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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1910)
CHEERFUL WORDS FOR SUFFERING WOMEN. No woman cim bo healthy with sick I kidneys. Thoy nro often tho truo canso or bearlnB-down pains, head- i 'Evtrr Picture TtlU A Stoty nchos, dizziness, u o r v o u a neaa ' etc. Keep tho I kidneys well and health la easily main tallied. Doan'a K I d i o y Pills ' malto strong, ' healthy kidneys. Mra. John A. Link, 122 East I'erry St., Dutr rus, O., says' "I was bo terribly nflllctcd with kidney complnlnt, I could not ntlr out of bed. I was attended by several doctors but f they nil failed to help mo. Doan's Kid- , ney Pills pavo mo relief after I had I given up nil hopo and soon cured me. I havo had no kidney trouble In threo j years." Remember tho name Doan'a. TV.- ..i t if .i..i -a - I'Ul eillll 11 llll UUillUTH. Oil IflllS il box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Duffalo, N. Y. Good luck HkeB to visit people who are not expecting It. I Lewi' Single Hinder 5c cigar epulis . in quality most 10c cig.irs. Every tlmo a mnn Is mistaken for a deer It counts ono for tho door, who Is very well satisfied. Mr. Y!nrtfw, Ponttilnrr Myrnp. Xorchlliln-n t i-t-i niii . Hoftt'nHtnittimit, ti-un.'.tn. tUuiuaUuu.uUajHiijlii.curuhniuJudUu. wuaUttio. At the County Fair. Visitor And bo that Is what thoy call tho wild liorao of Patagonia. What do you feed It? Zoo Attendant Wild outn. DISTEMPER In all its forms niiiong all age of liorM, as won as uogs, emeu ami otlicM in .tiiui v7 stable prevented from having tho dic.ia that earthquakes or witter pressure Vv'L S11'S!!N"S "'STEMl'KU Cl'ltK. would dislodge them, and that an one hvery bottlo guaranteed Over (iOO.OOO I bottles sold last year ?.rU .ind SI Ot). Any good dniRgist, or tend to manufacturers. , dull La rtiMti nab iiii .r .in iiiin ii ili. .uv i Agents .wanted. Spoliti Medical ( o peu, I Contagiou.s Uiseabcs, Uoshcn, hid. Reason for Strange Names. A little colored girl appeared on ! ono of tho city playgrounds tho othor day, accompanied by two plck-mln-nlcs, who, she explained, were cousins of hers, visitors in Newark. "What aro their names?" asked tho young woman In charge of tho playground. "A Ida Ovcrturo Johnson and I.ucla ' i Soxtotto Johnson," tho girl answered. , l added to the list of tragic deaths "You see, their papa used to woik for , '" tho family of Miss Adelaide Cum a opera man." Newark News. I '"K of this city. She Is now In llos- ton, summoned there by a peculiar ac- Deafness Cannot Be Cured ! cldcnt to her sister who, on her thirty b7 local .wiittibn.. thoy cmnot mci. th, dim I cottd birth.lay put on u now dress or cum1 portion ut tin! ear. 'Iher-i ti only ono wny to ' tllO llobblo-Skil't Variety, and ilS she cure tleutiicsJ. nml tlit Li by ctu.slitiitlonal ri-mi'illrs. ..i.- ,i,,.ui,... ( ,.!, ,,i ...,,i foil l)fatm3 ti caa'wd by Jin mnamol conUlthm ot tha , 'ls ROI'lK UOWllStallb. Hipped ami Tell. mucous llnlnit ut tl.o KmtnUiUn Tub.-. . VV lien UiU , IJcr nJ,, uono waB hiokotl.tind Various tubo 13 Iniliinoil you lnvo i tumbllnj sound or tin- ... . .... perfect bearing and wiicn it u entirely ciowd. Deit- complications have set In which may mm Li tho result, ami unlcii tlie lallamtnution can h ,.,. i, ,im. out rind tlili tubo rcntorwl to tbi imnnil condl- v-J"aO "or uetuu. tlon, licarlnu will bo destroyed torever. r.lno c.vei .n nf l.n nr r.lKn.t flilirrll. uhlrll II ll.-lllillltf but nn Inflamed condition ot tho mucous nurtair.H. wo will KIVO una iiunureu uonars jor ony uw oi DcatncM (caused by catarrh) ttiat evinot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh euro. Wend tor clrculirs. treo. F. J. CHi:.Vi:V ic CO.. luledo. Q Sold by Drurcl-ti. 73c. Toko U11b I'amlly fljli tor constipation. NO TIME TO LOSE. Dug -Hey! Wait a minute, Mrs. Scall. Mrs. Snail I can't stop, now; I am going to town to do some Christmas shopping, nnd It's November now I AN EFFECTIVE HOME MADE KIDNEY AND BACKACHE CURE Easily Prepared Medicine Which It Said to Regulate the Kidneys and End Backache, To mnko up enough of tho "Dande- Hon Mlxturo" which Is claimed