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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1909)
i ,.m m !!! i ri- r '" 1 i I I t I b G 'I II M In in ot or, mi eii sh. wL va nil list tho inn tori l whl 1 1 Unci' era I Stou i havt Amu or b not in oiu IPltJR 'or At and jor Cc jjbo a i no ii r a iald c f the; ioy oj Mo kretty m llUbl iY ulv. irounq it no in jntlnut m iR till 31 &e CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISH KU BVE11Y TIIUHSDAY. Catered In tlic I'lMtnfllpu t lied Cloud Joti.. h Second 11hk Mutter C. II. 1IALB rt'ui.isiii ii Till: ONLY DKMdCltATir l'M'l.ll IN WI.IISTIMt CIH'M V Democratic ami lr.cik.s lmlricmli.nt Party Ticket l-'or .ludges f the Supreme Court - lt. 1 (1001) .I..J. Sl'liMVAN .1. It. I) HAN For Hegetitsor Mnli' t'niversity - (MIAKIjKST. KNAl'l' IIAUVKV K. NKWUKAN'CII Kor County Treasurer UMJ. CilAMKU ... Kor County Clerk tJKOlttiK IIAMHIili . Kor Kheiill' WM. KIHKPATIMCK . "ISotl Cloud .Hud Cloud (itiide Uock l-'or County .supcilnteticlent MISSMAIIIJL DAY For Comity Judge -I. V. KIlMi.V lied Cloud .Iti-d ( loud l"or Commissioner. Sceotul Disl. I,.IMSI(!KU ISIiif Hill OITY TlCKliT Kor Constable i.. Si.Ain Kor Assessor A. 1). VtNii:iti.i Kor .lustieo of IVnee Vm M cm.y m:i) uLtiri) township tickht Kor Kouil overseer....! Mi McInio-ii Kor Assessor Cu.iti.i:s (.irnxi: .ill! ri : ' move. Promptness and despatch are This is the last issue or tho Chief be J bi- hobbies and if elected ho will un fore election and the Democratic party questionably serve the county most bus every reason to he confident or faithfully. He has pledged himself to victory. Tho entire tichet is mi ox-jaii economical administration of tho eoptionally .stronjfone and the party , olllee if elected. is not divided. I he campaign has been . Mr. lladell is one of the best known tho most quiet perhaps in the history men of tho county and this will be of thu county. This is ovvinj; laiKoly ! Broatly in his favor at tho election to the primary law which has taken ne.t 'J'ui'wlay. Mr. lladell is conipe away tho convention and eliminated i tent, reliable, eneiKutio, rapid and pos-t-nthulabiii. Howovcr wearoconlldent sesscs all tho qiialillcatlons necessarv that tho voters aro allvo to their inter-1 to properly till the olllco of county ests and tho there have boon no cam- clcik. Vote for (ieo. Hadoll. paign nicotines and loud demonstrn lions novor-thc-less indications point .lames Mcintosh, candidate for Over ton .strong uiuler cun out ol lively in st'er of HlKliwajh in tho precinct has tiTCht. ',l'L'" throwing Webster County dirt In order that all voters may know the personal of tho Democratio candi dates we again present their qualillca tious for tin- various olllco. Mr. W. I!. Cramer candidate for treasurer has been for thirty six years a resident of this county. He has e.- pcrieuccd all the drouths, grass hop pers and discouragements Incident to pioneer life. In the midst of disaster and ruin ho couliuued to have faith in tho future and has lived to seo the cl,as- urney jr. candidate for assess once barren desert blossom as the rose. !'"' '"' " township is worthy yotirsup Mr. Cramer is possessed with great i I'01'1' Mr. tlurney is u rising young continuity and uptoinism and by ,is ""! will iniiko u number one as pcr.slstence and strict attention tc SUSM"'- His experienco in fnrmiiitf and business has admit ml n .omnoiisi.nev. His cleiical education is excellent and h is competent to personally conduct theollkv of treasurer with accuracy and despatch. Ills honesty ami into- L'ritv is unouosllomd and tho neiml.