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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
-iP fc tJ$4 yf" - WASHINGTON 0 ripples of Pdtomac's stream, Break gently where the tread Of thousands press the hallowed sod Above our greatest dead; Mount Vernon, Freedom's dearest shrine Guard well thy sacred trust, Locked in thy loyal heart of hearts Ye keep the Patriot's dust. 1 see him glide among the huts That dot the cheerless gorge The Joshua of a struggling band, The Man of Valley Forge; Where'er he goes his smile illumes The shades that thickly lie, And all who hear his words resolve With him to do or die. The pilgrim comes from lands enslaved, Beyond the restless sea, To meditate where sleeps the man Who taught men to be free; The glitter of the sword he drew; Makes bright the world today, And hands unborn will crown its hilt With laural and with bay. He needs no granite shaft to tell Of glorious actions done; His monument? the freest land That lies beneath the sun ! Today with swelling pride we seek The banquet board once more, And drink to him whose fame is far Beyond Virginia's shore. He is not thine, Mount Vernon, though Upon thy sacred breast, Wrapped in the mantle Glory weaves. In peace he takes his rest; Tlie voice of Liberty proclaims : "He is my honored son." And Fame with lofty pride proclaims: "The World's one Washington." T. C. Harbaugh ). Washington the No Nation or peoplo over bad a richer legacy than Americana havo in their ideal of Washing ton. Great as was hin real character and inestimable as were his cerv ices to tTio coun try Washington wao not a deinl-god nor eron a man ef genius. Dut ho did possess a KnluB for honesty and patriotism and was the Incarnation of common sense. His mothor. after reading a letter Cram him during the Revolutionary war which convoyed good news, Hald: Qeorgo generally carries through anything he undertakes." Mrs. U. S. Grant onco said, referring to her hus band's determination and porslstance: "He Is a very obstinate man." Grant was not a genius any more than Washington, but both men bad the gift of success. It is well for the American people that they have idealized Washington, and it Is to be hoped that they may never lower nor change their ideal, and yet he was very human. As a young man and even after hin mar riage ho was very fond of fox hunting. He could get very angry on tit occa sions and sometimes swore. Ho drank a gonerous glass of wine every day at dinner and allowed his negro but ler and cook each a bottlo of beer a day. Nearly thirty years ago a friend ly biographer wrote: "Eighty years havo now passed sinco tho death of George Washing ton, and already ho Is hidden from us In some degreo by a liaro of eulogy and tradition. He nan heon so uni formly extolled that somo of our young men tell us with n yawn, that thoy aro tired of hearing Arlstldcs called "The Just." Ho has been edited into obscurity, like a Greek play. Where tho gonial and friendly soldier referred to one of blH cher ished friends as "Old Put." a respect able editor, devoid of humor, has sub stituted "General Putnam;" until, at length, a lover of the man haB to de fend him against tho charge of pep fectlon." Washington himself nevor pretend ed to be more than an average man, though all his contemporaries knew he was. All that ho claimed was to be perfect master of himself and to use such powera as God had given him the best he knew how. Once us a procession In his honor passed through the streets of a city he heard a little boy exclaim: "Why, father, General Washington Is only a man!" He looked with thoughtful Interest on the child and patting him on tho head replied: "That's all, my little fellow, that's all," He was one of the most dignified men that ever lived, yet one of the most modest One finds pleas Man ing evidence of his common human tty In the fact that while quite young he foil easily In love and wrote verses and r.entlmcntal verses at that. When ho was twelve years old, short ly after the death of his rather, he was sent to school at Fredericksburg after promising his elder brother to bo "steady." It was a mixed school of boys and girls and one of his nchoolmatos, a cotmln, said In later life that while George was remark ably studious he was also fond of "romping with one of the largest girls; this wnn bo unusual that It ex cited no llttlo comment among the other lads." It was while at this Bchool that Goorgo wrote the follow ing acrostic: From your bright aparkllng eyes I iru tindonn' Rays you have mow transparent than tho sun, Amidst