to bo n prompt euro for Dackacho and Kid' ney and Blnddor trouble, got from any good Prescription Pharmacist ono-half ounco fluid extract Dandolion; ouo otinco Kargon Compound and three ouuees Compound Syrup of Sarsapa rlllo. Shako woll In a bottlo and tako in tcaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. Thoso who havo tried It say It acts gently but thoroughly on tho Kidneys nnd cntlro urinary system, reliovlue Uie most sovoro Uackacho at once. A well-known medical authority rec ommends tho prescription to bo taken tho moment you suspoct any Kidney, Uladder or Uiinnry oiaorder or feel a constant dull Backache, or If the urluo Is thick, cloudy, offensive or full of bedlmcnt, Irregular of passage or at tended by a ncaldlng sensation; or for too frequont urination durlug tho night. This Is a real harmless vegiMablo mlxturo which could not causo injury to nnyono nnd tho relief which Is Raid to Immediately follow Its use Is a rov elation to inou nnd women who Ruffer from Uackacho, Kltlnoy trouble or any form of Urinary disorder. This la suroly worth trying, as It la easily mixed at homo or any will do it for you, and doesn't coi; much. jllllll TTAPPE mTTFTT VJlJLJL Forging the Big Panama Canal Gates flY WOULO TflKt (A HUSkY KID TEf STtAL A GATfc U KPT, OAT - cee; ITTSHfUa, PA. Mischievous boys dreumliiK of Kates to b carried away and future Hallowe'en Irophles would not in the wildest nightmares i Imagine such enormous Kitten as nro beliiB made in Pittsburg for the Puna- '"" ."i. It in iititnl They will be the largest gates In the world. Any one of the !2 of them WH1 be about as high as n sl-sUiry building, as wide as many city build ings are (G!i feet), and seven feet J,-'UI) ' thick. The structural steel that will go to malco them will weigh tJO.OOO tons, or more thnn eight limes as much as was used to build the Kirfel tower In Paris. Tho mighty portals, designed to ad mit a world's commerce from one ocean to another, must withstand a tide of criticism as well as a tremen dous pressure of water and possible convulsions of earth, l-'or yeni-H the controversy over gates or no gales, locks or oa level, has been HiV di viding Issue of the canal problem In the face of fear In some (plat ters that the foundations on the Isth mus are not sure enough for locks, . TVei mr K a f ck I rYire w51 -v- -77 Mloq Ouminlntr li still n voiinc worn -Ulrta VUIIUIUUb IS mill II i"UIIf, tt Ulil an, but misfortUllO litis boot! with her all her life. Her grandfather was wrecked and drowned at sea; her father killed In a boiler explosion; ono sister crushed by n trunk, anoth er killod by a snowball mid a third by gangrcno; n nephew went down In tho Maine, another was killed In tho San Francisco earthquake, and their mother Is now Insane. James G. dimming, grandfather of Everybody Helps to IT ANSAS CITY, KAN.- Tho Armour- dalo district has set tho paco and now this city la going to bo a Bpot less town. An idea, a clrculnr letter and a few postage stamps did tho work In Armourdalo. Mr. Dean, commissioner of parks, selected tho town-cleaning day and then mailed tho letters to all of tho business and professional men In that part of town, Inviting them to meet, properly equipped with Implomcnts, at Shawnee park. As early as 7:30 the Shawnee park district looked: llko a brickyard dis trict wheu a mad-dog alarm has been sounded. Thoro wore men of all sizes and wearing all sorts of working annarol and carrying many descrlp- tlons of Implements. When all hands had gathered around tho bandstand, it was found that tho group included lawyers, doctors, mlnlstors nnd busi ness men, and that Uioy meant busi ness. Tho party was divided Into threo Refusal of Water WOULD OUST AS 500M OKINK GUt NITRIC ADD or s A?. (A'ATfRI 'TAKE ' r-.i ut away X 1 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lying In tho Gnrrctson hospital In a critical condition from a badly lacerated ncalp, which ho sustained when hit by a Btreot car, Albert Maxwell, fifty ono years of age, steadfastly refuses to drink wntor In any form becauso ho doesn't llko It. Ho declares ho has been a total abstainer from nature's bovorago for tho last thirty ycar3, aud la willing to tako a chanco of giving ip his llfo rathor than touch water 'again. When Maxwell was taken to tho hospital ho waa placed on tho oper tlng tablo whllo the physicians aewed !IIU' ill :.