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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1911)
,-..--V......,.,.-,.,....,,, Mjr . ; , lyi lf-ftTMr"ff"lr"irTHM1 f 'IT 111 "i I1 I II 'ill! Ill m in I iirrr-T-nm ir rir r-in n n -mriirrir-iT.TT-inr-riMii iivim-im in ,iriffiriirTn'iinnn'iiiv'lvi if mntiwitt' BfTlfi'i iim-i'ftririlii'rm-yftirn'jiii.i rugum nJi.'MiiiMnn'iiiin'iiii'ii.Mi'i;?'iVJ!"'- jE----t- " ''m " '--? f..-y.vy..y..w v.rf.. .i i ' I T" - " "" -"' ' "" -: - Of ' . I l y IX- p ? The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA FLIES 1 H FLAG STANDARD OF ITALY NOW WAVE3 OVER TRIPOLI FORTS. ARE LANDING ALONG THE COAST One of the Forte Making a Vigor oue Return Italian Flag Re ported Waving Over Be ' aleged Town. London. Tho Italian flag floats ovor Sultanla fort, Tripoli, which la occuplod by landing parties. Part of the fleet Mb anchored In tho harbor and the other warships Ho a short dls tanco from tho dismantled fortifica tions. Fow bodies of Turks have been found among tho ruins of tho forts, and apparently no groat nutnbor of Turka were killed by the bombard monk According to a Constantinople ro port, not yet confirmed, tho Italian warships havo bombarded Benghazi and Doraa. Various rumors concern Ing a naval engagement in Turkish waters, an attack against Mytllcno and tho blowing up of tho Italian bat tloshlp Conto dl Cnvour at Tripoli havo 'not been couflrmcd from any quarter. An interesting roport Is current from Constantinople that whilo Ger many favors tho adoption of tho Italian ultimatum ns tho basis of pcaco negotiations, Great Britain pro poses that Tripoli shall becomo a protected tributary territory or Turk ish vlllayot, under joint Turco-Itallan administration, thus retaining tho Euzeranlty of tho sultan. To Curtail Initiative. " Washington, D. C Tho task of at tempting to put an end to all Inltlativo and referendum legislation In this country was begun In tho supreme court of tho United States whon coun sol for tho Pacific Stntes Telophono ft Telegraph company Hied a brief, at tacking a taxing law of Oregon be cause It was enacted by virtue of the Initiative amendment to tho state con atitutlon which is nllogod to bo In vio lation of tho foderal constitution. ' Argument In Eddy Case. Boston, Mass. The hearing In the supremo court of equity regarding tho domlcUe'.of Mrs. Mary Bakor G. Eddy at tho time of her death, was conclud ed with ovldonco of Joseph Fcrnand of Concord, one of tho trustees of her property, and Genoral Frank S. Street or, her personal counsol. They tostl Hod that Mrs. Eddy always regarded Concord as her legal resldonco. A dij clsion Is expected In a fow days. Fatality at Guard Meet. Omaho. Earl Holbcck of Wlsner, a militiaman, was almost Instantly killed by a blow in the breast with tho bare fist from a follow guardsman, Don McKcnzle, also of Wlsner, at the camp near Bellovue, whore tho militia of the stato Is now holding Its an nual maneuvers. The affair was tho result of a quarrol over a trivial mat ter. Both 8ldet Claim Victory. Mexico City, Mox.Wlthtn a week It may bo posslblo to ascertain who was elected to tho vlco-presldency of Mexico, but now it Is predicted that It may take tho official count of tho 20,000 Totes of tho doctoral collogo throe weeks honco to definitely deter mine the winner. Madoro has boei elected president, without doubt. McNamara Brothers Tried Separately. Los Angeles, Cal. -It has boon stat ed authoritatively that the McNnmara brothors, tho allogod Tlmos building destroyers, would bo tried separate ly. James B. McNamara probably will bo tho first to go on trial noxt Wed nesday, according to a statement of ono of hlB counsol. Royalists Are Gaining Ground, london. According to a member of tho colony which has established it self around tho deposed King Manuel at Richmond, cablegrams recolved an nounced that In north Portugal bands of royalists occupied tho towns of Chaves, GuimarrcB, Barloria and Bo ranaca. Manuol, who has boon tho guest of Enrl of Longsdalo at Lowthcr castle In Penrith, brought his visit to an unexpectedly oarly termination, leaving tho castlo at midnight for Richmond, where ho arrived Thurs day. Street Car Riot at St. Joseph. Bt. JoBoph. Tho entire police force Of the city was called out to quell a riot at Fifth and Edmond streets, tho principal junction, which aroso over an order Issued to street car conduc tors not to accopt tickets detached from bookB. For two hours tho corner was Jammed by people who were try !ns to rldo on strcot cars and pay their faro with detached tickets. The conductors, aided by extra holpf were ejecting tho