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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
mt8t&5mwrmtW9 '" ww-m-i' nSSSSSSS!fSSSSSSi BwwmiJ4 winm m W s. i EADQUAKTERS 1 W !' I For Everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING Line. Also a fine line of PIHN Undertaking a Specialty. All the Phones. Ed. Amack, Prop. While They last 20 per cent Discount HORSEBLANKETS AND LAPROBES ; 20 oer cent Discount P. L. Haurvsen, Prop. won moved and seconded that the as sessment (if .1. ljiilcns on personal propel ty for llin year WW, lie ntxl t lie miihc is lu-tehy struck liotn tin1 tux list foi s.ilil ,i"r l!Ml mid the County TicaMirer is hi'inbv anllh'i lz"d and ill si riiftt'fl to ooi reel til, book to I'umply wlili nliovi' order. (iiiii(.'(l. Moved utnl seconded I lull the claim Of Ijoo Kltlen for ill 01) for toad work bo n mi Is hereby rejected Curried On motion Hoard adjourned to Miircli, 11)11 at o'clock a. in. March 15, 1 0 1 1 . Hoard met pur btirmt to adjournment all meuiboiH present, On motion f lie official liond of Albert Sfcjolvor, as toad overstor of Dint, IS, was approved. Carried. In the matter t,( the road petition asking for a load' to bo established be tween sections fi and 0 Walnut Creek precinct it. was referred to CI. V. Hum mel, Paul Storey and I'. V Schmidt as a committee, to investigate said road and report on tlio same at next meet ing of the board, April 17, 11 1. On motion board adjourned to meet April 17, 1011 K W. Uosh, County Clerk. V'.v-rv T-VN : - ??tifrTTF3rss skJi, III? ill : .f-,j,iiii- jwBlulii ii i. Ccpyfljlil 1509, ly C. T. Zimmerman Co --.No. 7 Sicccssor to A. C. Blaby Rod Cloud, Nob. i llv Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. Notice to Creditors. I Stiito il Nebraska, I in tho rnimtv Court Wobntcr County, f ' cminij Mnirt. !. the matter ot the estate of Frederick NowIioukc, Deceased. . Notlco 1h liereliy ijlvun to all jitTHons liav- I Iiik clalniH mul (luiiuimtH aRalaxt Krcderlck NcvvhoiiHu, Into ot Wolmter county, derviiHCit, that tho tlino lUcd torllltiiK clalniK kIiihI Hald estate In nI iiioiUIim from the nth itny ol Anrll inn All KlIIlC OT rlfs: All Hueli perrions are reiiilieil to present - r -v M mm m --w trie repairing;. Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DEN r 1ST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday Notice of Election. Nollii'lK luriliy kIm-H to tint li-oturH ( ilii'oll, of Itcd Cloud, NfliniHku, that at the i'oiiiIiiu iiiuiiU'liil I'lci'tlon to he held on the llmt TiiiMhiy In Aull. I'.MI. the Inlloulin; iroioxltlon will he vuttd iiikiii. ptirxuant to the resolution ol tin itmyor mid coinu'll ot Hitld city uk lirrliKilli r nppi'ni. WheretiH, There Isn ilelteleney ot water In tlii' city t lis. mul II ix mcchHii.N to adopt Mime oii'iuis tor liii'itiD-Ini; tin Mippl.v ol Miller, mid Whereas. Tin le an not t uointhin tilns In thcelty to supply all the liihiililliiats with water, and Hie iiiiiiniui ol mom iiiulred lorsueh purposes enn not he proldid hv the ordllKirj leMlini'K of tin elt: tliin ture, hi' It ItisolMd. 'I hut the lullowliiii proposition lieMihailttiil to the Mill rs ol tlieett) iittlhc neu t lii'ilou lor ell) oilli'i i': Shall the Mayor mid t'lly loiiinll o( Uod t'lotiil, Ni-liinsku. he ituthorled to Issue the -oupoii ImuiiIk ot siild city, to lie delioml iiatut TheJWater KMinslon llomls of the 'lty ol ItiiK'loiiil," lu the amount o(4 sii.txw (six thousiiudihilhirNi, in dfiiotulnittloux ol I'Ue Jluiulrcd Uolliiih each, puyahle to hearer, and to hecomc duo twenty years alter date, hut pitjnhli at any time alter the expiration ol ten j earn, at the option ot Mild city, and hearing not to exceed ft per cent IntcrcNt. payable semi-annually, 'and to lie dated the day of their Issunuce, Interest and pifuclpiil ot snld ImiikIh to he puyahle at iiik llhcal agency of the State ot Neluaska lu the t'lly of Neu York, said honds to U) Holil.fur not liss than par value, and the prucetds theieof to lx used hy snld city for the purpose ot extending. enlarKlin; and Im proving its sjstum ot iwater works hy con iteelliiB the Maurer spilnuK, iinil us the needs of said cllv and lu luliuhliantx may riiulre;aud hhall the Major and (lt ,t ouuill of said city annually levy the iucihmio ta.x upon all tho tnsahle property within s.tld illy, In addition to all other taxen authorlcd by law, to pay the Intension tmld ho.iids an tho Nimi) hexomes due, and to provide a Htnklnc (unit for the payment of the prluclpnl of s Id Itouds. 