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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
V tffrr J State lUslU'M So. HIV 1 .:-' "'I- - ' --- ft''- . :'W ' '',"1vf ' B- '' V'" ' : ; t3V:& si---. . ,' :'l ? '' 4 Ncwspaiir.r Unit HIvi-a The Nuns FiftVtHo Weeks Each Your For One Dollar. TSr VOLUME XXXVII. UlfiDCLOUD, NEBRASKA, DUCIOMlSHIi 190!. NUMBER 50 the Miner Bios. Co. I CHRISTMAS GIFTS! General Merchants BLANKETS The weather man says it will continue to be cold, If so, warmer bed clothing is sorely needed by many families. Our Wool Blankets are made from a se lected quality of Wool. We have them in a large range of patterns and in several qualities. Our Cotton Blankets are made from a soft grade of cotton with the much desired woolnap finish, which makes a very warm blanket. Come in White, Grays and Tans, with colored bor ders, and In plaids, By ail c(ds, our Blanket Stock Is the largest, newest, best and lowest Priced in the City. raWL THE Bl TSSE II. A. LETSQN. Mir. See us always before buying elsewhere, as our stock of New Goods is the Largest and Prices the Lowest. WASHINGTON LETTER df". " evident that there N going Washington is lmsv in Hid prejmru- to ' activity, or, at least u tlon for tins Congressional session, tin- B"1"1 Hl-peariince ot activity, by tli S advent of the crowd that ahvaysooines udnilnlstrntlon In pmsuit ot trusts uithlong.ess and also the Waterway which It have ,n some way i .,,. (Wention which lsex- wr& valuable franchises oruoneess- nectcdinu few .lays. Some of the ion, without any adequate return tick-nates luivo already arrived an.l the onsideration to the government. the ihnebd w.$m Em 83 v. !- IT I n 1 WLa HS KsLo c GO. or convention will be the largest of its kind ever assembled in this country. The President, of course, is busy, with his message to Congress, lie has deferred it to the lust moment. His predecessors' were In the habit of huv-' ing the message prepared weeks lie- ftne hand and spending days in rcvis-. SCHOOL NOTES aiv iiisi'i:iiimi SMi nil Miss Miller was tumble to attend school Monday on account of illness. Prof. Morit. taught her class until her luttiru. Many country pupilsire absent from of bad roads and Lockets and Chains! Silver, Plated, l'illed and Solid Gold lockets from ex tra small to extra lare 50c, 75 c. and up. Chains! Silver, Filled and Gold chains in regular u i U in ln locket chains, 75e. .ind upward Timely Gift Suggestions, Just a few ideas from our immense stock. Come in ana see these and hundreds of others. Every thing sold with our Guarantee of Satisfaction or Your Money Back We have space for only a short list, a visit to our store and inspection of our stock will show hundreds of other articles, something useful and suitable for every one from Baby to Grand-parent. We have made unusual prepara tions for this Christmas season and seeing will be believing. Always Pleased to Show our Goods. What to Give Her. Diamond ling c"'-'' upward FOUNTAIN PFNS! For school Moy or Girl a few special pens at 50, 75, and $1.00 The Parker an absolutely good pen. warranted by both the maker and ourselves, $1 50 to $7.00. Manicure and Toilet Sets! An cu'i'llent assortment of Silver I oilet and Manicure Sets, at S'1.50 to $15 IH). A ino-t useful as well as Ornamental gilt. Ion after consultation with the mom- school on account lurs of thetrcabliietsiinll other ti listed c0, W(,llt 1(J,., p.litical advisors. President Tuft Is Mlis rioiouee Kellogg favored Hie i..'il.in0'if not olMi'iiid.nud it is doubt- mj,( M1)()()1 w,t,, (,u.lm.ntal M,0 fill If he ever spends a sleepless night j ,,VHayi Ve hu.- many talented miisl in the piopatatioti of a message ,J1' L.jalis i the lied Coud"chools. sneceh. lie, huwevci, has no lack of . 31 ' . ,. ., i .., The Literary Society met lrlday assistance with rcgird to those Import- . IP'MliniiLL ,,... ..- ! tiii.lil mill n .in Hi t in rulrui inir n Mnnt'w1 and "" ........ .... ... ., rres ieo nvan. ice rres.- uuy niu- aut National questions which his message to Congicss will emphasize and recommend. Among other recommendations, it is given out will be the one in regard to the change of the (Jovernniont of the District of Columbia. As is well known the Dis trict (loverntnotit lias been for yearn in the hands of three commissioners up pointed by the President with the ap proval of the Senate: but recently there have been disagreements and bickering Hinting Him triumvirate which has ruled tlie District and tho citizens of tho Greater Washington, as it may lie called, nre elainor.oiis for u i. nernnient with u single head sup polled bv a v'orps of advisors, some of whom lib least, if is lecoinmeiiiled. sli.ill be chosen iy ln electorate of wood, Sec Phil Minrwood. Ciitks-Miss Uicliards, Sargeant at arms Aaron Hedge ami Howard Foe. The uth Knglish History class en joyed ii debate Wednesday on the question. "Was tjueeli Kli.abeth justi lied In killing .Mary, ijueen of Scots" Negative Vincent Johnston mid IMill Sherwood, Allirinatlve llruee IOshel- man and Floyd Tnrnure. The judge s ilecision was in favor of tlit'iilHriniitiw side. The lollowirg uaiiies are on the bulletin board for nild-weel; chapel talks; Dec. S i;. .1. Ovcring, Dec. 15 Miss A. II., Dec. '11 liev Hnssong imd .Ian. 5 Unn (iarber. The rcgulniudiaiiel talks voro start-' UMBRELLAS! An extra large Stock of the famous llri.i. Dutu'iiaui.i. II mii.i-: Umbrellas. Two Hundred different handles, seven (Jradesof covers. Malting Complete Umbrellas from. 5)2.00 to $21.00. any handle Ills any cover. Absolutely waiiantid as to handle .and cover. Ladles' Watch Chains and fobs! I.ony chains, f.iiiey styles $1.75 t. 910 50 Ladus' lobs and Foblels Sill; with yold tiiinininys $1 75 to $3 50. Gold Filled $1.75 upwards Plain gull ring . Stone -ci ring . Loclcets . Shirt wiist set Veil p. us : .lew el cases Collar plti sets lielt pins Hat pins lied room dock , lliusli and comb sets Mirrors llracolets lion lion dishes Hook marks Hat pin holders ... Pin trays and boxes . Watches Watch chains or fob.. Kelt buckles Manicure sets (ilove box t'liibrullirs Hat and cloth brush., Sew ing sets Silver thimble Cold tilled thimble . Parker fountain pen '2 :.u r" I. tu . i ..'id ,ro .75 l.'J5 :i.r,o 'J.(H) 'j.ot) i. lJ:. r.n , .ro ..()() 1 .7.1 .75. a ixi s.txi .'.'X) 1.50 i t:. .'20 l .oo I. fit) Moure's lion leakablo pen 'J .5(1 Shoe horn 50 Pin cushion I do What to Give Him Ash lia, . . Cloth brush Cull' links Vest. 1 1 nt i n Pol) .. ... . Manicuring aillcles". . Military brushes l.i.cltMs Signet rlng Shaving cup iitid brush . . Tie clasp SI. ui upward 1 Ml .'25 .75 .M) 5(1 .1.C0 .70 n.oo 1100 .50 Soap box l.fitl qiiililledeltl.ens. L niversiil snilrugo j t.,i j,, ,,e ,j,, b(m00i Wednesday by i, not desiiod by any icspouslble per-' j.j, j Oveilng Jr.. president of the son in Washington. The city had .a i, liU,i The speaker showed what tho taste of universal sullrage. wliieii students owed to their patents and to inciiiit government by refugee luyioes the tax payers, by proving buildings thirty or more yeais iigo and does not oquipiiieut and instructors. This was not charily but inisiucs-, statesman ship. In return they should live a life of service, whatever the vocation. This is imperative whether lliey ontor ed business for themselves, engaged in some professional work or wore employees. The successful men and I women of tills world weie they who rendered the most servieo, Kichaid' W. Gilder late editor of the Century mugi'ines Hue typo of American who lived such a life. Howard stiro In joy of servieo woll rendered. He a master Sirrc. Miss A. II. Itiuhards will da llrer the naxt talk. wish to repeat the experiment, i lie same negroes mid progeny remain ami are no butter qualified forlndmillistrat ive functions ihau they were then. The Department of. J nstleo has under consideration a proposal t'.uit the Gov ernment shall enter stilt against tho slate of Colorado to recover tho value of a.'