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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
fsSStt&.ZpJg? .-f'rJi.r - Jt I ls V ? CHIEF Ee-d Cloud - - Nebrnko. ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Rutered In the rolofflro fi lied Cloud, Keb., " mccond,C)MMtlcr. ,J i-J 'Vll. HALE POHi.lsiiKit V ' 4 .jTUE. ONLY llEMOOHATIl' PATKIt IN WKHHTKU COUNTY Political Announcements. The columns of tho Chief arc open for legitimate advertisements of nil kinds. Candidates, regardless of party arMiatlon, aro welcome to ue thee coluintiH Price of announcement, S". VOU COUNTY CLERK I liereliy iiiinciiineo iiiyta-ll ns n canelMnte forrc-rlcrtiuniiK County Clerk of Webster Comity, Ni-lir.. on the ltepnlillnin ticket, subject to the tliilxlon it the Miter at the 1'rltimry llleetlnn tohehihl iimtnt K. IHII. 10. V. 1 1 oss. a farm hi; can limit or llsli on I he farm without but not off of the premises. Now this one dollar license is also good in all other counties In the slate for both hunting and fishing nil thnt i required Is for nil men over IB years old to have n $1.00 licctiso Unci they can hunt and llsli in tho entire state, there is no .such thing as h County and State license for reBldontsof Nebraska, but residents of other states must take a State license at S10 for the privilege of hunting nml fishing. Tnistlngthat MiIh will be clear to you, J beg to re main, Very truly yours, HkniiyN.Mili.eii, Chief Deputy (lame and Fish Com. VOl COUNTY CLERK I hereby mirouiire myself ns a candidate lor tliu ofilee of County Clerk ol Webster County. Nelir.. sulijeet to the will ol the vot- erMof tliutieiuoi rut le nml 1'iople'rt Independ ent Tarty at the Primary Klu-tleni to be held Ail. 13, IHII. W. It. It ii.i:. A new industry Is being installed here this week by our townsman Ike Myers. He is making elaborate pre paration for unup-to ditto pop factory and when his fixtures are all installed ho will turn out a product second to none, lie has already made arrange ments to use the Mauror sprinir water and this will Insure tho absoluto purity of his pop Mr Myers informs us that when he gets under full headway he will deliver pop to customers all over the city. Tho knowledge that the pur est of water will be used in tho manu facture of Reel Cloud pop will go a long ways to establish its sale thruout this territory. FOR COUNTY CLERK Wo have been authorized to announce the tinmecit (Ikoikik IIaiiki.i., ol Ited Cloud, for nomination of County Clerk, subject to the will ol the nemocrrft and People's Independ ent voters attjie Primary election Anijimt 15th, 11)11. CLERK OV DISTRICT COURT 1 hereby announce my rcI I as a candidate for Clerk of the, District Court of Webster County, on the Itcpubllcnn ticket, hitbjeet to thedeclhlon of the voters at the primary election to beheld Annum IMh., IIH1. I'll ah. C IlK.Kii.r. FOK COUNTY TREASURER. We huvt been authorized to announce the MindldiicyoKlho. W. I.iniiskv forthoolllce of county treiiMirer, subject to tho will ol the IXnnocriit and I'e link's Independent partlcH at the primary eUcTlim Aiumst IMh, 11)11. KOK COt'NTY TREAbURER. Wehiwebien Aiithorlrid to annouee the candidacy ol II. C. Whkiiit, of Hosemont. for theolllceol County Treasurer, subject to the will ol the Democratic nud Peoples In dependent Parties at thujprlmary election AiiKUKt lijlli. 1011. FOR TREASURER Weilmw1 been authorized to announce the eandldacy of It. W. Koos-i. for the olllcc ol county ireamirer. Kiibjtet to tho will ol the Republican voters at the primary election A ntnmt IMh. 11)11. FOR SHERIFF I hereby aiiiiouiici- niystll as a candidate for .-sin-rill of Webster Count J. Nebinska. on thu Democratic ticket subjiet to the decision nt the otersnl the Primary election to be held AiiKiiht K. IHII -I.T. Itirii.KHi.i:. FOR SHERIFF I hereby aniioiince myself a candidate lor the nlllcFiilsherlll ol Webster County. kiiIi Jcet to the will ol the Miters of the Demo, nrntlunnd People's Independent Parties. .leiK W. t'niiw. FOR SHERIFF. I lierebv nniiiinre myself n candidate for 'the nomination of Sherlll ol Webster couut subject to the will of thu Itepubllcau voters, tolieexpressid at the primary election Aug ust IMh. 11)11. W.M. Woi.i k. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby Announce niyscll a candidate lor the nomination of Khcrllt'o! webster county subject to the will ot the Democratic and Peoples Independent parties ut the primary uleitlon AuRtmt 1Mb. mil.