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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
" w .MWSAr.HStt, v -yrp- r .ft K . & I rnBnfiMMnPi The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher AED CLOUD NEDRASKA FOB II BUS! NCWO EPITOME THAT CAN SOON DE COMPASSED. MANY EVENTS ARE MENTIONED Home and Foreign Intelligence Con densed Into Two and Four Line Paragraphs. Washington. Spoclnl nirangcmentB linvo boon made by Postmaster General Hitch cock for tho rupid transmission of mall Intemlcil for delivery nbroa'l by Christmas dny. The net lncomo of tho 2G2.190 cor porations of tho United Statos which nre subject to tax under tho corpora tion tax law was $3,125,470,000 for tho year which ended on Juno 30. Tho commission appointed by Presi dent Tuft to Inquire Into tho charac ter of legislation for tho control of block and bond Ibsucs by railroads will havo no report to make for somo time. Tho total estimates for tho United States navy for tho fiscal year 1911 12 to bo submitted to congress as a basis for tho appropriation for that year, nmounts to $120,010,059.24, which Is $5,000,000 less than appro priated for tho current fiscal year. Anlmnls Imported for breeding pur poses after Jnnunry 1, 1911, must bo accompanied by certificates of tho bu rcnu of nnlmnl Industry that tho mil mala nro puro bred of a recognized breed nnd duly registered In tho for eign book of record for that estab lished breed. After a conference Instlng through out tho day between Secretary Mac Veagh, Collector Loch of New York, Attorney General Wlckershnm nnd other officials of tho Now York cus toms, no' decision was reached as to tho action of tho government with referenco to tho customs frauds In woolens and linings nt Now York. Kuilroad bonds lead tho list of se curities hold by tho banks of the United States according to figures prepared nnd mado public by Law rence O. Murray, comptroller of tho currency. Tho total holdings of bonds, stocks nnd other securities by banks In tho United States nro $4, 723,000,000 and moro than one-fourth $1,155,100,000, nro railroad bonds. General. Officers of tho .American navy wero guests of the lord mayor of London. Two reports are to bo submitted to congress on tho Ilalllnger-Pluchot iase. Itobort Peary snys ho will not nt tempt another expedition to nntartlc region. Allen needier wu3 consecrated bishop of tho Episcopal church nt Omnhn. Michael Cudahy, founder of the Cudahy Packing compuny, died In Chicago. Opposition to tho proposed now navy was defeated In tho Canadian parliament. Hiislness of tho country la on n firm foundation although moving Just a lit tle bit slowly. Nebraska hns 370,335 children of t-ehnol nge, between tho ages of live and twenty-one. - Witnesses nt Now York wero un able to say foreign shipping Interests maintained n lobby at Washington. Suit has been begun in tho tederal court of New York to bring about tho dissolution of tho so-called sugar trust. Census return" indicate that the United States has n population of i.bout 91,000,000 people. Two counties of Virginia voted is sues of bonds nggreg.itlng $1,000,000 tor Highway Improvement. Hdward Arthur Smith, fill years old. a brotlior-in-law of Secretary of State Knox, died in n taxicab on his way to n hospital In Pittsburg. "Retire?" exclaimed Senntor Till man, repeating nn Inquiry. "I Hhall not retire until they bury mo; l havo no Idea of emitting tho game." Tho question of which fnction will control tho organization of the two houses of tho Nebraska lcglblaturo Is ono that Is much dlscitBsed. Eugcno II. Hurr, of New York, ono of tho momberH of Hurr Ilros. (Inc.). recently .raided by federal authorities, was turned na co-respondent In n di vorce suit In which tho plaintiff, James Harden, was nwnrded an nb toluto dlvorco from his wlfo. A. E. Stnndon, of Chicago, went to tho llttlo town of Elsberry, oM., hunt ed up It. O. Sharp and paid him $000, an nmount ho hud borrowed twenty threo years ngo to go Into business which proved unsuccessful. Tho note hnd long slnco beon destroyed. Uov. Clark of Alaska declares In his annual report against tho policy of not working tho coal lnnds. Tho total voto In Nebraska at tho late election was 213,390. For gover nor Dahlmun (dent.) got 