patrons whenever they refused to got off, EVENTS E OM SOME PARAGRAPHS OF TIMELY INTEREST. ARE BRIEF BUT TO THE .POINT Items of Events That Are Transpiring In Our Own as Well at In Foreign Lands Washing ton Political News. Washington. Tho Atlantic fleet will mako no truiso In foreign waters this winter. Tho war department is preparing for tho maneuvers noxt year. An aorlal mall routo has boon es tablished botweon Now York City and sltlcs on tho Pacific coast. Commissioner Cabell of tho Inter nal rovenue bureau wilt recommend tho enactment of a law compelling manufacturers to It-bol all adulterated butter. Postmaster General Hitchcock has Issuod an order directing tho post master at Now York to dispatch lot tors via tho aeroplano route to the Pacific coast Tho stato department has decided to await tho action of European na tions more dlroctly Interested In tho prosont war before issuing a neu trality proclamation. On tho recommendation of Repre sentative Klnkald, Dr. G. E. Penning ton has boon appointed pension ex amining surgeon at Broken Bow, Nob., vlco J. J. Pickett, deceased. A movement to raise a half mil lion dollars to build a national mnnu mont in Washington to tho memory of tho women of tho civil war has boon launched at New York. Successful transportation of maga zlnos by fast freight for delivery by tho postofflco department was indicat ed by tho Soptember reports compiled by Postmaster General Hitchcock. On tho witness stand tho senatorial investigating committee, United States Sonator Stephenson testified that al though ho spent $107,793 In his cam paign ho had Httlo knowledgo as to Just how It was spent. United States Sonator Isaac Ste phenson of Wisconsin probably will tako tho witness stand this week In his own defense against charges that bribory and othor corrupt uses of money contributed to his election In March, 1909. Thoro is still a possibility that the engines of tho Malno In Havana har bor, aro In such condition that thoy can bo restored to service and tho temporary bollors pormlt of tho wreck proceeding out of tho harbor under her own steam. One Central American mosquito may cost thousands' of lives', is 'the aubstanco of protests cabled to Wash ington against orders relieving steamers of tho nccossity of fumiga tion before leaving Central American ports for tho Hawaiian islands. General News. Much damago was dono by floods at Pittsburg. Tho Russian declaration of neu trality Is bolng drafted. It will not bo Issued for a week. Wm. Taft spent Saturday as tho guest of the Missouri stato fair and spoke briefly on tho tariff. The democratic state convention of New Mexico nominated W. C. McDon old of Carrlzozo for governor. Tho second trial of Dr. Hydo, charg ed with tho murder of Col. Swope will begin at Kansas City noxt week Three-quarters of a million dollars damago wbb dono by tho rainstorm which swept ovor northern Ohio. La Follette headquarters for Ne braska havo been established at Lin 'coin with F. P. Corrlck In charge. A flro Iosb of $125,000 resulted from tho fourth attempt In as many months to burn up tho town of Sectdalo, Pa. Tho strlko of shop men of tho Har rlman system is, a very ordorly affair, with no rioting and Httlo demonstra tion. Crop failures duo to drouth In the summor months means that a hard winter Is In store for the poor of Ger many. , Tho Missouri pure food commlnalou iu making It warm for Kansas City ice cream dealers who are not keeping tholr products up to tho standard re nu'red. Moro than 100 royalists havo been arrested and othor arrests aro to bo mado following tho discovery of a monarchist conspiracy at Oporto, Por tugal. A carload of strikebreakers bolng takon from Chicago to Now Orleans by tho Illinois Central was attacked by a mob at McComb, Miss, Sunday morning. Honry Meyers shot and fatally wounded William Gentry at Tenny Bon, Intl., alleging that Gontry had cut tho harness from his horse to pro vent him calling on a young lady for whoso hand tho men wero suitors. Tho Italian steamer Ernoso Ilardl and crow, havo boon captured by the Turks, who havo lost tho bark Con stantino to tho Italians. Gustav Anderson, U. S. Commis sioner at Omaha, dropped doad from heart disease In tho union depot at Chicago Monday morning. Flro In tho plant of tho Homo Stovo Works at Chicago destroyed six fac tories, causing a property loss of $100,000 and throw many men out of employment. Monoy nod food are noeded to carry on tho work of clearing tho dobrla of the ruin caused by '.ho flood at Aus tin, Pa., and tho stjito hoalth commis sioner has Issued an appeal for bath. The roturns, coming In slowly, Indl