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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1911)
Kyllsi ytMy'j w- WjUSiJiWW :;? urrrr.TT.. . - fmM- aSSsSSd -.V.' SIS BBM a PRESIDENT TAFT REFUTES CONTROLLER BAY CHARGES Message to the Senate Fully Explains the Trans action and Denounces the Attack on Chief Executive and His Brother as Wilful and Malicious Falsehood. Washington. President Tnft sent to tho senate Wednesday a messnge that recalled somo of those received from his predecessor. It was In re ply to ft resolution of tho senate re questing the president to transmit to the aenute all tho documents relating to the elimination from the Chugach national forest, in Alaska, of land fronting upon Controller bay. Mr. Tnft seizes the occasion occasion to make a vigorous defense of his own honor and that of his brother, Charles P. Taft, against the attacks made In relation to this Controller bay "scan dal." The president sent In all the docu ments asked for, and more, and quotes the executive order in ques tion, by which 12,800 acres were nllmlnntcd from the nntlonal forest. His message describes the import ance of Controller bay as ;i railway terminal and relates the operations of the Copper River railroad, owned by tho Morgan-Guggeuhelm interests, whose terminal is at Cordovn. Ryan's Application Investigated. In December, 1909, Richard S. Ryan applied for the Controller bay elimination, afterward granted, stat ing that ho represented the Controller Railroad and Navigation company. Mr. Talt tells how this application was referred to the district foresters at Portland, Ore., and in Alaska and was approved by Chief Forester rvr Graves: how tho navy department ctntcd it- did not desire -to use Con troller bay as n reservation; how the matter was considered fully by tho forestry bureau, the secretnry of ag riculture, the secretary of the Inter ior, the general land office and the cabinet. As a result, after an Inter view between tho president nnd Mr. Ryan, an order was drafted eliminat ing 320 acres. Meanwhile. Mr. Ryan had satisfied tho president and other officials that be and his associates had no connect tlon with the Morgan-Guggenheim in terests and were engaged in an In dependent enterprise in good faith to build nn independent railroad. Tho question, again cumo before the cab inet, and tho president, with the ap proval of the secretaries of tho In terior and agriculture, changed the order eo that It eliminated 12,800 acres, with sufficient room for a railroad town. The message says: "I was willing to do this because I found tho restrictions in the law suf ficient ,to prevent the possibility of any monopoly of either the uplands or the harbor or channel by the Con troller Railroad and Navigation com pany or any other person or con cern." Theso restrictions the presi dent sets forth at length, and shows that tho Ryan company has not the slightest opportunity for exclusive appropriation of the harbor facilities unless congress shall by futuro act deliberately and voluntarily confer It, The "Dick to Dick" Letter. Coming to the personal side of the matter, Mr. Taft says: "Ucfore closing, I desire to allude to a circumstance which the terms of this resolution make apt and relevant. It Is a widely published statement at- Cover for Bathtub. ' Many housekeepers spend a lot of time cleaning their bathtubs. Here la way to make the work lest strenu ous: Cut a piece of unbleached mut lln the tlte of the tub and round off the edges to fit it, a bias facing Is then stitched round tho cover, and through this a piece of tape Is run. When the tub Is not In use the cover is put on and tape drawn tightly under the edge. It Is easy enough to wash, and spares on incredible lot of wear and tear on bathtub. m it w 'm mtn lisifffc, "" CONTROLLER BAY , . ::;, --- .. ... C I S. VrKlt fl.X I I I L I W' JfA!