107.7C0, and Aidrlch (rep.) 123.070. Tho Chicago Trlbuno snys that Sonntor-rloct Hitchcock of Nebraska Is wearing the mnutlo that has fallen from Hrynn'a shoulders. Governor Shullcnbcrgor of Ncbras- ka told Champ Clark how to rofuritt the next democratic liuuso by follow- lug precedent of tho democrats In No- . braska legislature tuiffwiani IN With a population of 5,328,691, 1111 iiols is tho third state in tho union. Crlppon, tho wlfo murderer, loft re quest that his remains bo cremated. Senator Halo doesn't look for much work by tho -short session of con gress. Congressman Tnwnoy is Bald to bo opposed to fortification of tho canal. Nebraska hns n population of 1,11)2, 211, a gain of 11.8 per cent, since 1S90. It Is said thero will bo no pension legislation nt tho short session of congress. Over thirty million dollars nre to bo nsked for river nnd hurbor Im provements. Much of tho red tape in vnrious do; partments of tho postofllcos Is to bo dispensed with. J. A. Cudahy will soon lenvo Oma ha for Chicago to become head of tho big packing company. Secretary MacVeagh favors n high er rntd of Interest for future Issues of Panama canal bonds. Tho planting of Pacific const sal mon eggs havo proven successful In waters of Now Hampshire. Foreign steamer companies aro ac cused of combining to squeeze out Amorlcnn shipping interests. Louis D. Mrandels, who says ho can savo tho rallronds n million dollars u day, has been proffered a Job. Graco ltolph, tho Pender, Neb., girl, says sho was not kidnaped by a Mex ican, but left of her own accord. Tho population of tho stnto of Maryland Is 1,294,450 according to tho statistics of tho thirteenth census. Hitchcock, (dom.) for sonntor from Nebraska, got 19.G5C moro votes than Uurkett, present republican senator. Following Its Thanksgiving recess tho supremo court of the United States handed down many decisions. Tho legality of tho Nebraska, Kan sas nnd Oklahoma bnnk gunranty law is soon to bo argued in tho supremo court. Tho Pcruvlnn government has no Interest In any steamship Ifno to bo established between Now York nnd Cnllao. A November without wind, precipi tation, or Hovero cold gave Nebraska farmers perfect opportunity to har vest tho corn and make snug for the winter. John Wlndon or Randolph county, Alabama, and Joo Wheeler of Carroll county, Georgia, were acquitted of a peonngo churgo In tho United State district court in Montgomery, Ala. "Leave tho cities and settle on farms," was tho burden of the ad dresses delivered at tho annual con vention of the Federation of Jewish Farmers of America In New York. Tho twenty-fourth caso of typhoid fever developed nt tho nnvnl academy when Midshipman K. C. Woodward of tho first class was admitted to tho naval general hospital for treatment. Four men blew open the Formers bank nt Garden City, lown, with dy nntnlte, getting $1,800. A citizen named Ncssna was awakened by tho explosion and begnn llring nt tho robbers with a shotgun. Tho rob bers escaped. W. P. Lotchworth, agcl 87, widely known as a philanthropist, is dead at Glenn Iris, near Portogo, N. Y. With his death 1,000 acres of park, Including the falls of tho upper Gene seo river, become by his gift tho prop erty or Now York state. Defects in tho .administration of tho New Orleans customs are to bo remedied by tho treasury department as tho result of criticisms which a federal grand Jury made nfter Investi gating tho Importation of laces and embroidery nt that port. Seven business houses locnted In tho business district of Petersburg, Vn., wore destroyed by lire at a loss of approximately $500,000. For a lime a hotel In nn ndjolnlng block In which a largo number of guests were sleeping, was threatened, but tho firemen succeeded In confining tho flames to tho ono block. The loss in pnrtly covered by Insurance. Nono of tho burned buildings was occupied at night nnd there wns no loss of life. Tho Unlvcrsjty of Nebraska was again to tho foro at the international stock exposition In Chicago. In tho slaughter tests tho unlvterslty wan first in onoeluss and first and second In tho other. Tho congressional Immigration committeo appointed in February, 1907, to make a thorough investiga tion of immigration conditions nnd practices tensed to exist Dee. 