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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1910)
&mmmmm t .. -. -vte-tj "' wi -'i-ir"' -- wt -" 4p.JV W"" v " -l vrW" f ( fi9 "Jfw- " I ?-i V Ml a- ' a. a. w Or Vfc a w I 1 SAY MISTER. ! ! ! i Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE. Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and '40 rods. isMmmumi Si' '. The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E verything IN atables tt jf) s In ii (irocory store more tlimi in anything else, JQ uludllilllubb buyers should demand Absolute Clea'ijuesfl. fft Ydir cannot buv Groceries In n dlrtv. ill-kept place mid bo suronb . - . .... ,.T .. . . . ff pure goods Wi I carry a coir- etc line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. Clonnlinchs mid sanitation nre our hobbles. zi&tt&G&&&G&ttG&G&&GGGe& to to to to ii to to to ii) to ii ii to to to to to to to to to to to to Notice to Bidders. The CITY COUNCIL of the flty of Ited Cloud, Nulirnskn, will receive lld, until .Inly i:l, 11)10, forthodlKKliiK"' adlltir, I (cot wide at bottom. II li'i't diup, :UI2 dot long, tiling tliewiiiic, rt-llllliii? with uravel nnd earth, nnil cotirttriictliist In llscourNon uo'lH feet In diameter, nnd 1 1 feet deep. I'lnimiiiulHpi-u'llialloitH nre i)ii lllunlth the I City Clerk ol wild elty, nnd eopl s limy be lind on iipplU'iitlou IJicli bid miwl bo nc roiupanlid with n ccrtlllcd check for Siuo.oo ns n Kiir:uicy Hint cuiilriK I will be cnterid Into, II bid Is incepted. At the time of uinktim contract, the huc ctkmIiiI bidder must ulvolxind In tlieumoiiiit thereof, for the faithful perforiunute of Its coiulItloiiH. DIcU will benpcii tl July II. 11)10, the Ity oiinill ri scr lntt the rliht to reject nuy mid nil bids. (. C. Ti:ki., C. II. I'OTTIIIt. (Seal) CllyCkrk. Major. Order to Show Cause. Stnleof Nt-hrnHljii. i The Countj imri elisti r County, i Ar a County Court held at the Count) Courtroom In nnd for Mild county I'rldny. .Mine 10th A. I)., 11)10. In thu mntter of the t'Htnteof Nelson Hurt;, Iici'tnxcd. On rendlui; nnil llllng the petition of Crank W. A John It. Ilur filed on tlio 10th day of .tune A. I)., 11)10, prnyliiK fortheaxaiuluatlon and allowance of their llnnl account of the nainodnte, a decreeol assignment of the InmlH belonging tonnld estate to tho pcrHons en titled to the Mine, an order dlKtrlbutlnt; the residue of personal cntnto and there upon an order discharging them (rout further burden and Hcrlee In their said olllco an Kxecutorx OUDKIUM), that Tuesday the fi(h day of July A. I). 11)10 at one o'clock p. in., In assigned for hearing said petition when all nomeus Interested In Hald mntter may an- .win1 n. (i Cnilnlif f.mrt t.t l..i linljl 11 mnl f. ' l'- 'J wi.. t ... .w ..v. ... ....i. ivn Hald County and nhow caime why prayer of petitioner Hhould not l granted; nnd that notice of the pendency of xald petition and the hearing thereof be given to all pcrsonx Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order In the lied Cloud Chief, a weekly neufipaper printed In said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to Hald day ol hearing. And It appearing to the court that Katrlna llurg, surviving widow hag filed her election to take under the Iiwh of Ne braska Instead of the Last Will of Hald De ceased and her petition for all allowances mnde by law for her beucllt,lt Is ordered that said mutters be heard at the time atxive de signated. 1. W. Kiison, (Seal) County Judge. II Arenda to W Arenda wd lot 1 b k 7 Hoscmont GO CDengortoO E StofTreRan wd pt lots 25 & 26 blk 14 B.uo Hill 1525 II H Boyd to M Clatto pt no 18 4 11 wd 759 II B Boyd lo M Morrow wd pt no 184 11 150 0 Bergman etal to E Peterson wd 8W213 12 5009 0 Bergman etal to E Bergmnn w d no 20 3 12 5100 0 Bergmnn etal to O Mutteaen w d nc50 3 12 5020 II B Huntor to E L Dickerson wd ptlota 7-8-9.10-11 & 12 blk 2 Tnlbola to Guide Il'ck 300 V C Zimmerman to M Clatte qcd sJhl'4 49 1 F II Clnle otnl to M Clatto qcd si so 4 4 9 1 E A Thomrtfl to M J HhII wd lots 10-11-12 blk 4 BudeliiTs add to Bed Cloud 1800 II Cook