--? - l.,M. - - - M.lll ...III ,, "- .. K ESaMBafa'JWMWaWaW ' ! trlbutcd to a newspaper correspondent that in an examination of the flics or the Interior deportment a few weeks ago a postscript was found attached to a letter of July 13, 1910, addressed by Mr. Richard S. Ryan to Secretary Ralllnger and In- the present record urging tho elimination of land enough for terminals for the Control ler Railway & Navigation company. The postscript was snld to read as fol lows: "Dear Dick: 1 want to kco tho presi dent tho other day. He anked me who it was I represented. I told him according to our agreement, that I represented myself. Hut that didn't seem to satisfy him. So I sent lor Charlie Tnft and asked him to tell his brother, the president, who It wns I really represented. Tho president mado no further objection to my claim. Yours, DICK." Uses Strong Language. "Tho positecrlpt Is not now on the files of the department. If It were, It would be my duty to transmit it under this resolution. Who In really responsible for Its wicked fabrication If it ever oNiGtcd, or for the viciously fnlticjitatcmunt made jib to Its authen ticity, Is Inirtiatcrinl for tho purposes of this communication. The purport of tho alleged postscript Is, and the In tention of tho fabricator was, to make Mr. Richard S. Ryan testify through its words to tho public that although I was at first opposed In the public in terest to granting the elimination which ho requested, nevertheless through the undue influenco of my brother, Mr. Charles P. Taft, and the disclosure of the real persons In in terest, I was induced Improperly and for tho promotion of their prlvato gain, to make the order. "Tho .statement In so far ob my broth er is concerned and that Is the chief feature of the postscript Is utterly unfounded. He never wrote to me or spoke to mo In reference to Richard S. Ryan or on the nubject of Controller Ray or the grunting of any privileges or tho making of any orders in respect to Alaska. He has no interest In Alaska, never had, and knows nothing of tho circumstances connected with this transaction. Ho doen not remem ber that he ever met Richard S. Ryan. He never heard of the Controller Ray railroad until my cablegram of Inquiry reached him, which, with his answer, la In the record. "Mr. Rallinger says in a telegram in tnswer to my inquiry, both of which are in tho record that he never re ceived sSich a postscript and that he was in Seattle on the dale of July 13, when It was said to have been written. "Mr. Richard S. Ryan In a letter which he has sont me without solicitation, nnd which is In the record, says that be never met my brother, Mr. Charles P. Taft, and that so far as he knows, Mr. Charles P. Taft never had the slightest Inter est In Controller Bay, In the Controll er Railway and Navigation company, or In any Alaskan company, nnd he utterly denlos writing or signing the alleged postscript. Tho utter Improb ability of his writing such a postscript to Mr. Rallinger at Washington, when SAAMA Soldier's Brave Deed. Asked what was tbt bravest deed lie bad ever seen, Lord Roberts said be omembered that while be was on bis vuy to Lucknow his force was s iod oy a walled tnclosure. A little soldier, a Punjabi Mohammedan, seeing the difficulty, endeavored to open tho door which burred tbelr way. When he tried urst to draw the bolt one ol bis bands was cut off by one of the enemy; tben tie managed to unfasten the bolt with nls other band, wblcb was subsequent ly nearly severed from tbewrltt. the latter was away for his vocation for two months, must Impress every one. Places the Blame. "Tho person upon whoso statement the existence of what has been proper ly characterized as an nmnxlng post script Is based, Is a writer for newspa pers and magazines, who vas given permission by Secretary Fisher, after consulting with me, to examine all the files In respect to the Controller Bay matter and this under the supervision of Mr. Brown, then private secretary of the secretary of tho Interior. After the examination, at which It is alleged this postscript wan re ceived from the hand of Mr. Rrown, tho correspondent prepared an elab orate article on the subject of this order and Controller Hoy, which was submitted to Mr. Fisher, and which was discussed with Mr. Fisher at length, but never In the con versation between them or In the arti cle submitted did the correspondent mention tho existence of the post script. Mr. Rrown states that there was no such 'postscript in tl(e papers when ho Bhowed them to the corre spondent and that ho never saw such a postscript. Similar evidence ! given by Mr. Carr and other custodians of the records in the Interior depart ment. "Stronger evidence of the falsity and maliciously slanderous character of tho alleged postscript could not be hnd. Its only significance Is the light it throws on the bitterness and venom of some of those who take active part In every discussion of Alaskan Issued. Scandal-Monoerlng Denounced. "1 am In full sympathy with the cou cern of reasonnblo and patriotic men that tho valuable resources of Alaska should not bo turned over to bo ex ploited for the profit of greedy, absorb ing and