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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1912)
WP e u Historical Muclnty J,,. '" -TYpt.-. t5: . -SMJl-l... ..-.. "L ji. ---j- r j,, i.- r .s-p- vc y i M LT A If if 1 I ( i Ji" 5 ik A K.. . e ' m, , k - Vil !I, r--: v. M -El Hi K-EEgra -KS "i -J - fcfrtf ' H fl--. HI w- Bi -f. W - -- " - " -?-: ,,fgi Wa VOLUME XXXX. ....- :! if.- . n . b.v.u rar YtiTSf .' rrau -m i m ( m .z- t- ivm j - - -..-x-?--?.,. -& .- JHE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every institution is guaranteed Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 COWLES Sheriff Hedge was on our streets last week. Uoyil Vhucc was n passenger to Hast ings Tuesday. Win. Try was tiansucting business iu lSluo Hill Tuesday. l.eioy Campbell we understand is quite sick with pneumonia. ll'jv. Steele is holding meetings at the M. 13 church every evening. The Cowles people would certainly appueiate some good side walks this weather. .las. Sauudeis of the dim of Saund ers ltros., was ti passenger to Ditto Hill Tuesday. A quite u number of our young sports attended tlto wolf hunt west ot town Tuesday. Mrs. M. V. li ice formcrally of this place but now at lilue Mound, Kits., is veiy seriously ill. Mrs. Judd i- Uluo Hill who has been visiting tJ. A. Wells and family return ed home Tuesday. The new store building of II. ltru baker is Hearing eomplel ion and will be ready for occupancy in n short time. Jas. Saundeis, J. II. Morse and Thomas Dcakiu spent Friday nit-lit in Hed Cloud attending the A. F. mid A. M. lodge. (t. A. Wolls was iu Omaha last week intending the Hardware men's con vention. While there he pui chased a car loud of implements. Orval Wutsonof Lincoln is hero vis iting his patents for a short time. Orval is working for a large furniture store which position lie has held for a number of year'!. GARFIELD Mrs., Frank A in act; is on tho sick list this week. WV& CHEAPS Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the cafe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made from Cream of Tartar. v a iU & n - Kj .;v ' Vxi5-i "A v:r jftw - J "i. H E rJ F- waVf i kisi If ha " IS" - ar. dollar of deposits in this by the Bank Guaranty Three new scholars started to school on Monday in Uist. 8."). Curt Haselbaker bought a tutin of George Harris last week. Mr. McDowell moved on the I'.iul SeliulU place last Tuesday. Otto Smith moved on the N. L. D. Smith fill in last Wednesday. The Ash Cieek sewing society met with Mrs. George llanis last Thins day. Theio has been thicu now babies born on wind mill in,.' inihe last si. weeks. John Jackson hauled hogs to Red Cloud on Tuesday. Theio was ten wa'oti all. Thnv was an ice gorge In the liver down by Rubo Sluilts on Mondiiy j night tilled the river bank full. I (iooiKi; Han is t'lnk his hogs and 'cattle to town S.itiuday and shipped thfin to Kaif-as City on Sunday. He accompanied them. Horn to Mr. and Mis. Charley Sultult. a baby giil of the regular Nebraska weight, ten pound1-. Mother and daughter doing fine. The snow is all gone and is a thing of the past and the farmers are getting ready to begin work in the fields as soon as It dries a little more. There was a surprise party at Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson's Inst Friday night A number of neighbors gath ered iu and served oysters and had a good time. The Gilmoro sale was well attended and stock sold good. Cows sold around sixty dollars, last spring calv es sold for twenty three dollars evt n and ono span of mares brought 8400. UATIN The loads are bad iu this locality. The snow is something of the past. John Itrusli hauled lit loads of hogs A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty - KKD CLOUD, M HHKASKA. FHISltUAItY 22, 1JM2. Ihe'oSlsafe!;::11'3' "" 1 shipped .l.!" Sidlo lr., ami wife spout Sun it li his father. .j,,U waX"!.1 IVimuiit is visiting with Mis. this week I Will Unwind mill wife aie going to tiinvt to Missouri this week. I liOiiis Vnviieka and wlfeMtod Sun day with John l'uvliek and wife. Fiunk Vaviii'ka bought soniii cattle of James Mi'l'ortliiud this week The pie social in Hist. 12(5 wasn't veiy largely attended on aci'otttit of the bad road-.. 