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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
r . " "Z5.. -'! -imnr n, - iV'"f ' 'IHf i.b.1"1 rffciH" '" ,"" , '.'i 'MHin ?, --it"jmfymM!ump" s-wfrr-et? Tp- jn sr- t r INotHc 'In Cii-ilUnr- j "IHtpiil Nrliriii!n. in the fnimt.v ('"tut. . wVietiiT rmnt . I IB thu matter of the cUMo of Nil1-"" """R- ( N)'"Ji'llH'riiij- itivcn i nil pcrvjiis ImvlDB ' I'inlii i iinil iloiminds mfiiinsi Nelson llur. iiUC ct Wrlwtir Coiml.t, tlpnniiwu. Unit HiO I lime iineil for minw t'lnltin ounlnn sttin estate mix nxiiiths tr.nn tin-!'Ui dii- of Iiiii'iiilnr, tataMftt i i mpi)iimii ii , M sj li III M '' such iwnwwi ore rdiulrcu to prrvnt ih ' inl(fi, witli tin' Minotipr. in tii! County ,1m tic of M count , nt til oRh'r therein, on nr ii-f.irc Mic Wilt tiny of .linn- l'i nml ill ennui m Bird will ho liennl lirforj ilio mlil i urine on thoiotli iny of Juiu . tolo: nt nno o plinth p. m i and tlint Uip l-.wiiium ' oh lowed nno jrpar fmrn the I'Jlh iloy of Niru-m-in r ww. in which to pay the ilebu allowed iirnlDM mild r-stnti' imil net Ho tin' wonc. ,I'.AU I. W. i:iwns fill founly .IiiiIkp Notice to Creditors, In tlic Count) rniirl. slat"' "t Setil.'iskil Wt listlTt'iUHll) . Is tin' nmlttr ol (In- estate ol t'.lincr !:. Ilarvcv. Iii-rcusiil. Notice Im licrohy il I'll to nil iuthoiih liti v Ink' clnliiin 11 ml iluiuiuiils iiKiilust lllmer II. Harvey, lute ol Welister rotmty, deceased, Dint tho lime lUcd lor IIIIiik claims nKnlimt Ktld rMitlo In nIx mmttlis from theSitliilnyol NnwiiilMirlW.). Ml Micli'iiursoiM nru reuiilu-d to present thulr rl.-ilniM, with the vnticlierN, to jtlic i anility .IiiiIkc of xnld comity, nt IiIh ollleu therein, on or before tliu 2Titli dny ol Mny I'itU: nml nil ohiliim ho tiled Mill he heard be lurc thcMihlJiulitc on the 2iltli dny of Mny lino, tit one o'clock p. in.: ami that the nil ml nh-t rotor Is a I lowed unclear lioni I lie :ird dny of NoM'tnlicr Hrw. in which to pay the di lit allowed nitnliist wild estate nml hcUIo tlie Miinc. 'si- i. I. . Kno It-M ft unity .Indue. Notice to Creditors, Stnti'ol Nebraska i In the futility Court. Welister I 'mini) I t v Hie inallernf the estate nf Wlllliiin All- Mll. IICCCIIHUI. Notice M hereby ul on tonll person liavlmj i laliu und iloiiinnilM iimilast Wlllliiin Allsop. lata of Webster county, dceeiiMil. Hint the linn lived for IIIIiik claim nunliiHt wild intati In kU months from the '.'nil dny of I x-rcmhrr rx ll iiii'Ii iici-koiim are reiUlrcd to present their cliilniH. with the voni'herH, to the Vmnty .1 iiiIki of Kild county, at hlx olllce then In. on or hrloro the 'Jntl day ol .lime mil): and nil elahnsso tiled will he heard he InrclhcMild JndKf on the :ird dny of .lime lUlti. nt one o'clock p. in. i mid that the ml inlnlKtratrl.x Ik nlloweil one yenr liom the loth ilny ol Not eiiilier t'.nm. In which to pay the dchlN allowed imnlnst haid i state and m tile tlii'Mimt . I, W I'ilHoN. eal l'i-:i Co'inly Indue. & Biscuit are more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct, individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which "crackers" from the paper bag always lack. They are the Na tion's accepted