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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
m mmmwrnL m Ihswm n j f f j n -- u 1 - - - - CATTLZ PASTlXES Oi J.OCJY REPOItTS on tho national forest business for tho last your show Hint 1,110 cnttlo and horau per mits, and 1,'JS;: sheep iicrmlts were Issued, nllowing tho graz ing of 118,059 head of cattle. C.799 horses and 905,1 IC sheen, In Utah. Accepting tho last year hook Issued by the department of agriculture as an authority, this means that nearly 29 per cent, of nil tho cattle, over llvo per cent, of all tho horses and mules, and 29 per cent, of all the sheep owned In Utah on January 1, 1909, woro pro vided with range upon tho national for ests of this btato during tho period mentioned. In connection with these privileges, other speclnl uses of government land were- allowed where such privileges were cscntlal to a proper control of tho stock, such as the Inclosuru of lim ited areas of land for pastures, tho building of cabins, drift and division fences, corrals, excavation of stock tanks, and construction of reservoirs. Twenty-six such permits were Issued during tho year covering 2,505 acres of land, and three and ono-fourth miles of right of wny. Tho total num ber in effect Is -IS, tho area Involved being 5,730 acres, and tho rights of way 11 mllc3. Of these permits 35 were isued on tho basis of a nominal rental for tho uso of tho land, the re maining 13 without charge. Tho uso of tho rango In tho Mantl forest is more complete and Intenslvo than in any other national forest In tho United Stntes, and it Is typical of tho Utah forests. Consequently, the experimental work has been largely confined to this forest. During the year a complete botanical survey wns mado, every plant being collected, classified and analyzed to dotermlno its properties nnd Its value. Areas containing poisonous plants woro mapped and periods during which they could be used in safety were deter mined. Experimental nrcaB were ro seeded with native and Introduced plants preliminary to beginning work on a largo scale, and considerable val uable data secured. This work Is of equal valuo to other sections of Utah, and Its effect will eventually bo fur reaching. As a sldo Issuo tho forest ofllcors killed eight bear, ono mountnin lion, 331 coyotes nnd 22 wildcats. This number, while not Inrgo, means a con siderable reduction in tho amount of stock destroyed by such animals, and helps compensate tho stock ownor for tho fees pnld by him. At present soven associations of stock growers nro co-operating with tho forest service In its administra tion of tho forests as It nffocts their Interests, but thero is room for many moro. Tho forest service needs tho experlenco and advlco of the stockmen to enablo It to secure tho best results from tho government's timber lands, niiu It encourages bucIj organization' Recognition will bo granted to any or ganization whoso membership consti tutes n majority of tho UBers of a for est or district, and this recognition en titles tho association to notice of pro posed action nnd tho right to bo heard in reference to Increuses or decreases in tho number of stock to bo allowed tho following season, divisions ot tho range between different clnssoB of stock or Its owners, or special rules to meet local conditions. Tho recom mendations of an ndvlsory board rop resenting nn association which has se cured recognition, will ho accepted and adopted In all cases where tho rights of non-members or of other es tablished Interests will permit ofBtich notion, subject of courso to tho regu latlons prescribed by tho secretary c4 mww ?K&L acrlctlltliro. This ihpiuim Mini n liiren degree of local administration follows tnc organization or nu association, nnd as n matter of business tho stockmen of this Htnto should tako advantage of tho opportunity to the fullest ex tent. Tho chief problem that tho Utah stock grower has had to meet Is that of providing summer rango for his stock. Or winter rango Utah has nn abundance, the largo deserts alone be ing enough to support tho sheep of the, state In a normal winter. In addition, Utnh is thickly dotted with pros perous farming communities where tho quantities of forngo produced are oftener In excess of tho demand than otherwise, nnd where in many cases Jio feeding of llvo stock affords tho only means of dlsposnl. This condi tion created a keen demand for spring nnd summer ranges, n demand compli cated by the strong competition bo tween tho stockownor who winter grazed his stock at points remote from tho summer range, nnd tho owner who winter fed his stock upon the products of his ranch adjacent to tho summer grazing lnnds. The result wns not hard to forecast. Itnngcs became poorer