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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
la? I SI w State Hisloricnl Society - , . .1 ! r1.' -V .- - gg3gai"'jaatafeja5aur -. e- , fill. .:r -7 . to'.!-,! LiStei'JUB&SHKfc. . . i ii 't xwi '. i''n"iTf n ' - 'jts. i - pa. ..- v a-n. -vw " waiivniflvr m ui ka r ih i H.-'.;, H....:' ' --T- f1"!-. .'.'!.: .. VOLUME XXXVII. A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. KBD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, XOVKMliHK IS. I90i. NUMBER 47 We invite you to join our growing list of satisfied customers. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. li&iip' The Worlds Best SHOES FOR WOMEN 'phe pamous Queen Quality St oes. TM Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants THE BIG STORE ft m m (t The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E very tiling IN VU (1 Hi Hi Hi Hi b Hi Hi Hi atables $ jjji I carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries, (jjt and my prices are such that it will pay you to do fy ( your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class Hi (0 brands of canned and package goods carried. ill (0 All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. iti m Hi m , hi W Irtihlittnpp '" " (i,"L'l!,'J' hlolc' nioro tliun in anything else. V ff Ulodllllllobb i)uy,,rb should demand Absolute Cleanliness. J (JX Yoi cannot buy Groceries in u dirty, ill-kopt place and bo Miro ) pure goods C'leanliness'and sunitiition mo our hobbles. . VJV kUf COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Xi:iu:.. Xov.'itli A. I). '0!). Kurd imt pursuant to adjournment. Members ptcsent. W. I!. Anderson. T .1 Chaplin, (!. W. Hummel,.. (5. Over man and ;. Ohtnstcde. lVlition aking for a division of Inti Tiile I'reeinei in 'J road district" pres ented and read. Tlio matter was laid over until next tneotintf. Petition al.Mt presented to divide Uatiu I'reeiuct In two road districts limiting a north and south district. Matter laid over till next meeting- K U. Overman appeared for Aiuboy bridge, petitioners, and asked for a hearing. Thursday 10 a. in. Nov 11th, was set for hearing. Ou motiou it was decided to allow only S3.n0 for building to hold primary elections for year HKX) In aecordanco with this action claim of school dlht. Xo. 'JtJ was cut from o to SU and 85 was cut from $." to i'.. In the matter of the road petition of .lohn Sutton et. al. for tho establish ment of a public road commencing at the corner of section l'.i. township 1. range 12 at.d running thence west on the section line between sections 18 and I'.t in said township and range, one mile, and terminating at the Franklin County line. Tin same now being bcloie the Hoard, upon the petition, the report of the Commissioner, Notice, t lie claim for damages of S.'l.W.dO tiled and Henry A. Altmau, the report of the apprais ers and all the tiles and record. It was moved and seconded that the peti tion bo granted the road established as above described Forty feet in width and order opened and worked, carried. Thereupon on consideration of the said claim of Henry A. Aultmau to-wit:- for laud taken SITtU and for one mile of fence and maintaluauct: $2()l) total S.V0. It was moved and seconded that the same be allowed at SI2." out of the general fund and the balance thereof rejected. Carried. Nov. 11th, tl0: On motion bill of J. JJ. Carr be cut 88 being that this ro fering to setting up booths at primary and general elections Carried. It was moved and second thatCounty Surveyor, Geo II. Overing be. allowed $20 per year for uso of Instruments, time of service beginning Jan. 1, l'.i08, and County Clerk is hereby authorized to draw warrants for same. County Judge Edson appeared before Hoard and states that a number of valuable record books pertaining to his otlice are in constant danger of be ing destroyed by llroon account of in sullleient sale room, and asks that he be furnished with a vault to btore his records among the books he mentions are legacy record, inheritance leninl, Will reemd. huli' ifeoid n 1 1 iimbi!" and fi. I ,i ex, IIiKi.n in ml, A. ree nl uii'iK .. iiiii'kim imoK I. iitni ii oilier bonks i s per appointment hearing of peii j tion for liriiliri's. bet wen See- :. I. I and '.i, and lo-l-IH on mail was Inul. 10. I . Overman iippimriiu: for petition ers l It was moved anil second d tlia" peii jtioufoi bridge at iuhoy be rejected by unanimous