soda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY IF IS NOF ASSAYING POLICY tu go without iiiMirutici' The- lislt a-siiinoil i too Kieut for the .small pro in in in you Keep in your pocket. Kluuro out liow nuitiy ycurs you woulil liuve to lio five from any lire in oilier to miw tlu- value of your house1 and contents. Tliun consiiler tliut you may have a lire this very night. Tho cost of uvn a little lilii.e will ho more than the pre mium of FlKt: lNSritAXCH POlt YKAItS HottiT liavo mo issue you a policy today. It's it whole lot bettor to tie sure than sorry, as many an un insured man has been. IMI VMM IOllV Hill. t'MATIHM ft III II IN" i Dvvs. Morton L Hill, of Lebanon, hid., sus -.My wife had Iiillaininatory Klioiinnitisin in every muscle and joint; her suffering with terrible and her boil.s anil face were swollen iiliuosi beyond recogiiitiou;ha(l liceiiinbedforsi.s weeks ami had eight phvMci.itis. but tvivhed no benelit Until. slie tried llr. tJeteliou's Uelief tor ISIieumatitti. It gave her iiumedlate relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by The 11. K. Crice Drug To . Hed Cloud. Nebr. nil Ken urriuciM'. Is ruitiM'i n t 'ii i-in u Loisn's l) It) a. m. II a. in. . p, in. i p, m T::u) p, m, lirlim your fl.v.'MKSipanii tWfflS BBB lllhlc M'hiHil Sermon mid ('omiuiiniou .. t'lirlhllan CndcaMir I'reaehiut; Prayer, and praUr. Wcdnodays. Seats Irce. Hood muidc. Come. Illhleh, lilt nils and uoiul cheer. I.. Va. llrssiiM,. Vlinlster f f Red Cloud, Neb. lill.VCK (HPl.M'OI'AI.i IllUUt II ltc..l. M! Ilatis. Pastor. Sei'Nlce the Ills) two Miuda.v s In null month. Iloh I inn in union :i I mnrnilii: mix Ices oil tin (list siindiix . s,ui,lii x hool ,il 12 ii clot K iir simda.. V ' I I , I I "! I I I 111 , ll II -mid that's the CUTAT MAJESTIC -they nrc the mndc exclusively ol Molleublo and Char- tol Iron outliut threo ordinary ranset don t break. crack or rust. Malleable Iron ullows nhsolntclv nir ticht rucuil lilnls in n MAJIiSTIC ami these combined with tmre nstirlos lltilns. lave half your fuel bill and givo you a dependable cooker, a perfect baker every day. The MAJI'.STIC is equipped with n 1-uallon all-copper reacTTOU it touches the red hot fire and hcata wulcr m a Jifly, The Great and Grand Ma-jestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range rim an rrrn donr wLtch when dropped, formt n llcld iholf tninc ennnch t br aor Hclu-lit-OTrn rack illilet out autntnnllcally Imlitlnc anylhlnR that happeoi to be on it tecurnly Olbor attractiro MAJKSTIC feature are the open dlj uh tuu acinic a aiUoTd aud tbo ah cup uuiler It No muii or dancer of flrn from red hot athrt with a MAJESTIC Bach exclusive MAJESTIC feature make thla ranse more practical, rnoro aervlceable, moro durable the best ranee your money can buy re-Emrdl-tiol price. SOLD BY RED CLOUD Hdw. & Imp. co -- " ---T Aztec i&mvsm'attj&k My simply applv i nj sniiietlniig to give teuipnr.ti J n lut will lint elite p'.les You imiM use a gm d, I'o'iible ilt'ieuilable leiiieilv that is maile t -lresly for piles. .M,ui.iiii. the gleal pile remedy, I caches all parts ullec id tt heals ami sootlies: it pi events cmi ntl)itlliili and reduces tin- swelling. It