and less productive each year, stock deteriorated In weight and qual ity, nnd losses wero heavier. This wns the condition that existed when tho national forestB wero placed under tho present system of grazing control. The fotests occupying, ns they do, tho higher and moro mountainous por tions of the state, exert a considerable influence upon the summer rango piob lorn, for within their borders a con siderable percentage of tho summer range Is located. Few outside of tho interested stock growers nro awaro of what has been accomplished by reasonable regulation and control within a very few years. Tho dwellers In certain towns, and tho ranchers In certain communities know that tho watersheds upon which they aro dependent have been protect ee; uy tno proper regulation or gra zing. Tho stockmen know that tho numbers of stock nllowed havo boon reduced to tho actual carrying ca pacity of tho rango but not below It: that tho ranges hnvo been equitably divided between tho different classes ot stock, and tho owners; that tho small rancher remoto from market centers who must dispose of his crop and gain his livelihood by raising nnd feeding cattlo Is provided with a rango ndequato to his needH; whllo nt tho samo tlmo full consideration Is given to prior uso of the range by tho Btock growers who wlntor tholr stock on tho deserts. Extcnalvo Investigations nre being couducted for tho purpose of Im proving ranges by artificial and natural reseeding: to discover innnnu ot eradicating poisonous plants, or to prevent loss of stock. Forest ofllcors ar assigned to the work of destroying predatory animals in localities where tho loss of stock warrants such work. Hango Improvements aro constructed wheiever required to facllltato tho handling of livestock or to protect for est Interests. All of this work has tended toward a solution of Utah's chief grazing problem, and toward tho advancement of tho Interests of every stock grower In tho stnto. One Gleam of Joy. Johnny had two presents nt tho samo tlmo ono n dlnry, which ho kept very carefully, and tho other a pea shooting popgun, which ho Hred Indis criminately on all occasions. Ono day his mother found tho following terso record In his dlnry: "Mondy cold and sloppy. Toosdy cold and sloppy. Wensdy cold and sloppy; shot grand ma." Youth's Companion. PROTECTING FIG DURING Method of Bonding Bush to Ground, Pinning Them Foot, and Than Piling Earth Over Them In Mound Form. a Wlntor Protection of Flo Troes. A. tig trco bent to Kround reudy for coverliiK; U. I-'Ik trou toveiud with earth. Tho fig treo has been widely though not extensively grown for tunny years in California nnd the southern states. Its greatest development Is In the gulf coast region, where it was prob ably introduced In early times by tho French and Spanish. There nnd along tho South Atlantic coast it grows In tho open without winter protection, bearing at an early age, nnd abundant ly on soils adapted to Its culture. In unusually severe winters thu trees may be frozen to the ground; but If tho root system has been well estab lished, sprouts will spring up, grow rapidly, and bear In tho following year. I'nder these conditions tho tree appears as a largo bush. Away from the coaBtal sections an nnnunl crop Is best assured by growing hardy vari eties and giving some form of winter protection. Tho uso of tho bush or ntool form from tho stnrt Is ndvlsublo where thero Is frequent danger of winter-killing. On either const, or In tho vicinity of fcalt water, It will need no winter pro tection. Hut In tho colder portions of the stnto tho method found successful In Maryland will do equally well. This Is to branch tho trees from the ground, PORTABLE FENCE IS HANDY ttli23&JZk3iZzSL Srl'W' ric a .f7X&1& gKFinESaSE -r W AV 3 -.! J'C ria o Tho convenience and necessltyof hav ing n quantity of portable fenco on tho farm Is generally recognized, but really few farmers havo as much as they need. Absence of a definite nnd practical plan often prevents the moro general use of portablo panel fencing In circular No. 132 Issued at tho agri cultural Htation. Urbana, 111., Mr. Wil liam Dietrich has given a very com- GOOD PLOWING REQUIRES SKILL Soil Conditlonn Must be Studied Bcforo Right Kind or Depth Can bo Employed with Success. (Hy n. n, HUSHING.) I was In conversation with a neigh bor Just a short time ago and ho asked mo tho question: "What Is good plowing, nnd how should It be done In tho spring to give best re sults?" I replied: "Good plowing consists in turning nnd sotting the soil into nice, neat, even, clean, round, straight furrows so that the upper soil will be brought up as much as possible and exposed to tho sun and ntmosphero." What do I mean by clean furrows? Having the weeds, stubblo and grass nil turned under and cutting a clean landslide. Even? Having tho fur rows nil tho same height. Hound? So that tho furrows will show a little croase between them, and unless you plow straight your fur rows will not be oven. Some mny think that a cortnln depth nnd width nre necessary In good plowing. It Is. Ilcgulnto tho width by depth, but thero are so many dif ferent shnped mold boards which throw the soil in different positions, that some would cut wide furrows, and othors narrow. Not only thlu. but homo soils need shallow plowing In order to produce tho best results, whllo others need deep plowing. 