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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1910)
PSTr'" '' y.yJp I f MIMNMMMfcMMitt tflftaVr --J- ttaagjl -"-" bwl L. 11 MMM nil r '- ---"-' -- -",., ..K-aJl ISSilMMSlffli ALBRIGHT BROS. j-S-M-Mi-S-S-JSrfe freSf ( ! 3CALETTES Con Burr is sick this week. A. U. l'ioioe is in Lincoln. C. L. Cutting U nn the sink list. Renew vour subscription for the Chiur. .Sherwood Albright spent Sunday at bonne. Noble Hull of (Jtiido Book is in town totluy. Miss Mublo Bailey is on tlio sick list this week. 1). II. Kaley and wife mo in Kansas City this week. Dick Itunchey and wife were in B'tvertou Friday. Mr. Arthur Wilson went to Oniahu Friday morning. Tho Relief Corps will meet Saturday afternoon at J:30. Mrs. Cy Jennings of Bladen was in the city .Saturday. Mrs. Sid I.ongtin went to Franklin Monday morning. 11. C. Wilson and Clias. ('.rout were In I navale Tuesday. .1. II. Hamilton of Cuide Hock was in the city Saturday. Uernard MeXony returned home Wednesday morning. Miss Ada'.iue Baylor went to Cowles Wednesday morning. Sheet Music for 5c lit Metcalf's Studios. Potter liloek. Miss Uobinson came up from tJuido Hock Monday evening. Bring in your furs while market is high.-.!. O. Cai.iiwiiu. Two more new residences uro going up in the IMiitt addition. By Shepard and wife of Kiverton were in tho city Saturday. Miss Yearka is visiting her parents in Uloomington this week. Will Pntton took ohanro of tho B. i. M., eating houso Tuesday. Harry Studebakor came home from MoPherson, Kans., Saturday. Mrs. A. A. Pope's mothor arrived Sunday morning from Rivorton. A T. Walker went to DcwIttSiinday returning Monday with his auto. Tho llillman Stock Co., will hold forth in the Opera House tonight. Call and see the 1910 Paterusof wall papor at Sloss' Wall Paper Store. For the nobbiost up-to-date lino of hats for all ages call on Mas llAitr. You do not need Rockefeller's bank account to buy a hat at Miss Haiit. Mm. Osour Hughos entertained tho live hundred club Thursday evening. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanson last Friday morning. Coo. Davis has excepted a position iu the grocery department at Miner's store. Kxtru Fine Early Ohio Seed potatoes. For Sale At Misni: Duos., and Co., Store. A sister of Mrs. Hacker the city Tuesday evening lima. "Fiik Sam: Three show arrived in from Okla- cases. Iu-par- qulro at Nowhouse's for further ticulars. The Chief ollice takes subscriptions aud renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. All the great artists sing for the Victor and Edison. Hear them Newhouse Bros. at J& Bmking Powder EshM y 1 Improves tho flavor ItUtF R0YALj tho k'uesl of h'r parents. Mr. ami Mis. I,. II. Fort this week Mr and Mrs. Kd tHIborl. of Inavnh u ere ing at the home of .1. M Burgess Saturday. Take your spectacle case to N'ow houso Urns. Tliey will put your Initials on it. free of churgo (il't VilMI' llli'tlll'i.v. fi'inilK.I. ikilIi.I 1 l ' . ". . paintings and sheet music, lit Metealf s ' Studio, Potter Block. Mr. and Mrs. Fling and balv Cowles wcie visiting her sister. Mrs. I. C. Iiiiiii'hey Satiirduv. Mrs. Viola Austin and baby of Me Cook is isiiiiig her .sister, Mrs. Fiances Mf'nll this week. Mrs. Ceorgu Volland of Hastings was the guest of her parents, 1 W. Studebaker iiiid wife Sunday. Harry Wutleraml fainlly of Cowles and Miss Wright from Illinois spent Sunday with .hid l'.aileyaud family. Lost A Jacket for a girl ten ycins old aud a checkered Overcoat plain velvet collar. heave at the Chief Of lice and receive a toward. 15 U Stevens returned from Smith Center, Kas.. Tuesday evening. His wife remained and will visit a few days longer before returning home. Horsi; axij Lois roii Sai.k. A nice (5 room house and l'j lots located close in. Nils is a nice place. In quire at the Chief olllee for further purticulais. Sloss Wall Paper and Paint store is now upon for tho Spring trade. New and artistic designs in wall paper, and tho strictly Ciuaranteod Itepulllne Brand or Paint. II. Wilson of Hastings, district deputy for tho M. W. A., is in the city where he and Chas. C rout are work ing up a big class adoption for the M. V. A. lodgoof this city. Call and look tny line of hats over before buying as seeing is believing. You have to seo my lino of hats as those few lines can give you no idea of the style and low prices of hats-Mits. H.viiT. my Mrs. (Jimcc Wiles of Orleins About forty friends and relatives of """"y- , 1 'h church must suller with Mr. and Mr.,.' I.ue Iti.klleld gathered ' r s!, -'s - fe, ' ' atthoir home near Cuide Rook Mar. ! J''"; 1"K " P'ent our wondei-1.