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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1912)
WmmLW" J T?t, M M BBM BMMHfcWL pi M B B a a m 7r ' i 3r CAl i75PT' fltt A' I aK& M? t! iwv &fef AC'll j car nnda tens of thou Bands of American citizens mak ing patriotic pilgrimages to the uomc ami tomb of George Wash ington nt Mount Vernon on the Potomac river. Almost without exception theso tourists "stop over" going or coming at the quaint old town of Alexandria, Va , located about half way be tween the city of Washington and Mount Vernon. Many of the visitors declare Alexandria nimost If not quite as Intel est IllE as lln f.'ir.fuintHl mnnii-v oat of thu Father of Ills Country. Old Alexau drla would bo well worthy a visit merely as n lino example of nn old colonial town, rich' in tho architecture of tho period, but added to this Is Hho hlstoilcul significance that It was George 'Washington's "home town." Hither he came to attend the balls and other Koclal festivities that brought out all the landed gentry or thu old dominion; hero ho attended church every Sunday when residing nt Mount 'Vernon; nnd to this place he repaired when business matters connected with his law estate required legal or other adjustment that could not readily be negotiated on tho plantation. Al exandria was the meeting place of the Masonic lodge of which George Washington was so prom inent a member and hero was located a volunteer Uro company that boasted our llrst president as no of its members. In short, from every stand point. Alexandria meant more to George Washing ton thnn the nearest town or cross-roads com munity Is npt to do to tho present-day American farmer in this era of rural freo delivery and rail loads i' ml trolleys and automobiles. loutf $oiBii liMiiii-ii fjl Ln aji if v -V ,V CjKf C lit; ZS C " iiiii mi Mm i -J, ' "i II .11 MifflfcRisR wfimM tia u irai-Mr w W mSi n'Wm&rWAfm$cW& l5SEJJi i!Br"Tl8 PckhIIwIu J I 11 W IB-P',liiB 1 Mftft. s W3 m irTrnwi- u rarrsfla ims b "ii it a"irKK oh -i t u u ,h XVi' T? : fiifS. T, I!4kiUBksRmm uUKMB J- i ElrMi BF.w -MB PScWjSa WW" E-4aTOgrMMM)eWEBi,aiy kMfl n! iTli Q -m-MBl BE -PI Bi -m B-!--4EmBJB IK Itt J TlBBwE YBiiyHiiiGlflMEKWi BMHp -l&fc-SfKn9lll Ki5?!!rr - '- ' "; " i ij"MiliMw l'T -B B -M JHiBittl a-p"J '-"'" BSTJfck KH-HBHIH BHHIII 3po " i ii'MBBBBBWmr5iJMBhHiBMIW ' J wr i ' i j "r j IdHHHHMI HB9!HHUSBRE9!HHHKJBS2&HVHHH - F'EOULIAF! ACCIDENT DODCE COUNTY FARMER CLAIMS THREE-FOOT COAL VEIN. 77" ?. C -33?sSS25c35' S5&2&CPs5r- In George Washington's time Alexandria or Uellhaven as It was at first known along about the middle of the eighteenth century was one of the most prominent porta In the United States and seemed to hold out every promise of extensive development In the future. George Washington hlmEelf took a hand In booming the port, which developed an extensive foreign trade. Tho docks wore crowded with warehouses filled with corn, tobacco and other products, while In the harbor were always to be found many of the largest class of cargo ships of that period loading and dis charging a variety of commodities. As the Amer ican terminus of a heavy overseas's trade Alex andria became well known In shipping circles In England, and It was thought for a time that the port on the Potomac would overshadow Balti more. Then camo the various Influences that combined to bring about tho commercial ocllpso of the llttlo city no dear to tho heart of the na tion's liberator. One of the first of theso was tho establishment only a few miles away of tho capi tal of the nation, which spoedlly overshadowed Alexandria In various ways. Then camo the building of railroads, which diverted much traffic to other channels, and Anally tho Civil war helped to put a blight upon tho community which had long been one of the strongholds of the Lees of Virginia. Hut even In this twentieth contury neglected Alexandria gets "on tho map" as least one day each year namely, on tho 22d of February, when with each recurring anniversary of Washington's birthday there Is a big celebration In tho little