1 plow a certain depth nnd width and got good results, hut this might not apply to nil farms. You might try tho samo width and depth with poor results, 1 have found that even on tho same farm thero are sometimes different fields thnt will glvo better results with different depths of plowing, nnd, therefore, it becomes necessary to mnko it a study nnd know what is needed. Charcoal for Fowls. Charcoal In a grnnulatod form should always bo kept bcforo fowls j of all ages. w W A V G7 . i V TREE COLD WEATHER T and In tho fall, after tho frost has cut tho leaves, bund down tho branches to the ground and pin them rnst, and then pllo the earth over them, mounding It over tho center nnd slo ping to tho outsIdoHO ns to throw off the water, or guthor tho limbs llko a cross on tho ground and covor each, bunch separately with n higher mound in the center like a four-pointed star. They will keep perfectly in cold cli mates In this way. Farther south, where the tree Is grown as a standard and tho weathor Is only severe during occasional win ters, some form of protection is nd vlsublo for the lltBt threo years. After this period the trunk of the fig is less easily Injured by cold. That the llg has not long slnco boon developed as a commercial fruit, may be attributed chiefly to the Inability. thus fnr, to produce a marketable dried fig, the llg of commerce In tho humid southern climate. Moreover, tho fresh fruit, which is highly es teemed both by those who grow It and those who have acquired n taste for It. Is practically unknown in largo com mercial centers, being nn extremely poor shipper. "j7i",'n ,u''- j i 4....-J, .-..-4 x ' -V- T T 3 riG o plete description for building, easily and cheaply, the style or portablo panels shown In tho nccompanylng llj lustration. This was designed primar ily to bo used for swine, but may bo used with great advantngo for sheep nnd calves. Tho circular sots forth completo working plnns and drawings for making these panels. To thoso In. terosted It will be mailed freo upon request. BEST METHODS IN POULTRY American Farmer Has Much ta Learn toMukc Chicken Ruiainjr Profitable Europeun Waya Good. (Hy M. K. HOVER.) An English journal snys that wqon they have a look at tho average Eng lish fnrmor'H egg basket nnd a conti nental egg box t'jere is much to be; seen and learned therefrom. In tho farmer's basket will bo found eggs of all sizes, shnpos, tints and colors. Thero has been no attempt at grading or uniformity. Jf n farmer, gets an even lot of ggs, all brown, ho can sell them nt 14 for 23 cents (a shilling), but ho would hnvo to sell flftocn eggs of his Jumblcd-up lot fori the same price. Tho continental eggs aro all evenly and securely packed, nil of one color, nnd graded according to size. The condition of .ho English farm er's egg basket is very much llko the egg basket of tho American farmer. Thero is a reason for it. So long us, tho farmer will continue to harbor mongrel poultry he is sure to have nil colors and sizes of eggs. Nothing but a well-selected and well-bred strain of a single breed will give tho desired uniformity. In England there are two or threo methods employed by poulterers for killing their stock. Ono by neck stretching, by which tho fowl Is seized, by tho hocks, the finger nnd thumb of tho free hand being placed on the poll and the neck Is stretched until the spinal cord is ruptured. Death is Instantaneous, ns woll us painless, and the blood flows down Into tho cavity of tho neck. Tho other method is to seouro the fowl as above, Btun It by means of a f. in art tap at tho baso of the skull, then open Its bonk and thrust a sharp knlfo down Itn throat and withdraw it rapidly by prosslng tho keen edge ngalnst the bnck of the throat. Tho beak la than rinsed and tho legs scrubbed with n stiff brush nnd soapy water, which mnkes them bright und clean for slmplo trussing for market. XtW PRICE OF PROGRESS EXPLANATION OF CASUALTIES ON RAILROADS. High Official Tells of Safeguards That Have Been Thrown Around Passengers and Employes Can Do No More. Many famous wars have been fought with less loss of life nnd fewer casualties than