5. Tho -appropriation of $125,000 carried with It a time limit on tho commission. T. 13. Fltzpntrlck, national treasuror of tho United Irish League, cabled $10,000 to John 13. Hedmond. leader of tho Nationalists In the llrltlsh parlia ment, for tho furtherance of tho cause. This makes the totnl sent slneo tho tecent mutual meeting of tho lengue at Buffalo, $50,000. Tho total population of the United Statos, as revealed by tho thirteenth census, Is expected to bo announced by tho ccnHUB bureau on Dec. 10. Counting Arizona nnd New Mexico ns states tho totals for twenty-eight out of forty-eight stntcs already havo been nnnouncoil. Tho grand total for tho wholo country will bo nbout 91,. 000,000. Personal, A brother of Mndoro snys the revolt In Mexico has only begun. Prosldont Taft urged cnbinct mem hers to slash In their estimates. Dr. Cook says a man cannot really tell If ho has found tho north polo. Heads of tho Cudahy departmont will remove from Omaha to Chicago. Descendants of John C. Calhoun nro r.trlvlng to sccuro IiIh old planta tion. Benjamin F. Tillmnn says ho has no intention ot retiring from the Ben-nte. LIVELY IITJE YEARS WRITES LETTERS TO HIS LITTLE GIRL, 70 YEARS OLD. HAPPENINGS OVER CHE STATE What Is Going on Hers and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity, McCook Probably one of the most remarkable men In this boctlon of the statq Is "Grnivlpn" Sherman Com tilings, who, nlfhough ho Is about to celebrate his ninety-second birthday, still dresses himself, shuves, reads and (Iocb about nil the thing that a man of thirty-five or forty years .his junior would do. Grandpa Commlugs has always been nn enthusiastic wheelman, and, most of his birthdays In the '80s were not considered piopciij celebrated until ho had taken his daily spin on his bicycle. Tho proudest achlcvment of this vonoruble old sire, however, is his penmanship. For Instance, ho lutrf just written n letter to one of his daughters, his "little girl" a grandma of ninny children and who Is seventy joins old herself. A Cut in Wages. Nebraska City. Because of a fall ing off in tho census report or tho population of this county nearlj 3,000, tho salaries of ninny of the county of ficials nre reduced nnd all arc greatly worried. It reduced the salary of tho sheriff to $1,500, county commissioner to $500, county attorney to $S00 and county nsscssor to $600. No Christmas Carols. Fremont. As a result of activity on tho part of Fremont ministers who objected to nn entertainment at the theater here on Christmas Sunday, which did not contemplate a relliUous program, tho university glee club's engagement for that dale will be can celled. May Lose His Eye. Chadron. Whllo getting rcadj for his run, Engineer William Bower of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad had one of his eyes cu.'. by a lubri cator glass blowing out and will prob ably loso the eye entirely. Tendered a Reception. David City. Governor-elect Aldrlch was the guest of honor nt n monster reception tendered hlni by his fellow townsmen nnd friends at the opera house. The governor responded to tho words of friendship largely non-partisan, with a pleasing address. Wymore to Own Plants. Beatrice. At a spocinl election held In Wymore, the bond proposition of $57,000 for a new waterworks sys tem carried by a niaor!l of 315, while tho electric light bonds carried by a majority of 28G. Plckrell wns visited by a fire Sun iljy tho most dlfciistrous In Its his tory. Fremont gained more than 25 per cent In population during the past ten years. Tho First Presbyterian church at Fremont dedicated their now house of worship Sunday. John Schweitz, 70 years old, fell down a stairway nt Beatrice and was instantly killed. Rev. Aust'n, pastor ot the M. 13. church at Plattsmouth, was thrown from tin automobile ami seriously In jured. Professor Rouse, former hiipeiinten dent or tho Plattsmouth schools, bus been elected dean of the normal school at Peru. Pat Ryan, well known In the west as an old tlmo Indian curio denier, wns found dead in his bed in his rooms nt Omnhn. Dean Beechor wus consecrated bishop of Omaha Wednesday with nn Impresslvo sermon. Thero were seven bishops nt the service. Row S. B. McVoy, formerly pastor of tho U. B. church