city that Is filled with landmarks and objects Identified with tho private life nnd public career of tho leader of tho Revolution. Often tho presi dent of tho United States goes to Alexandria by boat or trolley to participate In the exercises, nnd tho governors of Virginia and Maryland aro Invariably Invited. On such occasions tho town which Is located In closor proximity to historic Mount Vernon than Is nny other community, ap pears almost too Binall to accommodato the crowds that Invade her public plncos. For, bo It known, for all that thero nro handsomo, well paved business streets that nfford a routo of parado for tho procession that Is an Invarlablo featuro of this holiday, there aro other highways nnd by wnys In tho staid, dignified, conservative old town that readily convince tho visitor that they havo undergono llttlo If any alteration since tho days of George Washington. Old Alexandria is "going on" thrco hundred years of age, for It was founded as long ago as J730, although, as previously explained, It was known for somo score of years by another namo. In 1848 the general nssembly of tho colony of Vir ginia formally designated It as Alexandria. The town rotalns to this day the names of Its streets, chosen In tho days of long ago from tho titles of royalty and nobility. Thus wo find as tho most conspicuous thoroughfaros King, Prlnco, Duko and lloyal streets. Alexandria was tho starting place of General Brnddock's fumous expedition agulnst the French and Indians which, Ill-fated though It was, eerved to bring George Washington, for te first tlmo, 23?- J22SES3a?3 -3 -fll55ar- consplcuously before his countrymen. Here, In the old Carlisle house, which remains to this day one of the chief "show places" of the historic old town, George Washington nnd other leading men of the colony had a lengthy conference with tho British commander on tho night before the expedition tot out upon tho campaign which was destined to go down In history as "Draddock'a defeat." The old rarllsle house, which Is assuredly one of the men Interesting structures in the United States, fell sadly into decay somo years ago, al though a i-'ove looking to Its complete restoration hns lattoily been made by a patriotic society. Georgo Wellington was a frequent guest at Carlisle house the mansion of Major Carlisle, and when, after a social function In Alexandria he returned to Mount Vernon by boat It waB al most Invariably from the Carlisle house that ho set out, the terraced grounds of tho mansion sloping down to the river, rendering It convenient for General Washington and his houso guests to step Into the bargo to be rowed to his manor house farther down on tho Virginia shore of tho Potomac. It was nlso'Genernl Washington's cus tom to sup at Cnrllslo house each 2-'d of February when ho came to Alexandria to attend tho "Birth Night Halls." which weio instituted In his honor in Alexandria after ho rose to fame as tho hero of tho War for Independence. Theso balls were hold at Claggott's tavern nnd constituted tho su I "no height of Alexandria's social glory. General Washington was most intimately Identi fied with tho history of Alexandria from tho year 170;?, when ho purchnsed considerable property In the town. lie showed himself n good citizen by becoming a member of tho Friendship Fire Kn glno company. This was n volunteer organization Q NAMING THE BOY. 'UzZ?Z&'SSZ;- '&sV'S'''j!?sr.r? for ny such thing as a llre-Ilghtlm; dcpaiiiiieiit with paid employes was, of coin se, totally unknown In those days Tradition recounts that not only was tho Father of Ills Country a Ftipportcr of this old time lire-lighting oiganl.atlon. but that on the occasion of more than one Hie he "ran with the machine" In the good old-fashioned wnv. Another organization which lvals tho veteran two company In Interest Is the Masonic lodge of which Washington wiib a mem ber, and the lodge rooms of which in the city hall at Alexandria aro filled with Washington relics of priceless value. Among tho buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is the old