-. to celebrate their llfth weddii.K I f "" ,ol!ful """oils nt tlio Cl.r.sti.m nnniver.sary, tho evening was spent in all kind of atnusementsaftcr whicli lunch was served. The Willing Workers of tho Christ ian church of Inavalo will give their annual bazar, and one of the host sup pers by tho best cooks in Webster comity Saturday March 2(5 1910. Sup per !25 cents. Everybody wolconio. By ordor of committee. The base ball fans mot Friday night, and adopted articles of incorporation. The capital stock was fixed at 83000. Shares will bo issued to subscribers nud stockholders responsibility will be limited to tho amount of shares held. We understand that manager Grant has secured several good players for the team and has others on tho string. We are assuiod of a first class team and will have the best series of games ever pulled oh" in the valley. At tho republican convention held iu the court house Wednesday afternoon the followingolliceiswere nominated: AB McCall Mayor O. ( Teel Clerk .1. O. Butler Treasurer Ceo. overing City Engineer John Stanser Cily Police .lodge Kd A made Councilman 1st. ward 1). W. Turnure Councilman '2nd ward Ed Overing and Vie Fulton school board. Good Farm For Salr. on reasonable Terms. Also some good City residences for sale. Inquire of nn::-' OiTK'i:. Caucus Call. The Citizen's Caucus will meet at tho Court House Thursday evening, March 17th. for tho purpose of nominat ing city olllcers to bo voted on at next regular election and also two members of the school board. Bv OitDi:n of Com SUGGESTION NO. 3- SJWc arc not asking a favor when wc ask you lo witness the Clii- ! Namcl Demonstration in our store - . oil ivlnrcll It 1 8th and 1 9th, but ex pending one. it will be your op-"'-..,..:... i- t 1 1.., ivt...... , J.IUI IU1III) HI Kill 11 IIUII1 UlL. iyiuiui- faclurcr's expert many tilings in re gard to the treatment of interiot wo-d work, furniture etc., and the many ways in which the Chi Nnincl Graining and Varnishing Process may be made to serve the h uiscwifc. tiJDon't fail to attend. It will he worth many dollars to you. : : : CHAS. L. COTTING, THE DRUGGIST. The New England play 'Uncle Dan I" will be produced at the Opera House one i.ight Wednesday March 'J.'lud. This charming and wholesome novel proved one of tho most widely lead and admired stories ever published iu this country. When Barney Me Cauley (list brought out tho play so sti ong was tho impression ho produced that he was compelled to play it for several seasons. Tho simple story and Its line character contrasts have made It a play replete with those- ele ments whicli establish popular success, leaving a most pleasing impression, at its conclusion. It is plays of this kind which best pleaso the general public mid "Uncle Dan'l" is meeting with wonderful Hueecss every where. The Pas-ion Plaj" is enacted this year at Obcrntnergaii. liavaria. The 'Passion Week' of our Lord comes an- church, to welcome and closo the 'Passion Period" this year, as follows: Lord's day March 20th, 11 a. ui. "The Battle Held of Evil and Eternal Good," 7:!I0 p. m. "The Divinity of Jcsns of Nazareth shown by His Wisdom." Easter day March 27th., 11 a m., "Tho Stone Kolled Away," 7:110 p. m., "The Divinity of Jesus Christ Confirmed by His Resurrection." The latest evi dences on divinity in man will also bo presented. Hear them at tho Christ ian church. Hood music. Heats tree. Everbody welcome. I have 020 acres l mile east of Bed Cloud. There is a good 7 room house, size 32x18, all rooms aro 10x18 except ing tho kitchen which is luxU. There aro 2 porches, good clstoru with well at the door, clsteru will hold 2K) bills, of water, good brick walks, house nice ly painted, all kinds of shrubery, 20 kinds of roses, fruit of all kinds. Barn 58x38, mow that will hold (10 ton of hay, 3 cribs that will hold 8000 bu. of corn, all