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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1910)
OMAHA PEOPLE GREATLY EXCITED A NEW TOWN EVERY WEEK I M) At Red Gat ilflsiSsi , It h ' f NEW SCHOOL SCHOOL DAY. EVERY The nhovo cnptlon nlioiit represents tho growth of Central Canada. Tho statement wa tniulc tint long hIiico by n railroad nuin who claimed to havo mndo the roninrkahlo discovery that fiuch wm tho ciino. There 1h not a dlfitrlct of a fair amount of nettle inent In any of the three Provinces of Mnnltnlm, Saskatchewan and Alherta, but ban Itn Mhool, and thn rnllwnyH have HtalloiiH every seven or eight miles apart, around which group tho towns, KOino largo and roiiio Hinall, but each Important to ItK own district. Hchools are largely maintained by pub lic funds and the expense of tuition Is but a nominal sum. Tho Until returns of tho grain pro duction for Contrnl Canada tor 190! Is now In, and the llgures show that tho valuo of the crops to the fanners of that country Is about 105 million dol lurn, as compared with 120 million last year. American fanners or those who lmvo gone from the United States, will participate largely In these splendid returns, and thoho comprise those who liavo gone from nearly every State In the Union. One of the many proofs that might bo put lorward showing the immense wealth that tomes to tho farmers of Central Canada Is seen In tho sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by tho fnnners who have for the tlmo being ceased worrying over tho reaper and tho thresher, and are talcing to enjoying themselves for two or three months. It Is said that tlfty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent tho holiday .season visiting their old homes. Moi of tin so passengers paid forty and some forty-live dollars for the round trip. Some went to Croat Ilrllnln, some to the Continent, others to their old homes In Eastern Canada, nnd many thousands went to visit their fi lends In the States. The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars. Somo make the trip every years. It need not be askd. "Can they afford It?" With crops yielding them a prollt of $"0 to ?-i per Mere, and some having no much as twelve hundred or more ncies, the tpi"sMon Is answered. 'I no Canadlnn (lovornmeiit Agents tit dif ferent points In tho States report that they have Interviewed n great ninny of those who an now visiting friends In tho dlftercut states, and they all ex press themselves as well satisfied, nnd promise to take some of their friends back with them. There Is still n lot of fice homestead land in splen did districts, and other lands can bo purchased at a reasonable price from rullwn.v and land companies. A PROPOSAL. Housewife Yon always seem to en joy eating my food, but my husband Is never suited with It! lteggar Say, get a divorce and marry me! WHY PEOPLE SUFFER. Too often the kidneys are tho causo nnd the sufferer is not awaro of it. Sick kidneys bring backache and sido pains, lameness and stiffness, dizzi ness, headaches, tired feeling, urinary troubles. Doan's Kid ney Pills cure tho cause. Mrs. X. K. (1 r a v o s, Vlllisca, Iowa, says: "I suf fered from kidney trouble for years. The secretions wero disordered, t h o r o wero pains In my back and swellings of tho anklet. Often I had smother ing spells. 1 had to bo helped about. Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo llvo years ago and I have been well slnco. They saved my life." Remember the name Doan's. Tor sale by all denlers. no cents a box. Fos'e-.Mllburn Co., Muffalo, N. Y. Real Early Rising. Fanner llrowu and Farmer .lonca were near neighbors, and many a dis pute took place as to who was the ear lier riser Hoth maintained that each excelled the other. One day Farmer Drown determined to put the subject to test. Rising very early one morning, about two o'clock, ho proceeded to visit his friend. Great was his astonishment when ho saw Mrs. Jones hanging out the clothes in the garden "Farmer .Jones about?" he asked. "Well." replied the lady, "he was tho llrst part of the mornln. but I dunnn where ho be now." The