(50,ooo L 1 1 .' mise'S yx n ui iv .i7 y I ... ti&TKB V pJJJSiTiteSi jK $li uss ! r-XjJpB iev 1 ' Br' M k KS i-. rX. A i t JL ' l i- MNBS i L&3K&i JSv Jh y A A (SBEWftSisssflisiSS - l "'I I I7:i " A -JiHD" 'S Bmflr"i JTTrVU.i' M iny's mines or accidental explosion might easily destroy them, the gov ernment bus begun to build the gates. The cost will be $5,000,000. Of the C0.000 tons of steel leiptlred, the heaviest single pieces will weigh about eighteen ions. Tho thousands in pieces, iiuiuuorcu mm ..v ted to go together as easily as chll- , drill's blocks, will be shipped by steamer via Italtlmore and with them will go more than four hundred skilled structural steel builders from Pitts burg lo yet them The advaiu e guard of experts will leae here In Decem ber and the Hint woik probably will I begin early In I Si 1 1 . The location of the 10 pairs of gates will be, 20 at the (Jatun dam on the Pacllle side. 12 at Pedro Miguel, and II at .Mliallores. near the Atlantic en trance 'I he gates aie designed to hold bark water 17.1 feet deep In a channel lit) feel wide, which mentis a pressure of a million pounds. The weight of a single guie will be about liOO ton, and the dimensions are 77 In S2 feet high, lit) to 7.1 feet wide and 7 reel thick. Knch lock will be iiuipie lor a Jhlp . .",0 per cent, linger than any vessel J alloat. and It has he n estimated that as many us a hundred ocean ships j may' be bandied In a single day. There are no locks approaching ( i I.. .1... l'l... Sinn? t l lie?'- Ill ISI.f. I II.' Minu'lin .j,. i canal Is a sea level affair and the few i gnat lock canals would hae to com- I blue ihir gutes to equal the size and I strength of the great doors of Pan- ' ama. Pioirte o l-?rtrtiKr . miouvo . u m.i.i.aa.n,j the pivmMit CumuiliiK generation, win. a sailor of Salem. Mass, and went down with his ship whii Miss Cum- tiling wus a young girl. Mer father ' was blown to death in a boiler ex- plosion In Sulein. lie was a merchant and simply happened along when tin boiler let loos.' oly pans of his body were recovered. One ulster was hi faking wood over her knee when .she fractund her kneecap. The log was amputated but gangrene caused her death. Another was killed by a snowball In which a stone was lm-' my w. it r.n.iiKUTt bedded and a third was caught while The average life of the drains in packing a trunk. The lid crushed her many soils Is probably not more than head. twenty-live years, and even if the The unhappy fate of the family drnlns aro not as old as that they may seemed to descend to the branches, for have become blocked by roots of treos one of Miss Ciinimlng'a t.onhewK was or slnknge of Individual pipes, lost lu the San Francisco earthquake The point then to decide will be in one of the collapsed buildings which whether to tako up pari of the system took fire. A brother of this Ind. Kn- , nnd relay, or commence an entirely sign .Matthews, bad perished on the new ono. In tho majority of cases It Maine In Havana harbor. These trag- will bo found that it Is most satlsfac edlen so pi eyed on the mind of tho tory to lny down an entirely now sys inothci, Miss Cunimlng's sister, that item nnd this Is the course generally she became violently Insane and Is now In a Massachusetts asylum. Now tho last near relative of Miss dim ming Is In a hospital, and it Is impossi ble to hay whether she will escapo tho family fate or not. Make City Clean sections. Wngons furnished by tho city ami by business firms were on hand to follow tho workers nnd col lect the results of their labor. w. ..... . . . . Up ono side of tho s reet and down the other they worked, cleaning the street and parkings of weeds and papers and piling them for tho wagons i to collect and cart nway. And school boys who had not been detained at homo to clean yards followed tho shovel and boo brlgndo with brooms, sweeping up the dirt tho shnvolcra bad missed. And tho women were working, too. While their husbands wero cleaning the streets, they wore sweeping tho yards, picking up tin cans and pa pers and cutting tho dead weeds. In nil paits of tho city women could bo seon, inking up leaves and trash and even repairing fonces. Tho churches had men working cleaning nnd re pairing '.ho property nnd the school janitors tere busy In tho schoolhouso yards It 'is tbi Intention beforo long to have the 1 1,000 school children of tho city organised Into Juvenllo leagues for tho purpose of assisting In this work. "This Is en ly a starter," Mr. Dean explained. ". 