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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
VCfctITV -I !. fatn MiMoiIrul Society vtuv ..- &k. mr m - i WBk jSE w .! --: - - ,caii -t.-in i - V ---. - &1W&LI at&L I - .MHMKfe. . 'MH fTT-1 IT ITT - - - !! Ill .X i I 4 gife-- -5-:;4ii VOLUME XXXVIII I. Customers of this Bank a io always satisfied customers, because wh etidcHver to treat nil with equal courtesy and attention. To be Ancim mdatinft anil Conservative is ,i combination that wo have found Io he not only possible, hut profitable a well. Wo can work for your inter- osts find our own at the .same time interest Paid on Time De- posits 1 Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. All kinds of Elec trie repairing. Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday ! ft tM y n 5.1 i ' i ) . J&& f IV A a. ;1 mr i . : .r m- ' ffi V Juli As exclusive representatives of E. B. Radford & Co., of Chicago and New York, we now offer you the complete Radford Shop Service. You can take your pick of over 5 1 Radford Styles and 230 Spring Fabric patterns for suits, skirts, coats, dresses or capes. You can have any style any price garment you select made to your in dividual measure by the Radford Shop at Chicago prices. v Come see and make selections from this early Spring display. F. NEWHOUSE I GUIDE ROCK. Harvey Milncr expects to nunc to town. Will S'thultz was in Hastings this week. Mrs K. Peters is going nway for treatment. Morris Volin and wife are. visiting in Superior. Rev. Kolloy wascntcrtained Tuesday nt K. M. Purkor's. The Degree of Honor will give tho tni.riirirl n I cntt?lnn tAnt TnnLrli. I"" W ....v.. .ywhv . ..I ....... everting. Feb. 2.W. I. K. Fairfield is repairing his house in flip west part of town. Dr C. I.. Uoies and wife will occupy the prop erty. Rev. Kolluy of Wilsonville has been assisting in the Methodist revival moetings bore since Wednesday of last woek. A New Store Feature For Women In Chicago and New York women who appreciate and de mand the utmost in style, quality and tailoring skill in outer ap parel go direct to the Radford Shops. And NOW, the selfsame styles and fabrics that have always characterized Radford Garments Tailor ed to Measure . ) mav be obtained HERE at your c3j ?Tir-. 4 Newspaper Tliat fihes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. ? ED CLOUD, MS Ml ASK A, KKlUtUAlt V About every other family will move,' some out to farms and several will move in from the country. Carroll Willihnii and family lll move March 1 from town to the farm wliere Thomas l'olhcmus lias lived tho ' last fow years. Tuosday Ocorgo lirilton and Will , Jackson oehangod bouses. (Jcorgc liritton had been living in the Horn-1 ing ho ise in the northwest part of of town and .Jackson icsidod In tho oast part of town. Word reached town Tuesday morn in;.' of tho death of Mrs. Jerome Itailey during the previous night She had been 111 with la grippe. The funeral was held Wednesday after noon Mrs. Itailey was a member of the Methodist church. Ilor husband died several years ngo. Two sons sur vive. l!eorge S. llalley and Hoy A. Bailey. Tho family wore early set tlers in Webster county. LESTER Mr. Arch Rnsser is borne with la grippe. Idler .Jackson is working for Mr. Ilulsbush. Mr. Charlie Lewis is some better nt this writing. The society met with Mrs. Charles Frisbie this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Ulair Sundayed at Mrs. John Kmiuk's. Mr. and Mrs Alf Saladen are mov ing to lied Cloud this week Mr. and Mrs. Conic Kasseraro visit ing rek.U.'cs ilnd fi! in Kansas. Messrs. Connie and Chris Starke bave returned home from Kansas City A birthday shower was given on Miss Dollle Rnsser. She received It cards. Miss Ola iswart. lest Tuesday for I.Sm.nlii In linr frlnllil. M !.. fii'iici' 1 Krisbie. I own store. PHONES. Iturul 5.1. Dell, Ulk HI I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King spent