nt Crab Orchard, has been assigned to tho pastorate of the M. E. church at Steele ty, Neb! Idaho Bill's wild west show Is now nicely quartered for the, winter In the Plntto valley north of Hastings, whero tho horses can be properly cared for during tho winter months, Tho Morton-GregEon tacking houso at Nebraska City, which has been closed for tho past six months under going repairs, will bo opened nt once and will begin slaughtering hogs. This plant hns a capacity of 1,500 hogs per day. Andrew Kline, who wns suffocated when his homo cnught tiro ntWllber, died Saturday afternoon from pneu monia caused by smoko nnd gas. Flro broke out In tho attic or tho high school building at ColumbiiB and dnmnged the building to buch nn ex tout thnt no school will ho hold for a week or more. Lyman A. Harmon, for moro than fifty years a resident of Fremont and ono or tho men who took nn nctlvo part In tho construction of tho Union Pacific, died Wednesday uftor an -111-uess or only two days' duration. Fremont is still ngltntlng good roads to thnt place. There Is talk of a third nowBpnpcr at Sterling., Plattsmouth is suffering from a series of burglaries. Charles Boyd, living near Fnlrbury got mixed up with a buzz saw and lost several lingers. Mall scrvlre, which was dlscon Untied some tlmo ngo at Hockford oast of Beatrice, has been resumed. Under the direction of the Y. M. (' A. li chnpter of the Boy Scouts ol America Is soon to be Instnllcd in Lincoln. Wnlthlll wants tho county sent ol Thurston county changed from Ponder to thnt plnce, and 1b securing signa tures to n petition to that etui. Tho coin cyop or the state is esti mated at 208.000,000 bushels. This Is more corn than was raised In Ne braska In either of tho past two years. Tho corn in general throughout the stato Is suid by grain men to ho better than It was lost year, although tho crop south of the Platte is not up to tho normnl yield. Horace H. Phllpot, for eight years tho Lincoln coricspoudcnt of the Omahn Bee, was tendered a compli mentary dinner at tho Lincoln hotel Satin day night, ut the .conclusion of which ho was presnntel with a gold watch, an evidence of tho esteem lit which ho is held by the men who at tended tho banquet. Mr. uiid Mrs. Thomas C'leland, plonceiM of Buffalo county, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Wednesday, It being attended by every member of a lnrgo family of sons and dnitghters. Three sons-in-law, four daughters-in-law, and six teen grand-children wero present, at wero a few invited guests. In addition to the farmers' Institute and school or Instruction in Beatrice during the week beginning December 12, there will be Institutes held nt El lis on Monday and Tuesday, Decem ber 5 and fi; at Virginia on Wednes day, December 7, and at Union Hall on Wednesday and Thursdny, Decem ber 7 nnd 8. All aro In Gage county. An experiment in Bheep feeding has proven profitable to Frank Blcknell, a furmer near Springfield. Brlckncll bought 1,000 head or sheep in poor condition about six weeks ngo and turned them out on his farm. They fattened rapidly and when shipped made him a profit of nearly $1 per head above expenses of handling nnd feeding. LINCOLN VWWI The report from the stato peniten tiary for the month or November shows total receipts of $1,094.84. Ot this amount $889.55 wns received from tho snlo of wheat. A United Stntes warrant for $80.85 is included in the receipts. ThlB covers the safe guarding of two federal prisoners. In the monthly summary issued by the weather bureau tho precipitation In November of this year is shown to bo tho smallest In the last ten years. Only .1 of an inch foil, whllo for tho sntito month last year 7.1 Inches fell The menu temperature for tho month Is shown to be 39 degrees. The nor. mal for this month Is- 3S degrees. Tho battery of field artillery offered by the war department has not yet been accepted. Tho Nebraska na tional guardsmen of Beatrice havo tho first chance. Tho state will pay $1,000 a year nnd the city that ob tains tho prizo must pay $2,000 a year for tho maintenance nnd enro of the equipment. No city has yet signified Us desire to pay that amount. Henry Seymour, secretary of tho state board of equalization, has writ ten a letter detailing tho