-'s moucy would be absolutely care. safe in his Mr. Cramer is a gentleman in every unite of the term and is courteous to everyone. Ho is tillable and iasy of approach. It Is the unquestioned right of the taxpaveis to know that a county treasurer bo trustworthy in every respect and Mr. t ranier is that and more in that he is personally able to guarantee the safety of all funds intrusted to his care. To summarize, ,o is n, rcsme.u, nas uiu amiity. is capable, is courteous. tmsLwuitliy and tesponsible. Vote for W. 11. Cramer. Miss Mabel Day candidate for county superintendent of public instruction is a lady of unquestioned standing and lelluenicnt. Her usidein'c in tho county and her aried experiences in mu hcuowis oi luitfouiuj specially in the county commissioner Is elected In ner for the position to which she as- thconttrc county. All voters in tho piles, she knows fii.m actual expoil- county should loiui'tiibor to voto for euco the condition and needs of our'pislger educational institutions fiomtho ruial m . . cliool to tho high school. She has , Win. MacUey candidate lor Police huecisrully taught in Cowles. Hhuleii. i,,Ul,K is fH.v qualified to 1111 that llluu Hill and Is at present assistant position. Hois a man of ripe experl principal In our city high school. VM0 II1"1 's fHy conversant with tlio yhehasdoinoiistrnlod that she possess- "! I,lul downs of lire. As Police es the executive ability necessary for 'ludg he would be lair and Impartial tho position. Her work has been iiUul "l'kobl the magesty of the law. highly pi abed by state inspcctois and ' Wlu" vVl)'' ''"lor tho booth take time people of education. Her expe'.'ieiico d "to for Mr. Mackey. and iiiialificatious will appeal stiongly to llie voters next Tuesday. Voto for MihS Day. Mr Win. Klrkpntrlck of thiide Itoek candidate for hlioillt' in u hale tellovv well met In whom one iustinetivelj Jjlllees uotilidi tuv. In all lii-J dtalltig with uu'U ho hus blumu a spit it of ialnies- unil hunehty. lilt- wuiit U n good un his bond mid Ills promUc W a yuarantoo. lie Iiuh lived fu this, pint t'Vl',y depositor wu paid in full out of r the country for 2.T yum, quite lung t,,w ft,,l erenteu by thu Oklahoma enough for the people to know, his ! l,"k Kunrautto law, and there was not sterling integrity. Jle has never bo tforo asked for an olllco from the peoplo mid is not a politician in any m-iiso of thu word. Voters may rest iis-ured that they may reiy unipiahlledly upon Mr. Kiikpatrlek of (iulde llocl . Vote for Win. Kirkputrick. Tlio nilho of county judge It one of the most impoi'titiit wltliin the gift of the people of tin' i;oiuity,iitil U U.iiu perntive that u uinn of u hi Illy unil (lis cietloii hi- elected to that, position. Judge I. W. I'.dson has demonstrated his lltnoss for the plans 1 1 in long ex perience in lltlsllHVSS Ilir.iilS l!Olllllll!d with IiIn ability to piopi-ily construe law propositions will equip hlin for thf diitlos of piobutc judge. Tho pro cccduic of piopcrl, settling up estates Is safe in his hands at hi- Is thoroly conversant with all tin; ins and outs ' of prohati' matter-. His uhility ami 1 cllluieney are unquestioned. Vote for I. W. Kdson. ' Mr. L. i'. Plsijrer candidate, for cotintj from tlio second distiiel is a man of piogics. Ho has 'i beciiiircsidctit of the oouiitv hIiiim; HT.'l and luiowstiom llrst hiiiul iuformatioii tlii'in eilH of the county. He has plolgcd himself that If elected ho will do all in his'power to give Llici'oiinly a straight forward Inisim ss iidnilnistru tioli and he has I lit- ability to nuilce his promise gnud. He owns KiO aeies "I" l'H' 'M'Al land I" t ln county has her iulcicsts .it lii-iii t . He has an cv ceptmtuilly i-Uiui ii-i-oid and should lie elected oy a Vote fo L. C. Pi- luiMlsninc iiitijority igcr. Mr. tlco. Iludell or lladell A Co merchants ol this city Is well ipialillid to till the olliiv of'cniinly clerk. Ills vocation for the past twenty years lias been iM'cllent training for the dutiet of county cletk ami he should be elect ed. Mr. lliidell is accurate and rapid 'and has tho knack of making things every season lor the past thirty two years mil if any one is qualitied to till the olllco Jim is the man. Of one thing you may bo certain if Mr. .Mc intosh is elected the tux pnyers will , not he in doubt as to what was done j Hh the money as ho lias the leputa tion of doing more work in a day than any two .mllnary men. Vote for Mr. Mcintosh. i l,lUU" raising on a large scale and his """"in'-ity with the markets pre-eniln , 0,IUV q'""iy uim ior uio posiuon. His , J"l'iit or values is unquestioned '""J K' llils ll fi'vorites. Vo,t f,,r -r- tillrney. Do not make the mistake of over looking the candidacy of Al Slaby for constable. Mi-Slaby is a consci entious o llker, capable and honest and deserves the votes of our citizens. He is a number one man for the place and is worthy of your support. Honest and fearless In the discharge of his duties ho makes an ideal onicer. Vote for A I Slaby. A. 1). Wonderly candidate for assess- , w is tl cu.lflll ..staking man and is . just ulu IIlltl fop thu pllte0 Mr Wou. , (lm1v would b.