monopolistic corporations or syndicates. Whatever tho attcmptB which have been made, no one, as a matter iof fact, has secured In Alaska any undue privilege or franchise not completely undor tho control of con gress. I nm In full agroement with the view that every care, both In admin istration and In legislation, must bo observed to prevent tho corrupt or un- fair acquisition of undue privilege, franchise, or right from tho govern ment lu that district. Rut everyone must know that tho resources of Alaska con never- become available either to tho people of Alaska or to the public of the United States unless rea sonable opportunity Is granted to those who would Invest their money to se cure a return proportionate to the risk run In the Investment and reasonable under all circumstances. "On the other hand, tho acrimony of spirit nnd tbo Intense malice that have been engendered In respect of tbo ad ministration of the government In Alaska and In the consideration of measures proposed for her relief and the wanton recklessness and eagerness with which attempts have been made to besmirch the characters of high of ficials having to do with the Alaskan government, and even of persons not in public life, presont a condition that calls for condemnation and requires that the public be warned of the de moralization tbat has been produced by the hysterical suspicions of good people and the unscrupulous and cor rupt misrepresentations of the wicked. The helpless state to which the credul ity of some and the malevolent scan dalmongorlng of others have brought the people of Alaska In their struggle for Its development ought to give the public pause, for until a juster and fair er view be taken, Investment In Alaska, which Is necessary to Its de velopment, will be Impossible, and hon est administrators and legislators will be embarrassed In the advocacy and putting Into operation of those policies In regard to the territory which .are necessary to Us progress and pros perity. WILLIAM H. TAFT. "The White House, July 26, 111." W Sampson at Gaza. A familiar story la tbat of Sasapsou pulling down ths pillars of the temple of Gara, whereby the roof fell upon tbe Philistines. How Samsoa was able to do this Is bow known. Excava tions on tbe site of Qaia show tbat the pillars of the temple were of wood, and rested upon foundations of stone without being fastened thereto. Tbe strong man bad, therefore, merely to push tbese pillars off tbelr supporting stones, wben down would com the 1-ont of Us whole building. OEGIOEOiTTODIE Poet Declines to r t With Work Unfinishd. Supposed to Be on Hit Deathbed, Joaquin Miller Soys He Will Live to Finish Life Rec- ord Volume, Snn Kronclsco. Joaquin Miller, Ihs poet of tho Sierras, sits once more on tbe doorstep of his cabin on The Hlghts, his wild, mountain estate across tho bay from which ho over looks Snn Francisco nnd tho Qoldon Onto, and to namo which he coined a new-spelled word. To see nnd tnlk with him today makes the statement that lie is n septuagenarian and was pronounced but recently nflllcted with an incurable Illness seem Impossible. For Joaquin Miller today Is every whit as much "the grand old mnn of tho mountains" ns ho was twenty yenrs ngo, when ho earned the ap pellation from Queen Victoria on his one and only visit to England. "Why 1 Decided Not to Die" might well be tho tltlo of an additional vol ume to tho Fet of tho six which the poot lias been spending the last three ycarB In preparing. For his own tale of his fight with death, nB ho told it to n reporter recently, Is altogether as romuntlc and ns vlrllo In Its significance as nnythlug this clvlllza-tlon-hntlng writer ever penned. "Tho Hlghts" Is nbout as accessi ble as Mount McKlnloy. Its ascent Involves tolling up. nn almost precipe otis trail which winds about tho moun tain for a full three miles from the end of the car lino below. Joaquin (no one who ever met him could call hm Mr. Miller) has no lovo for vis itors, particularly eastern tourists who consider "Tho Hlghts" In the tsaine class ns Golden Gate Park nnd Chinatown, nnd who Invariably at tempt to make tho trip. At numerous points nlong tho trail aro rudely lob eZoAQOryfLLetlr, tercd signs stuck up on trees, In forming climbers that tho path grows steeper and tho view less Interesting with every foot of ascent. To friends tho aged poet Is a host of hosts. From the moment he catches sight of a friend from his teat in the never-shut doorwny of bis "bedroom" cabin, where he spends a greater part of each day until