cato that Genoral Madoro has re ceived a practically unanimous vote for president of Mexico. ' Bandits held up un M., K. & T. train noar Okosn, Okla., and rifled tho mail and baggago cars, but it id believed got lltllo for their trouble. Incossnnt rains for tho paBt throe or four weeks havo caused tho Illinois rivor to go on a rnmpngo and much damage has been cnuscd as a result. Tho spoclal session of tho forty ninth gonoral assembly of Illinois which recessed late In Juno until Oc tobor reconvened Tuesday. Tho property loss caused by tho flood nt Austin, Pa., will exceed $0, 000,000 and It 1b tho general opinion Hint tho town will novor bo rebuilt. Following a rainfall of almost three Inches nt 3 o'clock Sunday morning St. Joseph Mo. was visited by tfce most disastrous flood In Its history. Consldorablo anxiety is felt by the officers In chargo of tho work In the wreckage at Austin, Pa., because of tho non-arrival of sovoral cars of sup plies that havo been reported on tho way. ' Twonty-four coasting vessels went ashoro and forty small craft were sunk In a storm that swept tho North sea Sunday. Many lives were lost. Tripoli has bocn bombarded twice by tho Italian fioot. The first shot was fired Tuosday afternoon. Shelling was resumed the noxt morning after a quiet night, Italians gathered at Salonlcn from all over Turkey, to sail for homo, wore nttackod by tho Turks. There was blody fighting. Tho exact death roll is unknown but heavy. A call has boon Issued for a meet ing of tho national republican com mlttoe nt Washington Tho meeting will dccldo upon tho tlmo und placo io noxt convention. of tho Governor Dlx of Now York has signed a pardon for Cnptaln Potor C. Hnlns, Jr.. who klllod William B. An nls nt tho Bnyslde, L. I., yacht club houso In August, 1903. A special vonlro of 125 posslblo Jurors for the trial nt Los Angeles of tho McNamara brothers, alleged dy nnmiters, has been drawn. Tho trial will begin on October 11. John Jlnuso, a recent immigrant from Russia, was taken into custody by dotoctlvos at Dcs Moines because It was feared ho was plotting agaliiBt tho llfo of President Taft. Georgo Schobor, the heaviest man In tho United States, died at Jersey City Wednesday. He weighed 050 pounds, and it required twelve pall bearers to handle his coffin. Negroes of Oklahoma may vote In the olection of fedoral officers with out heed to tho "grandfather" clause of tho Oklahoma constitution accord ing to a decision rendered. Advices from Holslngfors, Finland, indicate that tho Finns are preparing to resist, by peacoful means If pos sible, by force if necessary, tho now Russian policy of aggresion. Two sections of tho bleacherB nt tho stato fair grounds at Springfield, 111., collapsed during tho raceB. About 750 persons wero precipitated to tho ground, twenty being Injured. Tho fourteen men who were en tombed In tho Shakespere mine on Nome crook, Alaska, were rescued Monday, none tho worse for tholr confinement of eighty-four hours. Six prominent Mexicans, one of thom a Baptist preacher, wero poi soned near Sanderson, Texas, Sunday, proBumably from Btrychnlne In the flour from which a meal was prepared. Robort Mitchell, an IlllnolB Central switchman, was shot and killed in tho railroad yards at Mounds, Illinois, by a machinist, brought as a strikebreak er but later discharged for Incompe tency. . . . In a fight In the freight yardB of the IlllnolB Central at McComb City, Miss., botweon strikers and strikebreakers, sovoral porsonB are reported to havo boen seriously Injured, one probably Fifty porsons wore Injured at Adflo vlllo. La., a number Berlously and sovoral hundred thrown Into a panlo whon a nrand stand at a WeBt Side park collapsed. Several had limbs broken. A special eesBlon of the Chickasaw and Choctaw council assembled at Tuskahoma, Okla., Monday to make recommendation as to the disposition of tribal property and to wind up the affairs of tho trlbo. South Dakota, North Dakota, Mich igan, Wisconsin, Now York. Pennsyl vania, Oregon, Montana Minnesota, Iowa. Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Nobraska are represented at the land drawing at Gregory, S. D. Thero was a "cheaper food" riot at Warsaw directed against the Jews In tho suburbs. Throe JewB and two Christians were wounded. Tho po llco restored order. The French cruisers Lean Gam betta, and Ernest Renan aro In read!