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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1910)
y 1 V r3ssgg53.1S:3gfly.- ..amy w-w,, .... VA'SEgSsgs-ar a H j. sx-"fc1JM?re h T fir - "A " "$ yi?w3 w TI -- B Br ti 9 -- -x Jv TM- .. . ?ij wSar r j-feg ESEji5 .1 l'i k 3S -S . fC" "''JrHrrfZT" T . "" J- B tJ J V ,. oVIBKB lBnXf'-.fl'uS' X a0v f l J nf -TVJ -j I j VV Jjiij" m-Vm Kv llifeilbtfEi JFiIEHIBVw?jI9lPmBILVVHu2 lKJt JitCyV """" i. -"j T .1 """"""l -? 4 Newspaper That filves The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME XXXV IIT. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JtHSTTC 30. 1910. NUMBER lid CUSTOMERS OF THIS DANK are always satisllcd customers, because we endeavor to trttit all with ecitial courtesy and attention. To be Accommodating tvnd Conservn tlvo is a combination that wo liavc found to be not only possible, but piolltable as well. Wo can wtrk for your inter ests and our own at the same time Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. ACCIDF1STS reaohing manhood's estate his spirit n,f energy led liim into railway service While- Mrs. Pete I,ioderbratid and - t,,lm,P nf ,. mm.., iini, nf j hor son were driving to town Tuesday ' tbo fnrm vvas ,ot 8gllc(1 Hni ltl 1878 wuuuunernnu eggs uieir ienm no ; ho honiestenileil valuable hinds in cnnio frightened at something' and giioridan County, Kansus. In INK) bo slatted to run away. Thoyboth lump- entereit Webstor County, Nobiuska ud out of the buggy and Mrs. Lieder-1 wlth hili tamy, and here bo lias lived brand struek hei bead minima a stone und cxeiU.,i lm, imiueneo or lil life nit or tbo hnrd grouud rendering Iter im-1 ono of 0U. t.tzulls who sought to build conscious for several bonis. Kor n. up ti,e IjujiuI uxpiiusu into it lnilltutlc timo it was feared tbnt she bad lost lUll cpmfoltublo hmiia community, ber llfo but at the present time she is IIo pav0 nU ull0 ,IPW ,,,, 0Milpi(,s gaining and will probably recover. i 00(i fliui.lir. ,, ,i stock and irood SUNNY SIDE. Miss Lacy Decker visited ber sister, Mrs. Connie Uasser this week. Mr. Knglohurt was untortunattf to loose a mule by accident. It was cut on a plow. Tho boys had the pleasure of a ehiv arri but did not tret to seo the. biidu. I ry again. The stork left a little giil at Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunningham's to slmro' thnir joys and blessings. Mr. and Mis. Most aie the proud parents of a 14 pound boy. It will not belong before ho will bo a harvest bund. He Is the seventh boy. Tho longest days of June have come and gone. It lias been hot, dry and w-ot. Such hns been June since we C'vti remember and it may repeat its bflf in the future. About seventy five acres of alfalfa lias been sown this spring and us for u good stand it never has been better. Weather conditions have been extra good. Long mnv it wave. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dense giiven few of their neighbors a social Monday evening. Lemonade, cake, bananas and sandwiches were served. The time was passed with music nnd games. COWLES" Miss Carrie Holswortb of Red Cloud was visiting Mrs. Elsie Bennett be tween trains Tuesday. Miss Vera Brubaker returned home Wednesday from Lincoln where alio has been bookkeeper for the Curtis Music Co. Mrs. Ed Berry of Bailyvillc, Kas., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morso returned home Wednesday. Her son was uniujmcdiiud tho strang est part of tho accident is that tbo team came into town and stopped without bonking an egg or doing any damage. It was a nai row escape and might havo lestilted much more seriously. Mrs. Van Buran of Illinois who Ij visiting Mr. Boswell for the summer is giving a number of music lessons in Cowles, Sho seems to be an excellent musiciau and a good instructor. We undorstaud that Paul Storey has traded his clothing stote at this place for western land. We haven't learned the man's ua'nio who is to run it, but we wish htm a successful venture. Jas. Saunders our venerable mer chant Is making quite a fe v substant ial improvements in his home. IIo is installing a water system which will be very convenient as well as health ful. A number of our young people and some that wasn't verj young went fishing Monday evening and stayed till the wee small bou.'S of the night, but the only bite they got was tho mosquito bite. The writer was at the meeting of the District School Monday and we wish to congratulate the school board for the successful school of the past year. Wo aro paying good wngos to our