colonial mansion at the coiner of Duko and St. Asaph sheets, where Lafayette and his sulto were quartered when the distinguish ed Fienehniau visited this country and where a great ball was given in his honor. Not far distant Is the build ing occupied as the first free school In America a school established through the bounty of Georgo Washington. On Fairfax street, near Duke, is tho Firnt Presbyterian church, built in 1774, nnd on Cnmeron street is the town houso of Lord Thomas Fairfax, a splendid exnmplo of tho architecture of the Georgian period and yet In a porfect state of preservation. Persons who essay to "tour Alexandria" by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt, for whereas tho prin cipal business streets aro paved with ashphalt most of tho old residential streotB have tho grent cobble stones that have with stood the traffic of moro than a century. However, It Is Interesting to note that even this prlmltlvo pav ing has Its historic significance, for these self same cobblestones wero laid under General Wash ington's direction by tho Hessian prisoners, cap tured by the continental army. Mount Vernon Token Returned Old .Turn, gardener and general factotum, was accompanied one day by a bright-looking lad eight or ten years old. "Is this your boy?" I asked. "Yossuh, lie mine, ho las' ono I got, suh .Junior, you wufiles nigger, irek your manners tor do white folks!" , "Junior," I commented. "So ho Is named after you." "Nawsuh," tho old man replied rnth'er Indignant ly; "he nln't named fur me! My name Jumbo, whar ray mammy git out'n do Blblo. DIs hyar chile namo Junior cuz he wuz bawn in June." Llpplncott's. When Mount Vernon, tho homo of Washington, was restored some no years ngo tho various btotcs wero asked to send somo token to be placed In the rooms. Tho women of Kansas sent a solid wnlnut, hand carved seal of Kansns to rep resent this stato. For 30 years tho beautiful seal has been standing In tho former home of the Father of His Country and It has Just been re turned to the Kansas Historical society to bo plnced In tho exhibit of Kansas curios. Tho pleco Is carved from ono solid piece of na tlvo Knnsas walnut, ono of tho few perfect pieces of walnut wood found In the stato. A search of several months was required to find a treo suit able for tho work. One wns found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carv ing. It Is four feet long nnd two feet high and Is Intended to go over tho door of somo hall. Tho seal was. carved by the lato Henry Worrall of Topekn, tho first artist In Kansas. Ho worked all one summer on ,lt. In tho center Is tho great seal of tho state, painted In colors In oil by Pro fessor Worrall. Around tho seal nro tho words "Great Senl of tho Stato of Kansas, January 29. 18G1," carved by hand, each letter In relief. Around tho seal aro grouped tho products of Knnsas. When the servnnt quarters wero restored at Mount Vernon, Kansas school children raised tho money to pay for the restoration. It was then decided that Kansas had sufficient ropresentatlou among tho relics In the home and tho great seal was icturned to tho Historical society. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE Wnat Is Going on Hero and Then That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Diller. Paul Stange, a fannei living one mile south of thin plaie met with a peculiar accident wlun la wnit Into the barn to feed and blew Into the tacu of one of his otuu; hursts, whereupon the horse nipped at .Mr. blunge, biting olf his lower Up. Thinks He Ic Entitled to It. Fremont. Kph .lolinson, who ills cinoivd coal on his faint In the iioilh eru part of (he county, nays futthei Investigation hu'i convinced him that he In In u poult Ion to lay claim to tho Htate'tt offer of $4,000 for a coal vein over twcnty-sK Inches thick, as the vein on lib; farni Is thirty and as much as thliij-llve inches th'lek In places. Ilelow Is Is a clay like sub stance. Above Is a shale, resenibllnp tho shale from which cement Is made WISDOM FROM THE WED. Singleton It's wonderful vvhnt love will enabl a fellow to seo In a girl that ho never saw before. Wedmore Yes, and It's equally wonilorful what love won't lot him seo that he'll seo later on. Boston Evening Transcript. A MAN'S WAY. WHAT WAS, "ETC."