-, ness to start at a moment's notice to Tripoli to protect tho French resi dent's there, it was stated at the foreign office thnt although no offer of mediation had hnmi made, the uorman amoassa- dor at Constantinople, was working actlvoly at tho Turkish capital trying' to effect a, peaceful Bouiomem oeiwcon Ttnlv nnrt Tnrkev, Tho anniversary of the founding, of Cotnor university, noar Lincoln, fan celebrated with appropriate cero monleB Tuesday. Tho Jewish people throughout the world Monday colobratod' Yom Kip pur, or tho day of atonemont, the most widely observed of all tho many feaBts and fasts In tho Hebrew calendar. Read Admiral Winflold Scott Schloy, tho hero of Santiago Bay, rotlred, dropped doad In New York City on Monday aftornoon. The admiral had long been a auflorer ' f rom heart dis ease. ' REMARKABLE HELD TWELVE ACRE8 OF ALFALFA NET3 IT8 OWNER NEARLY $1,500. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Ib Going on Here and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Mui i ay. Mr. Charles Plillpot threshed twelve acres of alfalfa this week on his farm six miles west of here, yielding ninety bushels, which ho has sold for $900. From this field ho also cut thirty-six tons of hay, valued at 300. In tho spring ho pas tured sovonty-flvo BhoatB on this field for four weeks, and has had 100 head of full grown hogs running on the twelvo acres since tho seed crop was removed four weeks ago. He will pasture theso hogs on this alfalfa Hold another month. This twelve acres has yielded in seed and hay $ 1,260 and pasture estimated at $150, or a total of $1,410 Silver Jubilee Convention. Lincoln. The Nebraska Christian Kndeavor Union will hold its twenty fifth annual convention here October 26-29. More than fifty speakers among them such men as William Shaw, general secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor; Karl Lchmnn, International field secretary '" tho United Society of Christian Endeavor, and a host of other prom nont Endeavor workers will appear on o Platform during tho sessions of tho convention. From 2,500 to 3,0'00 delegates aro expected. Richardson County Get Wet. Humboldt. An eight and one-half Inch rain In this section in approxi mately flftoon hours has proven too much for tho capacity of tho now dralnago dUch In district No. 2, Rich ardson county, and as a result tho low lands adjoining aro Inundated from a depth of six Inches to two feet. Those bottoms aro producing a fine stand of corn this year anS were It not for tho Blow current might suffer considerable damago. As it Is tho owners nnticlpato no very great loss. Beatrice. Soma tlmos Wednesday night thloves entered tho public li brary and after breaking open the librarian's dosk, stole $28 in caBh. Entrance to tho building was gained through a rear window which was pried open. . " ' , NEWS FROM THE 8TATE HOUSE J. C. Elliott, editor of tho West Point Republican, was nominated for congress In tho Third district. According to tho quarterly report of the stato banks, deposits havo in creased $2,500,000 in three months. Platto county has made application to tho state for aid in building a 2,000- foot bridge across tho Platte river at Monroe. Tho bridgo Is to have a six teen-foot roadway and will cost $34, 000. If stato aid Is extended tho state will bear one-half of this cost. Ernest P. Blcknell, national direc tor of the Red Cross soctoty, has written a letter commending Adju tant General Ernest H. Phelps of the Nebraska national guard for Issuing an order to discourage the abuse of the uso of the Red Cross emblem by persona who are not authorized to use it. Teachers throughout the state aro planning to attend the state teachers' association which will meet this year November 8 to 9 In Omaha. Tho teach ers of Hastings, sixty-four In number, havo decided to attend tho meeting and havo already completed arrange ments. Tho faculties of the stato nor mal Bchools at Chadron and Peru have decided to attend. L. W, McConnel, a druggist at Mc Cook, has been appointed one of the secretaries of tho state board of pharmacy, Tho appointment Is made to fill tho term of Mr. Sherman of Omaha, which has expired. The ap pointment waB made by Attorney General Martin, Secretary of State Walt, Auditor Barton and Land Com missioner Cowles. Slnco July 7 tho state has paid $4, 248.14 In indemnities to ownors of horsos and mules suffering from glanders and killed under direction of tho state voterlnarlan. Governor Aid rich declined to par don Albert Jacobs of Howard county, but Instead Issuod a parole. Jacobs is twenty-two years of ago and is serving a term of eighteen months for burglary. Judge J. N. Paul, who irns the trial Judgo In the district coirt and the county attorney, recommend- ed a pardon, , but the governor accept- the recommendation of tho board of pardons that a parole bo issued. An efficient flro drill In tho public schools at York is roported by Flro Commissioner Randall and Inspector Buck of tho same office, who have Just returned from that clty Thoy Baw 960 pupils march out of the Central Bchool building at York In 1 mlnuto and 50 seconds, at tho sounding of a fire alarm. Tho children did not know in advance that tho fire drill was to be given. Tho 1911 stallion registration law requires all males, pure bred, cross bred, grade or Jack to be examined by a state inspector. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Slot machines havo been ordered out by tho mayor of Grand Island. John Vanderhcidcn was accidentally shot while out hunting near Rushville. Tho Johnson county fair Just closed, was one of tho most successful in Us history. ' Tho new commercial club at Dav enport is making plans to hold a win ter fair. Carl E. Peterson has been appointed mail carried and Edith Peterson BUbi stituto at Bertram!. Tho university report for the first week shows 2,051 registered, an In crease ovor last year. Mr, and Mrs. K. L. Evans of Shu bert rocontly celebrated tholr golden wedding anniversary. Wcstcrvlllo Is proud of tho fact that a man 117 years old Is an In habitant of that placo. Earl Luther, working on a ranch near Broken Bow, will lose an eye as tho result of a corncob flght. Yeggmen blew up the safe in the Farmers State bank at Wabash, Neb., and escaped with tho contents. Work on the new Lutheran orphan's home at Stromsburg has begun and will be pushed as rapidly as possible T. E. Henry, a Northwestern brake man, was fatally Injured under the wheels of a freight train at Fremont Hastings will bo a lively placo from October 9th to, 14th, when tho Central NobraBka fall festival will bo in progress. John Wajt, for some time railroad agent at Plckrell, has disappeared, and numerous townsmen are anxious to locato him. Frank Collier was dangerously and perhaps fatally Injured when ho got tnngled up In tho lines of a runaway team at Alliance. Xlio Nebraska federation of womon's clubs will hold Its seven teenth annual convention at Hoi drego, October 9 to 12. J. W. Ault, near Woodlawn. has succeeded In raising qulto a crop of cotton, tho seeds of which ho secured during n recent visit to Oklahoma. St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal church at David City gave a reception to Rov. J. R. Gottys and family on tholr return to David City for tho fourth year. Tho body of Georgo Jarrels, a bach elor 42 years old, was discovered In his shanty at Syracuse. His skull was crushed In and his throat was cut completely across. . Tho wheels of the sugar factory at Scotts Bluff havo begun revolving for tho grind of 1911. The beet crop Is better than expected, being about 110 per cent of a normal crop. Rev. C. G. Grassmuock and wlfo of Osceola celebrated tholr silver wed ding last week, and friends from all ovor tho county gathored to wish them many happy returns. The Normalite, a school publica tion Issued by the student body at Peru, started on Its sixth year under most favorable circumstances, with an advance subscription of over 600. Small worms In great numbers ap peared In tho wheat field of Wilbur Htatt, northwest of Odell, and after working twenty-four hours In tho fiold, destroyed abont one-third of It. Tho annual Merrick county corn show, an event which Is always looked forward to with Interest, has been set for Novombor 15 and 16, this year. As usual, It will bo held In Central City. Bishop Tlhen of tho Catholic dio cese of Lincoln will speak in Omaha tho night of October 12, tho occaston being a meeting of the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus. His sub-; Ject will be "Our Heritage, Our Be- quest." 1 The spire of the Tecumseh Pres byterian church was struck by light ning during a recent storm and, the shingles badly torn therefrom, but tho building did not catch fire. The lightning struck in many places In the city. Win Sudman was instantly killed and Charley Hudson seriously In jured at Chappcll when tho auto In which they wero riding skidded on the wet ground, throwing thom out and running over them. Tho first demonstration of the real work of tho wlroless telegraph in Tekamah occurred last week, being carried out for tho government by a squad of soldiers from Fort Crook, Nob., undor the direction of Sergeant Eaton. Tho atmosphere was vory clear and conversation was carrlod on with tho station at Key West, Fla. Anselmo has started the building of a water works system which whon completed will compare favorably with any In the state. Rov. E. M. Furblon, who has Just been returned to the M. E. pastorate at Hobron, was