Usual Way. Smith Mid the lawyer get anything out ol your uivdo's estate? Jones Get anything? Ho got It all Mr. Wiiulow'ii himtlilnir Syrup. Tor ctilMrrn iwltilntr, todrui ttie cum, mlucc In Cauiuutluu, allujri pain, cure wind collu iJcu IjoUIo. One tlshernmn ought to believe the stories of uuother, but he seldom does AND A BY Lg JVltMOlSON iLLU&TRATlom 3Y PAY WlLTFfi5 CCWMCfr 1907 BY O0&OS-fiRMLL CO, SYNOPSIS. MIhh Pali Ida UoltirooU nnd Miss Helen Hollirnok, Ik l nine, Were clltiUHtcil In Hie cine of I .mil unci' Donovan, u writer, ftutnini'iltig near I'oit Amiuriclnlc. .Miss Patricia confided to nomiviiii Hint nlm fen led Iwr brother Ih'iiry. who, mined by u bunk failure, had coiiHtiititlv tlirciiteiied her for money from IiIh father's will, of which MIsh Patricia was Kiiitidlnn 'I hey came to Port Aiiiuimliile to escape Henry Donovan sympathized with thu two women. Ho learned of Mini Helen's an tioyltiK milter Donovan (Uncovered nnd caiituied un Intruder, who proved to bo HoKlliiiM (llllcKJile. Hiiltor for the lilillil of Minn Helen llolbrook. (illlonple (llsim pcurcrt tin) following tnotuliu,'. A ioiikIi wilier mipciiied mid wiih oideied away Donovan saw MIm Holbioolt nnd hel fa ther inert on frlendlv terniH lionovan foiiKlit an Itnlhin iimsiihnIii. He met the man he Huini!"'(l wiih llollnook. hut who milil he nan HiirtrhlKf. a caiine-mnUer After n sliort dlHciimlon Monouili left Hill 1 1 1 V . (llllcMple M1H lIlHcuvclcd lev Ion- rivmi presentlnK a count ty cluiri h with II nil CHI. mill, nillnllled III klli'VV of 1 I I - litonU'R prisence. MIhm Pat ni IdiiiwU-ilK.-d lo Donovan that .Mlxs Helen bad Is en mlxslni; fur a fi w hour While tiding In a launch, the Italian leiltui- ullcinpieil lo innli'Hl Hie trio but failed MInh Put iniuoiinied In r Intention of HkIiHiu, H.-ihv llolhlook and Hot ((IdiiK iiiiollier Idd'lig place Donovan nut Helen In g.irdi'li at nlKhl. Dupllcltv of lleli II wiih confessed by the yiHiug Indv . She .nlmllleil i nnnlv lni; Willi her fat her despite her aunts precautions. In a iiIkIiI iiKellnu with Don ovan. The tin winl for a liinglldr the following day That nlulit. dlHgulHed iih a llllll. Helen Htnle flolll the linlise. She met ItPKlnnlil IHIIcHple, who told her his lose (UllcKple wiih confronted by Doiiomiii llelen'M lnvi r esenped. At Hie (own post olllce Helen. lliiHcen except by Doiiomiii, slipped u iliaft Into the hand of Mm lint in, uiiilnr hi also Hluiialed her father MIum Pat mid Donovan "look In" the innoe carnival A young lady icncinbllng MImh Helen llolliroiiK wan iiu4er'ii auuie In u canoe, when Helen wiim thiamin t have been at home Donovan met l.ll loyplc CHAPTER XII Continued. "I, myself," he continued, taking a chair near mo and placing bis feet In an open window, "am cursed with rugged health. 1 have unite recovered from those unkind cuts tit the nunnev thunku to your ministrations and am willing to put on the gloves with you at any time." "You do me great honor; but the affair must wait for a lower tempera lure." "As you will! It Is not like my great and gracious ways to force a light. Pardon me, hut may I Intpilre for the health of the ladles at Saint What's-her-name's?" "They are quite well, (hank you." "I am glad to know It;" and his tone lost tor the moment Its Jaunt! ness. "Henry llolbrook has gone to New Yoik." "Good riddance!" 1 exclaimed, hear tily. "And now " " Anil now If 1 would only follow suit, everything would be joy plus for yon!" He laughed and slapped his knees at my discomfiture, for ho had read my thoughts exactly. "You certainly are the only blot on tho landscape!" "Quite so. And If I would only go hence the pretty little Idyl that Is be ing enacted in the delightful garden, under the eye of a friendly chaperon, would go forward without interrup tion." He spoke soberly, and I hnd ob served that when he dropped Ills chaff a note of melancholy crept Into his talk. He folded his arms and went on: "She's a wonderful girl, Donovan. There's no other girl like her In all the wide world. I tell you It's hard for a girl like that lo lie In her posi tion tho whole family brokon up, and