he finally permits such a visitor to leave his hospitality Is comparable only to that kind which long since vanished even In this land of thq iar-fnmcd Spanish hospitality. Joaquin's "bed room" cabin, llko the other six little shacks scattered at Irregular inter vals over nn ncre or two of the toj of the mountain, serves only n's one room. Similarly tho "parlor," th dining-room and the kitchen are eact Individual cnbins. Ono walks nlmosi a mile when Joaquin shows oni through his- "seven-room house." Joaquin Miller at seventy years oi ngo and scarcely clear of tho shadov of death Is possessed of a sense o: ,humor as original as those othei characteristics -hlcu have won foi him n reputation ns being unique In this day of ready-made Individualities. In keeping with his life-long habit of scorning, the customnry Is his build ing with his own hands the great crematory, n pile of stones thirty feet high on tho highest point of his mountain, on which bis body is some day to be placed and the ashes to be scattered to "tho four winds." STUDENT HAS WON FORTUNE Practiced 21 Professions During the Past Seven Years Now He Is Worth $250,000. Minneapolis, Minn. After seven eventful years, In which be not only regained a fortune of 150,000 lost In unwise business ventures and also added, to It 1200.000, which be now expects to spend In touring Etyope, Hardy Sundberg, who left Minneapolis wltb bis patrimony In bis pocket to seek bis fortune, bas returned. He found the fortuno be went to seek only after practicing 21 distinct pro fessions. Seven years ago Sundberg was a student In a Minneapolis theological Institution. He came directly to Min neapolis from tbe University of Stock holm to fit himself for tbe ministry. At different times, according to Mr. Sundberg, bo bas been real estate broker, lumberman, farmer, sttcet car motorman, salesman, machinist, mer chant, preacher, englneor, veterinarian', watchmaker, carpenter, surveyor, Jour nalist, cook, busholman, painter, schoolteacher, doctor, occulist and stock broker. I H'jaVIl' nHl Mr-r-r- . -r-M -- " ? - TrTrrrmmffTrrTSTSiiTrriri ' tTJ ft UYwGwd Health iJiJPletiireJHJfiJ 1 BJBf Come follow the arrow Mil you join HjllbrtSh. II fly the merry throngof palate plesiedmen flSHwIKkm II Sfl and women who have quit teeklng for aHJBsUH&ra. II HSJSj the one belt beverage becsute they've vBfillBiMjfe. II V Real tatUfaction In every gists snip and tptrkle vim m j L and go. Quenches the thirst coole likes breete. M DtlkioM RtfrNBiif WfcofaMM M R....,. 5c Evmrywhmrm F ' mm ff " Br Whtnmr I uilMMCM-it Till COCA-COLA CO. T xi n in I TktTrtiiS i. jj a Arrow think Akoul Cki-CU" ga ag ICecfCola w- g JfVMShJpWS " n"f ttir swing sJoim rjT (jjWsayilr iWhen I am freshly dressed U(J JumOffuJir ut oce my BW Cnt Faultless Starch msMSSMfW Th by fve roe no '" m pikBiss i IhjjgjMl FUXwttbdiNciVkilt-AslwemilslBeaklirCldfrHi -J Supply. Now Minister Now Just ono thing more before I accept this charge. Have vou got a "supply?" Deacon Well, yes, though wo nevor said anything to tho last preacher about It. I'll show you whero It is, and got you n key, but I tell you you'll liavo to bo just ns careful about using it as tho rest of us! Puck. CURE THAT SORE THROAT Soro th'ront Is Inflammation of tho mucoua membrano of tho throat, and If this membruno hnppcns o bo nt nil i-ensltlvo n predisposition to soro throat will oxlst. Paxtlno Toilet Antlaoptlo Ib both a preventative and a euro for soro throat because It. possesses extraor dinary clennslng, healing and germi cidal qualities. Just a llttlo In a glass of water, used as a gargle, will quick ly relievo nil Borencss and strengthen tho mucous membrano of tho throat, nnd thus overcome all tendency to sore throat. Paxtlne Is far suporlor to liquid an tiseptics or Peroxldo for all toilet and hygienic uses. Paxtlno mny be obtained at any drug store, 25 and 50c a box, or sent postpaid upon receipt of price by Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Send for a free sample Quarters and Halves. George Ade, at the recent Lambs' Gambol In New York, objected to the extravagance of the modern wife." "It Is truo that tho married men cf todny," ho ended, "hove better halvoc, but bachelors liavo better quarters." SASKATOON lands are tecond to none. Hence the nstonighing prosperity of our farmers. Why lie one of those who knows ho can do better, yet lacks the spirit to try? There is no risk. Men who como here realize how much of life they have waited cUewherp. Uetter write Conimw Moncr, lloard of