other out buildings that are necessary on a farm. (Jood living springs, IJ wells, good windmill, good feed lots. There is about 10 acros in alfalfa, 1 10 acres of pasture, tho pasture laud is in two dill'ereiit pastures, tho balance of the laud is under cultivation. This is a river bottom farm. There are I lion houses, one of them is now used as a store houso. This place is all fenced and cross fenced There is some native timber iu tho pasture. I also have 210 acres (J miles south of Kiverton, Nebr. There is u good houso 18x30, addition 10x21. Barn 21 x21, granary 12x1(1, corn crib 10x10-10 ft. long, buggy shed 12x10. hen house, cattle shed, set of scales, feed lot. 120 acres In cultivation, .'lo ubrcs in alfa alfa, timber und pasture If theso places are sold within tho next 30 days they can be bought at a bargain. Foit FUJlTlli:it I'AUTIOLt'ARS CAM. ON A. II. C.Miri'.NTER. Nitlce. The ladles of tho M. E. church will hold their annual Eastor Bazar Satur day, March 20th, in tho Miner build Ing. Also in connection with the bazar thoy will sorvo dinner aud sup per, price 25 cents A cordial wol como is extended to all. Notice. Tho Annual Mooting of the Martin Cemetery Burial Board will bo hold in tho School Houso in IMst Xo. 85, (known as Popo School House.) on Saturday March SO 1010 at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. for tho purpose of electing officers and tho transacting of pny other business that may proporly come before said board, by order of the chalrmon. N. L. D. Smith, Ci.kiik. IIHICTItUKNCIII lieu. Corner of nth Avenuo niul eliihliuil Mr et. 10 n. in hiiMmtli School 11 a. in. I'reaehliii; 7:13 p. in (.'Iirlbtluii W'ui'ker'H Jluiul 8:00 p. in I'riwhliiB All arc Invited to attend. J. K. J.utnoK, Minister, Kfitl Glouil School's ltt-ntontlity ,Sirllln$ I Contest. No. lakliiv! :ut (trade T llo.s II (Ibis K (Irmlcrt II11JN IT Hills 22 liriule'k I toys IS nirN IT tirade I I'.o.xs A) mils :i iimlc.'l llllJM '21 111 It II Iciwest ieieiiit ltd TS iu 43 S3 fit (S 12 8.) Illull pel relit nn 103 too 100 103 too 100 100 too 100 ST at TO V2 The boys and gills who runic highest in their resiectivo grades in spi'lliugl ale as follows: Crade !l - Italpli Newhouse. Morwio Fdsou, Mrya Uvuiis. Beatrice McAllister. (trade I -Will Mcltrhle, Lojd Tinner. Stan-er Ainnek, llobeit Blaekledge, Merlyn Boner. Mitrvel I'elilres.s, rountain Fincher, Lueilc Bnbii.son. Celeste Scrivner. Mabel ICoontz. May llulVer. Tlieluia Lamborii. Helen 1,'aiues. Fern Thorloii, .losio Sherer. lir.uli' .' Kenneth .loliustnii, Finest Xewhoiise. Willie Osborne, Pearl Carpenter. Faith Ktiontz. Helen (ireen, Violet Zeiss, Bessie, Havel, Petri McConkey. Iva Potter, Tetesn Keigle, Lidia Trout. Anna Koubal. Kosu Sutton. Grade il IM Warren, .laeksoii Fincher. Alan Moritz, Florence .John ston, Prttdn Iliiller, (leorgia Clauson, Ruby Clolle, Flos sie Smith, Xell Fincher, Hazel Wolfe, liladys Fry, Marvel Turniire, Fli.abeth Ovei'iuan, Until Uiissong, ! leniiie Miner, Zelma Won-j derly, Nettie Springer, Ilea-1 trlx MeKelghaii I tirade 7 Paul Polnicky. MaiuiiieCald well, Alison Cowden, Hula Fit. Beith.i Osborn Free if It Fails Your Money Hack If You arc Not Salts flGll Willi llic MccltclRC Wc KcGommcml, We tiro so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be, Unit wo oiler to furnish tho medicine at our oxpeiiho should it fail to produce satis factory results. It is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxntives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, irritato and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more J chronic. Besides, theirusebeconiosn habit that is daugeroiiH. Constipation is caused by a weakness ' of the nerves and muscles of tho largo intestine or descending colon. To ex pect permanent relief you must there fore tone up and strengthen theso or gans and restore them to healthier activity. Tho discovery of the active principle of our remedy Involved the labor of tho v orld'K greatest research chemists As an active agent it possesses the valuablo qualities of the best known Intestinal tonics as well as boing par ticularly pleasant and prompt in its results. We want you to try Kexall Orderlies on our recommendation. Thoy are ex ceedingly pleasant