that contemptible father of hers haug Ing about with his schemes of plunder. It's pitiful, Donovan; It's pitiful!" "It's a cheerless mess. It all came after the bank failure, 1 suppose." "Prnctlcally, though the brothers never got on. You see my governor was bit by their bank falluro; and Miss Pat resented the fact that he backed off when stung. Hut the Gil lesples tako their medicine; father never squealed, which makes me sore that your Aunt Pat gives mo the icy eye." "Their affairs are certainly nilxcM," I replied, uon-coninilt tally. "They are Indeed; and I have studied the whole business until my near mind Is mussed up, like scrambled eggs. Your own pretty Idyl of tho nunnery garden adds the note pi qtianto. Cross my palm with gold and I'll toll you of strange things that He In the future. 1 have an Idea, Dono van; singular though it seem, I've a notion In my head." "Keep It," I retorted, "to prevent a cranial vacuum." "Crushed! Absolutely crushed!" ho replied, gloomily. "Kick mo. I'm only the host." We weie silent while tho few sounds of the village street droned In. Ho lose and paced the floor to shako off Ills mood, and when ho sat down he seemed In hotter spirits. "llolbrook will undoubtedly return," 1 said. "Yes; there's no manner of doubt nbout that." "And then there will be more trou ble." "Of course," "Rut 1 supposo there's no guessing when he will come back." "He will come back as soon as he's spent his money." 1 foil a delicacy about referring to that transaction on tho pier, It was a wretched business, and I now realized that the, shame of it was not lost on Gillespie. "How does Honry como to havo that I n V mJ vim CM MT Ira 'What the Devil Italian scoundrel with him'" I asked after a pause. "He's the skipper of the Stiletto," Gillespie replied, readily. "He's a long way from tidewater," I remarked. "A blackguard of Just his sort once sailed me nroimd the Itnllan peninsula in a felucca, and saved me ft om drowning on the way. Ilia hero ism was not, however, wholly disinter ested. When we got back to Naples he robbed me of my watch and money belt and I prolltod by tho transaction, having Intended to glvo him double their value. Hut thoro are plenty of fai in boys nroiind the lake who could handle the Stiletto. Henry didn't need a dago export." The mention of tho Italian clearly troubled Gillespie. After :i moment he said: "Ho may be holding on to Henry In stead of Henry's holding on to him. Do you see?" "No; I don't." "Well, 1 have an Idea that the dago knows something that's valuable. I.nst summer Henry went cruising In the Sound with a pretty rotten crowd, poker being tho chief diversion. A man died on tho bout before they got back to New York. Tho report was that be fell down a hatchway when he was drunk, but thero wero some ugly stories in tho papers about It. Thnt Italian snllor was one of tho crew." "Where Is he now?" "Over at llattlo Orchard. He kuows his man nnd knows he'll bo back. I'm waiting for Henry, too. Helen gave him $20,000. The way the market Is running he's likely to go broke any day. He plays stocks like a crazy mnn, and aftor bo's busted he'll be back on our hands." "It's hard on Miss Pat." "And it's harder on Helen. She's In terror all the tlmo for fear her father will go up against tho law and bring t'urther djsgrace on the family. There's her Uncle Arthur, a wanderer on the face of tho earth for his sins. That was had enough without the rest of It." "That was greed, too, wasn't it?" "No, just general cussedness. He blew in the llolbrook bank and skipped." "You told me that Henry llolbrook found his way here ahead of you. How do ou account for that?" He looked at mo quickly, and rose, again pacing tho narrow room. "I don't! I wish I could!" "It's about the laBt plnco In tho world to attract hlni. Port Annandale Is a quiet resort froquonted by western people only. There's neither hunting nor fishing worth mentioning; and a man doesn't como from Now York to Indiana to sail a boat on a thimbleful of water like this lake." "You are quite right." "If Holon llolbrook gavo him warn ing thnt thoy wore coming hero " "Don't you daro say It! Sho couldn't have dono! She wouldn't have done it! I tell you I know, Independently of her, that ho was hero before Father Stoddard over suggested this place to Miss Pat." "Well, you needn't got so hot about It." "And you needn't luslnuato that sho is not acting honorably In this affair! 