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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1910)
JMMiMUW1 ".'Sr? r Cvio-y. HOT FROM THE OVEN there is nothing more appetizing tlmu our rolls, biscuits, etc. Try some and heo how line they go for broaUfast. THEN OUR SMALL CAKES Just tlio thing to help but for lunch eon, just right for afternoon ten. We bako them fresh eveiy day. So if u sudden cull comes for something nice to oat wo are ill way 8 ready to hlp you out. . The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant II. Neuerburg, Prop. I LOGALETTES s Tom Aulil was in the city Saturday. Matinee at tho Tepee Saturday after noon. Albert Evans left for Denver Sunday night. v Saturday afternoon Matinee at tho Tepee. Father Fitzgerald wont to St. Louis Monday. ,1.C. Sloss returned from Campbell Saturday. Allen Moritz left for Grand Island Saturday. Will Crablll returned from Omaha Saturday. Attend tho Tepee ne.t Saturday afternoon. Ned Crimes and wife arrived home yesterday. Lloyd Hall was down from Cowles Wednesday. Dr. T. A. Jones arrived homo Tues day evening. Ridge Leggott went to Guldo Rock this morning. Miss Anna Richards left for Hast ings Saturday. H. C. Wilson was down from Hast ings Wednesday. Honry Pharos arrived homo from Lincoln Tuesday. James Duffy was up from Guide Kock Wednesday. Mrs. H u rd en's trimmer returned to her home Mondny. J. 15. (iiirteti has accepted n position with C. L. Cutting. John Wei'snor spent Saturday and Sunday in Superior. Clarence CJiun and Sid Longtin were in Rusting' Tuesday. Silver Longtin has arrived home from St. Marys, Kans. B Ball ast: Columbus, June 23 and 24 Thursday and Fri. Grand Island, June 25th, Saturday. Seward, June 27 and 28 Monday & Tuesday. Fremont, June, 29 & 30 Wednesday & Thurs. GAME CALLED 2:45 p.m. Admission 25c. Grand Stand 10c. :2-:2:s:rxx?:? I 9 2 8 8 VmsEM T. C. Haokcr und daughter returned from Hebron Monday. Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses, Satisfaction guaranteed. John Grlirith and wife arrived home from Illinois yesterday. Miss Wolfe, Mrs. Uomford's trimmer returned homo Monday. One Piano for sale at Mi'.ite.w.r's Sifiiios. Pot i i. it IIi.ock. Mi's Hurt hit Pottor returned from Chicago Monday evening. Jack Masters Is playing ball with tho Red Cloud boys again. Ask The Red Cloud ililw. Co., about tliLt Xew Wagon v" need. Tho Host Place In town to buy Paint Is at "Tho Red Cloud Hdw. Co' I'ASTUiu: Foil for 300 head of cattlo. Inquire of C II. MiNKli. Master Howard Simpson is spending his vacation with relatives at I'eru. Miss Mary Danicroll left Wednes day morning for Washington, I) C. Percy Ludlow who has been out west returned to this city Saturday. Calicoes Amorlcan Prints Five conts por yard. Mini:u Rros. and Co. The District meeting of thoRobekah lodge will bo hold in Ruskln Juno 28. Mr and Mrs. U. F. Perry arrived home from Harvard Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. II. Holsworth and daughter Miss Carrie were in (Juido Rock Sun day. If you want your buggy painted see Jack Pimicell at Sullivan's old lumber yard. Lost A gold hat pin with initials W. Fmdor plenso leave it at this olllcc. Floreuco Kellogg returned Tuesdny evening from a two weeks stay in Lincoln. Mrs. 13ert Morhart and baby return ed homo from Tecumsoli Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nellio Caster camo down from Alum Saturday returning Monday morning. Special prices on-Ladles tailor made suits, skirts and coats at-Mlncr Bros. Co. Store. Taki: your carriages to P.urcoll'8 PaintShop In Si'i.mvas'b Old Lu.m Vaiiii. N. R. Simpson and wife returned from Decatur County, Kans., Wednes day night. Just sec my walk at my home. I soil that kind of Cement .1. O. Cai.uwkll The Chief olllcc takes subscriptions and renewals for tho Twontioth Ceil tury Farmer. Tho Red Cloud Hdw. Co., havo the Demster 'J Row Cultivators and the Price is Right. All tho great artists sing for the Victor and IMison. Henr them at Nowhouso Bros. If you wish for a Rargain in picture frames or pastel paintings, call now, as I am a quitlng tho picture business and you surely will got rock bottom prices.'