to M J Hall wd pt lots 13 14-15 blk 5 Rod Cloud 3300 S C Egan to F Mauer qce lots 1-2 3 blk 6 Garbers add to Red Cloud 165 J W Farrelj to E J Kelley qcd bw 7212 200 Total .... Mortgages filed $14827.50 " released No 27950 Utter List. Llht of letters remaining uncalled for tit poitolllce ut Red Cloud, Neb. for the week ending June 1G, 1910. J. S. Jonlcins J. Blumetithnll Mr.s. Leo Fish Mrs. Josio Myers Mr. Porter Fred Seeinan E. A. Wnllia Those will be soutto tho dead letter office Juno 30, 1910, if uncalled for before. When calling for above please say "advertised." - T. C. Hacker, Postmaster Hed Gloud Is The Best Plaee To Trade There is no other place in the state where you can get so many Bargains The Red Cloud Hardware Co., they are leaders A few of their Bargains Rock Island trickle lister .- $35.00 John Deere trickle lister 35.00 John Deere 2 row lister 75.00 St. Joe 2 row lister 75.00 John Deere 2 row weeriers, latest 38 00 Ohio riding cultivator 22.50 Gas Engine 55.00 Cream seperators 55.00 Manure spreaders 80.00 Just received 2 car loads "of the finest Buggies that ever come to our city. Prices from $55 to $105. Have about 75 bushels of home grown Alfalfa seed. Extra nice seed from 8 to 11 per bushel. Sulkey plows $25.00 Nails per keg 3.00 Have a car of field fence on the way from the factory. Prices none can equal. The best field fence that can be made, 20 inches to 5 feet high Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co., Wm, Wolfe, Manager. short John Barkley for House and Barn Moving Read what other people have to say about John Barkley's work. ULM)KN, NF.U., JUNK 10 lohn Berkley of Ited Cloud, who moved my residence dune his wrU well without exception platturng , is sound and Is without doubt 11 good job Will Hay any one wish ing this kind of work done, can make no mistako employing him Yours truly, Fiir.n Wkunkr. I BLADEN, NEB., JUNE 14, 1910 John Itarkley who moved my resi dence a few wet'k't a ago, done hi work well aud quickly and put it in good shape, not Injuring it at nil except a small amount of plaster that came loose, and tliU is imtiuiny more than expected kh it was tir,old lime plaster and had been on for 20 years. I). S Piiei.vh. COWLES Guy iieott of Lincoln made a, at home over Sunday. . Mrs Edd Hurry of U.iUyville, .IChs.; is limiting her parents anil rehitlrf.sirK short visit. . . ftoi.' Mis (Jeorgia '' acott ufrlved h'tnlra last week mid expects' to spend her i vacation here this summer. Tho Cowle.s Hase Hall team went- to tiitide Itoclc last Friday nnd mot wilh defeat to the tune of "J to 7. ' ' ' Mrs. Chas. Hennett and Mrs. Edd Herry made a short visit lit Hed Cloud between trains Wednesday. Arch Horen is m.ik'mg quite an im provement on his house on Harlan street as he is putting on a good sled addition. Earl Paul of Ilolyoke, Colo., onino iu iu his auto last week for an extend ed vlbit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taud l'ttul. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paul of Omaha came iu last weok for a short visit. Mr. Paul has a good position with the Chicago Hurliugton railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fuller and daughters, Cloe aud Mrs. Florenco Adamsan came in on the train Mon day for a short visit. Mrs. Ad&maon formerally of this place lives in Mouth Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Jud White left for Nor ton Connty, Kus., Monday and return ed Wednesday. Their son who form erally lived in Webster County now has u farm uaar Oberliu, Kas. LINCOLN LE1TER LINCOLN, Nkiik., June '12 (Special Correspondence.) Kcptiblican news papers and orators are going about the statu seeking to make political capital by comparing the expenditures of the democratic legislature of 1901) iwitlithe expenditures of the repub jlTc'au legislature .Jf UH7 Democrats jijl welcome that sort of comparison, tetlisr wuti all llie not relative thereto. Iu 1007 Governor Sheldon vetoed appropriation bills amounting to $200,000 for new buildings at the in stitutions located in Kearney, Omaha, HeujLrlco aud Hastings. His excuse