-'K. W. Coci.v.s. As a suggestion to the committee on program for the Fotttth we propose that they invite all candidates for county nfiiccs to enter n candidates' foot race, the winners to receive the preference at the polls and the en dorsement of all good citiz.etiH. We think the candidates will all be pleas ed to enter this race, even though they may not be licet of foot, because they will have an opportunity to get nceiualutcd with a grent many people and will all rocelvu honorable, men tionraAs a drawing card thW should not be overlooked. There seemed to be so much ills agreement as to the new ilshiug and hunting law that wo took measures te find out just what the law is. Having palel our fee to the county clerk we went up and tlciunmled the dollar .back. Tills promptly secured a ruling from tho Mate authorities and we re- produce It here: Lincoln, Nuiii: . May 'ifi, nm. Mil. E. W. Ross Co. Clerk, Red Cloud, Nobr. )i:.u Sin:- Replying to your in quiry of May 2lth, will state tho fol lowing in as plain woids as I can so your people will understand what is required, vi.; All male person oei the age of IS yetirs who desire to hunt and llsli must (list secure a license so to do at $1 boys under IS can llsh with out and ladles and girls can tlh with out, and boys under 18 can hunt with out license if accompanied by one of his paretits or his guardian, otherwise not. This means that all men must have license in the county where they lire to flab and hunt, excepting upon the laud actually owned or controlled by them, this menus if a man lives on Fourth of July Boosters Take Trip The Red Cloud boosters made a liv ing trip to every town In the county yosterdny with M automobiles and our brass band. Tho object of this trip was primarily to advertise tho cele bration tube held here on the Fourth and secondly to get hotter acquainted with our neighbors. Everywhere they went they were received most cordial ly and were enthusiastically welcomed. The band especially attracted a great deal of favorable comment. T h e boosters received assurances every where that largo delegations would be sure to attend this celebration and seemed glad to know that for once we were getting up something on thisday teally worth while The club return ed dusty and tired, but feeling happy over the welcome that had been ac corded them. Everywhere their eyes met tho evidences of prosperity. Neat houses, large barns, line stock and the appearance of thrift was everywhere displayed. This impressed Itself con siderably upon those who seldom have opportunity to get away front home. Webster county is becoming one of the very best counties in the state. Her farmers keep well posted on the things that portaln to the farm and slto is reaping the benefit. Webster county merchants have large stocks " excellent goods and they are well displayed. Everyone that went with the party is firm in tho belief that the trip has drawn closer the bonds of good feeling existing the other cities of tho county and Red Cloud. The dilVerout makes of the ears in the procession were as follows: 0 Fords, fi Ovorlands, 4 E. M. ,v Fs , 2 Maxwells, 2 Franklins, 1 Everett, I International, 1 Mason, I Jackson, 2 Steamers, 1 Mitchell. At Guide Rock two cars joined tho party and made the trip with the rest of the orew. In these ears wore Robert Oarrlson, Auto dealer, 1. W. Crary, merohantilo, Chas. Hodges, merohautile, I W. Roland pinno dealer, Titos. Rnsh piano dealer, John Kent auto dealer, ami the able editor of the Guide Hock Signal Harry Vaughan. There were twovars which joined the party at Cowles but we were unable to learn who filled tho seats. Blue Hill met our delegation with tastefully printed ribbons weloming ns to their thriving city. At lUadon after the band concert wo were shown the entire town and sent on our wny rejoicing. At Campbell tho party waited for an hour to got on schedule time and this hour was very enjoyable. Supper wits served in Riverton and evetyone hud it good appetite. The registers showed thnt tills procession traveled eighty eight miles and there was not an accident to any of the machines worthy the same. This is a remarkable showing owing to the number of machines and the amount of dust that they made. Decoration Day Observed by Our Old somiers On Tuesday Decoration Day was ob served as per program. The Decor utlon services weie participated in by a great intiny of inn- cltl.ens and the program was eariicd out with remark able pioniptness and excellent pio puratiiin. The Citizens Rand rniulnro.l excellent service and Messrs. IMatt. Cieighum. Atnaek. Red (Mmnl Am.. Co., and Mrs timid very generously iionaieii uicir automobiles