are recorded every year In the opera tion of American railroads. T h o soldier at tho front, again, only faces death for a day or nn hour nt u time, whllo he enjoys long peri ods of safety. Tho railroad employe, on tho other hnnd, nnd In n mensurc the passenger as well, faces a con stant danger. The astonishing death rate of our rail roads Is frequent mf V 1T Ft H n' io .!' B i' p "Ol ly compared unfa vorably with that of European coun tries, and has been oxplnlned by ninny conflicting theories. A new light hus been tin own on tho situution by W. I,. Hark, general superintendent of the Union Pacific inllrond, whoso views naturally carry unusunl weight. "One human being is killed every hour and one Injured every ten min utes," said Mr. Park in explaining tho situation "There is a steady grinding und crunching of human flesh nnd bone under the juggernaut or modern car wheels It Is the price we pay tor progress, for our gieat Industrial conquest of tho country. "Our railroads, nevertheless, con stitute today the safest und most mag nificent highway In the world. No whore are the great problems of Hare guarding life and property being studied so intelligently and earnestly as in America "It is a common reproach that they do these things better abroad. Hut consider nt what a rate we have been building railroads. In 1830 thero were but 23 mllch of railroads In America. In lSr.O there were less than iO.OOO miles The next r0 yeais witnessed the most marvelous growth of its kind in all history, when 1S"i.000 miles of railroad were laid. Then between 1SS0 nnd 1800 some 70,000 more miles were added. "Wo hae not yet slowed down enough to realize what Is best for safety. A careful Investigation of the subject shows that 85 per cent, of all accidents nre due to negligence on the part of railroad employes, and tho re sult of carelessness both by passen gers nnd employes. Faulty equipment, therefore, plays a rnr less Important part in this death nnd accident rnto than Is commonly biipposed Never theless, the railroads nre attacking this problem with surprising energy." Tho principal causes of accidents so far as the regular equipment is con corned were given by Mr. Park in the following order: "To lessen the death rate." said Mr. Park. " It is important that wo have light grades and thnt all curves should be avoided. Valley lines should bo built above the high water ninrk. Em bankmonts should be of liberal width, and nil tracks should be properly bnl lasted. Hrldgcs and openings in em bankmonts should be of a permanent nnture The view of the tracks at sta tions should bo kept open. If n sta tion stands on a curve it should be on the outside. Hulldlngri. such as pumphouses or water tanks, should be sot well bnck. All fences should be permanent, preferably of concrete con struction. Thero should be no grade crossings nnd no crossing of tracks at grade." The number of safety devices in nctuni operation n our rnllronds will come as a surprise to the average lay man. "Our lives are safeguarded today n electrical devices which would have seemed magical to the railroad man of n generation since," Mr. Park continued. "There is the electrically locked switch, the Interlocking of crossings and junctions, the alarm bell nt railroad crossings, the auto matic wnshout and lnndslldo warn ings, the telephone train dispatching, and many other automatic electric sig nals, all or which are being installed rapidly. The total mileage or auto matic signals on nil railroads In tho United States on Jnnunry I, 1909, was 12,190" Stockholders' Point of View. Hallroad people do not so much dread strikes as thoy dread the effect upon not earnings of grunting merely such demands for higher pay as they privately believe to be reasonable. Tholr last experlenco with wngo In creases was practically awkwurd. ato In 1907 nnd early In 190S, when tho higher schedules bognn to go Into effect, gross earnings began to van ish, nnd between the Incrense of out go and the diminished Income, the results on Income statements wero henrtbrenklng. Now York Evening Post. Enormous Freight Engine. A hugo freight engine, weighing 300 tons, built for tho Southern Pnclfle railroad, Is capablo of hauling nt ten miles nn hour a train ot 139 cars, weighing, with lond, 72 tons each. The train, wolghlng 10,000 tons, would 'each for over n mile. S" -icOD mum I ! FS .' - HAVE TO MEET COMPETITION Waterway Traffic Materially Cuts Down the Income of the Dutch Railroads. Tho railroads of Holland seom nn to f' of ifcr have a pretty hardscrnbliln Hum Water competition that of tho cnnala nnd of tho Rhine 1ms alwavn been their bugbenr. Even now, after CO years of strugglo for business, tho railroads carry only ten per cent, of Dutch freight. From