1 should think that aftor making lovo to hor, as you havo been doing, nnd playing tho rolo of comforter to Miss Pat, you would havo tho decency not to accuse hor of connivance with Hen- l ry llolbrook." "ou lot your Jealousy got tho better Up Here For?" of your gooil sense I have not been making love to Miss llolbrook!" 1 de clared, angrilv, and knew in my heart that 1 lied. "Well, Irishman," he exclaimed with entile good humor; "let us not bring up mine host to (lml us locked in mor tal combat." "What tho devil did you biing me up here for?" 1 demanded. "Oh. just to enjoy your society. 1 get lonesome sometimes. I tell you a man does get lonesome In this world when he has nothing to lean on but a blooming button factory and a step mother who tilts among the world's ex pensive sanatoria. I know you have never had 'Itutton, button, who's got tho button?' chanted In your ears, but may 1 ask whether you havo ever known the joy of a stepmother? I can soo that your answer will be an unregretful negative." He was quite the fool again, and stared at mo vacuously. "My stepmother Is not the common type of Juvenile tlctlon. She has never attempted during her widowhood to rob the orphan or to poison him. Dless your Irish heart, no! She's a good woman, and rich In her own right, but I couldn't stnnd her dletury. She's afraid I'm going lo die, Donovan! She thinks everybody's going to die. Father died of pneumonia and she said ico-wuter la the finger-bowl did It, and she wanted to have the butler ar rested for murder. She had a now disease for me every morning. It was worse than being lefi with a button works to draw a stepmother like that. Sho ate nothing but hot water and zwolbaoh herself, and shuddered when 1 demanded sausage and buckwheat cakes every day. She caught me one day clearing up a couple of chickens and a mug of ltnss with tho gardener, and It was all over. She had noticed, she said, that I had been coughing of late 1 was doing a few cigarettes too ninny, that was all and wired to New York for doctors. She had all sorts, Donovan alienists ami pneuniogasttic specialists and lung experts. "The people on Strawberry Hill thought thero was a medical conven tion In town. I was kidnaped on the golf course, wheie 1 was about to win tho eastern Connecticut long-drive cup, and locked up in a dnrk room at homo for two days while they tested me. They niado all the known tests, Donovan. Thoy tested mo for dis eases that haven't been discovered yot, and for some that havo been ex tinct slnco the duys of Noah. You can see where that put me. I was afraid to fight or sulk for fear tho nllonlsts would send mo to the madhouse. I was afraid to eat for fear they would think that was a symptom, and every time 1 asked for tood the tapeworm mau looked intelligent and began pro scribing, while the rest of thorn were terribly chagrined because they hadn't scoied llrst. Tho only Joy I got out of the rumpus was In hitting one of thoso nllonlsts a damned hard clip in the ribs, and I'm glad I did It. Ho was feeling my medulla oblongata at the moment, and ns 1 resent being man handled I pabted lilm one ho wna a young ehap, ami fair game I pasted lilm one, and then grabbed a stilt-caso and slid. 1 stole away In a clamboat for Now Haven, nnd kept right on up Into northern Maine, where I stayed with tho Indians until my fnthor's re lict wont off brokon hearted to Dad Nouholm lo drink tho waters. And hero I aiu, by tho grace of God, la perfect health nnd In full control of tho button innrket of the world." "You havo undoubtedly been sorely tried." I said as he broke off mournful ly. In spite of myself 1 had been en tertained. He was undeniably a follovv of curious humor and with tiuusunl ex perience of life. Ho followed me to the street, nnd as I rode away ho