11 of Knnsns City, Knn will be elennei the same wny." May Cost His Life up his scalp, w hlch had been almost completely tort off tho skull. Max well stood the t peratlon well. An ho straightened up ready to bo assigned a bed Doctors tops and Silk offered him a glass of v titer. "1 never use t," was Maxwell's re sponse to tho j'roffeied drink. Tho physicians and the nurses regarded tho fitatemont ue a Joke. Next morn ing tho nurse o.fered Maxwell medi cine lu the form of pills. A glass of water was offernd him to take with tho medicine, bu; Maxwell refused It. Ho swallowed tin pills without wnter. Tho whlto of ji egg was prescribed in tho evening, but after Inspecting tho food Mnxwoll declared ho thought thoro was water lu It and refused to tako It. Hospital aro in u quandary as to what to loed tho man. Mra. Maxwell Bays It is usoloss to coax hor husband to drink wator. DEVICE FOR HUSKING CORN Metal Plate Fits In Palm of Husker's Hand and Has Projecting Hooks to Catch Husk. If some clever young farmer could wear concealed tho corn busker designed b an Illinois mnn, ho could win with ease all the husk ing bees In bis locality. This busker la a motnl plate fastened to a glove llko device which Ills on the lower rt . ... ,.., ,...,,.,,.,. .., .,,..,,, , , Im,m Q1 (hp ,()W(,r )!U.t ()f the busker Is a downwardly project ing hook, while above It, on either side are two other hooks, projecting In tho oppoblto directions. V.c of these spikes Is made by cutting two sides of n triangle In- the metal and lend- Improved Huskcr. Ing over the point thus made The lower hook Is meant to engage the husk as tho hand Is drawn down iver the ear of corn and strip It off, Tho other two projections, having nothing to Interfere with their progress down ward, act as guides and ensure the hitsk of being stripped off evenly. Or- dlnarlly. in husking corn, the husk Is seized at the top and pulled down, With this device the outer covering of the com Is gripped by tho mere downward movement of the hand. ..,.. ,., , .,., nnr- DRAINAGE WORK IS NOW DUE Some Very Important Suggestions for Laying Out Plans Which Will Bring Dest Rcsult3. ndopted. In laying out a new scheme of tile drainage tho following aro the main points that will require investigation before tho working plan can bo pre- 1 pnred or the work commencod. I No rulo of thumb can be given, but i it may bo said that on tho heavier I clays a distance apart of six yards i and an nverngo depth of two feet, nlno I Inches would be ample whllo on tho i lighter sands nnd wet grnvels 20 yards ! npart and an avcrngo of threo feot, uiiuu menus iui uiMiiu wuiim iiul uu much Afl ft ft, rJ,0 m mo. ,llm .. mlnnr .. nrn nof . , 1 dium soils minor drains nro set cloven DralnB need not to bo so noar to gether on nrnblo as In grass land. DralnB should bo nt an nverngo of six Inches dcopor thnn the sldo drains. Main drains should havo n fall of not Iobb thnn ono in 2G0 or about 20 feet per mllo. Tho nctual position of minors with reforenco to tho slopo lins been tho subject of much discus sion, but whero tho fall Is fairly good thoy may bo takon across the slopo nnd this Is genornlly tho most practi cable way. Tho number of square yards In nn noro (4,480) divided by tho distance npart of tho minors will glvo tho to tal length of sldo drains per acre. This, If tho sldo drains nro 11 yards apart, their total length on nn ncro of ground will bo 440 ynrds. Choosing tho positions for tho out falls Is often by no moans nn easy task, but It may bo taken