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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
t j(ifcfc.VWV-W mmxmmxmssi&sfizftwiwSP K&SHfiKf.a?': t 'i-iBtgy-- ".- . itiJWi "'"'lorlenlsfc, - tsn aaiaaasBswyr ,- a3wy: Jj, i.. .Iv'ny.i friTiMlJ... i, i. ..I,., ,7 , A '1S!S52S,,-'fswr S---iMlisitv jtf ,W. u JtajKS?SSg?S3agt5r--.' -c?-&g!ra: A Newspaper That dives The News Flfty-twa Weeks Each YearFtr 11.50. VOIiTJMB XXXVIII1. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AUGUST 10, 1911. NUMBER 5i2 THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is. guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, ' S. R. Florance. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Fannie Crary Is quite poorly. Harry Hunt and wife went east Mon day. II. V. Hubbard aud wife are visiting in Iowa. Oliver McNutt visited friends here several days last week during the high water. Mrs. Hannah Garber Is still very ill. She has beeu 111 for the Dast four or five weeks." Guide Roclc people will not soon for get the storms and high water of the past two weeks. ' Mrs. Albert Ferguson, while prepar ing to come to town Tuesday, fell and broke her tiilcle. Mrs. Tyler, from Kepublie county, Kansas, is visiting hor parents, J. S. Oleason and wife. Little Paul Simpson, Carl Simpson and Ruth Hendrickson, children of her of the Kastern Star lodge. The I oily will be taken to Weeping Water for burial. Services were held at the, homo here at 3:H0 Wednesday after noon Ilev. Uobbius preached the sermon Floyd and Lee Simpson and E. A. Hendrickson, have been ill this week. All three are better at this writing. The infant of Wm. Mol'herson and wlfo of Bostwick was burled in the cemetery here last Saturday. John Ferguson Is very low. They have secured u trained nurse from the M. E. hospital at Omaha A specialist was here Tuesday on the case. James Simpsou of Madison. Wiscon sin, nrrlvcd Tuesday night to visit his sister, Mrs. G. M. Simpson. The brother and sister had not met for forty years -Mrs. R. W. McCallum died at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, August 8th, 1011. Slle had been severely 111 since the birth of her llttlo son, Juno 2()th. She was formerly Mins .Margaret Con tryman of Weeping Water Sho was married to Ralph W. McCallum August 14, 1907. Two little sons aro loft with out a mother. Mrs.. McCallum was a faithful member of the Guide Rock Baptist church aud an honored mem LESTER hue Friibie and Miss Daisy Clmso visited relatives in lied Cloud Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Connie Uasier Sundayed at her parents1, Mr. and Mrs. Al Deck er. John Iiasser mid wife spent Sunday at her parents1, Mr and Mrs. Will Robertson. Mr and Mr. John Holcomb called on Mr. and Mrs. George McKinncy Sunday afternoon. Arch Nasser, Miss Lacy Decker and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King spent Sun day at Charles UasserV The seven year old daughter of Fred Huffman went through an operation for appendicitis last week. Sho is getting along nicely. We have been having heavy rains and the river has been out of its banks for almost a week. A good many peo ple living near tho river had to move out on account of the river bolug up. - , COWLES Dwight Johnson weut to Lincoln Thursday on business. MUs Mabel Fuller departed for Bethany Heights Tuesday. Fred Gund of Hlue Hill was looking after his interests hero Tuesday Fuller & Bennett shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Wednesday. .las. McHrlde went to Blue Hill be tween trains Tuesday on business. Jas MuBride is moving iuto Ids new residence In the east part of town. The primary election will b. held in what Is known as the Tenuse building on August 15th, Every voter should Seven Summer Specials yfE HAVE JUST SEVEN WATCHES, three Men's and four Ladies', on which we have made the following low prices. These are all standard, qualities, fully guaranteed and made by the best known makers. Every one is a bargain at from $2.00 to $6.00 more money, but we got them right and give you the benefit of the saving. LADIES' No. 1 Solid sterling Silver Cased Ladies' Open Face Chatelaine Watch, Gold Hands. One of the most popular styles now selling in tho larger cities. Price $5.00, worth $7.0q No. 3 Twenty year Guaranteed Filled Gold Hunting Case, handsomely engraved, fitted witli cither Elgin or Walthain movement. The entire watch a durable tlmckeepor and fully warranted in every respect. , $10.00, worth $13.25 No. 2 Twenty year guaranteed Filled Gold Open Face Ladies1 Watch, Gold Dial, movement fully warrant ed. A reliable timekeeper; first class iu every way. Price $9.00, worth $12.50 No. 4 Twenty-five yoar warranted Filled Gold Hunting Caso, beautifully engraved by hand in tlo.ral desigu. Fitted with olthor Elgin or Walthuni movement, gold hands, fancy decorated dial. A watch that with or dinary usage will last n lifetime. Special $12.75,-worth $20.00 R emova s aiei I In order to put up our new building, we must reduce our stock. In addition to the following prices oh Corsets, we will give 20 PER CENT OFF ON EVERYTHING IN STOCK !? : :N; u I Kalamazoo Corset Co Exclusive Makers Former price .... $1.00 Sale price .... $ . Former pr.tce.... $1.50 ale price. ... $1.20 Former price.... $2.00 Sale price.... $1.60 Former price . . . , $2.75 Sale price .... $2 20 Former price... .$3.25 Sale price. ,,.