called me back tor though to Impart something of moment, "Did ou ever meet Churles Dar win?" "Ho didn't need me for proof, nut tons.'" i wish I might have hVd one word with lilm. It's on my mind that ho put the monkeys hack too far. I should be happier If he had brought them a little neuter up to date. I should feel less lonesome, Irishman." He stopped me again. ' Oueo had an ambilion to find an hoiirxt man, Donovan, but I gave It up it's easier to be an honest man than to lliel one I give you peace!" I bad learned some things from the young button king, hut much was still opaque In the affairs of the Hoi biooks The Kalian's presence as sumed a new slgnlllcance from Gilles pie's story. He had beui party lo a roiisplriif to kill llolbrook, alias Hart ridge, on the night of my adven ture at the houseboat, and I fell to wondering who had been the shadowy director of Hint enterprise tho cow ard who had hung off in tho creek and waited for the evil deed lo be dono. CHAPTER XIII. The Gate of Dreams. In niv heart I was anxious to do Justice to Gillespie. Sad it is (hat we are all so given lo passing solemn judgment on trilling testimony! I my self aiu not Impeccable. I should at any time give to tho lions a man who uses his thnni". as a paper-cutter; for such a one is clearly marked for bru tallt.v. Mv prejudices tally as to a trupipet-call at the sight of a girl wearing overshoes or nibbling bon bons the one suggestive of ptedatory habits and weak lungs, the other of nervous dyspepsia. Tlie night was line, and afler re turning my horse to the stable I con tinued on to the Glounrm boathouse. I was strolling along, pipe In mouth, and was half-way up the boathouse steps when a woman shrank away fiom the veranda rail, where she had been standing, gazing out upon the lake. There was no mistaking her. She was not even disguised to-night. and as 1 advanced across. the little ver anda she turned toward me. The lan tern over the boathouse door suffused us both as I greeted her. "Pardon me. Miss Holbiool. ; I'm nfiald I have disturbed your medita tions," I said. "Dut If you don't mind " "You have the advuntage of being on your .own ground," she replied. "I waive all my rights us tenant If you will remain." it is much nicer here than on St. Agathn's pier; you can see the lake and the stars better. "On the whole," shi' laughed. "I think I shall stay a moment longer, If you will tolerate me." I brought out some chairs and we sai down by the rail, where we could look out upon the star-sown heavens and the dark lloor of stars beneath. Helen bent forward wiih her elbows resting on the rail, her hands clnsped under her chin. The lamplight fell full upon her slightly lifted head, and upon her shoulders, over which lay a filmy veil. She hummed dreamily for a moment while I watched hei Had she one mood for the day and another foi the night? I had lust m-en her that altemoon after an liom of ten nis, at which she was expert, and she had run away thiough Gleiiarm gnto with a taunt for my defeat: but now the splilt of stars and of all earth's Bllent things was upon her, 1 looked twice and tin Ice at her clearly outlined profile, at the brow with Its point of dark hair, at the hand where on the emeiald was clearly distin guishable, and satislled myself that theio could he no mistake about her. 'You grow bold." I said, anxious to hear hor voice. "You don't mind tho pickets a bit." "No. I'm quite superior to walls and fences. You have heard of thoso Kant Indians who appear and disap pear through closed doors; well, we'll assume that I had one of those fol lows for an ancebtor! It will save the trouble of trying to account for my exits and entrances. I will tell you in confidence, Mr. Donovan, that I don't like to bo obllgi d to account for in.vself!" (TO UK I'ONTlN'irKD.) Most Obstinate Things. A bachelor says a mule Is tho most obstlnato thing on earth, hut married men know hotter. -Chicago Duilv News. River's Immense Traffic. In tho Itlver I.ek, Hollnnd, mid Kb connecting canal to Amsterdam tho trallle amounts to over 60.000 vejsula of all kind per annum. THE GREAT COOPER