tlctb promptly. Man'.an Is applied inoaiih of a Mnnll iiov.lo aUinihed In the tube in which Mau'.au is put up .Sold by lleuiy t'uuh U'heii you luive a cold the lirnt thing to do is have the bowels inoe )o not tnkeiinything that may constipate - -and most old tnshiouud cough cures ilo constipate. Tri Kennedy's l,nn tivc U'oiigh S,iup It drives the cold from tin- system b, a tree vet gentle action of the bowels it stnp the cough, it is pleasant to take, t liil ilreii llUe it sold li all ilruggi-ts 60 YEAUS' EXPERIENCE CATARRH rfilAM RtVUA pJttA3JfEiWW 'igs-&; totf, UivrniPlIU SoVWl "prW JJ& With water frcnlj If re -ro ' other toilers fesa6. rrjt VSSHL'f1, A Fuel Save7 m KmwnY Perfect Baker i. AtLO r,ijpi'i i nt trfvotrt V ILL OtVt j (tJiUNl ,vasrvjm? JiTT- . . TTrJ5 it -z-J- m, &&&. &m HEWYORK Ijmrra Elvs Cream Balm This Romocly Is a Specific. buro to Civo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It r-lontiso-i, soothes, lu ids, and protects till ihsfiisid lneinbriuie. It f ur"s C'ataiih and drives away a Culd in tin- lleud ipueklv. Itustores the Senses of Tasto and Smell. I'.asy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, fid cuts nt DruggistH or by lu.iil; Trial Size, It) cents by until, i ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. Range 75j85p With A Repafeation,? .ViV lft'-z szsrin ijgii ? S1 k-nr W It Should Be In Your Kitchen fonmlss-lonp.r's Prccccdlnfts. .1 O f.ililwell li Harvey I- li Ulaelileilge I! I) llussell ( ai k I.H'Ulial't . ( l'i-l It li. lillssell s hi II I .ink' Ileriii.ili Schiuidt I rank Smith nut-din Mis. ;i W.lsoii I . Li D.iliou .1. M lleiidetsou 1 .1 I) runes I I'M it h McKeighaii j . II. CarpeiitiM' !L. Essig 'O ti. Wright .lolin 'rierucy () D. Hedge ( harles Stotict- II. K. L'uidgiou (). L. luulgreii ('. li. leiinings I Dr. T. I.. Monro '.lohtl linker i K. ,1. S iloiuou It. S. Ilancoelc I li VIcNony ( ) Nelson A.C.SIaby ! ( W. Undsey ! Win. Hohier Prank Kthortoii liir Kthortoti Si l ester Day I VV II li'Liitt $ i: Mi'Uiiile 1.11 Poll I Auk l.nmpnuin Win Vnnilrrfi'i'lit r Itoeil. nml li "i Unilerwooil lyf. Wi- "." i:.l OwrliiK. Jr. 'i ti i School Dial. NV !' 10(111 K"i f (K) ;ii :t in s:, in rm r, n (Hi JIKVDoinu'lCo US IK) Clerks ami Juilne.i of Election $1 00 each V I-'rlnble, Hoy Kowlcr, Harry Conway. J Mills. C Putnain, I' Iluicrt. I' Wehcncs. A I) Kanney. II Sclnnlilt, H Armstrnnir W (J Shannon. Chin Auliershon. 1. 1' Jolinxon, Wllmot. J Weianer. A HMeileilith, KSeaton. J W Crow, F Ueun. F V'avrlcka. WH Keynolils, V'enclo Zajic. E Williams T J UufTy, J S Moore. .1 McCallum. N T Jones. C Itlnker. J M Clnrke. A S Krout, I.croy rainier. ;j :1() O It l'itney. It K Orclmnl, C Smi-Ncr, A I.arrick. 0 II V Johnson. F. M FCiubb. It Hanks, (i Hlte, J oiuu, i. uuiTK, .i r.KiuiKion. ii lieiiierlcn, I, .1 I'uMnher. K VVCorroll, C FKvnns. W Hamilton1 I' II Honor. A U Knley, W I Fulton, Lee DtTour. J Marsh. J F Watt. W M EIiut. D Glbcon. Chas Molly. W ltiiharil. F Duiry. I. ItanKert. J Knlg-pe. J.10 Hit) 'J.(ll) .'!.:!() ii.lX) 1.10 1. 10 l.iu lm I'Ihh.k f rnl A T. f- T , ... . . . I ""' ''"i " -'m, nrauac, j,evi riKnl. 1.10. VV FJnmM. fi Shilling wm 1 !...., ..... B, ,.,(. 