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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1909)
W&L ' Hintc llls'oiiciil Society 1 OTKrT l Mfe WpSk A n,;v,sl,alll:r That nh,;s Tl,c IN,ns rlJI-,H0 'cths L:aclt Ycnr Tor One. Dollar. .Mit VOLUME XXXVII. RED CLOUD, JJJ3BRASKA, NOV ICMBHR '.-T. 1SUMK NUMBER 'i S 1 w?f, - k . ... Ufa i i GUIDE ROCK. 5SHR . A flS We invite you to join our growing list of satisfied customers. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NED. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crabill. Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. &z&'3$rm3mv gb &ssmsimsssa j Mirier bros. Co General Merchants . BLANKtlS The weather man says it will continue to be cold, If so, warmer bed clothing is surely needed by many families. Our Wool Blankets are made from a se lected quality of Wool. We have them in a large range of patterns and in several qualities. Our Cotton Blankets are made from a soft grade of cotton with the much desired woolnap finish, which makes a very warm blanket. Conic In White, Grays and Tans, with colored bor ders, and In Dlalds. By all odds, our Blanket Stock is the largest, newest, best and lowest Priced in the City. THE BIG ST0RE H. A. LEFSON. Hftr. See us always before buying elsewhere, as our stock of New Goods is the Largest and Prices the Lowest. jot-' AS The Heme HrGery verythinj to ill li it ito M i ik'i Y( -?t P L Wullbrandtp Pr in 1 Eatables m 1 carry a complete line ol strictly iresn urocenes, y f and my prices are such that it will pay you to do f your buying 'in this line of us. Only the first-class (j (0 brands of canned and package goods carried. w ft) All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. f W fl H fl 1'rr '" a (',m'u,,y More more tlmn in anything else, li j" uloCUlllUubb buyers. Hlioulil duuutiifl Absolute CleanJIne&b. (If i Yor cannot buy (iiocerles'iu a dirty, ill-kept placo niul bo sure o ft JM punt goods ClennlinesHnnd sanitation lire our hobbles. : : : : m & n ., .v ?s$e gwtjimiiKVwM.w.- '.ta.,;t; i-a"ui.i.w-Qa-Mf " GUIDE ROCK. Mis., (iurtnwle LiimboM visited with Miss lUliel Crauu .Sunday. It. 'I', Whitf. wife and huh expect to! g to California again about the tirst of the year. Klaboiute dinners were served . Thanksgiving day by both the Hotels of (.iuidu HoeU. Mis. Ida ('nine and daughter, Kthel will leave the last of the month for Colorado, where they will vtait with relatives. They will goto Los Angeles, California. The Methodist ladies postponed their Thanksgiving day dinner and supper ludellnitely as the chureli was not near enough completed ihat the baseuunt could be iimm!. They will give a bazaar later. John Dunbar who has been ill for two ur threw weeks is reported a little betlei. Ilii uuii Oiange i- here from S.iu t'Vi'ii.iudo, California; his brother . L. Dunbar mid wife of Oltuwii, Kas. arc alo here: ids nleco Mrs. Troll' of Dotiver mis Ot-en visiting tint tamily. Uitt Siuui'clii,) . Noviinber UU. 'u'.iwus Hie .igluyili biriliiiny anniver.-ary ol .li v. U. I'iuuiM. .v iiiini'ic'r ot Iter old li'ii'.iu-i nciti nuin'liUuis helped uer eeleiiiule ttiv uetil. .alK' ii an es lii'ineiy active lady lor lier yeati and made all hot (;ticsi tccl al home. A inot excellent supper was horved. A pics-cnt ol : I. Vii in cash ivn.i given Mrs. L'ariiur. .1 great ntiiuoci' of nice post cards wuio received by her. Those present were .Mc.Mliiiiies Mnish, Hayes, 1. V. Crary, Doudiiu. .Moore. J. Jones, Van onerl, Liisseli, K. liailey. I'M. I'a liter, l.oninii S.ibin. liaiiuiili (iarber, K. i.. Uu it, i . I'.. Vaiigliau, L L. Watt, C llodces mid .Miss Van Woert. (Delayed) Mrs. lierlha Watt is on IhesieU list. lieuliih Doudiiu visited with her grandnia, Mrs l-'anuie Crary Tuesday O. L. Dunbar, brother of John Dun bar is here from Ottawa, Kansas. His wife accompanied him. Mrs. Win. Sawyer returned Saturday from Lincoln where she visited with her sister Mrs. J. I). Andrews. Orange Dunbar is here lioni Cali fornia on account of the severe illness of his lather, John Dunbar. Mrs. U.S. Sehobourg has ordeied a line of holiday goods and notions which she will place on sale at her Millinery store. WASHINGTON LETIEI! It is expected that the (iovorniiiciit Will soon have real accurate data relu- tive to the tarilVipiestion It has long been in need of such data. The eon Hiding testimony of trusts and Indi viduals interested in high protective tarilV has clouded the issue and made an intelligent tarill' revision next to impossible. When the Aldrich-I'ayiie revision was uffder consideration by the late special session of Congress legislators were groping in the dark and the necessary information bearing on the cost, of production here and abroad was inaccessible. There was inueh opposition to a special tarill' commission and this opposition will, doubtless, be coiit iuiied and no matter what the llndings of the tarill' com mission may be thcic will ho special advocates of th- trusts on the llOiirsof the House and of the Senate who will ciiticD.e and ingeniously disprove the Unities of tiny turllV commission. Fig ures, it Is biini, will not lie but liars will tlgiiro. It will be remembered 'I like the handle, hat the cover uion't do' Never again need you take an umbrella handle or cover that is not exactly to your