$2,50 MEN'S . .. &! No. 5 A twenty year Filled (?old Open Face Case, screw bezel and back, with patent dust proof stem, hand somely engraved by hand, lit ted' with an Elgin movement with dec orated dial and gold hands ' Price $8.75 Usually sold at 912.00 No. 6 Twenty year Filled Gold Case, engraved by hand, patent dust proof pendant, screw back aud bezel: case is practically waterproof. Fit ted with seventeen ruby and sap phire jeweled movement, patent regulator; one of the. very latest models of the watchmaking art. A watch for a lifetime of service $11.00 No. 7 A twenty year Filled Gold Case, hand finished and engraved, patent dust proof pendant, torow back and bezel, making a case capable of re sisting the hardest kind of wear. Fitted with sevcteen ruby and sap phlro jowoled movement, double sunk soft enamel dial, patent regu lator, lueguet hairspring. A watch to keep the very best time and built to give the utmost durability and service. Tho movement alone should sell for $1(5. Special price on the complete watch, , '.OO It will pay you well to get one of these watches if you expect to use one this fall, as these are exceptional values and these prices cannot be duplicated even at wholesale NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Proprietor C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Jeweler and Optometrist Clarence E. Harman for Railroad Commissioner I I. .. . rormer price... .?o.u oaie price. ,.t?,w i All American Beauty Corsets are guaranteed in Style and Fit. Select your style and size and wear it (or 30 days, and if not satisfied will exchange it for another or give your money back F, NEWHOUSE, Dry Goods AGENTS FOR BUTTERCK PATTERN : I come and voto. It Is your duty as well as a privilege. Miss Anna milium of lied Clond came ur Tuesday for a short visit with friends. Clareuco K. Harman ought to ro- Jack Waller and Arch Boren wentU'dvo tho voto of every Democrat and to Hustings Wednesday to see the ball People's Independent in tho county j game. 1 for railway commissioner at tho com. There will bo an ico cream social at ! ing primary. Mr. Harmau's father was ' tho M. B. church Friday evening 0f, ono of tho first Democrats in 'tho Uo-j this week. 1 publican valley, and Mr. llarmau mm- Miss Avos Illtohey came in from . self, although now a resident of Jfol- urege, has never ceased to be loyally idcnthled with tho party and this county, Mike Harrington has boeii soeking to arouse opposition to Mr. Harman by charging him with being the can didate of tho railways. There Is not a bit of truth iu tho charge, and Mr. Harrington exhibits the low esteem in which ho holds the tatelligenoo of the people. There was 'a time when" such a charge against a candidate bad some force. When candidates were selected by conventions, and the dele gates to the conventions rode on passes furnished by the political at torneys of the corporations, there was reason for suspicion and a basis for a charge of railway Influence against a candidate Hut tho railways furnish no passes now, have no political nttor Hustings Tuesday, where she had been visiting relative's and friends. Miss Lottie Deaktn came home from the Bpworth Assembly Tuesday. She was somewhat delayed by tho trains. Most of our farmers have commenced mowing their alfalfa and it is turning out a good crop. With favorable weather from now on the rest of the fall we will get another good yield Um ff llm'muu Lata tt Pay Kidney trouble and the Ills it breeds means lost tlmo and lost pay to many a worklug man. M, Halent, 1214 Little Penna 8t., Streator, IU , was so bod from kidney and bladder trouble that ho could not work, bnt ho says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to no back to work, and am reeling won and ueaitutcr than before." Foley Kirinev 1'ills urn fnnln 1 7, 1', 1 V. --" iiu iiwN'UUff iinis uu iiuiuib'ui nviur who stirrers ,irom kidney ills. For bale at Jienry Cook's drug store. ' 1 ' " " n (".! !.,; 1 ' tHWi.Ml . ; "WU wmwumm . -&-r. A' . . ,. ' .&.( WBHW "' yy y : t -' y are and ont or pontics for ineir own the' country's good, Neither Is any candidate silly enough to tio up with the ru.llways. Mike ought to travel witli the tlmos. Nobody has seen the cloven hoof of the railway corporations iu politics since the pass ing of the conventions. To make sucjt charges as Miko Harrington makes against a candidate before tho pri mary election indicates coagulation of the gray matter In his head. Oijy petrifaction of tho nervous tissues can account for accusations of railway leanings .against present day candi dates. Many "SulferlB Wsman Drags herself painfully througli her daily tasks, suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appe tite and poor sleep, not knowing her Ills are due to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills crivq quick relief front palp nod miicrj W and a prompt return to health and strength. No woman who bo suffers can afford to overlook Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by Henry Cook. WMtw'a PcmIm. The recent act of April 10th. 100s gives to all soldiers1 widows a pension of 912 per month. Fred Maurer, the ttorncy, has all neoossary blanks. Attics fr Sale, loo bu., of sprayed summer apples. On the D. G Norris farm 5 miles west and 1 south of Red Cloud. Jl. - - i . lL. i .Y.-"T.. ZZ.J. r - - '- V imhwiwpjh wyjuiiMn um-immiimmBmjmtNmmm .L ;i -V-V' a...-.o 1 ,. '.,.-J?i.,l .- ,yifi-i Y.'r?) ''fit'. .'' ..ivVa.a . y?"" N"1 .J.l. m w :wt .. 'A.1 ' m m m ZSJA GIM iM 1 f M 4rfl l &' n n " m M .'? vj,5 i3 lM i a 'rm ?' 3 '. .: I) ,' vl f 1 M I -1 i i) m M irji ' VI 'I fX r. .:? . 41 . ?i t