was thut ho wanted to keep tho ox nense within the revenue. At the time he vetoed those appropriations the feeble minded wares of the state at Heatnce were sleeping two in n cot, were ciowded into au attic never meant for human habitation, were sleeping inbtt8ementB,nnd were horded together more liko animals than like alllicted humans. When Governor Sheldon, on tho ploa of economy, veto ed a bill to enlarge the Norfolk asylum there were scores of insane patients iu the county jails of the state, held thero because the tlireo iusane hospitals were crowded to tho limit. The in stitute for tho deaf at Omaha was crowded to the point of being abso lutely UDBUfe, both physically and morally. Tha Kearney institute was in such bad repair that the property was fast falling to pieces. Yet, in order to raakt a record for economy, the afflicted wards of the state were de prived of decent shelter, and many were fqreed to remain in county jails pendlug vacancies iu some of the over crowded institutions Fob Salk: Two typewriters good as new, ono Smith Premier aud one Rem ington. Inquire at this o'll . Mwlft's Premium. Hams or "- Bacons. -V-. (9w H'TV" Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koon Red Cloud. Nebr. A Few of thetfood T,,,ns QATAR RH Dill Pickles l.'m per doz Sour Pickles 10c ' " Swoot Pickles ioc ' " Hulk Olives 10c " " Horse Itadish llie per bottle Catsup 10c " " Colery Itelish 10c " " Mustard loe "J glass Otemiirgerlnu Butter .'20 A- 'JSo per lb Oysters . r.o i)0c per ,ot YOST & BUTLER The Mh Avenue Meat Market gPt r m&m iA iTFEVER WSfcf M 7 A 3K soj m GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tiiadc Marks Oesiqns Copvn'aHTa&r- h Mini i1r.Hirln(1nn mm qulcklr nscflrlniu our oiilnlon free nfiethcir Anyono lonJInc a Rkctrh and rtcicrlrtlnn mny itklv fi.rflrlHlu mip iitiliilf,ii frt, nnfilhnr kh InTHiitlnn Is probnblyiiatentHlilo foininunlca. llotmtrlcllTroiiUdetitlsl. HANDBOOK on TatouU mil rri'B. uiaosi Hirencr H'r Bucu I'ntenti tuLen ibrouKli Mutm vttUil notice. nltlioutclinrKO. Iu: Scientific Jlmcrican rocolTf I A linniltnmnlr lllnatrntnil wenklr. T.nrseit Plr. culallon of aiir Rcluiitltle Journal. Turnii, IJ a yuan four ntontlia, II. Bold by nil ntmsdeafifr. lr1UNN&Co.30,BfNewYoff' ilranch offloo. GZi V Kt, Wfuhlngton, I. C Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Spoclflc, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. QIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soothes, henla, and nrotccta the ilLtotiseil niembrnne. It cures Cntarrli aud drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Restores tho SoiiHes of Tasto nnd Bmoll. Kasy to use. Coutalns no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils aud absorbod. Lurco Size, fiO cents at Druggists or by mall ; Trial Blzo, 10 conts by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 6G Warran St.. New York. THE Chicago Specialists! Chronic and ! Serious Diseases, Only. Pkumaniint OrncK Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel Consultation Free, in German and English. Thursday, July 7th, 1910 Croak-Noble. At tho homo of Mr. uudMrs. Walter S. Noble June lfi, 1010 ut eight o'clock occured the marriage of their daughter Mablo E. tu Mr. II. Homer Cronlc of Colfax, Wash., nude the strains of the wedding inarch tcndorlj played by Miss Ella Habb. Tho bride and groom, the brido's-maid aud tho grootu's-uiau entered the pu-lor while the two little flower-girls wont befoie marking their pathway with beautiful carnations, in ono coruor of thu room was prepared a groat arch beatlfully decorated with llowors where the groom led his fair blushing bride and Inking their positions stood and pledge their love "as long as yo both shall live." After tho ceremony thu bridal party ropalred to tho dinlug room (tholr pathway still bolng strewn with flow ers) whore nil pattook of the choice viands tenderly propaied for the oc cassion. Tho biide is ono of Webster County's most popular and christian young ladies and many will iegrot and oven weep to oeo her leave us. The groom is ono of Washington's handsome