for entic ing the old soldiers to the cemetery On returning to the Opcta House the piogrnm was resumed and all the little folks showed excellent (mining. After the reading of (he long list of comrades dead and buried in tho Red Cloud cemetery by S. B. Klcr, Rev Tonipkinspastn.of tho M. E. church delivered an entertaining discourse. Mr. Tompkins staled that it has 'been rctunrked that the Methodist preacher could not be hen id and he cousideied this quite a phenoininn and this re minded him of the btory of the Old colored slave who frequently used big words and his master ashed him to give the meaning of phenomenon, The old darky replied that sposen youse gwang down the road an yonso sec a cow, dat wouldont bo it and sposen youse went on furder an youse seen a thistle, dat wouldcnt be it an Bposen youse went more furder -an seen U bifd fiingin on the fence, dat woiildnt bo lt-t-but sposen yotiso seen n cow aittcn on h thistle, singln like a bird dat would be a phenomenon." Mr. Tompkins stated that his sermons disturbed tho meetings iu the neigh boring churches arid ho really con sidered it quite a phenomena that he could not be heard. Mr. Tompkins gave a very lucid description of the horrors of war, in terspersed with considerable humor and witty storieSi He told of the mobli.ation of tho northern troops to go to Hull Run, how the boys were irivnn a farewell banquet by mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts. He told ol the teats and sighs as the train came In to take them to the southland. He told of the sobs and walls and aud ible hcurtuches of lovers and loved ones when the otlieers called "all a board" how one young soldier tore his weeping girl wife from his neck, cast her to the ground and rushed up tho steps of the car for fear his cour age would fail. ' " Mr. Tompkins described the battle of Gettysburg and told of Lincoln's prayers for victory on this momentous occasion. He told of tho elfectof the hardships and trlnls of war upon the soldiers, and how after tho war had ceased, and the boys of '!1 had de veloped into hardened experienced men in 'Uneducated iu all the vicious ness that close associations of camp life could afl'ord, were to be returned to their innocent fnmllies and moral unsuspecting communities. Hut diff erent from the French the disbanded army returned to work each soldier in such line or in such capacity as he could perform. Mr. Tompkins very pathetically concluded tho soldiers before him were becoming infcebled and were rapidly declining that ho knew not how ninny of these soldiers death would claim ere another year passed by that ho wished Tor them very greatest happiness and comforts between now and death that they would have plenty of fried chicken and irravy, and baked potatoes, mince pic and amber colored collce with real Jersey cream. Notwithstanding tlto intense heat of the day the opera house was well tilled. jo Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab struct Co. for the week ending Wed nesdny, May .'11, 1011. D. II. Clark to C. F. Guild, ne.'ll- 1-1:.', jcd J. 1. Knapp to Almon W. Oox, lots 1,2, Blk. 2, Coxes 1st Add to Rhiden, ejed William II. Hoirmun to James 1'. Eglington, lot -1, Blk. 2, Coxes 1st Add to Hidden, qcd Almon W. Cox to Grace IN Davis etal, lots l. 2, 111k. 1, Coxes 1st Add to Illadeu, wd Almon W. Cox to J. P. Kropp, lots 11, 12, 111k. 1, Coxes 1st Add to Illadeu, wd Almon W. Cox to W. II. HoiV man, lot P, Blk. 1, Coxes 1st Add to Bladen, wd WO Robert Damereil to John Mor- mil, part annex No. II to Red Cloud, wd Emma Walker etnl to George A. Walker, und ', se sw no 27-1-10, wd :. . Iowa Newcomer to Jacob Goll, lots 1.2, n, Rlk. 2, Hlue Hill, wd IloOO 1?5 :'5() 1100 l.'iOOO 111027 Mortgages tiled, $8200.00. Mortgages released. 700. Charity Chapter No. 17, Order of the Eastern Stars, meets at Masonic Hall alternate MondayV-Mrs. Corn Potter, W. M. Mrs. Edith Robinson, Secretary. SOLD RY r w " , vv'yvN'vv Airy, Artistic 4i -" -"it- V- 1 ..jty' e i Summer Draperies. Sunshine and breezes will not harm them They are INTENDED for hard service and frequent laundering. tflThey are durable, beautiful and withal most inexpensive. Jin leaf greens, soft wood tones, and pretty delft effects, they impart the atmosphere of cool simplicity which is the chief charm of the home in summer. Plenty of Laces, Nets, Scrims and Casement cloths. Wake our Store Ytur Headquarters. THE MINER BROS. GO. General Merchants. "A Nighty Safe Place To Trade" Llvlnft In Nebraska WllIlTKN BV WlI.I. M. M.MM'IN O, the glories of Nebraska! With