? Writing about n recent "function," the society editor of tho KHIb, Kan., Itevlow-Headllght says: "Light refreshments were served, consisting of popcorn, elder, etc., served in courses." "I hear the bride nnd groom nro having trouble already." "Married only a month already, and quarrel ing?" "So they sny." "What Is tho troublo?" "Seems her husband wants to quit going to afternoon receptions and get back to buslnoss." Twenty Hor&cs Cremated. Clay Center. A large farm baru belonging to Georgo Schljel.. thru' lulled Miuthcast of here, wan burned wllh all its contents. There wetc twenty horses In the barn nnd all per Ished Iml one. A large quantity ol grain and other piopcity w,n con sinned. The cause of tho lire Is not known. I't Ufc Fortune Came Too Late. Aurora. Ilda Katon was a pool gl-1 who worked Tor her living an a telephone operator. Between tlmei she was working on an InvalldV chair and obtained a patent. The da after her death an oiler came fiom a manufacturing company of $10,000 for her rights. Mro. Fletcher Slcson Dead. Fremont. .Mra. Slsson. wife ol Itev. Fletcher M. Slsson, pastor of the First Methodist church, hi dead hoie alter a protracted illness co.'urlug ai years. Mrs. Slsson was ul.ty-oia years of age. She wa well known through Nebraska and on account of her books, throughout the middle west. TESTIMONY OF FIVE WOMEN Proves That Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Com- pound Is Reliable. Rnedvillc, Ore. "I can truly recom mend Lydia K. I'lnkliam's Vegetable Compound to all women who nro pasinn through tho Change of Life, as (t mado me a vell woman after aufferini; three years." Mrs. Maiiy liOUAKT, Ilecdvllle, Oregon. New Orleans, La. " When passing: through the Change of Life I wan M-iMvitioMri J troubled with hot Hashes, weak nnd dizzy spells and backache. I was not fit for anything until I took Ly dia K. I'lnkliam's Vpro table Compound which proved worth itu weight HbONDKAU, lfill I'd- lymnia St., New Orlenna. Misliawaka.Ind.-" Wo men jiassinp through tho Chango of Life can tako iiothinrr belter than Lydiit K. Pinkham'rt Veetahlo Cnmnoimd. I ntn rernm. r niendingittonllmy friends i becnuso of what It has (lonoformo."-Mrs.Cl!AB. ItAUKit, r2:t E. Marion St, Mishavvakn, Ind. Alton StnHon,Ky.-'For months I Buffered from troubles In consequence of my ng-o nnd thought I could not live. Lydia E. I'inkhnm'H VoRotabloi Compound madu mo well and f want other HUirerJnr women toknovv about it MrU rnhnrnj f.lrs. KM MA UAII.HY, Alton &&MMM ! Station. Kv. Deisom, No. Dak. "I wna pnssinpf through Change of Life nnd felt very bad. 1 could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia 10. 1'inklmin'i! Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health nnd 1 would not. be without it" Mrs. P. M. Tiiohn, Doisem, No. Dak. AGED. LMrtOmt Oniicr, m Mm lmm Itaf s Lost Arm In Corn Shredder, heatrlce. Lciren Ucliniiud, aged thirty-three, suffered the loss of ills left arm fiom a corn shredder nccl dent. Ilclmund was feeding the m.i chine when tho fingers of the left hand beeaino entangled In tho feeding mechanism and pulled In to tho shoulder. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE. Hy a voto of 1,65.1 to 1,179 tho mom bcrs of tho Btato teachers' associa tion havo decided to hold their 1911! gathering at Omaha. Tho datoa will bo November 6, 7 and 8, tho voto for theso three days bolng 2,197 at against a few scattering for dates It that month. Stnto Hotel Commissioner McFod den, in a talk at tho banquet of the United Commercial Travelers at Hist Ings, stated that ho and deputies had Inspected .110 hotols loented In fjrty nine counties of tho state, outslJo of Lincoln and Omaha. Ho report h tho work In his department as prr gross ing very satisfactorily. Governor Aldrlch suggest j that schools take steps to celebrate the forty-flfth anniversary of state March 1, by having