Its- glory In the rising day, None can you equal In your bright array: Constant In your calm and unspotted mind, Equal to all, but will to none prove kind: So knowing; seldom one so young you'll find. Ah, woe's me that I should love and con ceal Long have I wished but never dare re veal, Kven though severely Ixive's pain I feel: Xerxes the Oreat wasn't free from Cu pid's dart. And all the greatest heroes felt the smart. Tho Urst letters spell Franco Alexa. Alexa was tho abbreviation of Alexander, and the acrostic was addressed cither to a schoolmate oi that name or to somo fair Frances liv ing In Alexandria, where tho boy was well acquainted There Is reason to bollove that young Washington was as suBceptlblo as tho average young mnn of the present day. When nbout seventeen years old he fell In love with a young lady, whom he refers to In a letter to a friends as "your Lowland beauty." and aayw going Into company simply revives his former passion for her He adds: "Were I to llvo more rotlred from young women, I might alleviate In some measure my sorrows by bury ing mat cnaste and troublesome, pas sion In the grave of oblivion or eter nal forgetfulness, for as I am very well assured that Is the only antidote or remedy that I ever shall be re lieved by or only recess that can ad minister any euro or help to me, as I am well convinced, were I over to attempt anything. I should only get a donlal, which would be only adding grief to uneasiness." Intelligent Dog, The descriptive ronorter of n n. tain dally papor in describing the I turning or a aog out or court by order of the bonch recently detailed the oc currence as follows: "The ejected canlno as ho was Ignomlnlously drag ged from the room cast a glance at the Judgo for tho purpose or being able to Identify him at some future time," ELIJAH MEETS AHAB Sunday School Ltiioi for Feb. 26, 1911 Specially Arranged for This Paper tmmamammemmm M:hMON TKXT-I Kings 21. Memory Turn 17-19. GOI.DKN TtiXT-'-Takp lieeel. and be nro of"I.ule IS lf TI MB-Four or five yenM after the last lesson. Prof. Bceelier puts till story In the 20th year of Ahnb, 11 C 9i (or SSJ. Assyrian) between Ills Syrian c.-inip.ilgti. I Kings 20 and the war described In I Kings 22. VliCK Ahah's house In H.unarln. und Nahoth's vineyard In Jezreel, SO miles to the north. For four or five years Elljnh seems to have retired from public life. He was practicing the lesson he hnd learned on Horeb. He was at work, but In n different way. His stormy woric waB not In vain. That plowed the ground, and now was the time for Howlng the Bced. Tho seven thousand hidden believers were permitted to como Into the open. Persecution had ceanrd. Others came out and Joined them. The prophets hnd no longer to be hidden In n cave by Obadlah. Elijah encouraged and waa at the head of tho organized communities or schools of the prophets which existed as far back as Samuel. In his Inst Journey ho visited the "sons of the prophets" at Bethel and Jericho, and 1b spoken of as their head master. From these centers and from the schools at Gllgal, Hamah and Glbenh they exerted a strong lnfluenco and their appearance at nny particular spot wns orten the signal for the out break of a contnglouB religious fervor. Theso settlements may bo described as training schools for religious pur poses. Elijah was thus educntlng the people In the truo religious life. He was working In accordance with the still small voice of God. Elijah's Buccess was In finding and training EIIbIui to bo prophet In his Btead, training under these newer In fluences and methods. Tho great prophet, so lonely hitherto, hnd found a friend. If there was one thing Ell Jab needed to mellow him, It was that! Naboth, a native of Jezreel, had for his vineyard an ancestral possession. Wo learn that Naboth wan a worship er of Jehovah, and In spite of the per; sccutlon of tho prophets did not shrink from making it known to the king by his language. Here was an example of one who had not bowed the knee nor given n kiss to Baal. Jezebel coveted this vineyard. Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard. And Ahnb went. Tho Septunglnt adds that he rent his clothes and put on sackcloth, ns though shocked nt his crime and anxious to prove Ills Innocence to his own conscience nnd to the people. But the hypocrisy of tho act was shown by IiIh willingness to accept the fruits of tho crime. This mourning for tho meanB but acceptance or tho Tact would not be In disaccord with Ahab's moral weakness. Covetousnesa Is "a root or nil kinds or evil." It 1b tho desire, the motive that lies In the heart, "the prolific mother or all sins, tho cockatrice's egg from which breaks forth tho viper and the fiery flying serpent." It la not an awful thought that tho deadly sin of Judas nnd of Ananias sprang from greed? "Still us or old, man by him seU is priced; ror thirty pieces Judas sold hlmaeir not Christ!" Much of tho aln nnd danger to our Innd springs from covctousness. The grnrt, the dishonesty, tho liquor sell ing, the bribery, the fraud or every kind. A clear vision of the evil covetous nesB works In tho covetous man's own character and destiny. How it de grades him, shuts him up in a narrow ing prison like one described among tho tortures or the inquisition, where tho walla drew nearer together by ono notch each day. The doors or oppor tunity are gradually shut against him, and his part in the blessing or the great world. The one PBscntlal cure Is a change or heart that leads to a change of character. It Is to give your heart to God, to consecrate your whole being to him, to love and obey him, to strlvo with tho whole soul to build up his kingdom. Love Is tho cure of covet ousnesa; love to God nnd love to mnn. Use every opportunity of giving nnd serving others Don't complnln or so many calls, but rejoice In the oppor tunity; search ror opportunities as for bid treasure. God loves tho whole souled hilarious giver. Even the poor est can give. They can say, ns Peter said to tho lamo man nt the Benutlful gato or the temple, "Biich ns I have give I thee." There 1b much more to give than mere money; sympathy, work, time, aid In sickness, reeding the hungry, shelter, care nnd a multi tude or other things. Elljnh confronted the king in his Ill gotten property. Tho word of tho Lord came to Elljnh. In what form we do not know, nny more thnn we know nil the ways In which ono spirit Influ ences nnother. But thnt It was God's word 1b n fact. "It Is Implied that Elijah found Ahab Btrode Into his presence In the vineyard Ahab walks around his newly gotten vlneynrd. He odmlres trellis nnd clus- ter. Suddonly Elljnh stands before him. He had not seen Elijah for five years And Ahab Bald to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mlno onemy? And ho answered, I have found theo; be causo thou hast sold thyself to work ovll In the sight of tho Lord. Hla sin had found him out. Then Elljnh spoko to htm his doom. Tho dogs should lick hla blood In the very spot where they licked Naboth'B blood. His sons should be slain, hlB wife, Jozobel, perish mis erably, his whole dynasty como to an end. USE FOR THE NEWSPAPER Story That Contains a Moral It Might Be Well to Keep In Memory. A little King Charles dog, a pet In a family where he had been tho play mato of n llttlo boy, slipped through nn open door somo time ngo and dis appeared. Servants and the children of tho house searched everywhere, asked questions nt all places where It was thought posslblo tho dog might be In hiding, but to no avail, and tho anlmnl was llnally given up for lost nnd there was deep mourning In tho nursery. One day recently the wom an who owned the dog met n neigh bor nt n florlst'B shop, who hnd on n leash a dog Btrangely like tho lost pet, and nsked where he enmo from. "Why, he ran Into our house n few days ago nnd we don't know where he belongs.' The dog knew his old mis tress nnd wns quickly Burrcndered. 'You might have had him sooner, hnd you advertised," Enid one woman. "And you could have found tho owner Boon cr had you advertised," said the other and tho newspnper mnn who heard tho story added tho moral. CURED HER BABY OF ECZEMA "I can't tell In words how happy tho word 'Cutlcura sounda to mo, for It cured my baby of Itching, torturing eczema. It first came when oho waa between three nnd four weoka old, appoarlng on bar head. I used every thing imaginablo and had ono doc tor's bill after nnother, but nothing cured it. Then tho eczema broko out so badly behind her ear that I really thought her ear would como off. For monthB I doctored it but to no avail. Then it began at her noao and her eyes were nothing but soreB. I had to keep her In a dark room for two weeks. Tho doctor did no good, so I stopped him coming. "For about two weeks I had used Cutlcura Soap for her every day, then I got a box of Cutlcura Ointment and began to ubo thnt In a week thero was a marked Improvement In all I used two cakca of Cutlcura Soap and ono box of Cutlcura Ointment and my baby waa cured of tho sorea. This was last November; now her hair Is growing out nicely and sho has not a scar on her. I can not