teachers and consequently wo have a better clianco to get a good teacher. Real Estate Trusters. Traiibfeis reported by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the wook ending Wed ncsday, Juno 29, 1010. Altnon W. Cox to Sarah h Kim- nwnw 17-4-11, wd.. 2000 Elizabeth J. Mcflovorn to Fred CoDlev. lot 0. w V, lot?. Blk.4. Sweezy's Add to Blue Hill, wd 125 D. E. Suuudors et nl to Oscar J. Sattley.lots 10,11,13, Bile. 2, Radcliff's Add to Red Cloud wd 1200 Quite a serious accident happened to Mr. Tom Kralick yesterday while he was cutting wheat. In somo man ner soino twino got wrappod around the shaf'iiig of his binder and he got down between his horses and the ma chine when without any warning tho team started to run. Mr. Kralick was dragged about twenty five foot and badly cut about the back while his right foot was nearly severed Mr. Kralick isjn a critical condition and hopes for hi-, loeovcry arc slight. His wounds were promptly dressed but the loss of blood and tho shock to his system is enough it is believed to cause his death. DEATHS AND FUNERALS Mortgages filed, S(15.00 Mortgages released, $4920.00 83325 (rXr o YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Separator, 500 lbs Capacity tor $57.50 .i ! I I This add Brought to Our store is good for $2.50 on the Pur chase of the above seperator. '2'::&2'3S3'::?:i'Xv:42 v fe b7 C. C. Cowdcn in Chicago June S3, 1010 O. C. Cow den of this city. Courtland C. Cowden was born in Madison, Indiana, Jan. 22, 1812 aud was thcrefoio aged at the time of his deatli (38 years, 5 mouths and 1 day. Mr. Cowdou was ono of the llrst settlers of. Nebraska arriving at Nebraska City before the Civil War. IIo was intimately acquainted with all tho trials aud hardships of pioneer lifo. Ho was always loyal to his conn- try responding first to her call by on listing in the second Nebraska cavalry which was organized to repel a threat ened Indian invasion from the North. He sorved his country faithfully and well in tbo igroat Civil War and re ceived an honorable discharge at Its oloso. Ho was a member of the O. A. R. Post of this city and the only mom bor who was a Nebraska soldier. At tho close of the war ho united in marriago with Elizabeth Hughes who preceeded him into the great beyond about seven years ago. To this union was born three sons, Frank, Amos aud Edgar. The second son Amos died two years before his mother. Tho other son still burvlvo htm and are engaged in business in this city. Mr. Cowden oast his lot with the people of Red Cloud about twonty-flve years ago engaging in tho painter's trado sorving his customers faith fully. About two yoars ago he coasod active labor and we now know that he did so bocausc of tho.nflliotlon which caused his death yot he never mur mured or complained and oven his nenrest relatives aud frionds worn un aware of tho seriousnessof hismulady. Ho was always genial and had a hind word for everyone IIo will bo sadly missed by his associates who had learned to enjoy and appreciate his benevolent disposition. Tho funeral services wero conducted at tho homo of his son Prank Saturday at 0:30 tho Rev. A. A. Crossman ollloiating. The members of the (5. A. R. attended in a body. Interment was made In tbo city cemetory. citizenship. On Oct '.'(, 1871 he marr ied Miss Sophia Mahal d, w ho is widow ed by his demise and with their two sons William .1. aud Ernest L., aud their daughter Mis. Ella V. Hart, mourn III-, depatture Mr. Hasklus had the spirit of pati lot ism which eaily manifested itself. Wnen only cloven years of ago he lustily played the life in the uuiitlal strains that called the lovers of 'old glory' to her defense in tho '00s, and It was his dolight to assist with such patriotic music on national dnys and occasions. IIo removed fiom the fnrm and beatnne a resident of our city in 1001, where he had the contldonce of social and commercial circles ever widening. He ospoused the Clulstian faith and was baptized by JElder L. Aa. HiiBBong. Ills love for Jtho good, the true, the holy and godly was cheer fully and dally evidenced through many months of sevoro sneering oc casioned! by a sad combination of physical disorders. IIisdoathcauieon June 26, 1910, ending his lifeat tho ago of .V.) years 8 mouths aud 21 days. Tho funoral rites were conducted Irom the home by his pastor and, 'attended by tliA M. W. A in the march to our beautiful cemetery where the inter ment was made. In the material realm the pencil of tho historian may write 'tlnls'; but the power of a good man, an eillcicnt cltlzon'.nnd n christian character com bined never ccasos till timo shall tnergo into otornity and.Jthe lust of our race shall dopirt to that myster ious bourne from whose portal the feet of the redeemed uover turn earth ward, but their spirits, molting into sweet accord with the Inilnito, shall linger to worship and serve the Holy Frtthor-Qod during measureless aeons eternal and blissful. &r RjKiHB ODAK Bill Says: Take a Kodak to the Ball Game uiitn you. 7Ei I a1 JHH i3& l There's twice the fuji for those who Kodak. Let us instruct you in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making. Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12 NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jowmlcrs & Optometrists J. R. HairliftUH James R. Harrington was born Aug. 11, 1819 In Columbia County, Penu. Ho wo married in 1873 to Miss Marlu Schouten and moved to Kansas in 1879. Iq189u they camo to Nobraska aud located in WebstorJCouuty north of Red Cloud. IIo has six children living four daughters and two sons, ono dftughtor died Initifaucy. Mr. Harrington has boon suffering from dropsy for sotnoj timo. Somo three mouths ago he moved to this pity to be near a physician, but he had to yield to the inevitable nnd dlod June 27th. at 7 p. m. Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church Wednesday afternoon by the Rov. A. A. Crossmau of tho Congregational ohm eh. The communitymournswlth the family in .this their hour of be reavement and loss. iHLT Hfajjk.aKiL . 4 1fc Jl w jf j j TrT"X BCKfiOS5WH:OE,BKiaEe4a5S:'!lfi!?,sa!WI r V) A Drive Irv Candy, and something new every day, is what you will find at our store If it's not a new Candy nt a regnlar price, it's a new price for regular candy 25 CENTS PER POUND and up for pure, rich, delioious Clioco- lfttos. Creams, and llon-Bons. We - - ! malco a specialty also of Box Goods, and no better goods are made any where A. A. HART City Bakery nnd Restaurant. L. A. Ilasklns L. A. naskins, ploneor and highly esteomod citizen bus gon,o from our midst. Luelan A. II ask Ins was born Oct. 4, 1850 in dnandaga County, Now York. His worthy farmer paronts lod him into all the flue traits of tho agricul turalists of old York state. When tho subject of tills Mcoltih was eight years of ago his parents removed with him to Juneau County, Wis. Hero his education was completed as far as the common schools could lead him. On COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. ltKi) Cloud, Ncim., Juno 20th, A. I). MO Tho Hoard of County Commissioners met in logulnr session. Mombeispies- ent, O. W. Hiimniell, 11. Ohmstcde, J. O. Ovormnn, T. J. Chaplin; and Louio 1 Schmidt. ' Motion made and seconded that tho fioaidopmi and consider the scaled bids in regard to cement walk and curbing to bo built aiound tho Court Houso square, as advertlsod. Motion can led and Hoard procoeded to open said bids as (Hod with the County Clerk, by Saunders Bros , W. T. Bolnor and M. Finkenblnder AJWnltors all of Red Cloud, Nebr. After a careful and thorough exam ination of alt bids on llle. It was moved and seconded that contract to build side- walk' ?u north mnd west sides of Court house tyock aud curb (Continued to byt page) DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST HOT FROM THE OVEN there is nothing more appetizing than our rolls, biscuits, etc. Try aomo and soe how lino they go for breakfast. THEN OUR SMALL CAKES Just the thing to help out for lunch eon, just right for afUrnoon tea. Wo bake them fresh' qveiy day. So it a sudden cull comes for somothlng nico to oat wo are always ready to help you out. The BinTtn Bakery and Restaurant H. Neuerburg, Prop. Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. Letter List. List of lotters romalulng uncalled for at postolllco at Red Cloud, Nob. for tho wook ending June 23, 1910. J. Kaneaohor, J. M. Shelby, Miss A. Thorn (2) Those will be sont to tho (load letter ofllco July 7th, 1010, if uncalled for bofore. Whon calling for above ploaao say "advortlsod." T. C. Hacher, Tost master & J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST $T Successor to Dr. J. S. I: UO At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonel3f. THE Chicago Specialists! Chronic and i Serious Diseases, Only. Ii:hmani:nt Officb Rod Cloud, Royal Hotol Consultation Free, in, German and ' English. Thursday, July 7th. 1910 The Chief $1.50 jjr pi v AMtfmtm-'-t ifl&anwjnwj. H.vawwwv" n- iiJlt. .- am mrmnmmr ii umim h niai-n miiiiMii im mmm .a,-w vgVarttifW-t J-r.r-'i