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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1911)
l:ito ig' - - fcX j&- &P ;H:r' - VOLUME XXXVI111. - '''M:.,yssgm THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Funds of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. GARFIELD Mrs. Al Smith is ou'tlie hick list this week. Smith" Bros, and Fisher stacked their outs on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Simpson were pleasant callers at Clyde Bowen's Sunday. The bottom road is most completed In grading and is a good road now. Most all of Garfield went to the show nn Wednesday to see the elephant. .loo Mtidd and Eli Houcliin tool; a load of cattle to market on Monday. Henry Wiggins Iihs been helpincr Mrs. Ida Kent with her cellar this week. Miss CSrace White was visiting at Mrs. Ida Kent's lust week and with old acquaintances InVJarneld The thresher is making the people in east Garfield twice glad this week for the distant rumbling can be heard on the hills. F. NEWH0USE, Dry Goods MUSLIN Ladies' White Ladies' White Skirts with three rows lace insertion and lace edge, $1.00, $2.00, $3.25 Ladies' Nightdresses Ladies low neck Nightdress,' with 2 k ff rows insertion and lace edge in neck, K I I II I 3 rows in s'n in sleeve, sleeve lace-edge H' -'v Ladies' Nightdresses with 3 rows emb. in-d 1 . (f sertionin yoke, yoke edged with emb., atP I JJ Ladies' extra large Nightdresses, insertion J 1 (f in yoke and embroidery edge, at - - P I JJ All three numbers are bargains at these prices Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns J vm' ijm".i W'wji' ii iii'hii fc."'lfy Historical Soeletv &iKWH' John Miller's little six year old boy was operated on for appendicitis Monday a'ternoon and is getting along nicely now. Charley Campbell had bad luck with his windmill in taking it down on Fri day to move it to his new well. One of the guy ropes broke and let It fall and damaged it pretty bad and now he has a new gasoline engine pumping for him. . GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. William Sawyer has been ill. Mrs. Will McL'hor.sou of Ilostwlck is reported 111., Little Roland Wirt has been quite ill since Inst Friday. Mrs. George Purker, daughter of E. Peters, was taken ill Monday. Ivans Amack and family were guests at the Mason home Saturday. A fine son was born Sunday, July 30th, to Louis Osterblad and wife. .SHHBh .,a aua.4MAn. ...' . UNDERWEAR Skirts Children's With 6-inch em broidered flounces and cluster of two tucks, $1.00 Misses' Muslin Drawers Misses' Muslin Drawers, 2 tucks with 1 -inch embroidery, sizes 8 to 12, at 25c . TELEPHONES: Independent, 53; Bell, 'j"n i n ' ii r t n w . .,-.,!,,-.. ...- A Newspaper That (ilvcs The News Fifty - RED CLOUD, 39 EBB Duke Tompkins ami family were chautauqua visitor.-, at Superior last I week. ' Paul,! he little son ofJFloydlSltnpsoii, i who was ill alt lust week, is much bolter. 1 Burt Van Horn and family have boon entertaining relatives from n tils- tatice. Mrs. 'njooll from Republican City was a guest last week of Mrs W. S. Lambert. Mrs. Ashpolu is back from spending sevural weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ileftv, at Atlanta. A large delegation from Guidu Bock attended Uiugllng Bros', circus in Hastings Wednesday. Harry Vaughau and family were guests Saturday and Sunday of Clyde lodges and family at Superior. Mrs. J. M. Holand is reported hot so woll. She has been ill several months and seemed much better for a while. 10. S. Garber and wife of Red Cloud spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs II. Garber, and sister, Mrs. Ida Hayes. Little Howard Miller, aged six years, residing southwest of Guide Rock was operated on for appendicitis Monday. A number of relatives from various parts of the state were here Suuday utteudiug the funeral of Mrs. Charles West. The 1). of H., will have initiation of candidates Tuesday evening, August Slli. Tlio drill team will out on the work Mrs. Eliza Moranville is now caring for Mrs It W. McCallum who has been so very low. She is reported im proving. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gloason are enter taining Mrs. Sowara of Ashland this week. Their daughter, Mrs. Will Payne, is also their guest. Miss Cora E. Simpson, Miss Mertie -Farqukar and Mrs. M. Idella Watt I Muslin Drawers With hemstitched ruffle, sizes from 2 to 8, at - - 1 3c With embroidery ruffle, ages from 2 to 1 2, at - - 25c I (...-." .. v- jiwc.gBari?qwaEria:i'i.'M iW1)-;.' j . iTJVTTj V T ?"C .l.i!L--t?.-irr Children's Bloomers Made of a good 'grade of Black Sat een, ages from 2 to 12, at 25 black 41. L i I m t. ti t riirrm n n n ir n m w i 11 .