.s Si unio. at Red Cloud Embrace the Opportunity to day by having your Picture taken. No need to tell you to look pleasant at our Studio. .' r The Care that we take in our work shows in the artistic results. Happiest effects obtained in Babies Pictures. Kodak films Developed and Printed. Bridal! Confirmation and Fancy Dress Costume Pictures a Specialty. THE MODEL STUDIO STEVENS BROTHERS RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST- Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. Mrs. IVrgurson of (Julclo Koek ar rived Saturday to visit lier daughter Mrs. W. Hamilton. X. II. Simpson went to Guide Koek this morning to help his son, George in the furniture store. Mr. Huhsong is in favor of t'nlon Sunday night services in the court house park. Who else? Soo J.u'K PritCKU. at Sullivan's old lumber yard for buggy painting, sign painting and decorating. The C. T. U., will meet with Mis. I-higels, north oast of this city next Wednesday afternoon. Miss .loscphluo Mlzerroturned from Chicago Sunday evening, where she has been taking vocal lessons. Miss Jessie Carl of Long Island, Kas., was tho guest of .1. A. MoArthur and family tho last of tho week. l'or Sale One good cow, otic good family horse, one work horse and one buggy. Iuqtilroof A. II.Ghckn. Go to the Hod Cloud Milling Co., for your shorts and brauds in half ton lots or moro at wholesale prices. Geo. W. Llndsoy has tiled for nom ination as Representative subject to the will of tho Democratic pary. At the suppor glvotr by tho (5. A. It. and W. It. C. Saturday evening all ro port a good suppor and a good tiino. .IIouso cleaning timo Is at hand. Don't fall to see the Laco Curtains and Carpets at Mixi:u linos and Co. Rod Cloud won I games and tied 1 gamo out of 9 games played while on their tour around the circuit this trip. "Tho Gospel" is the title of Mr. Ilussong's sermon at the Garliold school house, :i. p. in., Sunday, JuncSO. Dr. It. W. Cain returned to Denver Saturday. Mrs. Cain will spend tho summer with her sister, Mrs. J. Hark ley. The Ladies of the Congregationl church will hold their market Satur day Juno 23 at tho Home Grocery store. Ward Finley foreman at tho Argus olllcc departed Saturday morning for Pinley. North Dakota, where he will enjoy a two week's vacation. Dan'l M. Garber will make tho eagle scream at Iiivcrtou on the fourth. The pooplo who attend that celebrat ion aro assured of an excellent oration. Fun Sali: '20 acres of land close in. This laud can be bought in 5 and 10 aero tracts or any way to suit you. This is a snap if sold soon call or writo C. A. IIkii CLorn, Ni:u. In order that those living out of town may havo an opportunity to see the moving pictures the management has arranged for Saturday afternoon performances, commencing with next Saturday at 2 p. m. sharp. Judge I. W. Edson will preach at tho Baptist church Sunday morning and evening at tho usual hours. His sermons are always ablo and instruct ive. Everybody is invited to attend these services. -Pri.rir Co.m.uttj:i:. Just as wo go to press wo learn that C. C. Cowden died at u hospital in Chicago. Ho was takon there a few days ago and underwent an operation from which ho did not rocovcr. Wo will glvo a full obituary in the next issue. Tlio Machinery Exhibit at tho com ing State Fair, Sept. lith to Dili, will bo another record breaker and already all of the lots, except three, are re served in this section of tho fair. Each exhibit will bo greatly increased over that of last year, when tho great est show over made on Nobraska soil was held. The Lincoln Commorical club visited us yesterday carrying gaily colored parasols, striking caps and accompan ied with tho Hebron brass band. They remained about an hour and visited every establishment in tho olty. Thoy wero u happy lot of men aud wo feel bettor for their visit. Come again, we" afc growing. The Red Cloud High School ball team and tho Itloomlngton High School team crossed bats hero Monday after noon. Red Cloud won the gamo by a score of s to 4. It was u good game and our boys played good ball. Chas. Kesslor umpired the gamo and you could not tell tho difference between him and our state league umpires. Tho county commissioners have an eye for comfort. They havo placed a handsome rug In the county 'superin tendent's" olIco aud Miss Ddy Is con sequently well pleased. It transforms' the room luto a very attractive olllce. Tho commissioners have also placed comfortable chairs In tho couit rdom for the use of tho 'jurors. 