- u,- ....,tl,i t n ..!.,. as they would be confident that ho would be honest and just In tlio olllco or assessor. He will have no pets nor special friends and every one is assured or a Mpiare deal. Vote for Mr. Woiidoily. Tho voteis should not loigut that Two Pictures. Picture No. 1 Two weeks ago a bank in Wlhuoiisin failed, and thodepositois Install their money, and three lost thou-live- Two of tlu. three died or broken lieurls. lioians. ul' their los.soi and their tn.ul.u-. One cointnittt d suicide picttiro Re. y lo w eel;, a big bank uuiediiiuHiiuiniim. mtliiu two dan u penio's worth of trouble lutliotcmn when the bank failed. Suppose wo should have a bank fall- ine tu rscbrnslia The courts have killed our Nebnihku bank gimrimtcu l.iw. and our people would have no more protection than the peoplo of Wisconsin hud when their bank fail- S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. IzSUQli At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonef3f. ed. How long will tho people submit to this constant killing of good laws by Court Judges who arc friendly to the big interests'.' Is It not, about time for the people to wake up and pay more, attention to the election of judges of our courts'.' Next Tuesday the people of Ne braska will have a chance to express an opinion about the bank guarantee law. All men ought to have an opin ion on such an Important law. Wil liam Hayward, chairman of the lepub lican stale committee has an opinion. He cxpiesseil that nplirjon In a recent speech. Ho said the Nebraska law to guarantee bank deposits was "bun combe," and ought to be killed Ib is trying to elect certain candidates tor seals on the siiinpronie bench. Tin so i (.-publican candidates now be ing boosted b Chairman Hn. ward are in sympathy with his vii is. The democratic candidates for supreme judge aro friendly In the principle ol tlio hank k mi ni n toe law. It ought to be easy for oters-who believe in a haul; guarauK-i- law to make a choice next Tuesday. The voter who believes a hank guarantee, law ought to be killed should vote for llayward's re publican candidates, because those candidates are friendly to u bank guarantee law. Tlio voter who be lieves we ought to to have a bank guarantee law In .Nebraska should vote for tho democratic candidates for su premo judge, because those candi dates aro friendly to the principle of the law to guarantee bank deposits, and the federal supremo court is liable to refer this law to our state supremo court for final decision. Danger. Five years ago, by order of tho rail roads and other special interests', the Nebraska legislature took away from the people the right to elect their own precinct assessors This was done on the theory of tho railroad attorneys that the people, and especially the fanners, could not bo trusted to elect local assessors who would assess farm lands us high as tlio railroads wauled the lands assessed. Last year tho people look the bit in their teeth and elected legislators who wore pledged to give back to the people tho righl to elect their own township assessors, and the legislature did give back to the people that right. That good new law is in danger. One of tho big railroad attortiies announc ed last week that soon after the elect ion lie would attack that new law In tho supremo court. What can tho people do tochecktnate the move which tho big railroad attorney says he will make'.' They can do much, if they want to That attorney will not at tack tho new law unless he eau attack it in a friendly court. If the people will go to tho polls next Tuesday and elect supreme judges who aro in favor of killing the local assessor law, then the attack will bo made by the tail road attorney, and the law will certain ly bo killed. If tho people shall