credits that ono should bo assessed on nnd the debts that Bhould bo deducted. Tho question in Inchoate, but tho best that can bo got out of the present complex of laws Is Included In the letter. In it ho nlso lays down the law that dogs aro to bo taxed by proinct as sessors, no matter what the county or city mny do with reference to dog taxes. C. H. Rudge, a member of tho state fair board, has returned to Lincoln from Chicago, whero representatives of thirty-six largo stato nnd provincial shows mot. Great efforts aro being mado to got uniform classifications of exhibits In nil stato fairs, ho says, and also to get uniform premiums for nil of tho dlfforont classes. This will tend to equalize tho attractions of tho various shoWB to exhibitors nnd will al60 glvo one accurate Ideas of how certain exhibits In other, states comparo with local exhibits, on which Judgment ha3 been passed by statf fair officials. The squirrel and chlckon season closed last week In this state. Game Warden Goilua says that ho haB re ceived no complalntB about tho dec dtttlons or squlrrolB this year. - The opening of the season on theso llttlo nnlmalB by tho laBt legislature haa served to allow hunters to keep their numbers down. When tho gamo laws wero boloro the legislature for consid eration many letters wero produced, in which farmers Btnted that tho squir rels, particularly In tho southeastern part of tho state, had mado lire miserable. 0MMmmL H CLAIM LAW IS GOOD NEBRASKA MEN ARGUE FOR THE BANK GUARANTY. COURT GIVES ITS CONSENT Attorney General Mullen, C. O. Whe- don and I. L. Alberts Support Enactment, While John L. Webster Opposes. Washington. Tho Nebraskn bank gunranty caso was argued beforo the United StateB supromo court Thurs dny. Tho danger or tho case being put back on tho docket nnd Us hear ing postponed for more than a year waB avoided by an agreement entered into ns to tho division of time with counsel representing KansnB and Ok lahoma. Attorney General Mullen, At torney Alberts nnd C. O. Whedon mado the nrguments for Nebraskn, each being nllowcd twenty minutes. Each maintained thnt tho bnnk gunr anty act passed by tho Nebraska leg islature wns constitutional In every respect and that tho United States supremo court could not put It nsldo ns unconstitutional. John L. Webster appeared for tho banks. Attorney Gen eral Mullen Is confident that tho case will bo decided In favor of Nebraska. Mr. Mullen and Mr Alberts will start for homo nt once. Capital Removal May Fall. Oklahoma City. Chairman J. B. Thompson, of the senate capltol loca tion committee, has made .public a re port agreed on nt a session of the com mittee. The committeo announced that under present circumstnnces it will re port no bill for passage. It demands nn lmmcdlnto offer of a free and satis factory capitol 6lto, together with a gunranteo for tho erection of a cnpitol building freo. The report ends with a statement that unlcsB such n proposition Is sub mitted forthwith tho committee will recommend adjournment of the legis lature. Suspicious of the States. Vlctorln, B. C That Japan must prepare for war with tho United StateB is the text of an article published by the-Toklo Nippon and received by tho steamer Namba Mam. "Japan must UBk herself," says tho Nippon "what object an element of United States cltlzenB havo In view when they advocate tho expenditure of enormous suras on furnishing tho Pacific with a big fleet, of creating a powerful army on tho Pacific slopo; of building a hugo coal depot and naval station in Hawaii and of fortifying the Philippine islands, Hawaii and Pana ma." Just a Form of Gambling. Pittsburg. "Commercial gambling," that form of trade that is carried on by Inducing sales through prizes, came-in for condemnation nt tho hands of tho national reform association at its closing session. The association also confirmed the report ot the execu tive committee on unirorm divorce laws and uphold tho proposed cam paign in Illinois to hnve tho Blblo re stored to tho public schools. Suit to Recover Savings. Now York. Since 1875, when Cap tain John Coyle went down with his ship orf, Newfoundland, $15,000 which he had on deposit In a hank in Jersey City hns remained thero piling up in terest becatiBO tho heirs of tho