to take, boing eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons aud old folks, as well as for the robust. Thoy act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently havo a neu tral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness nor create any in convenience whatever. Thoy may bo taken at any time, day or nitrht. Thoy will positively relieve chronic or habit ual constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, if taken j with regularity for a reasonable length or time. They como in two sizes of packages, 12 tablets, 10 cents; .'1(5 tab lots, 25 cents. Sold iu Bed Cloud only at our store, Tho Bexall Store. The II. E. Grlco Drug Co. RrSaleer Trade. A H room brick house suitable for keeping roomers and boarders If de sired. Size of building 24 x 43, story and a half high, 18 lots and a fraction of Clots, electric lights and water in houso. For further information In quire at Chief ofllce. UKAC'K (IWIhUOl'AI.) I'BURt'll Bcv. J. Ml llatcH, rnotor. Service tho tlrnt two Munilnj'H In each iiimitii. Holy Communion ut morning hi-rvlccs on tho Unit Htindny. Hundny rcIiooI at. 12 o'clock every Kuiulny Mm. K.II. .Smith, Superintendent. lIOUS Of SKIIVICK AT CONtillKtl V TIONALUIIUItOB. .S.lllllATII HlMIVICIX. PreneliluK lien n. in. Illhlo school i'i iu. 1'rcachliiK serviced K p. ut. l'rnyer and l.'onfcrr ncn uicttliii; Wednes day at 8 p. ui, A conllul Invitation Is extended to till, ItKV. A. A. CitnssJiAN I'aMor. tu I fnimaVLZBAStlZ'Jrm&WMLK.Z'to i M 1T 'l - ...r s :SKsrjTV? ftym :p irmii "'" ' ! ,i i sra "-o f j wiih. 6Er?S 1 U lie lias woikcd with autoin :uc i F. V hop machinery, or on tin? t'i"i iiiiioinaiic liarvesltrs, He will appyociaio He will nut want jnu to m- . I r ike family with a mnrliinc wliicli hasn't hciti iuiiroM'd t.. -(,3k f fr 25 jears. Both of you will ho it- abi nt cucli itiiprovcinciitj as:- If lhc'Riitiijiclllii"Mmcimnt Itif Kolary Spool Pin llic Aiitiimatlc Sluilllc l.lulnr The H Sclo( ll.illllcarlnw Jhc Autoiit.illcl)cklni!t)iAMrt Tlie lio.iiillful I'icncli Ici'.clc The Auloi.i.itlo 'IViislnn ulunwlilcliiliiciiiot iliowilujt ami scuii's o( ullicr polnti. HFRKK is fho Only Insured Sewing Machine! The Free Attachment! mo of tho host mAltc. Coins ntul see It. ED. AIHACI& ! a tmttmmmUu warfiTAVlVr7wrVlmTOl;rTfr1ilTOmxTOl1 iVfVJVV.',HVi,i.Vi WE ARE READY To show you our new line of Spring photo mounts of fine quality. We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals, Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops. Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them. See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. I 1 i 5; !:; k O t tfc&freC-fffrSKrf Clrtffftf5ffftCfff6tf-ffffft5effl5r U VI i ib i! ill ii ) ib Kb tl li lb lb lb lb lb ib lb lb SAY MISTER.!! Having secured three BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. I ib I. , . J5-iV:3a4i3M3;V The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E m m (0 m m I carry a complete line and my prices are such your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. m 2J Cleanliness Yot cannot buy Croeeries iu a pure goods Cleanliness and sanitation ate our hobbies. 'e&&L:&&& SiStStC'Sl.'&SL'SlJaL'ASlrSLiii:-' Of all Sound-Producing Instruments of the Cabinet Type the New Grafonola "De Luxe" p kj you io see SmM Macbine loc'sintr ilcski. aulomalir l'l a il ij iWSi w 8 1 8 ! J .. ft ti m it ti ni carloads of wire fencing at 3; n 'it it it in it it 11 t m m ft it (fsw i- r ;g.;i,S''5g''S'5y''!a''Si''8''5''3 ,v,' S & 0 til 0; (1 0 0 ft 0 it b vl ill it ii t) l l il) & very tliin IN atables of strictly fresh that it will pay Groceries, you to do Iu a (irocery store more than iu anything else, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. dirty, ill-kept place and bo sure o made by the Columbia Phono graph Co., is by far the most com plete in its beauty of appearance and its unequaled reproducing qualities. The Motor is the strong est and heaviest ever made for any instrument of this kind. As an in terpreter and reproducer of music the GRAFONOLA has no peer. Wc would be pleased to show you the advantages of the Gra fonola over any other instrument Ml t. I'll' t COTTING & MITCHELL AGENTS. The Chief $1.50 Mr J, iJSrt" t -