'the wolf hunt on the 1Mb was a grand succoss. Tluee wolves were killed The wolf hunt on the '20th was very largely attended but only ono wolf was killed. One of Jus. Vuvilcka's hoises toojc sick while ou his way to town last Saturday and is still' sick. Most everybody from this locality attended Pied Maudoillc's sale last t'tidiiy. livery thing sold well. Veucil Kiulrna, who has been sick for some time went to Omaha Monday for tiealinent, Miko IColar went with him Jack Vasoiu and family who aro lhing on Jo-. Havel's place arc going to move iu John Havel Sr., house this week. Emil I'olnlcky while coming home fi om town a week ago last Satuidny had the misfort'ine to have the horse fall with him and hint his ankle very bad. Ilel- better at this wilting. WESTERN WEBSTER Miilh Walker cime homo from Red Cloud, for the weekend. Claieuco Heriick shipped nut a mix ed car of stock last week. Moving time llnds less farms chang ing hands than usual this spring. lien Heed visited Sunday at the home of his daughter Mrs. l'aul Htinsicker. Mr. and Mas. I. O. Walker expect to leave the farm and move to Red Cloud soon. Miss I'eatl Wolcott of Inavale, gave a very enjoyable Valentine party lust week . Joe Gurney. wife and son were pleas ant Cillers at O. It. Harvey's Sunday afternoon. Miss Adah Newton was home froin Franklin Academy for a short vlstttho last of the week. Mr. and Mrs George Deltrunncrnte the pi oud parents of a baby girl born last Friday night. Mr. and Mis. Ray Cochran and son Minnie, and C. L. Horrlck nnd family visited Sunday at Millaid Hiinslcker's. Set An Example. Albeit I'llnce, the in gro convict who uun'only miudeied Deputy Warden 10. I). 1) ivis. should iccelve short shift, Hero Is an oppoi tiiulty to show that com Is ate institute 1 to dull out just Ice, not to lions delay. Lt I'micc ay. hhVe all the law entitles him to and no inoie n speedy trial. L.jt us have none of the m iiidllu and in iwklsh sen timent too often lavished upon bloody handed murderer--. 1juI us have uono of tho pettifogging pleas for delay; nunc of the teelinic illtles invoked to staionir punishment. He committed a eoldbloo led minder. Not more than a month or si-weeks sho ild elapse bo tween the date of the clime and the date ol it, punishment -Will Maupin's weekly. Careless About Appen- rr dicitlS in Red Cloud Many Itcd Cloud people huvc stain tich or bowel tiouble which is likely to turn into appendicitis. If you have constipation, sour stomach, or gas on the stomach, tiy simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc , as compounded in Adlor-i-ka, the new German appendi citis remedy. C. L. Cottlng, the Drug Hist states that A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy relieves bowel or stomach trouble almost INSTANTLY. ' two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. To Pay Cash To Our Boys Money Premiums for Those Who Excel in Raising Acre Corn. A leci'iit special Woild-lleriild fioin dispatch to the Lincoln has the following to "iiy: The Nebiaska -t tie boaid of agii culture ntreis to the Nebiaska bov under 18 jtnis of age giowing the largest yield nf corn fioin one acre of Nebiaska land (lining the jear HM'J, 8M; second $:(, third Sin, fouith 910,1 nun 10 cigiiui r. eacn, iiiiiin io twelfth Si each, and thirteenth to sixteenth el each; and to the boy growing the laigest yield on an acio of land west of the east line of Uoyd, Holt, Wheeler, Gieeley, How aid, Hall, Adams and Webster counties 825; second Sl., th'ud and fomth S.". each, fifth' and sixth 91 each, seventh to tenth :i each, and twelfth to sixteenth (3 each. A local weekly paper has duplicated the above awaids, and an entry in one is good for an cutty to both offerings The conditions of the contest aie as follows: The entile labor ot prepar ing the gioiind, planting cultivating and hanestingof tills acie of corn Is to lie poiYm ined by the contestants who enter contest by lecotding his Uianie in tlieolllce ol V . li. .neiior, seciutaiy, Lincoln, not Intel than May JO, I'.il-' Said aeie to be ineasiiied, husked ami wciglud in the pieseiice of two ilisimcicstcd fteeliolders, tesidentsof said county in which the acie of coin is located. Said committee to forwatd allldavit as to weight and requirement of speclllcatioits iu this contest to the secretary of the state board of agii ctilttiie not later than Dec. 1, 1!M3. Tho contestant bIiiiII tile with the secretary a full and detailed account of his method of doing the work, fer tilizers used, If any, whether bottom, hill or table land, and the character or kind of soil on which itho crop was grown, with an accurate account of the cost of production, rent of ground, cost of plowing, harrowing, discing, planting, cultivation, husking and every feature of expense in lubor,soed,, etc., based on the actual time that entered into the production of this actc of coin. If so requested prize winners must forwatd a sample of ten ears of coin giown to Mr. Mellor. 