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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1912)
FT VUo Historical Sociuty s . . . t F tiff ' fit. B tm tt T Ft KE,'t. m ft R l'?i VOLUME XXXX. Y'HE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 COVLlS We hud some snow M-m lay night. Mrs. M. II. D.tvii spout Wednesday 111 Hastings. C. V. Fuller of the iinn of l'tilier .v Johnson is in llcth.tny, Nebraska this wjek. Mr. ami Mis. Clms. Ueiinett mid daughter visited Mr an 1 Mis. Adolph Goth Sun lay. Mr. and Mr. Jnd White autoed up to liis farm Smutty northwest of town. He reports some mud. Mis Vorn ISrubakerhas thepleasuio of n new piano at her house now. It arrived Monday from Red Cloud. The wolf hunt Friday was well at tended and was a success in every way. They disposed of live of thu pests. Henry Amlei son and Chas. Ilenitett went to Kausis City Wedmsduy with stock. Fuller A: Iteuiiutt shlppe I one car of their sheep M. 11. Adamson has a ciew of men working on hi comvut automobile building The dimensions are seventy feet by twentyllvo. Mr. Adamson has the agency for the Chaltneis c irs. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanllleld had a d.iughter who was called to thn world beyonl Motility evening. She had been ailing for some time and medical skill did nut seem to cheek the disease. The funeral was held Wednesday. Their many friends mourn with them in their sad bereavement. The cltieiis of divvies met in the A.O. U. V. hall Friday afternoon and took under advisement whether it would be worth while to try and in corporate this Village. A majority of H SSB v -- :.vvviBPWl !RlRSS8S85S8fc IS No anxiety on t i . i . DaKinq-uay Dr Prices CREAM Baking Insures light, sweeil 11 f J J Wholesome Tooa A pureream of Tartar I THflfflMii Powder t&x ,tffc 't them thought it udvistble m to do if they could I like lit the ptoper amount Of teiritory. A pe it'u n was circulated S.ttutday and a gooldy number over the majority Mi: uud it. GARFIELD (Jrant Shidlcr hauled hogs to lied Cloud Saturday. Will Fisher helped .Smith Bun. butcher on Satin day. Uoy Kent lost a horse last week. It 1 died from eating c . n stalks. I4 Clay Weaver she led corn on wind mill row Monday for Smith ltios. (jultu u heavy sitow stoim on Mon day and some sleet dining the night. John Jackson made u business trip to Coloi ado last week mid staid over Sunday. A good many horses went in to the horse buyer in lied Cloud Monday but some came back not so'd. (Jeorge A mad; made a business trip to Guide Rock last Thursday and he came homo on a pile driver. Wo understand that Omer Wolf has bought a farm over the river and ex pects to move on it in the near future. The saw mill pulled out from Mr. Drakes last week and went over the liver to lieu Heed's to saw some lum ber for his now house. Mis. Frank Smith and sister Mrs Woods, from Dakota called on Mrs. Clnls Hansen Sunday. Mrs. Woods was formeily Lulu Houchiu. Joe Taylor, an old resident of (!ar Held, but now of Uostwick, has been visiting with his daughter and sou-iu law liny Uarnes for a few days. The Campbell, Amack, Coon and ShulU I'ilu Driving Co., has lluished their job on the river. They aie try ing to keep the liver in its chauuol J and stop the over ilow. gKxmamKttmws 1 JkHSKKKiKKKKNK M r ' -. - u you uae Powder vXAAbF'FBHv: SBBMkBBM i3 - .n - Mar A Ncttstintiur Ihat (lives Tlic News Flft)-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. KKD CLOUD, NHISItASKA, FKItltUAItY J.", 1ML The Seed Corn Special Train The Train Will Arrive Here Next Thursday. The ced coin insliuelh It special tiaiu by the l.tnlington railioad 111 co opi'iatlon with the Unlveisi'y of No l)iakti, will .'inivc in Red Uiotid on Thui sday, February .!, lit :.) u. m. and will U'liiain hi'ic u half hour bo foic p'liceiMliiig mi its joiiinev east. Univeisity instiuctois will deliver shoi t It dun s at c nch stopping place and no one should f.til to bo at thu liuiliiigtoii depot when the tiain pulls in. Weouuicstlj urge all those Intel cstcd in in giicult ute to meet the corn special next Thuisday morning at eight thiity. The Omaha Comiueicial club has an extensive ced testing labiatory piesided over by scientific faruieis; thu liurllngton tail load company has a stall" eniplojed t g ither mid give out infni m.itioii bene llcial, to a t.n miiig country, our state school is milking piactl eil ti-Ms and cspeiiiueiits with thu people's money and these thiee oigutii 'ttiotis have combined this venr to piecnt agricultural liudliigs to the fanners ot the state without any cost. No fanner can alluid to miss this ojJ noiluiiity to learn the latest most i-ciciitific methods of farming known to inodei it science. We ate puiely an agricultural people and wo should neglect no occasion to pcifect our--elves in this ail Farmors aio specially invited. What Will Be Voted For At Coming Primary. Tlic state executive depaitment has prepared a proclamation calling for a primary election to be held in the state April 10. The document will beoillei ally signed and given out to day. The proclamation calls for the selec tion of candidates and the choosing ot the following ollleets: vote for president and vice president. One United Stato senator. Four Jelegates-at large to the na tional cou.'eutlou and two district delegates from each congressional dls tiict together with alternates therefor. One national committeeman. One congressman fiom each of the districts. night presidential electors. Governor. Lieutenant governor. Secrctury of state. Auditor of public uccouuts. Stato treasurer. Supciiiiteodcut