her llelds of waving grain; With their promises of plenty 'neatlt the summer sun and rain. Rippling wheat fast turningyellow for the harvest soon to be: Rustling cornbiades in the breezes 'making sweetest melody: Billowed liclels of scented alfalfa cm ing 'neatlt the skies of blue: Sunny slopes, and shaded valleys with t lie clear streams rippling thin Over all is peace and comfort, not a trace of sorrow's pall. And to livo in Old Nebraska is the greatest joy of all! O! the glories of Nebraska! Parabroad her Mtores are spread : ' From the measure of her harvests are tho distant nations fed. Hero within her wide dominions, wrought front stretch of desert lands. Is the greatest work of progiess ever wrought by human hundn; Here, within a generation, we have btillded, strong and great, On a deep and sure foundation, a pro gressive, happy state. And at even, resting, list'ning to the children's laughing call Say, just living in Nebiaska is the greatest joy of all! O, the glories of Nebraska! Like an Eden Garden spread: Filled with nature's fruits aud lloweib, and a blue sky overhead. Like that 'Land of Milk and Honey" that the Israelitlsh spies Said spreael out across old Jordau to delight their worierring eyes: Iike old Caanau seen by Moses as he viewed the landscape o'er, With that country's richest treasures laid before him aud some more. O, there's lots of joy in living where the streams of plenty How, And to live in old Nebraska is the greatest man may know! ( O, tho glories of Nebraska! Sing her praises full and free! Wondrous past that's but the promise of the greatuess yet to be; Pouring fortlt her wealth of products as from Plenty's Oolden Horn, Filling all the worUl's storehouses with her crops of wlieut und corn. Spread between 'tleTiniglity river and the mountains of the west, Fairest laud iuMill creation, by tho God of Bounty blest. Ami front rose of early dawning till tho long, gray shadows fall lusttollvo in Old Nebraska is tlto greatest joy of all. Will Manpln's Weekly. The Miner Brothers Co. II. A. U.T.S0N, Mllll. "A Mighty Safe Plnce to Trade'." Charity Lodge No. 53, A. V. and A. M. meets at Masonic Hall ovory 1st and 3d Friday. R. E; t'oe, V. M. A. B. Serais', SedrotAry.'4, -" Greatest Farm Bargain In The West 680 ACRES of RIVER BOTTOM LAND. i ISO acres of it sub-irrigated alfalfa land, I (in acres pasture, 10o acres best hay land en the South Fork river, making GN) acres of tlie best land in this tection of the country at a price less than one-half what it is worth. There are now IlTi acres in alf alfa, as line a stand as any in the west: mote being put in as circumstances permit: about 210 acres in cultivation; no alkali on this tillable land, hence it will grow anything you have a mind to plant adapted to this country; water is obtained ou the tillable laud anywhere from 0 to 18 feet, on the hay laud from .'J to 10 feet, in -the pasture at about .'10 feet: farm has a good 1 room house, barn 21 x 52 with loft, hog barn 20 x ,"()) this is a barn, not a shod), other hog houses, chicken house, corrals, !1 granaries, machinery shed, 4 wells, windmills, 1000 rods woven wire fencing, place all fenced and cross-fenced; equipped with a 12-horse power gasoline engine aud centrifugal pump drawing over 000 gallons of underflow water a minute from two wells 21 hours a day, SIGIi days in the year, if you want It, for irrigation purposes; 200 acres can bo irrigated from these wells if you wish; )000 feet of pipe for conducting water over the land; never-failing sprinir on the place, supplying a small pond. All improvements are well built of the best material; nothing slip shod on the place; land lies along the river, all in one body, seven miles from Boukclman, close to good school. Placo is making plenty money for owner, but he wants to dispose of it, as he luisother business which requires lite attention. All clear and title guaranteed. Price $30 per acre, or 820,400; reasonable terms. No trados desired; sell your property and buy this for money. Address the News-Ciikonioi.e, Benkelmau, Neb. Rail road fare ref undod If place Is not as represented. I ; Red Clotud' Chapter No 11). Royal Aroh Masoiis meets every Second und VourtbMiUW. .lW.urnure.'H.' P A II. Sellar's, Secretary ' qWe sell these Celebrated MATTRESSES and many others, ffl The FREE SEWING MACHINE The World's Best. 1$ No old or shoddy goods; every thing up to date. Undertaking a Specialty . . All the Phones (ED. AMACK AAaAvAAWaAWVvAaA A s s s s s s s s !imki LT- jrr lra,,fainrn'.ttaa fcMftMfiTWWMtiMtilffl tMIMIIlf ! Ill