1'iactically all coin iu the state is taiscd iu altitudes vatylng from lOOo to 2100 feet above sen level, therefore the division made tliiough the state is us neai ly as possiblo along the 1700 foot altitude line. Iu the contests eari led on for eiul jeais oast only 'two premiums hae gone wist of this linn This will give ambitious Webster 'eoutit hoys u chance to show what ' thei cm io aloiiL' this line and iiiiui.v t them will no doubt go into this eotitosl with a detei initiation to get tli st money. We would caution all . who inn) go Into this contest to spare no labor in prepiulng the soil for the ci op and to use only the best seed com they can procure. I ' How Cold uffr.CtS tllfi Kllln(!S I Avoid taking cold If jour kidneys am sensitive. Cold congests the kid nejs, Unows too much work upon' them, and weakens their action, -orl-' ous I, idtioy trouble ami oven Uiinht's M;? ,m,' ,,",H,,'t-1 ""';' ". kidneys, get lid of the pain mid sote ' ucss, bulldtbein upby thotlmely use ; of Foley Kidney l'ills. Tonic in act-1 I ion, quick in results, Sold at 1 r. ' .Cook's drug fctore. ' Friendly Confidences. "What did my ma eay to you when ou cuino In?" Inquired Johnny of his friend who had como to tea. "She said she was -very pleased to see me." "I'm glad," said Johnny in a relieved tone. "'Cos nlie said this morning she hoped jnu wouldn't come." Stray Stories. JThe Seed Corn Special Train The Train Will Arrive Here Next Thursday Morning. Tho seed coin Instt notion special tiaiii by the lltirliugtoii ineo opeiutloii with the I'nivetsity ol Ne braska, will art ivo In Rod Cloud ou Tlnnsday, Febiuaiy L".i, at s:,ll a. ni., and will lomalti bote three-quartets of an hour befote piocccdiug on its journey east. University iustiuctois will deliver short lectuies at each stopping place and no one should fail to be at the Uittllngton depot when the special train an Ives We earnestly uigo all those Inter ested iu agriculttite to meet the coin special not Thursday moiiiing at Milt) o'clock For Sale. Jack .'l yeais old weight about '.mo lb ISIack with white noe and body. Well built.-.lollN-O. IEiisT:, lilue Hill Nebr Foil Sau:-OIiI papoisat this olllce. Why Do You a Farm when you can homestead Government Iriigated fauns in the Dig Horn Basin, Wyoming, and Yellowstone Valley, Montana, on the ten payment plan, without interest'.' Why not decide right now to become the owner of a good farm? Sit down and write me what kind of a rami you want. I will wiitc you full particulars about what the Rig Horn Hasin has to oifer in that line. It may be worth thousands of dollars to you and It will cost yon very little. Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night! Are You Insured Against Loss? We repn sent four of the Largest American Insurance Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00, M. W. CARTER & SON. now in Opera House Block, Ri Cloud, Nebraska. Offit D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Olllce iu .Mo in lilodt Hell, I3lack I; hid , 1!H Residence, It Hotel. Hell. IT; Ind., 2V Calls Answered Day or Night lti:n ri,ouii,'Ni:u. Foley Kidney Pills will cure any case of kidney or bladder (trouble not be yond the reach of medicine. No medi cine can do more. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug storo. Widow's Pension. The reoont act of April 10th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension ' S12 pur month. Fred Maurer tho attorney, has all necessary blanks. NUMBER S When You Read Our Ads. c want you to taKc Mtilievu just them what literally. they say discount nothing. What we tell you in the paper is just what we would tell you over the counter. Our guarantee always "Satisfac tion or Your Money Back." We are looking for your continued patronage and once tried always used. The only way to get your continued patronage is to do what we say and say what we do. If you have not yet proved this to be a satisfactory store at which to trade there is a pleasure awaiting you. Newhouse Bros., H II. Newhouse, Prop. (J., 13. A: . Watch Inspectors. Rent D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent Room 4. Q Bldft,. Omaha, Nebraska J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. -i- j DR. CHAS. E. CROSS dkntibt OVER STATE iANK Red Cloud Nebraska V n i2Laa""niurt!tt.t trw8Hmt...-r tj Ua' iWJw&li Fmw$Em ismm&fcW?l a'w-w'