of public instruction Attorney getieial. Laud commissioner. One railway commissioner. State senators uud state represent atives. The live constitutional amendments for adoption as paity measures will also be submitted at the piimary elec tion and will be placod upon the bal lots of all parties, Wolf Hunt Tuesday, Feb. 20 West line on the road ruuiiing north out of Inuvalc; south line three miles tioith of Inavalo and Jtcd Cloud; east lino is tho east line of lied Cloud town ship; north line ono tulle south of north line of llatlu township. Coiners of Lines btatt at 10 o'clock and the Center at 10:30. llound-Up in John Erlckson's pas ture Lunch wagon at the Rouud-Up. Seed Corn Problem Is Solved V. ID. Springer will have his samples of seed corn on display soon in the building next to the Hat Held bakery. Kin the mean time you will ilnd me at the J. 11. Hlllngcr ranch cast of lied Cloud. Don't miss the baud concert to bo givtii at the opera house Friday night. . ' Jiff A$v!a The Brother- hood Meets Boy Scout Movement Organ ized. The meeting of I i.o Congregational 111 ot In i hood Tuesday night was one of unusual inteiest. The social enter tnluuii'iit coiuiulttee htul gcueial ehun.0 uud ai iitiiged lor a simple ban quet n the tVnu of coMVo, sandwiches and c.ilte. The Im.v s of I he high school weie invited to assemble and consider the Mibjutof the "I'n.j s-cout" Move ment. 1'iof. Moi it, gave a very lntcicsting and instinctive de-ci iptiou of the movi tueiil its oiigin, pinpoes and mode of opeiation. Me-sis. Mauicr audi. J. Oveiliig t tlked vmy enter tainingly of their eNperieniL's as high school pupils of an eai Her date. llev. Ilayne also told of his oNpeiienees as a college bnj as I'ouipi'titor for tiack prics, as long distance i miner and splinter. All the spe.ikeis had a good wind to siy for the "Hoy Scout" move ment. The under gi initiates who weie prchciitto the iiumbei ol thiity showed much inteiest in the subject uud un animously dccluicd their deslio to be come enlisted in the iiL'W'oigauialiou. li J. Ovoiing, Ji , was chosen by them to act as the ptesent leader, and he Was Instructed to conespoud w'ith the piopor olllclals to aiiango for the speedy inn of a company in tho city in uccoidaucu with the leipilie incuts ot the national authorities. The aiidiHiicti then adjoauied to the lecture loom wheieu bouiitilul tepast had been piovidod by the 1. idles Mis sionary society. In a future issue a mote extended notice of the ''Hoy Scout" movement will he given because it seems to the Chief that it piomisus to bu one of the important prugiessive features of the ago. Meeting of Nebraska Progressive Republicans National Coin in i tteo ma n K. 13. Howell, Omaha. Delegates at-largc J. .1. McCarthy, l'ouca; I). L. King, Osceola; Nathan Men lam, Omaha; D. L. Love, Lincoln, Alternates at-large Don Van Dtf-eii, Blair; J. A. Dtvis, lioyd county; L Shtiman, Falrlniry; Dan Oaiber, lied Cloud. Presidential electors-at-latge I. A, Hcueaii, Uioken How; W. J. Hioatch, Omaha. About u bundled pt ogress! vc re publican"-, suppoiters of Senator La Follotto or Colonel Roosevelt, met at tho Llndell hotel last night in tho ill st htate-vvlde session of that faction of the republican party lu Nebraska. Those delegates named the leiuaindcr of a progressive ticket to be placod on the primary ballot in opposition to the Taft candidates, passed short reso lutions outlining their attitude on p.iblhs questions, gave thu same soit of endorsement to Sen ilor La Folleite as was given to Colonel Roosevelt, listened to short but enthusiastic speeches and adjourned. Tuesday') Hastings Republican. Have You Read It? The Adler-i-ka book, telling how you can DAS1LV guard against appen dicitis and get INSTANT relief from constipation or gus on the stomach, is being read with much interest by Hed Cloud people. It is given away free by C. L. Cottlng. How Cold affects the Kidneys Avoid taking cold It your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests tho kid neys, throws too much work upon them, and weakens their action, Seri ous kidney trouble and oven Drlght's disease may result.' Strengthen your kidneys, get rid of the pain and sore uess, build them up by the timely uso of Foley Kldnoy Pills. Tonic in act ion, quick in results. Bold at Dr. Cook's drug ttoro. iliiMr Fine Job Wedding Invitations Announcements Letter Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Memos Statements Shipping Tags Business Cards Calling Cards Envelopes Circular Letters Sale Bills, Etc. The Chief Office Attend the Musical to be given by the Band Boys tomorrow night Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night! Are You Insured Against Loss? We represent four of the Largest American Insurance Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00. N. W. CARTER & SON. Office now in Opera House Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Olllce ill Moon lllock. Hell, Uldck I; Ind., 11) J Residence, Hiyal Hotel. Hell, 17; Intl., S7 Calls Answered Day or Night UEI) CLOUD, NKII. Foley Kidney Pills will cure any cifse of kidney or bladder trouble not be yond the reach of medicine. No medi cine can do more. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug btore. Widow's Pension. 'I he recent act of April 10th, 11)03 gives to all soldiers' widows u pension tl2 por month. Fred M.uner the attorney, has all necessary bluukt, --- fe; NUMJJEI? Printing -44 J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. DR. CHAS. E. CRuaa DKNTimr OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska ! BjW immtmffm