ns a prin ciple that tho fewer outfalls thoro aro tho bettor, as each requires to bo cleaned out periodically, and If thoro 1b a multiplication of them ono or tho othor Is certain to bo overworked somo time. Tho outfall uhould bo placed as far above tho water level of tho stream or ditch Into which It empties ns circumstances will nllow, but If thoro Is any chanco of Hood water backing up the drain, this must bo provided against by fastening nn hinged Ilnp over tho end of tho outfall plpo. In tho selection of tiles great care should bo takon for In this as In many othor things tho strength of a chain is its weakest link, nnd through tho "flying" of n main drain tho greator part of an cntlro dralnago system may bo rendered comparatively useless. Farmers' Wlvec. Isolation, hard work and small com pensation Is too often tho lot of tho ifnrmors' wives. Thoso nro burdcnB that nood lifting. Pleasant surroundings modern con 'vonlcncoa, easily cbtalnnblo, will go a long way in keeping tho boys and girls on tho farm., COVER PROTECTED BY PAPER Important Part of Hlvo Is Sheltor That Will De Cool In Summer and Warm In Winter. An Important pnrt of a good hlvo Is n cover that will bo cool In sum mer and warm In winter. Of courno, If one winters Indoors It does not make so much difference. Hut most Cover Protected by Paper. of tho beekeepers around here win ter outdoors and, take but little euro of their bees at that. I llko the Hat paper top cover quite well, and always 'order II, but prefer a cover n.ado like the one shown here with, writes Klmer K. Walte, In Glean ings In Ilee Culture. I have used sev eral that 7 made myself, and like them better than any othor cover for a single-walled hive. The Inside (flat) part can be made either ot two or three pieces. The outside ttopj should bo two pieces If tho rldgo la narrow, but can bo mado of four pieces If the whole top Is covered with paper. Tho outside should pro ject over the ends two Inches, or ono ami one-half inches at least, and fastened with several small mills. If the whole top Is covered with paper there will never be any trouble front the ends of the boards splitting. I have had no trouble from this causo. A strip of sheet metal can be used for the rldge-cap, or reeling paper will do If nailed with tacks. PLACE HANDLES ON BARREL Old Shovels May Dc Utilized In Ma king Places for Hands Good Method Is Shown. 1'tie two old shovel handles cutting them to the proper length and trim on an angle as seen lu tho picture Fasten these on opposite stiles, fasten ing each very securely with screws, Barrel Handles. This 1b a handy wny to movo a barrol. If n top to tho barrel Is desired fasten a largo thread spool in tho center with a screw. Any barrel con taining wnter or other liquid should bo kopt coverod. Alfalfa-Hay Club. Students nt Crelgbton University, Omaha, Neb., havo formed nn nlfalfa hay club for tho purposo of exploiting nlfalfn meal and flour. Thoy claim to havo made goms from this product which wero very palatable. Loaves are flno for lining tho stor ngo pits. Don't neglect to provldo amplo ven tilation for tho collar. Crates, barrolB and boxes for cellar storago must bo clean nnd dry. Fruit nnd vegonblos retain a much richer flavor if burled than if stored in tho collar. If thero aro broken panes in the bnrn windows, now is tho tlmo to put in new ones. Seed potatoes, llko tablo stock, should bo stored as cold as possible without frost. Fall plowed land should bo loft rough over winter to bettor catch and hold tho snow. Don't spend n dollar for small ditches or tllo on n marsh until an outlet is nssurcd. Put tho potatoes doslgncd for seed purposes In barrels or bins where thoy enn bo kopt from tho light. Drainage tllos should bo evenly nnd well burnt, giving n clear, ringing note when clinked together. To keep a plow from rusting coat tho moldbonrd with axlo groaso or with linseed oil when not In uso. Do not put any frozen potatoos away into winter storngo with unfrozen ones, If It can possibly bo avoided. This month Is n good tlmo to spray tho Interior tho barn with llmo wash. A spray pump used for this purposo