AS HE IS CALLED HAS STIRRED UP THAT CITY TO A REMARKABLE DEGREE. Omaha, Nchrnskn, Jnnunry 2G. ThI city Is at present In tho midst of nn excitement beyond nnythlng thnt It hns experienced In recent years. Old und young, rich nnd poor, all seem lo havo become besldo them selves over nn individual who was n stranger to Omaha up . to two weeks ngo. Tho man who has created all this turmoil Is L. T. Cooper, President of tho Cooper Medicine Co., of Dayton, Ohio, who Is at present Introducing his preparations in this city for the llrst time. Cooper Is n mnn nbout thirty years of ngo and has ncqulred n fortune within tho past two years by tho salo of somo preparations of which ho is tho owner. Reports from eastern cities thnt pro ceeded tho young mnn hero wero of tho most sturtUng nature, many of tho leading dallies going so fnr ns to stnto thnt ho hnd nightly cured in public plnces rheumatism of years' standing with one of his preparations. The physicians of tho Hast contradict ed this statement, claiming tho thing to bo impossible, but the facts scorned to bear out the statement that Cooper actually did so. In consequence people flocked to him by thousands nnd his prepara tions sold like wildfire. Many of these stories were regard ed as uctltious in Omaha und until Cooper actually reached this city little attention was paid to them. Hardly had the young man arrived, however, when he begnn giving demonstrations, ns ho calls them, In public, nnd dally met people nflllctcd with rheumatism, and with a single npplication of one of his preparations actually made thorn walk without tho nld of either canes or crutches. In addition to this work Cooper ad vanced the theory that stomach trou ble is the foundation of nlno out of ten diseases and claimed to have n preparation that would restore the stomach to working ordor and thus get rid of such troubles ns catarrh and affections of tho kidneys nnd liver, in nbout two weeks' time. This statement seems to have boon borne out by tho romarknblo results obtained through tho use of his prep aration, and now all Omaha is ap parently irad over the young man. How long tho tremendous Interest in Cooper will last is hard to estimate. At present thero scorns to bo no sign of n let-up. Iteputablo physicians claim it to be a fad that will die out ns soon ns Coopor leaves. In justice to him, however, it must be said that ho seems to have accom plished a great deal for tho sick of this city with his preparations. Childish Inference. Little Julia was taking her nfter noon walk with her mother. Her at tention was attracted for tho first tlmo to a large church edlllco on one of tho street corners. "Oh. mother!" she exclaimed, "whoso nice big house Is that?" "That, Julia, Is God's house," ex plained tho mother. "Some time later It happened that the child was again taken by the church, this time on Sunday evening when services wero In progress. Julia, noticing tho brilliantly lighted windows, drew her own conclusions. "Oh, look, mother," sho culled out, "God must bo having a party." rnu i)EKP-si:ati:i routs nna ronntn. AH'ii't .niii) Kiihiiiii Hires wlirn nil otliiT remedies tall. Tills iilil relluliln iinilli'liiK Iiuk Seen Milil fur oicrfJKurN iKc.MV.tlttllioltUft. AUUtulcrs. .. Cheap notoriety often turns out to bo an expensive luxury. Nebraska Directory Money Back if Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Does not relieve you of Constipation Every package bears the above guarantee and not one has yet asked for their money. Ask your grocer. He Certainly Knows JOHN DEERE PLOWS ARE THE BEST ... 'S-I'Si1'" '""'' 1'KAI.KK Oil JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA, NEB. Beatrice Creamery Go. I'nya Die hljjliest price for CREAIVE KODAKS AND KODAK FINISHING M.ill unliTH ulvi ii mmi'IiiI attention, All klmls nui.itfiirMiiilUi,Mrl(.'lly, Sena tor calaloguo, LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Tannerv FurCoa,s'Roljes'"ugs h. i T. .... J ' Custom Work our ivi-iuiif, iiiEMOHi rritPH jiiiia fur lUdc. . ...f;i',l,l r,,r l"iee unit tngH, I HENRY HOLM, 134 So. Otli Street., Lincoln, Neb. r