'iheclcrkr Is tuxt ructoil to print upon the regular ballots: Vote (or Dim 1'or water oxtcuklon IkuuIk and taxes . AKntiibt unit rex tension ImiiuIn mul taxoii ( j The city clerk Is Initiuclid to publish th above proposition and the notice ot election In the licit I'loud I'hlel, a new simper ol gen eral circulation In said city, at least twenty ilaj'B before said ehctlon, and jiost notlccH thertot at each of the pollliiB placm in said elty during tho day of election. (. II. l'ortniOlayor. ni:ai. d. C',Ti:i:rl'lerk, their claims', with the Miuehers, to the t'ouuty .IuiIko of said county, at his oillce therein, on or belore thellthday of Dctobcr lull, and all clalnm ko tiled will he heard before the said Judije on tho 7lh day of October Hill, at one o'clock p. m.; and that the administrator Is allowed one year from the Kith day of March I'JII. lu which to pay the dchtH allowed against said estate and settle the same. ISKAI.1 I, W. EllMIN County Judue. You Take No Risk Out Reputation and Money are Back of This Order Wo pay for all tlio medicine used during tlio trial, if our remedy TailH to completely relievo you of constipation. Wo talce all the risk. You aro not obligated to us in any wny whatever, if you aeeopt our otl'er. Could any thing be more fair for you'.4 Is there any reason why you should hesitate to put our claim to n practical teat? The most seientillc, coinmonsenso troatineut is ItexaM Orderlies, which are eaten lilie candy. They aro very pronounced, gentle mid pleasant in iiciHin, and particularly agreeable in every way They do not eatiso diar rhoea, nausea. Ilattileneo. griping or any inconvenience whatever. He.Mill Orderlies me particularly good for ehildiuu, aged and delieato persons. We nrge you to try KcmiII Orderlies Two sizes, U)c and '250. Uemeinber', you can get UcmiII Heme dies in this community only at our store The Uo.vnll Store. Tho 'II. K. Grice Ding Co. THE LEGISLATURE During this, the eleventh week of tho lcgiiihitura, sifting committees have been Holootcd to take charge of tho general files and select from the great quantity of introduced bills tlioHo of most far-reacliitig and general importance. Much Importance at Inch os to these committeoH und much of tho record of the session depends upon tho good judgment they may use in selecting for consideration tho pro posed laws. When tho House and Senate each approved tho report of tho Conferenco committees Friday on Senate File No. No. 1, and thereby simultaneously ap proved of tho Sidles Initiative and Re ferendum resolution, the democrat legislature again redeemed another platform pledge Another was.lho ap proval of tho national amendment pro viding for the income tax. Tho hitter bill was introduced by Doloznl of Saunders County and passed each branch several weeks ago. Among tho bills that will come up for serious consideration this week are the measures providing for a non partisan board of control for state in stitutions. This is auothor democratic pledge and will unquestionably meet with public approval. Tho plan is to place the management of all of tho various institutions of the state under the supervision of a board of experts, who will be selected witli regard o their fitness rather than their political atllliatious. It is suggested that tills action would make the ollice of laud cqinmissioner useless Advocates of the meastue are able to show Unit such n hoard would save the state annually about a half million of -dollars .Scveial Mich bills are before the legislature but it will require careful thought to select the best one. The (Juackenhush bill providing for the election of supremo judges by dis tricts Is in tho hopper ready to bo con sidered at an early hour The measure contains n provision that Is now in that there would be a circuit court of appeals established to rolieve tho su preme tribunal of some of Its great volume of work. There was consternation in the House and Senate Friday when it de veloped that tho Ollis stock yards bill was lucking the enacting clause. Prompt action on tho pint of tho friends of tho measure soon remedied the dilllctilty in tho Senato and it was returned to the House in correct form and was read for the Hist time at once. Tlie Taylor stock yards bill 1ms passed both houses and is awaiting the ap proval of the governor Tho esstntiul diirerence between the nets lies in the fact that tho former declares the stock yards to bo common carriers while tlio latter would have them denominated as public markets. The claim is made on the one hand that" they are not common carriers and on tho other hand that the railway commission has no jurisdiction over n public market. I COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. Ki.n Ci.oui), Nkiir., March llth. 1911. Hoard of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Members present Paul Storey, 15. Ohtnstede, T. .I.Chaplin, 1,. P. Schmidt and (J, W. lltinuuel Chairman of Hoard, .Moved and second that Albert Skjelver. bo ami is heroby appointed overseer of lload Hist No l.v for tho year IDll. Carried. Un motion tho following claims were audited