tendered a reception by tho congregation and friends. Jefferson county farmers are busily engaged In sowing their winter wheat An unusually largo acreago Is being placed In winter wheat this autumn. A man and a woman traveling through the country in a buggy Bold a bnby for $5 to Homer Howell, a young farmer, residing near Auburn. Civil service examinations will bo held October 28, for rural carriers at Gladstone. While playing with a revolver which he didn't know was loaded, "Bunny," tho ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ballard of Beatrice, put a bul let In his leg, which will disable him for some time. Tho two-year-old child of C. H. Win klo of Blue Springs found lomo matches and set them afire, and be fore members of tho family could re spond the clothing was nearly burned off the body. It Ib thought the child will recover. Trapping Time Is Soon iure SoGet Posted We Furnish Free CorkccI Quotations om RAW FURS I A POSTAL CARD.-? TODAY BRINGS A VIST NO COMMISSION CHARGED a WE ARC DIRECT BUYERS THeHouseTnat Rarely Loses aSmippeii LOTZ BROS.H3I15 ELM ST. ST. LOUIS for Coughs l Colds HIGHLY AMUSED. trr Hiram Greene What did vour nta. ter say when you told her I was going to mnko a speech in tho town hal tonight? Willie Sho didn't say nothln'; she lust laughed until sho had hysterica, The Simple Life. Anna Maria Wilhelmlna Pickering, In her "Memoirs," edited by her son, tells a Yorkshire incident which con tains a great deal of human nature. Variety spices life; the plain is monot. onous, until Its extent entitles It to tho namo of pralrlo or desert, and i gains Interest through vnstness. There was an old couple In tho vil lage whom I used often1 to go to see. One day, when I found them Bitting, one on each side of the lire, tho old man said to me: "Well, f missis and me, we've been married night on 60 years, and we've never had one quarrel." The old woman looked at me, wltn a twinkle in her eye. and Bald: "It war verie conscientious, Jul arte dool." Youth's Companlop. Learned From Nature. An enthusiastic friend was dilating to the woman landscape gardener on the obvious advantages he must de rive from actually superintending the workmen who executed her designs. "Being right out with nature that way you must learn so many Interest Ing things," said the friend. "1 do," said the gardener, "I can tell the different kinds of whisky, the dif ferent kinds of tobacco and tho differ ent kinds of profanity a rod away." Not a Bit. "In getting married Mr. Sothera and Miss Marlowe showed very little consideration for the public." "Why so?" "There's no fun In watching a man. and his wife play 'Romeo and Juliet' " When wo look back now upon soma, of the things we used to worry about, we wonder what the lunacy commit lions were doing all that tlmol v SOUND SLEEP Can Easily Be Secured. "Up to 2 yearB ago," a woman writes, MI was In the habit of using both tea and coffee regularly. "I found that my health was begin ning to fail, strange nervous attacks would come suddenly upon me, making me tremble so excessively that I could, not do my work while they lasted; my Bleep left me and I passed long nights In restless discomfort I was filled with a nervous dread as to tho future. "A fricpd suggested that possibly tea and coffee were to blame, and I decided to give them up, and In cast Ing about for a hot table beverage, which I felt was an absolute necessity, I was led by good fortune to try Post um. "For moro than a year I havo used It threo times a day and, .expect, bo much good has it done mo, to con tinue its use during the rest of my life. "Soon after beginning the use ot Postum, I found, to my surprise, that, Instead of tossing on a sleepless bed through tho long, dreary night I dropped Into a Bound, dreamless sleep tho moment my head touched the pil low. "Then I suddenly realized thnt alt my' nervousness had left me, and my appetite, which had fallen off before, bad all at once been restored so that) I ate my food with a keen relish. "AH the nervous dread has gone. I walk a mile and a half each way to tny work every day and enjoy it Z find an interest In everything that goes on about me that mokes life a pleasure. All this I owe to leaving oft tea and coffee and tho uso of Postum, for I have taken no medicine" Nameh given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. "There's a reason," and it is ex plained In the little boob, "The Rood to Wellvllle," In pkgs. Ever read the abnv letter? A tier bc appear from time to time. The are teauUe, true, u4 (all oC humasr --BtTw Z !?F -JkrarMsi txaH. "J 5 KC MEMSKR Q Pisa'Si i .V- . v. A ' U.Jm hVi