ono or moro pa pers read commenting on tho growth of tho state, and that citizens of tho ntato write a letter on tlat dato to somo ono or moro frlencs in other states telling thorn of Nebraska's de velopment Tho money In tho state treasury In creased from ?,-i:iO,77G to $68(1,030 dur ing tho month of .Tauuory, according to tho report of tho stato treasurer. Tho trust funds and the monoy In tho general fund rcar.hed Biilllelcnt proportions that tho atato official was warranted In calling in tho $:,.ri0,000 worth of outstanding stato warrants. Claims for tho destruction of glan dered horses amounting to $0,0:11.05 havo been paid by the stato from a total appropriation of IJ.I.OOO mado by tho last legislature. Tho claims have been coming In at the rate of nearly $1,000 a month. Three machines for making shoes will bo purchased by the stato for In Btallatlon in shops nt the Kearney in dustrial school. Tho Institution In tho past has been turning out betweon fiOQ and 700 pairs of shoos each year, thy product of tho hand labor of tho boys. W. II. Smith of Seward, secretary of tho senate at tho last session of tho stato legislature, has filed as a candi date for tho democratic nomination for stato senator. Prof, L. L. Zook, a corn specialist In tho department of ngriculturo at Washington, will visit Nebraska and accompany tho Beed corn trains, which will tour tho stato tho last week In February. Profossor Xook Is deemed ono of tho greatest corn spe cialists in tho country. His visit to Nebraska nt this tlmo Indicates thai tho urgency of tho seed corn situation Is recognized at Washington, gS30t"s Helen No; I shall nover marry. I Viavo borno too long with tho sorrows mid trials of life ulono to add to my burden by Ethel Heg pardon; you mean you've been boru too long, don't you? One Was Lacking. Head Clerk (to applicant for gov ernment poBt) Aro thos your Iden tification papers? Applicant Yes, sir. Head Clerk H'm, your death cer tificate is missing. Referred to the Lexicographer. To Renege Not to follow suit To lten(j To begin suit Llfo. Tho cvIIb ami sorrows that affile! mankind nro of mankind's own mak ing. Mario Corelll. A TROUBLE MAKER Coffee Poison Breeds Variety of Ills. A California woman who didn't know for twenty yearn what kept her HI, writes to tell how she won back her health by quitting coffee: "I am CI years old," sho says, "have used coffco all my life, and for 20 years suffered from indigestion and Insomnia. Llfo was a burden and a drag to mo all tho tlmo, and about once a year my 'ailments got such hold upon mo that I was regularly 'sick lu bed' for several weeks each tlmo. "I was reluctant to conclude that coffco was tho causo of my trouble, but I am thankful that I found out the ! truth. i "Then I determined to uso Postura exclusively for a week at first for .1 doubted my ability to do without cof fee for any length of time. I mado tho Postutn carefully, as directed, and beforo tho week expired had my re ward In a perceptible Increase in strength and spirits. "Seeing tho good that my Bhort ex periment had accomplished, I resolved to continue tho use of Postutn, cutting out tho coffee entirely. This I did for nluo months, finding, dally, increased causo for gratification at my steadily Improving health. My Indigestion grad ually left mo, my sloop returned, I gained 2G pounds in weight, my color changed from sallow to a fresh, rosy buo and llfo becamo a blessing. "Then I thought I would try coffoo again, and did bo for a few weeks. Tho punishment for deserting my good friend, I'obtum, was a return of my old troubles. "That taught mo wisdom, nnd I am now and shall bo all my llfo hereafter usli.'g Postum exclusively and enjoy, lug tho benefits It brlngo mo." Namo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creek. Mich. "There's a reason," and It Is explain ed in tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," In pkgs. ISvrr rrnd the above letter? A new one nppcnra from time to time. They lire urnulae. true, and full of brnnaa V latcrcat. f -j-j im. .-- -.. ,,, ZX2r. :to, m$mm$GSm