Amsterdam olono thero aro not less than 1C0 lines of local steam ers thnt go regulnrly to every port of tho country, providing n dnlly serv iceor rather a nightly service which enables them to deliver freight from nlmost anywhere, to anywhere In the country every morning. It Is only when the canals and rivers freczo up in exceptionally cold winters, sayB Moody's Magazine, or when in sum mer thero is unusually low water that tho railroads get for a short time any considerable part of this traf flc. Although the country is almost everywhere on n dead level, construc tion has been rather costly, on account of the great number of bridges re quired. For example, between Am sterdam and Rotterdam there are no less than SO bridges, of which eight nro swing bridges. Sometimes tho bridges required to cross the numerous nnd Intersecting ennuis nro practically viaducts of a mile or two in length, and long stretches of brldgowork llko that across Lako Pontchnrtraln nt New Or lentiB or the approach to Galveston are not Infrequent. All the linos In tho country nro now operated by two companies, the Com pany for the Exploitation of tho Stato Hallways nnd the Dutch Iron Rnllwny Company. The total length of all tho lines Is loss than 1,000 miles, of which tho state operates about 900 and tho Iron Hallway Company about CCO.mado up or 205 miles belonging to tho Btato. 290 owned by other companies and 1C5 miles of its own lines. There is considerable competition between the two companies, which, taken in connection with the sharp competition or the rivers nnd canals, insures a very good service. Each company pays a rental to tho state Tor the lines belonging thereto which It ojierntes, and each must sharo with tho stato In its profits over llvo per cent., which In rnco or tho competition, tho extremely low rates nnd the excep tional handicap under which tho llneB nre worked is highly creditable to tho management. In 1908 dividends were only three per cent. Laugh on the Brakeman. Thero Is n brakeman on a Chicago & Northwestern morning train run ning south from Milwaukee who Is fat. 'Corpulent, well padded with flesh," and similar temporizing terms do not explnin his state of being "fnt" does. Everyone was feeling rather grouchy the morning after tho recent blizzard because tho engine or their train hnd gono oft with a snow plow, the train was delayed nnd the passengers woro on the edge nnywny becnuso or bad service on the street car lines and snowbanks they had had to hop over on their wny down, says the Milwau kee Wisconsin. The "fat" brakeman came from the smoker into tho next car and mur mured to ono of thoso passengers be cnuso or the reception ho had In tho smoker. "They are all jumping on mo, nn' I ain't to blnmo thnt the train's de Inyed. Even Mr. C. (naming a woll known pork packer who 1b a dally patron or the train) Jumped on mo fit to kill!" A wit who sut nearby caused a laugh by remarking in n sepulchral tone: "You want to look out for him, ho thinks you're a hog!" Running on Time. It Is a common snylng among rail road executives that they can make all sorts of rules about running trains, but thnt they have to put a man In the bushes beside the track to see that they aro obeyed. Every railroad in America Is striving arter the thus far unattainable; to have all its pas senger trains always on time. "Among every other 100 men who become fire men, only 17 are evor mndo engineers," quotes tho author. "Out or overy 100 engineers only six get passongor runs. The next time you see a whlto-halred mnn on the cab or a big passenger lo comotive don't wonder at all at his whito hair, but make up your mind that he has tho goods or ho wouldn't be there. It Is a case or tho selection nnd tho survival or tho fittest. it takeB nervo to run the rast trains these days, nnd U any ono or a dozen people, down to tho mnn who spiked the rail, has made n mistake, you rldo to cortaln death." Era of Steel Cars. The Union Pacific is anothor rail road corporation which has doclded that all future otdorB for passenger equipment will bo for steel cars. ThlB policy should bo universally adopted. It Is also nnnounced that within two ycara practically tho entire lino of tho Union Pnclllc will havo been double tracked and equipped with tho block system. Springfield Republican. Japanese Line Completed. Hy tho oponlng of tho laBt Boction of tho Kyushu railroad, the Grand Trunk lino off Japan has been com pleted rrom Sapporo on the north to Kngoshtma on tho south, n distance or 1.300 miles. Tho first part of E lino to bo thrown open wns tho Toklo Yokohama section, which began tn carry passengers and goods In 1872 i I .-it- - f-fc r" i in " 'TfciiwiifUi 1ff W m i " itfttlifhrtill Jiisj iim "rl uMM fr9m&dteAi'-.Mi.' 71