.'KXI acres of mineral land which, it is said, passed Intostato control by fraud ' Also. tUnt tho Attorney-Goner-al is preparing a suit claiming threo millions of dollars from tho American Smelting and ItcfiningUo,, of Colorado, of which Daniel (Iutx2nhim Is prcsl- As a (ii ,i iii i.i to i- r.iunlj . i.i'tli Hi" equal-, il, EiHsoil l'b "" '''' ph 1' 111 li('s 1 I e t nlei t.ulillli lit I ( the worl I into (mm nun ho'i i With Edl.SOtl ,ou In. vi- tli, i.iiin-i n ent 3011 want, uhen you want it. Tb" Ambtirol fcur minute icemd now over a j cur on the market is unequal- ed for volume, uiilt. and sweet iii'Sn of tone. Phoiicginphs S12.50 to ll.Ti 00. Hdisou Gold Moulded two minute records Ii'ic. Ambcrol Four Minute Records 50c. WW Scurf pin SmoMiig set Cigar and tobacco jars Parker loiintalii pen. . Shoe hoi 11 Desk tin ni-4iliigs . Hand ring Watch charms Umbiellas Collar button box (iold In tided cane Stone fcol ring Desk clock Hook mm It 50 Hat 111111 k 7e Coat hanger Pocket cigar ease... Napkin ring Jt . ,7B Watch .75 -.r,0 I lull 1.75 1.50 50 .5(1 U00 .M) -MM) 5(1 i.r.o 1.51) 1.2:. .70 1 00 WATCHES Nickel 75c to $10.00 Silver $5.00 upward Gold $7.50 HI MOXDS, genuine in rinys, as low as $5.00. F'inc white and perfect, brilliant cut. $12.00 and upward. KINGS. U,,i,y rinus Solid jjoiil 50v. and upward. Misses rins pl.iin and 'set $1.00 to $10 00. L )M:s KINGS Plain and si t with Opal Pearls Garnets, Kiili, and other fancy s ones $2.50 to $15.00. Diamonds ni combination with other stum s $7 50 and up. cu;f innToxs. with signet tops or stone set Gold lilh (I 35c up. Solid Gold $3 0()n,,. Eastman Uiownie eiiineias 81 toI'J.OO CIGAK TOW CC() Jars. Glass andSilvei $2 00 to $5 00. Smoktiu sets $1 50 to $7.00. Shaving Mus and Urushes, In Siher$2 50 10 $5.00 HKACKLKTS ! Tif s ttisf.u t' ty kind. W'iun.'i, Banner, Norma. j Anient an Oiieen and Car men .nlji.slaiiiC, $1 50 lt)$S.00 Simmons Ai mill. 1 and other round .hi 1 oval hollow metal band br.u uts. $3.00 to $15.00. Kasluiaii lo laic- t'Mii W5o Shverwarc. In fancy dishes an extia line of llerry disiies. lb. tier dishes. Halting dishes. ChalVlng dishes, Pickle castois, and iiiany other useful dishes at juices I 1 please, all of the well known Auioia silver Co.. with the best pnssibloguar anteu. This is lied Cloud's standard uaic si nee K0 III Hat win o service -ueh articles as Hefiv lorks. IceC'ieaiu folks, Uettueo folks, llerrj spoons, Cream and (Jinvy ladles and many others in both Auroin Silver Co.. and liorhiiiu jdatc Sterling Silver. A complete line of the fiililou Gor ham MIc. Co. 'a beautiful Hotter cup imtteru just ojioued uj). This is Gotham's latest jmtlern and Is sup tilled ill various weights. The word Gorliam oil 11 piece of silver attests to the full sterling quality. Cloisonne Enamel. A well selected line of Ihc-e new cieatloli.s of the silversmith made in Waist pins, Heltaiid llrooeh jiliis, Mat pin-, and other articles, with the birth month (lower worked out In natural colois 111 enamel. Prices ranging from .".Of to s.i.ihi TEA GETS! Silver plated '1 piece set $0.00 up Other four, five and six piece siher plated tea sets. Solid Silver to Order. MKNs VLSI- CHAINS! Plaited 75,- to $150. Gold Filled $2.00 up. Fobs and Foblets. Silk fobs $1 00 to $3.00. (iold Filled $2.50 to $9 00 an excel I e iu assort me 1 t of Ithese all wanantc c d 10 wear. Jewel, Clove and Handker chief Boxes. An cUiii large assortment of silwi and (iold In I ivy, lluriilshed and or molu llnishos. Something ovii'.v buly would iijijiicciittv us being both n-cCul and ornamented. Small boxes suitable for collar and cull- buttons or ilng- 50c and iiji Larger sizes $1.00 to ? 15.00 yjrr?7 ' i. ' CLOCKS: Cold and S.h r .latel S 1 .25 tn 7 50 Woodmnnlel clocks S day ?2.50 uj. I'aney black clocki nt ptioes to please your purse, NEWHOUSE BROS- STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. t . MataaET'""