and allowed and tho clerk Instructed and authorized to draw warrants ou poor farm fund in paymenfof sntne; I'M Amaek I.VJ.50, Morhurt llros. $;10.55, Piatt A Frees $82,118, Hurry Moody $7.7fl. total amount allowed S180 1H. In the matter of tho railroad cross ing on section line botweon section 15 and 1(1 town 4 range 10 in Potsdam Precinct, Webster County, Nebr It was referred to tho County Attorney for adjustment. In the matter of the- double assess ment of J. II. Lukas of Oak Creek Precinct in the name of ,J. fntkos It KITCHEN FURNISHINGS T IS not many years since "Kitchen Furnishings" would have been a ridiculous phrase, for at that time there were no conveniences in kitchen furnish ings. But today there are cabnets, ranges and vari ous articles that help to make a back number of the old adage "Womans work is never done". The Place to Buy Your Hoosier Kitchen Cabnet and Scotch Linoleum. We wish to call your attention to a few facts about our Scotch Linoleum. FIRST It is far more plyable than the Linoleum made in this country. SECOND It is still plyable in cold weather. THIRD It does not roll or hump up in creeses. FOURTH The predominating color of the pattern goes through to the back while the domestic Linoleum will crack more easily and the pattern wears off twice as quick and leaves you a dusty red floor covering. ATKINS & BARBER 'vA V vsvwA vs"5 COL. J. H. ELLINGER Swiff S Auctioneer. PfemiUITl Red Cloud. - Nebr.iHclUlb Is ready to cry your sales. Get your dates early. Ho refers you tohismany customers for recommendations. Tele graph, phone, write or see him for dates. WTWfl I J - vm S' I Vi -yw "TH X2-ST- ai 1U L'QLUl 1 CATARRH mu Jt 111 c ITi o u z tt-g Sji Sod coig The House has been working indus triously all tho week over tho regular appropriation bills In view of the added state normal 6chools and the in crease in population at the hospitals and reformatory institutions additions have been necessitated in the budgets. It is tho manifest disposition of the legislattiro to deal gonorottsly with the educational Institutions and to take good caro of the unfortunate wards of the state. Improvements in buildings havo been ordered by the House tit several of tlio hospitals mid schools. It is highly probable that this sess ion will require nn natieil appropriation to meet the bills of the session, Tho regular oxpousos havo boon no more, If as much, as formerly, but tho Omaha investigation, made at tho instigation of Governor Aldricu will cost into tho thousands, Tho bill for tho steno graphic reports of tho proceedings amounted to nearly n thousand dollars alone and the Governor's attorney has asked for a fee of 81,500, Thocontract price for tlio printing of bills has been vastly higher than formerly, a mutter over which tho legislature had no ecu trol. a w .. U &.M 2.Z ' 21 SB "o's a HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into tho nostrils l quickly absorbad. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals aud protects tho diseased nieinbraiio resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores tho Senses of Tasto aud Hmcll. It is easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. No mercury, no coeaino, no iuor. phino. Tho hounoliold remedy. Price, CO cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, CG Warren St., New York. Horsemen Attention. H. A. Johnson has his string of Horses and Jacks at his barn in Red Cloud for the season of 1911. Phone Farmers Rural 186. The idea of doing away with tho off year elections is gaining favor among the Solons aud It is not a far stretch to predict that an amendment provid ing for bbenniul elections will bo stb mitted to tho people at the I9li! election. For Sale FIRE INSURANCE POLICY r r .fS2sr JbiwJB ' . ft UE.-t 9 II 5 Bl. " V. K mm m mm ul v. 5Sfcrsv tmlm. ssssssssb lllull lltt eMA.t.-.1 ' '1 sUfOstTrmm' sssssWMTv'MMW"' "'"" SF Yost H M -UY- John "Dutch Butcher" DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. Widow's Pcnsloni The recent act of Aptil lth. 1008 gives to all sdlrtiers' widows a pension ofSl2per month. i?red Maurer, the attorney, has all nocesstiry blanks. 0CKS Don't Delay Ordering a tire insurance policy from us a single doy. Pirc isn't going to htay nway becnuao you are not in sured. In fuct, it seemn to pick out tho man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Have us issue you u policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tlio lire liond may. have your house down on tlio list for a visit tills very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. ssvpnrTV7Tr3T3 ! -J I .!' N 7-l 1J7W ifw&w' (m Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wmm Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Read the adds in the Chief 0tiVUt0 . p-(-v 'HJ- -y J "Wjttjr I'MU-" ' JW-Ufttr "