young men and in our judg ment is well worthy of her hand. They received someNvory beautiful and useful presents. The young coup lu will leavo in a few days for their new homo at Hauford, Wash. May wo not all teolingly say good-bye, Homer and Mablo and may "Hod be with you till wo meet again." I'orry E3. Henry ofllciating. The legislature of 1000 wus compell ed to provide for these unfortunates a provision that should have been dic tated by common humanity two years bofore instead of being sidetracked by petty politics, UovernorShallenberg er and the legislature realized that Nebraska is u great aud growings'tatc, and that it should care for its unfor tunates iu u humane manner. For that reason the logisluture appropriat ed tho mpnoy to build necessary build ings and to repair buildings left to go to ruck aud ruin by a republican ad ministration. The legislature of 1009 also appropriated 300,000 more for educational purposes than thu legis lature pf 1007, Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every case. Understands pedigrees and stock values. Many years experience Phone him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. ''WWWWAw'V, Don't Delay Ordering a fire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Havo us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho fire fiend may. have your house down ou tho list for n visit this very night. MARK WHAT I MAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Deduct from thu total appi oprlatlons of 1009 thu amount appropriated for now buildings which should have beou oated for by the legislature ot 100", and the 9300,000 appropriated for education, and thu total appropriations of 1900 aro actually less than tho ap pt oprlatlons of 1007. This, too, iu fnco of tho fact that tho state is grow ing and-tho demands upon her increas ing at thu same rate. Yes, Indeed. The deiuocratiu party in Nebraska will gladly welcome n comparison of its fiscal record witli that of thu Sheldon administration. 'awMawMawmmMk OpEHTAHIflG We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLES, NEBR. Real Estate Transfers for tho week ending Juno 22, as furn ished by the Fort Abstract Company, Red Cloud, Nehr. EJKiGreen to J Tliomns wd pt n no .11 2 11 4800 C.'RoKe to E Wilholnur wd lotB 1 2-&-JI blk 2 Uosemont G80 As a result of legislation enacted by tho legislature of I'.iOil the statu treas ury will be enriched during thu hi enniitni by upwards of f UUi.ooO by tho corporation law alone. During tho first two years this corporation tax will bring into the treasurer enough money to Pay for tho new buildings now uuder construction at several of thu state tluHtiutlunshulldlugH that should, in (ill decency, havo been erected tlvo or four year. ago. GRADE STALLION PATB. SHIRE 16 1-4 Hands High. Weight about 1600 when fat TERMS: $10.00 to insure a live colt. W. S. PARKES, Owner PHONES - Notice Farmers 6 Breeders Uurnl 1(12 Bell Hinck 87 tioi'its or stiiivjui: at coniskkua TIONALUlIUIlOlt. W rUnn.vTirHnnviyM. I'rcachlnu 10:15 a. in. IHblo iscliool 12 in. I'rcachliiK HcrvIccH 8 i. in, I'raycr nnd Coufurrnco mooting Wednes day at 8 p. ni. A eordlnl Invitation In extended to all. Kkv. A A. CiU'-shm'.vv Pnator. That the Purcheron Stallion, Mar teau (07070) Imported from Franco In luio ny aiream it Wilson of Crcton, Iowa, is registered iu tho American Breeders and Importer's Parchcron Kegistcry, and that his recorded num hor is f.2922. Colo'r and Description, Black. Pumanr.E: Folded Juno o, lOor.j bred by M. Tlson Commune of Sursnes, department of Sarthe; got by Dausset (51721) ho by Ayor 27350 (431 in) he by Boutoo (10300) ho by Picador III. fio78 (4815) ho by Picador 1251 (78o) ho by Picador (1 1821) hu by Favori. Dam: Charmantu (2;j3S.r) hv Vor. mouth (5407) he by Picador I (1330) hu bv Bayard (0l0;i) lie by Estaba 187(700) ho by a son of Jean Lo Blanc (739i BLOOKY BOY and MAltTEAU will make this season at tho Day barn. R. C. BORUM Ow.vnit Rural phone No iu,l. ; W .- v Jy&kyUJuk . -uAuLLt ' A ii'- tHk )kkjkitt4k,' i'l',J,...:im.,-.y'MlU igtlyojte: msmmmmidsmmMmmmm