Saturday, and Sunday at Lite llerg i field's, ucarCiilde Hock. j Miss Dollle I'assor returned homo t Sunday. She has been visiting her sister, Mi. L.nt Hcrgtlehl, near (Juide J Rock. I Mrs. Krasor, formerly of this conn try, now of CitiHila, has been visiting old ae'ejuaintancos here. She left Sat urday for he- home. COWLES Chtis. Foe wa in town tbi.s week lor a short visit. Mis. Arch Iloreti went to lied Cloud Wcdnosday. Mrs Koon of Dladeu was isitiug Mrs. Jud White ottu day this week. Dr. Caulk has bought lumber for a now house which ho intends to start soon. Lawrence Horeu and wife of Red Cloud were in town Monday visiting relatives. Do not forget the (Sooil (loads Meet ing and the Farmers' Institute Friday and Saturday. Miss Many Spracher who is taking a course in Wosleyn University made a short visit,al home this week Fiank Campbell who has been visit ing relatives in Pennsylvania for a short time came home Monday. Wm. Thomas and family started for Bird City, Kas., Wednesday whero they intend to make their future home. Henry litubaker has commenced buihlingbfini on his lots. He ox peots'tofi'n citien of Coivles In a few days. Win. Ilrubaker of Missouri who has been hero for some time during the illness of his father departed forborne Tuesday. Mr. Orautof Wilsonville. Kns., In oth er to A. J. Grant came !u Wednesday and Is moving on the Squires farm east of town. Mrs. Herman Motter of University Place who has been visiting relatives in Cowles for n short time left for her home lusu Friday. On nccouut of the heavy rain Inst Friday the Auto Club was forced to givo up Its advertising tour which It Ijud intended taking over tho county. J. Castcllo of Illue Hill has bought what is known as tho Carrier property in the south part of town. Mo expects to move In ns soon as pos sible. Henry Ilrubaker marketed a tine load of sixty-one fat hogs Tuesday which netted him a goodly sum of over a thousand dollars. Who says it does not pay to raise hogs. The young pooplo had a surprise on the Squires girls Monday evening at B. II. Kecnoys Kvoryone reported n good time. Mr. Squires and family In tend to movo on his farm south of Hastings next woek Wo nre sorry to have them leave us. Pabllc Sale. Tukhday, Fkiimmiit 28th. At 10 o'clock u. m , the undersigned hnvlng decided to leave the country will sell at Public Auction on his farm 3 miles north of "Womer, Kns., and 3 miles west and fi iuIIch south of Inn vale, Nebr., tho following property to wit 70 -II BAD OF STOCK' -70 Consisting of 70 bond of hogs, ! head -of cattle. 4 head of horses, farm ma chlnery, etc Lunch on tho ground. Fitr.n Coi.ti, Auctlouer. J. L. Kjiout. Gkowik Morel, Clerk. h BULL SALE ' i will sell nt Public Auction at my biirn in Red Cloud, Hnturdnv. Feb. 2!i. Willi, 8 Polled Durham bulls, the horn- ,les8 Shorthorns -of Scotch type and feeding. They nre reds nnd ronns and most of them re' nlil nnniwrli fnr Service. I have tho kind that will pieuso you, nnu must Do seen to be ap- pruoiaiuu. i,ome w my sale nuu you will not bo disaonointnd. lnit liirrlilv in!cased with in v olVei'hiL'M. Hon. lu "n volianco to Improve your herd. .Ol, M.LI.NOKIt, U. A. .lOII.NriOV Auct. Owner. . 1)1 I. V TV k f. i . ii.tW ?.vifla,:,,yB rvil T 1 Mf7 K iA flUL'IVXUVJA: .1'V'" I 'Z VTtfiy r --, iV SMMJNJMVMWAAWMXraV iM!'"' u4M-: ' All The Year 'round. Its easy and Daylight all the way. CALL OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE.- Newhouse Bros. E. H NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. District Court. District court began Tuesday morn ing nnd lasted until Wednesday night. Adjournment wns then tukon until March Id. The ca-e of Piatt Frees vq. Scriv nor fe Moritz took up an entiro day nnd was then continued until the March term for the taking of further tostimony. Amonir other cases taken up were as follows; Occidental IluiltUng & Loan Associa tion vs. James I. nalo ct nl , confirma tion of sale In K. W. Koont. Henry It. Popojoy vs. Bdwin K. Iturr. motion for new trial overruled. Defendant given forty days to prepnro bill of exceptions Esther Thornton vs. Birdie Colum bia. Confirmation of sale of land to Sherman Shipmnn. Mary L.Sprlngorvfa. Herman Spring er. Dlvorco was granted to plaintiff and she was given tho custody of tho two minor children. It. II. Blackledgo vs. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and It, block 31, original town of Rod Cloud. Deoreo of foreclosure, quieting title in C. J. Piatt. Annie Hello Spunogle vs. Catharine B. Hurley. Judgment for plaintiff for partition ns prayed for. Jane Ulanko vs. Frederick Illanko Dlvorco wab granted to Mrs. Blnnke and S500 alimony and 115 per month for support of the children. Edna M. Dike vs. William II. Dike. Dlvorco wav given Mrs. Dike with 82.100 alimony and 315 rcr month for the support of the children, together with their custody. Iteprcsontativo Qunckoubuish's tax fcrrlt bill has had hard sledding. It was ilrst reported for indoflnito post' ponment. Later there was a ressurcct Ion and It again saw tho light of day, but there Is a great deal of opposition to the measure. f Should tho bill bo como a law, howovor, there would bo more cash listed for taxation in one year as u result of its provisions than in ton years under the system now lu vogue. NTJMI5ER is ? r ui vii ii'iiit .w j i t i 'vxx i -k: t v v i n. i i i r-j ni a i i i . m - WK& ' " IN KTMm MUn-Ail LL . 1 1rftAl i T ??W YMfcTs. -wr'tmm rNCMitiihT.r. m:t.i hji . i. k . rv Jewelers and Optometrists. jonir az3Es or mebcddes, texas, ITABK A NET PROrXT Or 9337 TER ACRE OUT Or XZS CABBAGES. He nvcuiKod I' pnumls nn ncro nt nn exiu'iH'o ot li uu ncio. lorcoilos In a typical TeMi Julr Coast noutlon. TlUI'U JI'.U'H HK'I it was a WIIiHMDL'HS. Viiii can liny Just us kooiI land nnd make Juhi as Kiuut innlli. Kvcryttilnc Krons l)tsl In tlio Toxiih Oulf Const country. A hiiikIo lino of onions linn luen known to pay a profit of $i'.nn. Tnnin lots im-i'iiRo oicr J100. Suar eatio ru turn1' n minimum of $tio p r ciittlntr. Wlij iluii't j ti cmiio ilnwn to tho T' as (JiiIC Co-i'-t unit iniilici some of thin i;nml i nmoi ? Notlillif,' lu tou ully ofToiu ii sncli jirnllts. It lulfca n fortune to ntiiko n. start In Hie town nor.'.iilayn And nt that, tlio nxernije nnu In a liy-town litiHlnesH litis Ills iioho nn tlio Ki'lniKtmic ly tlm tlnto ho has jiald l'or his food and rent and uoavcnlcncus. It won't cost you much to visit this country nnd ludsn for yoursrlf. Kvciry ttvH aid tlilrd Tupsiluy of each month jou i mi iuiiIiiiho a round-trip Lntid apfUtif.s tlcl.ot to nny point In tlio Gttl' Cnn.s t country, from Kiintms City, at J2.V0CI, m rrlnco Llnrs. Tho K'ccuralon Tickets nro Rood on nil 1'ilsco ttn'Ins lcnvlnjj Kansas City dally KonklotH nnd further Information will Iiq furiilHhcd upon request to .1. C. Lovrfon, Division Pninwitfcr Asent Frisco I.lnf.s, .Tnnctlon lllilrr.. KansaH City, Mo., or A. Hilton, Gouurnl 1'asKon Kf.r ARcnt Trlsco Ilnea, Frisco Wdr?., St. LdiiIh, Mo. THE LEGISLATURE Lincoln, Nobr., Feb. 20, lfllL Tho legislature is now on the Inst half of the session. Bills may bo introduced for seven moro days but nftor that thoro will bo no further "Ilrst read ings," and tho time of the senate and house will be devoted entirely to pass ing on ponding measures. Thus far there have been ten bills that have passed both houses and gone to tho governor, for bis approval. Thirty four senate files have boon sent to the house but none have returned, tho billb that havo gone to the governor having originated in tho houso. Tho senato has Indefinitely postponed sev enteen of its own bills. The senate commlttoo on public lands and buildings mado what will probably be Its lost jnnkot tho past wook, tho members having gone to Ne braska City and Peru to Investigate tho state Institutions located at those places. (Couliuuod to last page) "I ul I