, but rather great rejoicing for ho made a feast; tu record of nreat conviction, though he had enough to act at once upon .Jesus' Invitation. It was a brier, sudden call, but what vnsl results were In volved. First a demonstration upon his part, secondly n demonstration upon the part of .lesus, and lastly a record of the life or the Master that has been termed tho most Important book over written. Chronologically this lesson follows that of last Hunday. In Luke's account we are told of the feast Matthew prepared that he might entertain Jesus. Home believe that Jesus began his work by trying to win the Jews through teaching In their synagogues mid that, receiving h!m or not, he turns to those outsldo of the circle of the scribes and the Phari sees. He that as It may, we know they murmured greatly that this rabbi should consort with publicans and with sinners. Came to Call Sinners. Jesus hears of their complaint and his leply is a lino bit of irony and tarcasm. "They that are whole havo no need of a physical! but they that aro sick. You self righteous l'hurl secs, why do you complain If you aro nil right and theBo be all wrong, why then not let me minister to those that need mo?" At the same time Jesus utters one of his greatest and most comforting sayings, "I came not to call tho righteous but sinners." Jesus chooses one of their own bo cial outcasts to write tho only dis tinctly Hebrew account of his life; ono who had been faithful as a business man to bo a leader and historian; one willing to renounce all, sny fare well to ambition und follow him. Following this, the disciples of John tho Ilaptlst and of the Pharisees aro fasting and they observo that tho dis ciples of Jesus aro not so engaged. They came to Jesus with the question nnd his reply Is a perfectly logical one. "Why should they fast, am I not with them'.'" "Do you fast at your weddings while the bridegroom Is pres ent?" The day Is to come, however, when he is to be taken away, then there shall bo times for fasting. Jesus has feasted with "many pub llcaiislicans;" when the bridegroom returns ho will sit down with many publicans nnd sinners In glory whom ho has associated with In order that he might mvo them. Aro we follow ing his example? If so, let us bo suro we do It from tho same motive. Tho disciples of John did (ho right thing to bring their perplexities to Jesus. He answer) their question as wo havo seen and wo are now in the day ho mentions when there Is a plnco for fasting. Jesus tenches us in IiIb ref erence to tho wine bottles (leather packs which could bear but ono stretching process duo to fermenta tion of tho wine), that wo are to bo new creatures in him and must leavo tho old life and habits. We aro not to mnko patchwork of this new Gos pel nnd the old law. His Work That of Physician. There aro two dllllcultlca thuB pro rented In this lesson; first, that Jo bus should hold fellowship with thoso properly not of his circle or social standing for ho wbb a rabbi or teach er, and, secondly, that ho did not nor did his disciples observo fasting. Jo siiB admits tho character of the com pany ho kept, but his reply wns, "I camo for this purpose to call not tho righteous but tho unrighteous." His work was to bo that of n Physician. He assumes that his authority is not of man but of God, nnd that this min istry Is to bring joy. Jesus had emp tied himself that ho might coino and when lie wiib t leavo thore it would bo tlmo enough for his disciples to fast. JcsuB wns not morely ono who camo to tench a system of ethics a llttlo higher than tho prophets. Je sus is more than a good mnn or even a holy man; he Is tho Great Physician, able to heal both body and soul, a Saviour. neforo theso lost ones can bo saved, however, they must realize they aro lost, for wo cannot save thoso who will not acknowledge themselveB as being lost. When wo acknowledge wo nre sinners ho will savo us (I Tim. 1:15). Turn a deaf ear to his call and thero 1b no raoro hopo (Luko 13:3). It hits been suggested that tho par able of the prodigal son and tho elder brother was uttered at this feast in Levi's house; probably not, wo do not know, but how truly It applies. Tha prodigal representing thoso lost pub licans and sinners. COLDS AND CHILLS BRING KIDNEY ILLS. Colds, chills and grip strain tho kldnejs and stall backache, urinary dlsordem anil uric nodi troubles. Dunn's Kidney Pills nu very useful in t h i r a w flclvrt i snting months. They slop back ui he niid u r 1 nary disorders, Loop the kid lie.'t well and prevent colds from bottling on t h o kidneys. Cant. Nlehohi'i W. New, 323 K First Kt , Mel'lierson, Kans . rays: "When 1 began taking Doan'B Kidney Pills, 1 had Just gotten over an attack of grip which had weakened my kidneys. My back