'Why this was not done years ago Is not kuowu but anyone who sorves .otji the jury from now on will at least; bo In, bodily comfort. Iu the name of all prospect; UVjurors We extended to, the commiss ioners u unanimous vote of thanks. OUR BILL OF FARE always contains .seasonable food. We do not serve canned fruits and vegetables when it is possible to obtain them fresh Come In and sample them. The price is 'J3 cents. A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. UMIGH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonefl3l. Mr. llussong is still presenting Christian doctrines and heart search ing exhortations at tho Christian church on Sundays. Next Lord's day JuiieiKith at 11 a. in. he will preach a sornion on the "Fundamental Vevlties of Christianity." (At 3 p. m. ho will preach "The Gospel" at tho Garileld School House), and at 8 p. in., a stirr ing t-ermon on "Gospel Base Hall" fully illustrated. Everybody and base ball enthusiasts are cordially invited. Mrs. Kd Amuck received notice from the secretary of state board of under takers and ombaliucrs that she hud passed very satisfactorily the recent examination hold in Grand Island and that she would receive her certificate in it shot t time. We aro plcasod that Mrs Atimek has been succossful In passing tliis examination. She will now havo tho legal right to work lu l.or chosen profession whether hor gonial husband is there to help her or not. We Are on Our Way Say, Imvo you noticed how our boys are playing ball lately'.' They havo at last strengthened tho team and arc now going some. Our people havo boon loyal to tho team even tho the games have been disappointing but now that tho march is upward renewed enthusiasm is iu evidence all over tho city. We have a good team and wo are going to win that peiiuani. And while wo aro at it wo will iix tho haughty cement mixers and don't you forget It. ISoost tho team. Shout for the Itcd ClOihrlndians. They are making good and playing as fast as any team in tho league. And another thing, one cannot help but notice the excellent manner iu which the games aro con ducted this year. No one is compelled to take abuse thib year nor aro tho fin est sensibilities offended on the grounds. Tho games aro carried on with fairness und true sportimui's feel ing. All oH'enslvo attachments have been lopped off. Jump in the band wagon boys and give our team the re ception which is duo them. Watch us go up tho lino. Red Cloud 5-Fremont 2. Fremont, Neb., June 20 Itcd Cloud defeated Fremont this afternoon by a score of fi to 2. Ilartmau lost his con trol iu the fifth inning und tho Ind ians scored four runs. Tho score: Rod Cloud 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 05 Fremont 0' 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Hits Ited Cloud 0, Fromor.t 11. Errors-Red Cloud 1, Fremont 1. Uat terics Rod Cloud, Jarrott and Moss; Fremont, Hnrtman and Dohuor. Um pire Iloswoll. Fremont an Red Cloud Tic. Fremont, Fob., Juno 21 Tho gamo between Fremont and Red Cloud this afternoon was culled at tho end of the last half of the ninth iu ordor that Red Cloud players could make a train. The score stood 1 to 1. It was agreed before tho game that it should end at 4:10 o'clock. ;I?rem6nt was in a good position to score when tbo game was culled. Tho score: Red Cloud.... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Fremont OolOuOOO 0 l Hlts-'Red Cloud 0, Fremont 4. Er rorsRed Cloud 3, Fremont 2. Rat terlos led Cloud, Mitchell and Moss; Fromont, Smith and Rohncr. Umpire llpsweU, ' j : li , J . . . . IttimltaA ef the State liafciw P W L Pot Grand Island .12 21 11 .C5(t Fremont 32 10 12 .013 Superior 31 HI lij .517 Seward 32 1(J 10 .500 Cslumbus 32 15 17 .400 RedCUud '-!S 12 io .429 Hastings 31 13 18 .410 Kearney.... 32 13 19 .407 ! SOME men may be indifibrent to style in shirts, but no man can well be indifferent to fit. A SHIRT is always as appropriate to the wearer as it is to the occasion. Made in every style, white or color fast. $1.50 and more. This is the home of Hart ocnarrner & Marx Clothes. Q&AJ FURNITURE CARPETS AND r j INDERTAKING Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. ALL THE PHONES r Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Old Settler's Picnic IN Wm. Holz's Grove GUIDE KOCK, NEBRARKA. Commemorating the fortieth Anniversary of the First settlement in the Republican Valley. ; BASKET DINNER AT NOON. Speaker of the Day, Hon. James Gilham. Music by the Guide Rock Band. Vocal and Instrumental Music. ' Big Base Ball Game at 3 o'clock. Races and sports of all kinds. COME EVERYBODY Bring your dinner and have a good time in the cool, shady grove. All old settler's of Webster County and elsewhere are ESPECIALLY invited to come and spend the day with us. What to Wear OT9 10 Cents a Button. $1.00 a Rip Where to Wear Everywhere Where to Buy At our store Why? Because we arc exclusive agents and no other store can show such values PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER kN',v'yvvrv'vrvAvv' W C i' 4 V, ) mmw3Kt :$wimuin5wy. WWOTWWNWM"H8' - y . H1 "" "" vyrrr- -..- wmn- nr.wviiimifw 41 f.-T--.---A rr " j J .. Sgggrssggtsi ttttrta w