4,,,U1- .', IKI Ti Ml S 73 10 IK) 8 mi ' Trade Mamus Ocsir.Ns CoPV4tGHTS A.r. ninn lArnlliK n kkolpli null llosrrilitloll ItinT niilt'klT uti-priiilii niir iiiliiliui frci wlnuher mi iiiTiMitinii l iinilintily l'1)':'1''!!''.,. iimnuirji tloiinrlcllrriiniiil3iiiliil. HANDBOOK onrntoiiu tent fri'U. )iet iiihiiio)- (or kei-iiruiK Jiiti'iiln. I'nli'iili taken tfiroUL-li .Vliiun .V t , rcrulrr H'tcl il TWllcf, wliliniit cliiirue, In tho Scientific Hmci A liniultiiiiu'lr llliinlrnteil wopklv, Jjimost elr. niliitliin of any nii'iit III" Iniiriiiil. 'lerms.fJa vimr: (oiir inoiillis, II, Sail b) all nowmleiili-rs MUNN & Co.3G1Droad- New YorI llraucti oaki! n"a F HU Wmihlnmon. I. l W mi n Success Magiuine wants an energetic and responsible man or woman in lied Cloud, Neb . to collect foircnewalsand solicit new subscript ions during full or spate time. Kperi ciieo unnossarv. Any one can start utuoiig friends ami aciiiuiiitanees and build up a paying am) permanent busi ness without capital Complete outtlt nml instruct onsfreo Addiess "Von," Success Mngiuiiie Uooiu loll .success MagHtiu ItuiUling, New in-U Citv x. Piiu-iiliis pt-oni)tly assist thoVuliics whenlhe Uhliioys need help. Tlu aid tlie Uiilncys to pass oil' uiic acid aud poison and arc nil 'nualcd for I he relief of weak bach and backache, rheumatic pains, etc. Sold by Henry Cools. Col. J. II. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock ami general uue t ioireciTug." Satisfaet ion guaran teed in every case. I iiilcrstanilH pedigrees ami stoeU values. M11113 ycais iNperieiice. I'lionu him iiujtime Red Cloud, Nebr. l'W''WW,'WW'V, If t nil bit I 1 I 11 1 II 1 '1 II liiilnoy trouble, do not delay 111 lal ing the must reliable and dependable lenicily possilde. such as DeWltt's Ividney and Uladder Pill-. These won ilcrful pills are being used with great satisfaction by thousands of people. Try DeWltt's Kidney and liladderl'llls today. Sobl by all diugglsls. There Is nothing mi good for all kid ney tumbles us l'iiieiiles. the new kid ney lciucdy, I'iiiuules act pioiuptly in relieving backache, weak back, pain ill tho bladder ami all urinary dlsord- cts. Sold by lionry Cook. There isn't anytliing so annoying or bo painful nor Is there anything qulto, so hard to got rid of as piles. the gicat pile reinoil.v. is tlic best you can use. for It directly reaches the seat of tho trouble, and at once relieves ami soothes pain and 1 educes the swelling. It Is applied inside by means of 11 tttbo with nozzle attached. S.,. bv Henry C ok I: II Owrnmn .1 W Stiickinnti I.ce DitTour J F Watt .1 HCrmy C F. VuuKhnn J F Kninue I.ouIk ItaiiKcrt Win Finney I.rvl WrlKhl W It Shirley II C Wrluht W.I I.liipencott W II Fisher C llrnbiiker .1 I) Storey F Frlshle K W MeKiimle A It I'ieii-e J It Hoi 11 Win Itenktl W li ruttciMin Al Smith A J llrnio? It C Wrlnht C Iliulinki'r 11 Schmlilt A H I'iorcu J It Horn W O Garner Hen Qbe nr IMI Ilonrr j j Garber 3 l) .1 It Horn C V. VmiKhuii It I) AniUrKiin C Hunter 11 II I'iro Depart' Turnuri) Itros () C Te,l tiorinu Mfir. Co. II F.tirice Co. It Damerell w C Fruhm .1 II Can I H Crozier Ni:i.akeM.D. 4S ft) O A NelKon I.'i mi J S Marsh I Ul A J llraici; I (h) I) W Ciboon t no VV Itlclinnl 7 20 FOuiry 4 ll Chas Motley t On J It Crozier 4 0() C A Guthrie 4 00 A F K rau so 4 00 It H James 4 0) U Slililler I 00 T W While il on Frank Alles I 00 Freil Ilunl I (ni It li HariiiiKtun tl no Roy Fowler 5 ;'n A O Kalailen ii 20 FStroble 8 00 J Mitchell 0 70 S II Johnson !) 