taste. The Hull Umbrella, with detachable and intcr- changablc handle, permits free choice of both covers and handles. Buy one cover and several handles; or one handle and several covers. It take but a second to snap the handle on the umbrella. HULL UMBRELLA DETACHABLE AND INTERCHANGEABLE HANDLE Is being used by more than a million people; and thousands more arc being sold. Every one of these individuals bought the Hull because il is so far superior in economy, in durability to the old fashioned kind. Replacement of a worn out cover costs no more than recovering the other kind. Simply bring Us the handle and we hand il back to you, on your new cover, in a jiffy. There is no question about your using the I lull Lml'tella. You will fcciicr or later. CHir stock of handles and coeis are very extensive. Be suit to jcc them. Hull L' cllai - hh detachable and interchangeable handles $2.00 and upward. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. out this piogram it is expected that he will call on CoiiL'iess for an additional appropriation. The Attoruey-G.inera! and Secretary of the Treasury are of opinion that the law empowers this board to make tin eessary study and report on the tarill' question anil in case of further revision which, Denud ing to tin insurgents, will not be long defined. Congress will be in posses sion of an array of facts, both accurate and exhaustive There is. of course, much hiteiost throughout the country with reference to lilllng the vacancy in the Miipruuie Court of the United States made by the dentil of Justice l'eelihiim. It is thought the President will ap point someone fvom the South, either Judge Lurtili or Judge Jiid-om, both of whom are southern Demoeiiits. Judge 1. m-Liii is an Intimate friend of the President and was associated with him when Mr. Tuft was a United States Circuit Judge. Tlie Investigation of the customs frauds in New Yolk is at pro-cut excit ing great interests in administrative and political circles. any members of i ongress arc opposed to Congress ional investigation. Some believe that, the campaign conducted by the At torney liciieral and Secretary of the Treasury for the improvement of the , customs service will develop such abuses as nuiy exist and lesult in the pnnishni'iit of those who ale guilty. Noted Rupture Expert Here. ' ttraagBCTrazoaHMgngaEs G. A. SGHUliTZ GO. Real Estate Brokers Red Cloud, Nebraska. I'.uy a piece of liinil i:t Wray. ( oloi'lldo Wheie when' and corn is plenty, 640 Acres of Land (ion, I ft'iinie house. Iiurii, windmill, well, fenced, cross fence I. oil which about 10 stiii'Us nf line wheat was rui d this j ear. Price $12.50 per acre, if taUt ii at Mitre. 160 acres at $1500 good level land. This investment is Mtfcr than a bank I have personally inspected this county and I can recommend it to my friends. Si i us at mice. Wc go every Monday night on i:. (let in line. Swift's Premium Hnnis or Bnzons. " rs- i fl iiif x ir wid r Yfekiy IT! y' A la j . M S- , i'VV rVrf?& Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Ncbr. See the Cliief for up-to-date Job work Skirt M1 " s9 r urs ? IH if that the Payne law did not provide lor tho Uovul hotel am the creation of a tarill' commission tied Cloud. Friday, lice without limitation but Under the and (Mil remain in :iiil. only Mr. Seeley says The Spermatic ill :. 1 '1 .,. .i. ii.l on.l OMriixil'iiM 4 1 l4 . .,11 11 t I ..i t it. . n DH 'IMP' ll'J' iri-M turn i. --. ". . .. authority granted the President in the ,jy Uk U(,ltllll sutl.s Keriiiiu'nl will maximum and minimum section of the not oiily ivliilu any case of rupture law ho has crcMiteda tarili board which porfectlv, iilfordlug Immediate and Is equivalent to a tarill' co.u.nission. complete rtdlef. biU closes the opening ,, , ' , , , , ii i n 10 days on the uveragii case, and This board consists of men well versed "ts no muro tlmu common trusoes." in tarlir, commercial ami Industrial 'r,K instruniciit received the only questions, the task We have a nice new line of the above to Ser.lcv. Who Fitted Hie VZiir of Uus&Ir.' , , , , . , , . ,, , !. 'Close oLii ;u wnoie.saie jjuecb iiuli u win uc S..eleyof ChlcaijoanlPhiliKlel- , r,i , 11 pliia. the noted truss expeit. will l.o at a ClUlMCeiO till VULII U l VCi y Mllilll Will lin at l lie Royal Hotel, Itcil Cloud. V. II. I uuiiiiuuiuiui aim iiiminn inis lUHirilllieill rucciveu nip 11111,1 i, and they wilt bo engaged 111 iiward in Hiigland and in Spain, pro of gathering data bearing on ' duclng results without surgery or nenlnst. this linrinful Injeotloi , . M . See Icy his trade discrlmitiiitloiis against this documentary references from tho country. When their work in this iiit(i sintiis government. Washing respect ia completed the President will ton, I). C. for your inspection. If any have them inveaUgato every phas. of a'f gc Stt'.STf the turitr quest ton. He made lit in- dehjre(li Anyone ruptured bbould tcntion clear tu a conference with remember tho date und take ndvnntug them last Tuo&day. In order to carry of tuts unusual late und take t opportunity. I cost. These was shipped us on approval and will iive you the benefit ofvThese very low Prices. In Our Canned Goods line we have the best at prices that cannot be Beat by the case or dozen. Call in for your supply. JOHNSON GROUT t