elect next 'Tuesday loino supremo judges who arc known to favor the principle of homo rule in the matter of making assessments, than this good now biw will permit to live, because tlio rail road attornci s will not uttack the law if they know that two or three mem bers of tho court aro favorable to the law. Tho republican candidates lor supremo judge aro friendly to the view of the railroad attorneys who want to kill tho local assessor law. The democratic candidate for supremo judge uio known -to bo in sympathy with the law which gives the people the right to elect their own local assess ors., Take jour choice, voters. If you want to kill the law which penults you to have a voice in the election of tho men who will assess your property, you know how to do It. If you want to have that good law, you also linow how to do it Claims that tho now warden at tho penitentiary lias been doing much for the convicts are being decisively con Jlrmod from time to tltno. Ho is credited with having hnpioved tlio physical Hiirri.tiinlinghof the prisoners, and to have ridden the pe.iitontlary of tho dope habit, but lie has accorded tho prisoners a voice In the discussion of public ull'uirs. When tlio llaptisL conference in Liu coin recently adopted resolutions de nouncing tho governor for liming chosen lti-v. .liijniss Hull' of South Oiualui lis pi-Unit chapl'iiii, it certaiulv hud something coming to It Much came from various sources, of the kind murited, but it remained for the prls loners in the penitentiary to hand the preachers the warmest bunch, which they did in the following resolutions: lWo tho undersigned, greatly regret the fact that tlio members of tho Hap tist stato convention should have been so greatly misinformed regarding tho influence and results of the religious lunching performed by 'tlio Uev. Mr Hull at this institution. 1 Specials for the Month of November Dress Goods, Outings, Percales, Calico, Underwear, Linen, Gloves, Table Linen, Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Combs, Fancy top Hair Pins, Corsets and Collars. Ladies ouling night dresses at 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.00. Ladies ouling skirts at 50c, good value. Ladies Union suhs in light weight, medium weight or heavy weight, which ever you want. Cotton Bats. Cotton Bats at 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, 15c. The extra large ones al 85c. .- v n m Children's Bear Skin Coats Have you received one of our Souvenier Plates if not come in and we will tell you how to get one. Beginning with November 1st we will give a coupon with every 50c purchase entitling you to a chance on the three dolls we are going to give away December 24th. Agert for Bvitterick Patterns. EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. An improvement over many Coutfh. Lung and Dronchial Remedies, because It rida the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to glvt satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by IMNIiULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U.S.A. I-YMt SU.K AT COOK'S DKl'G STOUK. "Wo lo not ronu'inbi'i- of i-ver lie-ur-Inr the I'alli or groans (luring his preaching as iiiunlloiieil in your paper, and we believe that the parties who would deliberately inisropreMuit the true facts of Mr. Hull's work here., should be called to account. 'For year-, wo have taken prido that ti'uong us are some of the champion liars of the world, but wo bfiliovo in giving credit where credit, belong", and wo cheerfully transfer the degree of honor to the parties who informed the members of tho Haptist convention that thenvork performed hoiv by Uev. Mr. IlulV was either oll'ensivo to the inmates, or the demoralization of the religious work at this institution. 'We have neither seen nor heard of any act performed by tho Rev. Mr. IlulV that was not tho act of a Christ ian. We have received from his sor mons only the word of (lod, and if tho Haptist stato convention or society in general wero half as interested in our welfare before wo camo here, as they are in criticising the present religious work, here, Uev. Mr. Hull' would be short of a congregation. "We wish to thank the members of the Haptist state convention for their interest In us, and c.tond to them our cordial invitation to attend our reli gious services and thus satisfy them selves us to thu true state of all'alrs here. 