-w, .j.,. ,.,.. . . t .. T . : . . - rfCTSw57 TT,TT "" yssi.w two Wr.r.ks Each Year For $1.50. ASK A. AlMJtrST J), 1 were guests of Mm. Van Wnert. and daughter Wednesday. Mi's. Holes of U'oiiillilni.. Imi-!i. isllin guest of hor son. Dr. ( L Boioe, and wife. She was tmeompanled by a cousin of Mrs Boles. .1. T. Mason, wife ami daughter Kern spoilt Sunday with Mr and Mis. Par sons, (parents of Mrs, Mason) who re side near Nmlli Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Wells and (laughter of Merna and William Sabin and two daughters of Esbou, Kansas, spent Sunday with . I W. Ihighosaud family. Mis. Hannah (iarber has been ill the past three weeks. Her sister-in-law, Mr.s. L. 0. UarborJ of Bed Cloud, is here at present assisting in her cure. The Misses Belle and Verna Ko I hi in lefffor their home in St, Francis, Kas.i on Thursday, after a visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Hoover, and aunt, Mrs. Fowler Mrs Bareh and daughter Frances, Mrs. Vance and daughter Una and Mrs. Dlckersou and daughter Ethel expect to attend the Epworth Assem bly at Lincoln. William Sawyer will move three buildings on the Eaton ranch, north east of town, abouta half mile. Water can not be obtained where the build ings now stand, so they will be moved to a well on another part of the farm. Mrs. M. Lovltt is homo from Webster City, Iowa, where she visited her moth er. Tne little daughters of Win Klrk patrlck, who make their home with Mrs. Lovitt, have returned from Man Unto, Kas , where they visited relatives for several wqeks. Mr. and Mrs. Moshier of Jewell City, Kas., stopped over night Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Seeley. They were returning by team from Bladen, where they visited Rei G. W. Pool And family. Mrs. Moshier was formerly Miss Helen Pool. A number from here attended the chautauqua at Superior Sunday. Among them were I. W. Crary and wife, Chas. Hodges and wife, E. B. Crary and family, N. M. Doudna and daughters, E. M. Parker and son Hosi er and C. E. Vaughan and son RtiissU. After a long illness Mrs. Charles West passed away Saturday eveniug, July 20th. She was born in Henry county, Illinois, July 28, 1800. She had been a' 'resident of Guide Rock since 1882 and had a very large circle of frleuds. Besides her husband she leaves two children Grace (Mrs. Oscar Monla) and Ros9 West, also live grand children and a uumber of brothers and sisters. Sho wr.s a member of the MethodUt church, also an honored member of the Degree of Honor lodgev lue pall bearers were members of the order, Mesdames McMurdy, G, Ohm- stoflc, J. J. Cassell, K. Simpson, H. F, Cooper, N. M. Doudna. Rev. March preached the funeral sermon at threo o'clock Sunday afternoon to mi' im mense throng of friends at tho Metho dist church. The casket was covered with tloral offerings. All sympathize with tho bereaved family. Far East and Far West Under one Cauvass Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East Show under the same Teat In Hastings. Auft. 17, 1011. In milking the above uniiounooinout Buffalo Bill the famous old scout in taking his farewell to public life and making a, lust bow to each city. Ar rangements have beeu made with the railroad oftlclalu to give excursion rates on that date thus affording the people of this vicinity an opportunity to visit the exhibition at a minimum expense The general stylo of tho combined entertainment remains the same and the Far Bast contingent will represent an Oriental spectacle of great splendor. This show will ex hibit many new features lit trained animals and all the old features of the wild west will bo better than over. It. M. lieatty and son for Genera lllaokemlthlng, Wagon Work, Horse shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. .... . . t , . M 'jlfABWVarMmvmnMiwiin wjhwi-. i vw.i3SSv-l:gMi YOUR INTERESTS ARE OURS. The Retailer in any line of business should stand for the interests of his customers. In the long run, it is on them HE must depend. J It is because we know this that we have always handled the BEST goods in every line, and only such as would merit our guarantee of "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" , Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. M. A Q. Watch inapactora., Jawalara and Opiomatrlata. I Now is the FLY NETS ,1.' I am offering everything in the " Fly Net line at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT This 20 per cent from faclory price makes Nets very cheap. Call and see. Also, 'my HAR- v NESS stock is complete. JOE F0GEL 1 5T5t""?C- pAJjbIbJbjBPjbbjpjbIMPbjbj. A Meal of Bread Our Bread, is so nutritious that you can malje a meal on it that is thor oughly refreshing and strengthening. We liaveVmade it a point (o use nono but the beat of flour in its prepara tion, and clcunliness has not been sac rificed. When you partake of it you will say that "the bread that mother used" to buko cannot bo compared with it. Fresh bread daily, and plenty of It, does much to keep the health of tho family. It is truly the staff of life. Coll on us for your supply. Bon-ToR-Bakery and Restaurant. '.fl w.- f-MMrntj '"?.rt"T'? i' --rs NUMBEK :u Time to Buy THE HARNESS MAN AWWrf FIRE- INSURANCE! POLICY Dan't Oalay or daring a fire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire Isn't going to stay away because you are not In sured. In fact, it seems to pick ont the man foolish enough to be without a rimKiNMunANcmroucY Have us Issue you a policy to-day, Oou't'hesltato about the matter. The fire fiend mayj have your ' house down on the list for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I AY - I mm tbshm O. C. TEEL, . ; Rllb!0 JIrlff0. t W 1 A I l IM f i,i ! I .' i! , !l im m i.$i ' P v e. $ i M J M . 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