ached continually nnd the kidney socie lions caused groat illscomfnit. Doan's Kldnev Pills cured me entirely and I haw had no kidney trouble since." "Wlioti Your Hack Is l.aine, Keniember tho Name DOAN'K." Ode , all stores. Foster-Milbiirn Co., lIulYato. N. Y. His Only Complaint. Senator Iteverldge, at a luncheon In New Voi It, was talking ahum the child labor problem. "Chllilion are so plucky and so cheerful," ho said, "wo don't lealUe how horribly ovei worked they are till It's too late till tbolr bodies and initnls are stunted Irretrievably. "I was once talking to a tiny errand boy at tho 1. eight or the Christmas ehopi Ing reason lie was working. I knew. 17 hours a day. At be walked sturdily along with a mountain of par cels piled on his thin, narrow shoul ders. I said to him: "'Ho you like your Job?' '"Yes. sir.' lie said; 'I Ilko It tine. Only -' "Here he grinned up at inn gayly from beneath his load. "'Only I'm afraid I'm doing an au tomobile truck out of a Job," No Wonder She Blushed. Two of the University of Pennsyl ranla track runners passed a learned and preoccupied professor showing a young woman visitor through the "Gardens." With a dainty shiver, tho girl re marked: "It's dreadfiilly cold Isn't It tobe without stockings?" The professor's mind turned for a moment from contemplation of the fourth dimension. "Then why did you lenvo them off?" bo asked. Llpplncott's Magazine. Cold Welcome. A clergymnn In a small town was deploring tho fact that none of tho couples that enmo In from tho conn toy to bo married stopped at his hoitso for tho purpose "Well, brother," said the man ad dressed, "what can you expect with that big sign on tho tree thero: 'Five dollars lino for hitching hero?'" Youth's Companion. The Ugly Brute. I "Sec that measuring worm crawl I Ing up my skirt?" cried Mrs. HJenks. , "That's a sign I'm going to havo a new dress." I "Well, let him mnko It for you," I growled Mr. HJenks. "And while he's about it, have him send a bookworm i to do you up tho back. I'm tired of ! the Job." Nothing Hard About That. "The woman I marry," ho said, "must bo nble -to blush." "Oh," sho replied, "I can do that. I blush every tlmo I am seen anywhere with you." San Francisco Chronicle. Tho Reason for It. "That caudldato certainly baa n skillful way of-working on peoplo's feelings." "Hut, then, you know, hc' n dentist." A vory Biicccssful remedy for pelvic catarrh is hot douches of Paxtlifo An tiseptic, at druggists, 25c n box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Tho l'axton Toilet, Co., Boston, Mass. Same Thing. "I hear that firm's going under." "Yes, they're going up." As a corrective) for Indigestion nnd n regu lator of tho fa-Mom. no ri-medv eiiu evce.1 in L purity and cfllclency Garllcld feu. Virtue may be Its own reward, but the reward Isn't always legal tender at the corner grocery. "rink ICyr" I Epidemic In the Hprlni.-. Try Murlue Eye Itemed; fur Helluble Itrllef. If you aro poorer than your rela tions it 1b easy for you to dodge them. r hcrv ggfegtselUAMory 21 Drop ot Blood Or little water from the human yitem when thoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr. Pierce'a Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cost and is only a small part oi the work ol the staff of physicians and surgeons under tho direction oi Dr. It. V. Fierce giving the best medical advice possible without cost to those who wish to write and make a (ull statement of symptoms. An imitation of natures method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous force is used when you take an alterative and glycerio extract of roots, without the use of alcohol, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which makes tho stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive juices, re tores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It is the lireat blood-maker, desk-builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in boJy, activo in mind and cool in judgment. Get vvluit you usk fori PUTNAM Color more KooilabrlKliteranil faster colors than nye any garmentwiaiout ripplna apart. VVrito Sad Excuse. The) weie twilling n friend who ttutteied, upon the lact thai he bad never boon married "I kn kn know, boys, that I've never b b been man led, but I was pie pre piotty near It once" "How was that?" liny Inquired "Well, joti see. I ask ask asked a l hi to hav-lwiv-linvc me. nnd she said that she'd rather ho e ox-excused, and I wiM such a fo fo fool, I ex ox-excused her." Summlnji It Up "Was the charily ball a success?" "Oh. yes, Indeed They say the gowns must have cost a half million at least." "And how much was inlscd for chin li) V" "Whv, nearly $700. Wasn't that tine 7" Quite So. "Pa. what Is a 'tidy imtiiiin?' " "A clean, crisp, tenilollar bill, nn son." education does not mean teaehlM. poople to ki.ovv they do uoi know; It means ti.uiilug them to 1 havo as the) do mil behave Kuskln When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? Here are five letters from' southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound. LKTTKU TliOM VIItCilNIA. P.Uiston, Va. " I fool it my duty to express my thanks to you and your groat medicine. I was a BiilTciur"friim female troubles nnd hud been con lined In lied over one. third of my time for ten mouths. 