00 I. II Fort ii 10 A FrliiKer 7 So CTI1om s 20 T W White it 70 C i: l'ntimm K ) w (5 Shannon 0 20 Weill) ItcynoliN s 20 J Mitchell 0 70 lien 11. inks s r.o I II Fort ii Hi 0 C Tci'l 1.10 1.10 8.00 2 10 ) 10 2.10 l'.MXi J 00 1.70 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 l.tin l.oo ','.70 '.'.10 J. 10 J.10 J.10 '-'.10 ','.10 '.MO o p, ! I 7'i s no k, ro 10(H) cott. F Alles. W II Fisher. F Hunl, F Frlsble, A C Jackson, B E HorrinRton. J France. II Conway, J Mills, F Huppert. F Wehnes, A I) Itanney, K McKlnzIe, It Armstrong. C Aubershon. A Saladcn L Wilmot. L I" Johnson. J Wecsncr. D Garber, J irow, t. seaton. f Hean. F Vavrlcka, V Zajic. F Stroble. S Hogate, K Williams, F Uurdcn, C Solomon. V McCall. C llinker, A Krout. J M Clark It K Orchard. C Palmer. 0 l'itney, A Hartwell. II Johnson, I II Larrick. S Johnson. II Darteli. G Hito. J It Scott. F Glebe. J I Eitllnirton. W D hdson. C Evans. E Corrcll, E rulslpher. W Ham ilton. Al Smith. W I' Fulton. J Griireth No further business to come before tho Board, they adjourned till Decem ber 8th at 1 o'clock, pm. , E. W. Ross, (Seal) County Clerk. Tlie Family Reading Problem. To 11ml reading that satisfies one's craving for the bright ami attractive, anil Is at the .same time perfectly suit able for iinpre'sionablo young poople. isut times diilicult. The best maga zines are admittedly published for mature readers only. The Youth's Companion alone is for all the family. Wlnlo I lie editors keep in mind tlic eager desire of the young for tales of aei ion, enterprise and adventure, those 1000 stories in Tlie Companion are so well written as to fascinate men and women inallstages of life's jot.r.iey. And this Is true not only or the fiction in Tho Companion, but of I lie entire contents, The articles, bv famous writers, con- III. I-.WI...1...1.. . .1.... 1 .. , , . ,-, niiwiiiuKi; una, is usenii to tne wisest and most experienced us w as to the immature In slioit, The Companion solves the reading problem for the entire family. It is entertain ing and it is -worth while." Kvery new subscriber will find it of special tidvantuge to send at once the 81. 7r. for the new 1010 volume. Xot only does ho got the beautiful "Vene tian" calendar for l'.HO. lithographed in thirteen colors and gold, but nil the issues of Tlie Companion for the re maining weeks of UHiO, from the time the subscription is received, Tin; Yorrii's Companion, Companion Uulhling, lloston. Mass. New Subscriptions Ik-coked at this Otlleo moo 0 00 17 M l:tl 07 in iki 01 00 s im li in mi 00 :i 2ii I IMI 1 00 4 00 7 on 4 00 t 00 K 20 t 00 K20 I 01)' t IK) t IKI I IKI I IKI I 110 7 3d II no li 0(1 7 40 7 70 li 10 7 20 ii 20 ii r.o 7 a 1 11 in ii 90 to 7 70 11 in 1 (Kl THE CHICAGO SPECIALISTS. Chronic and Serious Diseases. Red Cloud, office Royal Hotel. Consulation Free, again Friday November 26th. y "-'. V .., )