will do much for cleanliness and health. Perhaps tho reason moro root crops nro not rnlscd is that thoy requiro moro work both In their cultivation and harvesting, and in their storing and feeding. So far as conditions will ndmlt It Is nearly always best to sow wheat reasonably oarly in ordor that it will mnko n good start to grow beforo cold weather set3 in. I , I T ( IJf. IXV- 1TX I'ri'O lli.tnrnlviKl of 100 I I .?.' Air iiitoh mill ir ninlloiiH of III ' ft;l!a.P ion iti-i nt W.I.OO tin iicro III 1 I l F'lMIl I'llll) lllllHtf, KOOll k liiwiln. Ill -OL i.' vfllriit nilhvny fiullltlrn, ( 1 I- HS--TI tnfl'fri?9 low frHclit mien; mmI.wi- nZTVu r I "1 I lm ' WtfKvffti 'uV.Vp!iinpiiiot''ijistii.-.tvvvt. i I. .mm iv "?'. iiriii'Ki'iiit or (inorriip. l l 11 II I I -'ArwvO .Tim Vf r Mm V I II (mm w i it i . . 3A I SfRoTlSs Women seem to live faster than men. Many a man hns lived to flirt with tho daughter of tho woman ho catuo near marrying Pettlt's Eye Salvo for 25c. Rchevpi tired, coriRcstcd, influncil anil nro ryes, quickly stop cyn miie-i. All dniuKistt or llouard Ilru ltnlTalo, M. Y. There's many a penitent man In th penitentiary LTHE KEYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS m. L- "QjUKS If you want a medicine that will mvc you the great est satisfaction m cases of Indigestion, Constipa tion, Biliousness, Colds, Grippe and Malaria take none but the Bitters. Its reputation is established. The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity Why unit for tlm old farm to iipcomo JUUT HIIII'IIIUIM nf jtrKIII iiuit lu ircurn mr your lutuiti pninpcri.r aim inueprn ilrnrn. A nrrat oppor tunity uitnltn you In !kIaullnbii,Hiu.kntehoAn ur Alln'riii. whiiro you can neciirou. Frrellouie htrudnrbuy lalidutrua- nuuauio prices Now'stheTime) not ii from now, I nni'ii i mm inn oh "" r. '1'lm tirntllH hpeuri-il rriiin tlio iilitiiHlunt rrnim of Wliciit, Oittx ami . Ilurlry, it "I'll oi caltln nil M UK. urn I'.ttinliiK a Mead? udvanrii In liril'P. IIOTrmilH-rifc rruinn nmiw imi tiin iintiitini- of Noltlorn In Mcntorn Cminilu from tliv II. H. nnn 00 iir f'iit lnrKor In 1010 lliliu lliu iirivloilN i vur. .11 liny riirnior Iiiitp mlil for tlu'lr IiiiiiI out nf tlm nml lovr tnltliTV rati-. npp'T to Suji't of Iininlerntlon. OUin.ii, t'au.,or tot'aiiaillaii (lor't AiccnU VI. V. DENNCTT 801 Mtw Toik Llfa Bids- Om'u.lth. iTnonddrowiiH-areUroti, 87 Constipation Nearly Every One Gets It The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarel taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick tccliug. 909 Ton crnt box. wpck' treatment. AlldruL'ntoro. Illesest iellef ta ttiu world million boxo a. ruoutti. A Porfoot Seli-Hoattng Snd Iron l)ur1ilr idacIs from th bmt srads of ran Iron and uiu lilgrily polliUixl ami nickel laUd. 1o. DOES YOUR IRONING FOR lo. EX to oporata -hat rcirnlatud Inntantly Do odor no dirt no riot Hoto. An Idaal Holiday CltL. SatUfactlon Ruaiuntred. Halt card fonpoUal price. Tha Monitor Sad lon Co. 40 Viroll., lf Mtlj. 0. llMvtlifirnilltoCMit. Nebraska Directory Marseilles Corn Shelters Aro tlie bent for jrou to buy. Mmle In all slie. Aulc your locul Dealer or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Omaha, Nob. RIIPTIIRF CURED In a few days nuriUIlk without pain or a sur clcal operation, No pay until cuieJ. Send tot literature. Dr.Wray,307BooBldg.,Omoha,Neb. Oysters, Celery, Poultry. Cream Wanted, DAVID COLE COMPANY. Orr.uha.Nob. Beatrice Creamery Co. Pnys the tilotieit price for CREAM HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS OltAI.V AND STOOKH MAIN OFFICE! fraternity Uuildim Lincoln, Nebraika Hell Phone 612 Auto Phono 5633 Liireeitt Itouae In tha WVNt POSITIVELY CURES Ml finUfH "ft INEBRIETY OPIUM MORPHINE ANT OTHER DRUQ ADDICTIONS. THIRTY YEARS of cnntlniioiit Hiircenn. Prlnteit matter aent In 'ilulu envelope upon reon"t. All uor OHpoiulenct htrictly coiitldeuUal. Tj KEjLEY HSTSTUTE r.Twentyknttn and Ca SU, OMAHA, NU1L ;Siisj ff i l"sr -,. Y',ni5,3"V4f: aHMte i3BfcSPBV! MBMli'itf ffcilBJ'iiliil.'l 1 1 irtAiaaipafc toffLlBTVM mt mw f !JBaCaaBB?gSiTraCilTBS3F A'i'-, &1Jti i'l - afcV ute.m rsi"MaoiHvau-iH pm