TiwIp, Saskatoon, Sas katchewan, Western Canada. The Man Who Sued the Widow. A St. Louis man is Btilng a widow for $100,000 for refusing to tnnrry htm. Ho must be ono of those Iron gray whiskered men who want to sit on tho front porch of a house that was built with money earned by an other man. Houston PosL Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut stonn when Cole's Caibollsalve is applied. It heals quickly and prevents scam. 25c and Wo by drugglits. For free sample write to J. W. Colo & Co., lilack lllver Falli, Wis. Would Need It. "Gracious, what Is all that craps for?" "I had a chanco to get It at a bar gain, and, you know, my husband goes In for flying!" BJHAKE INTO TOCB 8IIOES Allan'! Poot-Mate, tbsAnUiopllc powder for Tired, aching, swollen, norroat feet, aire rett and eomXort. tUkeiwalMngadellgbt. BoldoTtrrwber, 2Bc. IXint accept an? lubatltote. For FUKJI taoipU, addrui AUt n B. Olaittad, La Bor, N. T. He Wondered. "What do you think of my hat. dear 7 I bougbt It at a great reduc tion." "Good heavens! What size was It before tboy began to reduce it?" Beautiful Post Cards Free. Rend la stamp for flvn samples of our very beat dold Embossed Iilrthday. Flow er and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and lovellcsf designs. Art Port Card Club, 7JX Jackson St, Topeka, Kan. In the Office. "I am afraid to bear tbat report" "Why so?" - "It Is likely to mean some firing coins on." Many a man enjoys having bis wife's relatives visit them so be can be detained downtown till midnight on business. Kra. Wtaslow'a BoothlngSyrnp for Children teething, oftens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, aliagra pals, cures wind colic, tie m bottle. It Is a severe test of a man's Chris tianity to have tbe minister call on him during business hours. Nebraska Directory STUDY MUSIC nt the University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebr. A sure income to those who complete the course. No pleasantcr occupation in the world. Send for year book to E. B. Cudtr, Retbtnt DmNKHABlf rNHiliWV8Sl I.nti'Mt, Snf-t nml Kurrt-t mrtliod. Ntm full. ToIhhvo am! Pntir llnliil nliw nurrraa fnlly tri'iiti'd I iv i ln luti-Kl nml Kliiirirmiorih dila. No plijnli'nl or luentiil ptifTi-rltig. CU or kcihI for llu-mturu ami t-iiUri-ioedU. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE COMPANY 609 So. 11th Street Lincoln, Nebratlta Lincoln Sanitarium ymmmmmm Sulpho Saline Springs Located on our own premliti and uied In tfes Natural Mineral Water Baths Uniurpiutd In the tmtment ol Rheumatism Hurt. Stomach, Kldnoy snd Llnr DImiom MCDflAft CrURQES, ADDRESS 1409 M Straat Lincoln, Nsh. 50,000 Men Wanted in Wsstern Canada 200 Million Bushels Wheat to be Harvested Hirvtst Help in fire at Dimind Reports from the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (Western Canada) indicate one of the best crops ever raised on the continent To harvest this crop. will require at least 50,000 harvesters. Low Rates Will be Given on All Canadian Roads Excursions are run daily and full particulars will be given on applica tion to the following authorized Cana dian Government Agent The rates are made to apply to all who wish to take advantage of them for the pur pose of inspecting the grain fields of Western Canada, and the wonderful opportunities there offered for those who wish to invest and also those who wish to take up actual farm life. Apply at once to W. V. BENNETT Room4, BeeBldg., Omaha, Ne. CXIT ATV1P- I" not recommended fee 0 YY run-- everything DUt jj J09 ROOT have kidney, liver o VV,M' bladder trouble It win be found Just the remedy you need. At drug gists tn fifty cent and dollar sizes. Tom may have a sample bottle of thin woadetw ful new discovery by mall free, site pamphlet telling all about tt Address, Dr. Kilmer Co., Blngssmtoa, H . Tb DAISY FLY KlltR tt m liUtaa Utah hut, cJm wmxattl. u msi mitCjieap. umas Ul'IWBK tlpOTff.VillMISSB busrmnMca . n. OIUI hsIsomM kflkt mass UUUI BU im iMBam SmUsa.S.1. 111 1 1 I I N v KSTOHS ran ram 8 to 10 on thsti MIII.L money In an eialualva California Maaa- facturlng Cnmpanr. lluuranlrrd ncnrtlr. Idioi vmwmam : Itall malleo roontnlr ana money nacs wnen waniwr. maueai partlcat liars, r. a, aaas,iufltasnf i !.. rraaw W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 30-1911. an . ' .' WQBnnMMMinriM I Headers jjaj-jx i H tised ia k columns should issat'opoa haviaf what they aik (or, rehaaBg alt B subainitri oi imitations. ' in.- r " tal li V7 'f :M ilCl , -t . p Kt. ' iV ' V" i" J'O mmmmmmmmmm