b!V per wero unknown. Suit to recover tho money wns started todaj by a law yer in behair or two Cincinnati men who claim to be nephews or Coyle. Get Mass of Counterfeits. -Washington. A counterfeiting plot extending oer two continents has been discovered by tho secret service. Chief WilKio's men nrrested Czare Po lettl ub he stepped from the steamer Italian In New York. The secret ser vice men found on PolettI 2,000 nation al hank notes on tho National Bank ot New YorJc. Tho counterfeits hr.d been made In Italy it is alleged. Kansas City. Tho United States marshal hero seized 175 cans of eggs which hnd been shipped from Dallas, Tox., to a local candy company nfter a semi-analysis showed that tho eggs wero Broiled. They contained 150,000, 000 bacteria to tho cubic centimeter. Washington. Activity of a self-appointed peaco commission which has been endeavoring to reach a base of settlement of tho revolutionary move ment in Mexico apparently Is highly displeasing to tho Mexican govern ment. ' Chicago. Tho strike of dollveryme'n employed by tho lnrgo retail stores, which threatened to prevent Christ mas deliveries, has ended. Good Roads Paramount Question. Indianapolis. Urging that congress bo naked to construct a natlonnl road from Walla Walla, WaBh., to Omaha, Nob., to bo called tho "Marcus Whit man way," in honor or "tho man who saved to tho United SWteH that great territory now comprising Washington, Oregon nnd Idaho," Samuol Hill or Seattle, Wash., addressing tho Ameri can good roads congress, declared tho question or good roads Is ono in com parison to which the tariff question and tho building of tho Panama canal arc mero JokeB. I Yours for uni formity. Yours for great est leavening power. Yours for never failing results. Yours for purity. Yours for economy. Yours for every thing that sroea to mako up a strictly high grade, ever dependable baking powder. That Is Calumet. Try It once and note the im provement in your bak ing? See how much more economical over the high priced trust brands, how much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest In quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World's Puro Food Exposition. AGENTS wanted In rrrery town. An oppor tunity to earn bltf money. UxcIubIt territory. Noexicrlnnconeceiaary. UllK s4.U.,m-1lu MUM.,Ultf NOT PAGE FROM A ROMANCE Conversation, However, Reads Whole Lot More Like a 8ceno In Real Life. "And so your father refuses to coo sent to our union?" "Ho does, Rodolphus." Tho sad youth awalloVred a sob. "Ib thero nothing left for us, then, but an elopement?" said he. "Nothing." "Do you think, Clementine, that you could abandon thlB luxurious home, forget all tho enjoyments of great wealth, banish yourself forever from your devoted parents' hearts, and go west with a poor young man to enter a homo of lifelong poverty and self denial?" "I could, RodolphuB." Tho Bad youth roso wearily and reached for his hat. "Then," said ho, "you nro far from being tho practical girl I have all along taken you to be." And with ono last look around on tho BumptuousncsB that,Bomo day he had hoped to share, ho sobbed and said farewell. Browning's Magazine The Way to Find Him. "My wifo and I arc going to spend a fow months with her peoplo nt Strong's Corners," said tho mock little man, "and I want you to mall your pa per to me " "Yes," Bald tho clerk, "what's your namo?" "Well or to mako Bure, I guesa you'd better address It: 'Mary Strong's Husband, Strong's Cornora.' " Ancient City Modernized. Tarsus, tfio ancient city In Asia Mi nor, whero tho apostle Paul was born, is now illuminated by olcctrlclty. Tho power Is tuken from tho Cydnus river. Thero nro now in Tarsus 450 olcctrlp street lights and nbout GOO lncandesr cent lights for prlvato uso. Post Toasties With Cream or With Milk With Fruit. Savoury Whnlpqnmo Economical PsS "Tho Memory Lingers" J Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Dattlo Creek, Mich. I ' JS1! A d 'y wiwms:r WflftMifttMy &n?WL. ;ypitfr7Jrrsi IT .tf .$U VA'X .. . -K :.. A- . ,-'V ti"' .WJ:.-r& I Jp. . , V v SUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI b ." kT. 1 .fY. ' " . i a ., jj.1 -jmw i'A IV . A ! t , ... i ' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Mmtmmmmmv - ti