pralso Cutl cura enough, I can tako my child any where and people aro amazed to see her without a sore. From tho time he was four weeks old until buo waa three years sho was never without tho terrible eruption, but now, thanks to Cutlcura, I havo a well child." (Sign ed) Mtb. II. E. Householder, 2004 Wil holm St. Baltimore, Md., May 10, 1910. A Success. Byker I attended a auccesaful slelght-of-band performance last night Pykor Really? Byker Yes. I lent a conjuror a counterfeit half dollar and ho gave ma back a good one. Tho greatest cause of worry on Ironing day can be removed by using Deflanco Starch, which will not Btlck to tho iron. Sold everywhere, 10 oz. for 10c. A Sad Face. He What a sweot, sad face she has. Sho (In a huff) Enough to make any one sad to havo such a faco as that. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE. Send 2o stamp for five samples of our very best Gold Embossed, Good Luck. Flower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and lowliest designs. Art Post Card Club, 731 Jackson St.. Topcka, Kan. The saint who says he cannot sin may bo an earnest man, but It Is wisest to trust somo other man with the funds of the church. CSE ALI.F.N'S FOOT-KASK the antlseptla powder to bo whuken Into the shoes. It uiakeH your fret feel rar and com fortable urnl raakrH walking a delight. Hold erery where, ISo. Kr'uinuhntuln Fur free trial package, address Allen H Olmnteud.IeKuy.N.Y. Exactly. "Papa, what Is (lattery?" "Pralso of other people, my son." Boston Transcript Don't worry nbout vour complexion take Garfield Tea, the blood purifier. Angelfood cakes seldom make boys angelic. Smokers like Lewis' Single Kinder ciar for its rich mellow quality. Fow women enn drnw a straight line none enn nrguo In It. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is tho only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseases of women, It is a safe medicine la any condition of the system. TTIE OJE REMEDY which contains no alcohol' suid no injurious halitformin drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so good that Its maker are not afraid to print its every ingredient on each outside bottle -wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of the same under oath. It it sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can get it. Don't take a substitute o( unknown composition for this medicine op known composition. No counterfeit is as good as tho genuine and the druggist who says something else is "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" is cither mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to bo trusted. Ho is trifling with your most prioeles possession your health may be your life itself. See that you get tvhat you ask for. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color otors poods brloMer and fssUr eqlars than n? olhsr djv One 10c oscksos colors all fibers. Thai drain cold water baffler than any olhsr tfrs. You can ! HJ?araftfs4atrWtAflaiarb WriUtMbMlN)oUtAHUtoDia.BlaaohaadMu Colors. MONROE DRUB OO,, Outamytttihnla Received Highest Award World's Pura Food Exposition For DISTEMPER Sore cure and pMltlTepreTentlTe,nonjettrhowhoriatany itare art Infected or"eipea." l.liuld.Kl Tn on tb tonruei acts on the Blood end Olendei eipe" the P"!onoui Kerne from the bod. CM re e Iilitemptr In Dogi and Hherp anil Cholera l sultry, LarKMtMUInffllTattock remedy. Curre I Grippe imon human belntre end l a One Kidney remedy. Mc anil II a bottlei 14 and ilo a dotfn. Cuttblioul Keeplt. show toTOiirdniifUlft. who Willi, tltforyou. Free Booklet, "lllitrapw CauitiandL'uim '' Special Agent! wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., tf.W.oW.?. GOSHEN, IND I), S. A. f A Country School for Girls in New York City Best Feature of Country and City Life Out-of-door Sports on School Park of 35 acres near tho Hudson River. Full Academic Course from Primary Class io Graduation. Upper Class for Advanced Spucial Students. Music and Art Certificate admits to College. School Coach Meets Day Pupils. Miss Bangs and Mits Whiton, Riverdale Ave., near 252d St., West Too often sermons havo too much length and too llttlo depth. Judgo. Tell the denier ou want a Lewis Single Binder btraiulit 5c cigar. Many present problems ure past fol lies getting ripe. It Is better to bo a dark horse than a black sheep. Farms for Rent or Sale on Crop pay ments. J. Ml'LHALL. Sioux City, la. Happiness grows at our own flro sldo and Is not to bo picked In stran gers' gardens Douglas Jerrold. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, HuftriiH tin- RUinx, reduce luflurarau tlon, allays palu. uureu wlud colic. Sic a bottle. Let us make the best of our friends while wo havo them, for how long wo shall keep them la unrertaln. Seneca. , riLK.! CtTRED IN fl TO I DAYH YonrdniKKut win refund money If 1'AO HINT. MMNT full tu euro iinr rutn of Itching, Mind. Moodlng- or I'rotrudlUtf files in 6 to U diijs. Uw. Not for Mortal Understanding. What fond mother has not, nt aomo time, said: "My child, you nro much too young to ever understand; you will find out when you get older all you wish to know will bo explained." And how many of us nro still waiting for tho renaon, for foiiio ono to ex plain are wo still too young? Per haps we are, nnd ngnln, perhaps wo nro not perhaps it never Hhnll be ex plained to us; there aro things wrap ped In volcolesB mystery. No Need to Be Good. A llttlo Slmkor Heights girl surpris ed her parents Inst week by refusing to be senred Into being good. "It's no uso telling 1110 Sani Claus won't come, or that tho nngels will wrlto It down In their hook If I'm naughty, mamma," Bhe said. "I might as well toll you thnt they think up in heaven that I'm dead." "But why should they think that, dear?" "Because, I haven't Bnld my prayers for two weeks." Cleveland Pluln Dealer. Time for Stillness. Mrs. MacLachlan was kind to her American boarder, but she did not pro Pobo to allow her to overstep tho lim its of a boarder's privileges, and sho tnndo it very clear. Ono Sunday tho boarder, returning from a wnlk, found tho windows of her room, which hIio hnd left wide open, tightly closed. "Oh, Mr. MucLachlan, I don't like my room to gut stuffy," sho said, when who went downstairs again. "I llko plenty of fresh air." "Your room will nn' got stuffy In ono dny," Bnld her landlady firmly. " 'Twns never our custom, miss, to hao fruf-li air roonliln' about the houso on tho Sawbuth." Youth'B Companion. Tp CALUMET BAKING POWDER The wonder of bale- ine powders Calumet Wonderful in Its raising nowcrs its uniformity. its never failing results, its purity. Wonderful in its econnmv. It costs less than the hierh-nrice trust brands, but it is worth as much. It costs a trifle more than the choan and hiV can kinds it is worth more. Hut proves its real economy in the balcmc. Use CALUMET tho Modem Uaking Powder. At all Grocers, Pink Eye, Eplxootla Shipping Fever 6k Catarrhal Fever Ever hear of a pearl being found In a church fair oyster? Garfield Tea purifies the blood nnd eradl cates rlieuinntiiini. It is made of Herbs. As a Reminder. His Wife John, do you remember what took place Just three years ago today? Her Husband What! Is this our wedding anniversary? His Wife N-no. Three years ago today you bought mo a new hat Harper's Bazar. How F-at Proved It. An Irishman was onco Bervlng in a regiment in India. Not liking th climate, Pat tried to evolve a trick by which ho could get homo. Accordingly he went to tho doctor and told hlnl his eyesight wns bad. The doctor looked at him for a while and then Bald: "How enn you prove to me that your eyesight Is bad?" Pat looked about tho room and at last said: "Well, doctor, do ye sea that nail on the wall?" "Yes," replied tho doctor. "Well," then replied Pat, "I can't" Chicago Tribune. COLDS Munyon's Cold Remedy Rellereg tha head, throat and lungs almost Immediate ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges ot the nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia, Write Prof. Munyon, rlrd and Jefferson Btn.. Phlla., I'a., Xor medical advice ab solutely free. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be outcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetahU act turdjr and gently on tno liver. Cure Biliotuaei,. Head. ache. Diui- aets, aad Indigestion. They do their doty.' Small Pit, Small Dm. Small Price. Genuine mutUai Signature Consider your personal appearance KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleaiur and Uiallflu tba bait. 1 ninuno, a laxurilQI KTOWUU NTr rails to Ileitor Gray Hair to lla Youthful Colon Cunt -lp dlira,., a htlr falusa. .um ..wt AffUgHinj 5 Fine post cards rnrr " Bend only 2e stamp and receiver Birr t Try flneat Ootd Emboited Cards! IIsmbsi FKEB. to Introduce Doit card offer. Capital Card Co. 1,. neut. 70, Topcka, Kaa. DEFIANCE STIRCH-1S.T -other itarrbei only U ounces tame prlcs and "OBFANCI" IS OUPERIOn OUALITV. W, N. U, LINCOLN, NO. 7-191lT sssssssssssssssssssssl A BhJBJIsMMsW JEZjm WITTLK gfllbV IIVER awssri sb ni-w. St&&mJ?&7g "flJBttWSte," BBBBBfBWi4BSjl IIISIWJSlJSsl snuMrAivjwBSBi R35Sir-sP r u L m ' K .. ' i iM V It v ,-..