1 could not do my housework and had faiutinir spells so that my husband could not leave ma alone for five minutes at a time. "Now 1 ovvo niv health to I.yilia E. Pinltham's Vegetable Compound nnd Itlooil Purifier. Whenever 1 see a suffering woman 1 want to tell her what these medicines havo done fur mo and I will always speak a good word for them." Mrs. ltouitUT lli.A.NKKNsini', Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va. LETTKR FROM LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Ln. "I was passing through the Change of Life nnd be fore I took Lydia 12. Plnkham s Vegetable Compound 1 was troubled with hot Hushes, weak and diz.y feelings, backache and Irregularities. I would get up in the morning feeling tired nut and not fit to do anything. 'Since I have been taking your Compound and Wood Purifier I feel all right. Your medielneB aro worth their weight in gold." Mrs. Oahtos lti.oNDKAU, 1S41 Polymnia St., New Orleans, Lit. LETTISH PllOM FLORIDA. Wanchuln, Fin. "Homo tlmo ngo I wroto to you giving you my symp touis, headache, backache, bearing-down, ami discomfort iu walking, caused by female troubles. "I got two bottles of Lydia K Plnkhnm'B Vegetnblo Compound nnd ft package of SanMlve Wash anil tl at was all I used to make me a well woman. "I am satisfied that if I had dono like a good many women, and had not taken your remedies, I would havu boon a great sulTerer. Hut I started in time with the right medicine itnil got well. It did not cost very much cither. I feci that you are a friend to all women and 1 would rather mo your remedies than havo a doctor." Mrs.M.vrriic Hod.not, Ho.x 400, Wau chula, Florida. IJ?TTKR FROM WEST VIRGINIA. MarUnsburr?, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Lydia K. Plnkhnm'B Vege table Compound has dono wonders for my mother, daughter and myself. " I have told dozens of peoplo about it and my daughter savs that when , fiho hears a girl complaining with cramps, she tolls her to take your Com pound." Mrs. Mahv A. 11ocki:niikuuv, 712 K. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va. ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport News, Va. "About five yearn ago I was troubled with such paint nud bloating every month that, I would havo to go to bed. "A friend told mo to tako Lydia li, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I soon found relief. Tho medieino strengthened mc in every way and my doctor approved of my taking It, "I will bo glad If my testimony will help somo ono who 1b suffering from female weakness." Mrs. W.J 11i.ayto.v, 10'J Hampton Ave., Newport News, Va. Why don't you try this reliable remedy? W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 2.25 $2.50 3.0Q 3.50 MOO & 5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS THE STANDARD OK OUAUTV FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES Eive W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. tauglas name stamped on a shoe guar antees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. Take no Substitute. Ifyonril'lir-(innot!ipplyW.l.noiiKlH. Ihw, wrlle W.l.llouvlfim llMcktiin, iUm, tor ritUlnK. Miim-im-iiI eter jwbere Uellnry clmtgea ireiall. i'uil Color MSytltt utnl. FADELESS DYES any othcrdyc. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye In cold waturbttterthannnyotherdye. You can for free booklet How to Uye, bleach ami Mix Colore. MONKOli UKUG COMPANY, Qulncy, 111, TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. wk A raw "lW hot SOUGHS YJ'. W wk f. P9 ?1 Bk I ffll u miP9m' I nCEiCMOR CTADnil i nuni-M tt uknnriuL oiHiivn nm icku ' elhor Mnr,,1p, nnlv 2 num-i". iTlfe ka ULFIANCE" IS GUPCniOH QUALITY. r LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN ORBAT VARIETY KORj SALE tAT TUB LOWE8T PRICES DY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 321531 W. Adams St, Chicago I THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. No.,No.2.No.3, I THER APIONSc5fiSffiwSS I.KKtr MM Ks, I'llll.S klllNt.Y, IILAIIIlMt IMNKAMKS, ru.i.s.ciiiMi.Mi ri.cms.HKis , H'til .llfr.i riiv.liil. for ntl.K ti.kM In UK. I.K CIR0 I kll.ll, CO , IIAVI.IIsllltK 111'., lUlH-hTEAD, I.UMJON, r.U, W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1912. 'I' "fur --f ,-