'Wo wish also to stato that we have confidence enough in our present, governor ami warden to believe thai they are interested enough in our wel fare to appoint no man chaplin of this institution that to their belief is not a lit, and proper person for the place: and if reformation in the future con tinues to increase at tlio rate it has in the last six months, tho authorities hero will have made a record that the state of Nebraska can feel proud of." -The Ksamluer. HAY! When having Alfalfa hay for bale, don't torget to call on It C. UoiifM the hay num. Kemember his pricts are always tho highest, prices ranging from i".C0 to S10.00 per ton. Will be in tlio market for good PmiiJU; llav also. And respeetlnliy solicit a pari of your . SPEG3AISSTS. Chronic and Serious Diseases. Red Cloud, office Royal Hotel. Consulalion Free, again Friday October 29th. Sec the Chief forup-to'date Job work :Q0 Ready to Wear Skirts. Come in and let us show you our of Ready to Wear Skirts. Silks Come in and look our line of Silks over think you will find just what you want. Messalinc Silks 27 inches wide, in plain or stripes or figured, at $1 a yard. 36 inch black ?ilk at $1 a vard from $2 to $5 F. NEWHOUSE AV W. . T. II. ITEMS. 'I hlh space lleloiiKS to the W. C. 'I', f.i The State W. f. T. I'., convention meets in Lincoln on Oct. 18 to 21st. I'les-ed are tho uudeilled in the way who walk in the 1 uv of tho Lord anil 10l'P l"s word and do no iniquity for liioy snail not ue ashamed lor no re proaeh shall come upon them. National Convention at Omaha, Oct. "i to'Jii. Lvery one Interested in the cause should attend if possible. Miss l',U"ii SNuio the missionary who was capture 1 by the Turks will tic there. Our day light law is working some good but still some lay in u supply and revel far in the night perhaps to make thu law odious or of no avail but faint not lie Strong of heart tho right will triumph over wrong. The closing of the saloon at a hotel in tlio Yosemite Valley while President Taft was there for fearsome convivialy inclined might mako a disturbance is pretty good proof there is something wrong in strong drink. Will tlioy de oeivo the president '.' we hope not. HumwiATisM Ciin:i in a 1)a. Dr. iMcheon's Itelief for niioumiitUni and Neuralgia radically cm ed in 1 to 3 days. It action apon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at onco tho cause and the dis ease immediately disappeais. The (lis dose greatly benolits Too and SI. llrst Hold iy The H. H. Cirice Drug Co., lied Cloud Xebr. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for tit postolllco at. Ked Cloud, Neb. for the weekending October ','8. 100H, Mrs. Carrie lirown, .John MeNees, D. T. Miller. Maggie Stevens. Deri Stev ens, John Wheatson and Carl Whit taker. These will be sent to tho dead letter olllee Nov.. ii, IDO'.i, if uncalled for before. When calling for above pleaso say "advertised." T. C. IIackkii, Postmaster. LADir i A-fc JO'ir llrwirht for CIlICIir.S.THR'a A IHAMOND liRA.VD J'JU.a la Ki l n:nlA r.m.n metallic I . xci, eulcil with lliiic(0 '.llto!i TKD f-o nilirn. Itur nF your V I)iu-Rltt uu.l n.l. for 'III.CIll! S V Jll IIKIMI IHAMl I'U.I.S. tor twciity.fiva jtirrcRnrJcaiu II. Jt.yafci t, Always lullaWe. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS timi: FVFRYWHFRF worth 1KIUU WORTH TliSTHU wmmmmm DIAMOND ?"4r BRAND -$ fl'r CO Ife fi ""tea. DeWitt's Kidney ami Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE line j& Hail Sctuilncr & Mirx A NY good overcoat style you want is here for you, ready to wear. You'll find our Hart e.Lr i t i ocnanner ana Marx models exceptionally smart. The all-wool fabrics count in over coats as well as in suits; keep shape better, wear better. You 11 be well cuessed a Ions time in these clothes. Suits $20 to to $45; over coals $16.50 lo $60. I his store is the home of Hart Schaffncr & Marx . clothes PAUL STOREY Red Cloud STOREY & FOWLER Cowles i i i tl h , Eiyui I