vole. Motion eiinied. I Nov. 12tb, I'.mi.i. It was moved and I dulv seconded IS mid advertise forbids i for superintendent of the l'oor Farm for tint year beginning Match 1st, !10, bids to be tiled with County Clerk on or bet i re December 7. at 12 o'clock in Hoard reserving the right to reject any or all bill. Motion carried Chairman appointed Olnnstedc. Chap lin and Overman Committee to con tract for and build Vault for County .ludge. Tho following claims wore allowed and warrants ordered issued for same. Hiiiikih Fund. Saunders Bros i,i.r.!)ii Lee Arnett (50.00 " ' io:.oo ' l!)5.,'0 V. S. Hall I like the handle, bat the eover won't do' Never again need you take an umbrella handle or cover that is not exactly to your taste. The Hull Umbrella, with detachable and inter- changable handle, permits free choice of both covers and handles. Buy one cover and several handles; or one handle and several covers. It take but a second to snap the handle on the umbrella. HULL UMBRELLA DETACHABLE AND INTERUHANBEABLE HANDLE Is being used by more than a million people; and thousands more are being sold. Every one of these individuals bought the Hull because it is so far superior in economy, in durability to the old fashioned kind. Replacement of a worn out cover costs no more than recovering the other kind. Simply bring us the handle and we hand it back to you, on your new cover, in a jiffy. There is no question about your using the Hull Umbrella. You will sooner or later. Our stock of handles and covers arc very extensive. Be sure to see them. Hull Umbtcllas with detachable and interchangeable handles $2.00 and upward. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. CLAIMS Al.l.OWI.D O.N (ll.NI.HAI. FfMi. State .Journal Co 8.M 1.83 W. M . Welch A- Co !I3.00 L. K. Tait 1W.10 c. it Hale i:w.r.o 7.0U 1.00 :ttl.!5 Guide Rock Signal. Knterprise Pub. Co (I. W. Hummel.... (5. Olnnstedc W. It. Anderson.... 02.10 41.20 T. .I.Chaplin a!U0 Ivan Dickenson -.'.Oo Western Hridgo .V Const. Co. . . iCO.Ilr, llladen Lbr. Co 21().fi(i A Hantaan n.fio Nuckolls Co . . 7ti.03 V. S. Hall 170.83 I. U. Simpson A Son tiiJ.fiO .1. (I. Overman I. W. Kdson ... Mrs. M. Dunlin M. Dunlin I-:. K. Harvey Frank Martin Allen Cooper lames Orndorf Carrie Harvey Milt Michael A. II. Krcigsinaiiu T. W. MeCluro (i. M I'auuh .Mis. August Miiith Peter Mi" ten ,lr l!o. KlCIII'll !eo Mai tin I'M Amuck C. l, ISl'Ns' Geo. W I'ayliM' W. II. Walters Geo. It. MeC-ary S. M. 'frue Charles Hunter . Fred Npuiiuv .lulin. I! Horn M r.s. 1-1 I larvey O. I). Hedge C K. .lujce K. X. Ford 1). H. Phelps (i. A Firkins Corey Sultzcr D. L. Groat O. I). Hedge Geo. Marshall J. A. McArthur Willie Itrown Ira Wolf Thad Saundors (Juy Day Humphrey Kthertoii Frank Smelser Hammond Stephens Co Klopp.v UartlettCo Coiumerclal Advertiser ('co. Marshall O. D Hedge F. C Huschow (ico W Hutchison (Continued to last page) 28.25 1111.87 10 00 !).2r. :i.:io :t.:m ." :i.oo I.J10 :i.:t() i. to, '.10 I. in, ! Id! MU 1 10 2. 10 ! .-.'.10 .(.K' i I.7U j t).7i ti.Tu' t Oo J li'O, :i :iu ' 2.0H ! 2.7(1 I (10 I. CO 1.10 1.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 i:w r.o 2.v.t.:o a 10 :,0 7:i.00 tll.ll UiO fit 2.r G. A. SCHUhTZ GO. Real Estate Brokers Red Cloud, Nebraska. Ituy a piece of land at Wray. Colorado. Where wheat and corn is plenty. 640 Acres of Land (iood frame house, barn, windmill, well, fenced, cross fenced, on which about 10 stacks of line wheat was raised this year. Price $12.50 per acre, if taken at once 160 acres at $1500 good level laud. This iincs'iiif m is sitter than a bank I haw pel sunnily luspcrtitl this ciilltll mid I '. ill I. eoliillli'l.d it to tti, ii'iemlf. M I us .t line. . Wi. go sety MulidiiV tilglit on 1 i. det in .inc. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. See tlieCluef rm up to dnti- lob work Jl MM S Alt' ,-mr& I'Vrsh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Skirts, Furs, Etc. We have a nice new line of the above to close out at wholesale prices and it will be a chance lo fill your needs at a very small cost. These was shipped us on approval and will give you the benefit of These very low Prices. In Our Canned Goods line we have the best at prices that cannot be Beat by the case or dozen. Call in for your supply. JOHNSON & GROUT 4 Hfc. . . . . . - . . . . . VJ' eeeeeeeeeeeee6ec!e$6 .J wtww"22'v: V'I.Vl'"i4.n?,aH-'?-" " -TUf - -v" 1, ftt- x itvir 1Z. '"Vjv.""'('