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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1909)
IK flfto - -t.--, rrfS'A'Jiai-jKs.jr-5s ; ' ,',i':'vf'; v t' : 1' ? ' v, t r-iu- T'-y I "I t f ' .. VOLUME xxxv n. A Bank for the Mer chant and Farmer. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NE13 CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Flornncc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win. H. Thomas, S. R. Florancc. The World fftD WOMEN "The pamous Queen Quality H Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants THE BIG STORE The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. m m m m m E m m l carry a complete line oi strictly iresn urocenes, j jfji and my prices are such that it will pay you to do J (f your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class $ (t) brands of canned and package goods carried. Hi ?$ All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. U m Hi ') Hi f(S Cnrtitrcc '" ,l ,!roct'1' ht0,L' mo,, t,,,ul In anything else, viv f UlCQiillllubj buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. () f Yoi cannot buy Uroceries in a diity, llbkopt plaeo and bo suio o (j h pure goods Cleanliness und sanitation ate our hobbles. ; y i $ T t -a t Historical S'l-bty -y. -t. . T-ggg'g---&.aa'Sf rEg s5atiigly yerjjtyjiyj '?' JSay s oes. & ill Hi Hi ili Hi Hi 0 Hi Hi i iii verything IN atables $ . - -I 1 - " 4 Newspaper That Gives Hie News Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, XOVtiMHKIi GUIDE ROCK. Win. Miner and wife aie home from Pawnee City. I'. I. 1'aii Held lias hail a collar con st muted for Dr. lloic. Mr. Uowsinan of lleavor City visited Ids sister Mrs. Ud Sawyer. Chas. Murphy is going about on crutches as the result of a fall. The. Methodists expect to have u big dinner Thanksgiving. Particulars lat er Mrs. Win. Sawyer went to Lincoln Monday. Mr. Sawyer went along as far Mubbell. (!. M. Albin and wife aie home from the west. They had a fine trip of scveial weeks. Mrs. I. M. P.irlccr had us guests at supper Wednesday the Misses IMua and Lou Watt and Ali-s uy Pettit. W. s. Lambert this week toie down the house on the lots he recently bought and will build a larger house The W. U. T. I. meets with Mrs. C T. Hly Wednesday afternoon Nov. 10 at oVloek. Let every member be piosent Hasting-. Milncr'ssulo near Host wick drew a crowd of their friends from here Thursday. They move here in the near future. Hew X. A. Martin conducted ijuait crlj Conference, hens at-2.Ho Thui.sduy afteinoon lor the Methodists mid guc one nf his line seiinons in the evening. The (liiiile Hock Telephone Company got a .young man from lied ( loud Wednesday to assist them as lineman Mr. Thorn pson the last lineman has' gone. P. W. Itolnud has bouglit the hotel and I'cstauiaut business of I.. L. A'att. Mr. Watt letaius the building but sold all fixtures and furniture with the business. The Cln istian Aid society gave 'dilut ion day" dinner and supper. Mrs. O. Neal served lunch for the society wheu thoy met with her last Friday afternoon. The Masonic and Kastoru star lodges here surprised J. V. Hodge last Thins day evening. An oyster supper, toasts reading, recitations and games made a very pleasing program The V. V. C. T. V. have about twen ty new members as a result of their contest. The losers gave a line party for their union Monday evening at J. H. Hly's home. Owls, jack o'latern's a witch and various hallwcen games and a line supper were the featues of tho evening. While filling a pail with coal .1 W Harris had an ankle badly sprained and bruised by a largo piece of coal I falling on him. I. X. Smith will do the jauiior work at th" Hip'M cliuteii until lie Is iiIm to iv-utiie hK d tii's there, some one will also have to take his idace at I lie school Iioiim , Km-sc Stick ley is now piepurcil to furnish frtsh pop com In all customers. He has established one nf tlinsO'Mioast ers" at the Montgomery feed store, ' IJvi'rj'ono is plea-ed to see Mr. stlc(. ley aide to do I his us he has ln-en f eb le foi a couple of yeai-. He seems to be getting a tjood deal better no Miss Mertha Wlelitnann and l!e.Ira Waguer were umiricd at the honi" of the bride's f.ither Henry Wicliinan Sunday afteiiiuou Oct. ill at i o clock. Ileait'lful decorations and uian baud- some and useful presents and the flfty friends In attendance all added to beauty of the scene. Hev Xoah Wag ner father of the groom spoke tho magic words. Dinner followed the con gratulations from 8 till It o'clock was ! given by the groom's parents. Tho young pooplo departed on the early ' uj'er lor Chicago THE CHICAGO SPECIALISTS. Chronic and Serious Diseases. Red Cloud, office Royal Hotel. Consulalion Free, again Friday November 26th. Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. ; For Constipation A HrdlrJnc. that Dors Not Cost Anvtlitn Unlcr.s It (ilvcs Satisfactory Reiki I If. ou sailer fiom constipation m any form whatever, acute oi chionie ' we will guarantee to supply you medl ' cine that We honestly believe will elfect I permanent lelief if taken witli le ! guliirity and according to directions for a icasonable length of time. Should the medicine fail to beuetltyoii to your cntiio satisfaction we promise that it shall cost jou nothing No othet icmedy can be compaied with KcmiII Oideilies for the easy, pleasant and xiice("-sful tieatment of COlistinnliotl The active niedieiniil I II rri-axl Imit nf tliii. i..Mi...1i. ..I. '...I. . I ...n. ...... ,,i,iki, u iiiiii i-- ordo les. tasteless and eolorles-. i- an entiiely new discovery. Combined with other valuable ingiedieiit-., it foiius a piep.iration which is m mil parable as . i perfect bowel legulitni intestinal invigniator and sticntMln n er. Ilexall (inlet lies are eaten like candy, and aie notable for theii gen tie and agieeable action. They do not cause giipingoi any disagtccable ef feet or inconvenience, and may be taken at any time, day or night. Wo paiticulaily recommend IIcmiII Oiderlles for children and for delicate or aged itersont. because they do not contain' an.v thing injurious. I uliku other preparations, they do not cteate u habit, but instead thev ovcicotnc the habits aciiuircd through the use of ordinary hiMitives. catliailii -. and hiu.-li phjsii'N and teinoVe the i unses ol eoiistipation or irregular liovvel action that are mil ol'stiiiricil v.nietv e warn ji u to ir. i.e Mill unii i lies at our ilsk. We know of iiotlnug that will do you so much guml liny are piepaied in tablet foim in two sie.s: .'10 tablets'.!.! cents, and 1'.' tablets 10 cents Keincntbor yon can obtain He.Mill Koinedies in led Cloud only at our stoic, Tho He.sall Store. Tho II. K. (Jrico Drug Co. A Great Bargain. The Lincoln State Journal Is certain ly going aUor new business v hen it offers to send that big daily paper without Sunday from now until Jan uary 1, ION) for only 50 cents, or with Suudav for 75 cents. Almost every family in tho state will want to take advantage of this big cut in price in order to compare Tho Journal with any oilior dally they know about. This is just what Tho Join mil folks want and why it makes such a cheap price. Its publishers feci that if a family gets Tho Journal habit no other paper will ever Mil the bill aftei that Tlie Journal not only is a iricat news pupoi in a stiici newssense.but stands for many of the piiueipe-i that aie bclu' fought for li.v Xebraska. It in the liiiei'l.iul ii lite Iiillle aiflillix the saloon ami letusi s to punt liq on oi mistv luedu'al ailvei tisiug eiiii in a half dollar and ec ivliain lot v get for .voiir money. Tliey gun ran ee to stop the paper when I he nine is up See tho Chief foi up-to-date Job work Real Estate Brokers Red Cloud, Nebraska Huy a piece of land nt Wray, Colorado, Where wheat and corn Ib plenty. 640 Acres of Land Good frame house, barn, wind mill, well, fenced, cross-fenced, on which about 40 atacks of fine wheat was raised this year, Price $12.50 per acre, if taken at once. 160 acres at $1500 Kood level land. This investment is safer than u hank. I have personally inspect ed this county and I can recom mend it to my friends. See us at once. We jjo cveiy Monday ni-ht on 15. Get in lino. C. A. Schultz Co I I -I. t!0!. Ingersoll $5 .00 Trenton Gj) The EXAMINE THIS WATCH It is a bridge model, the highest type of Watch Construction. Sqvqii ruby and Sapphire jewels protecting the points of wear. Factory guar anteed for 5 years. :::::::: Has a conpcnsaling balance Breguet Hairspring features watches of other makes. ONE GRADE OF 5 .00 in ry.OO in 10 yr. fV.OO in 20 yr Solid Nickel Gold-Filled M Gold-Filled Case- Case. Case. OTHER MAKES AND GRADES 75c. TO $75.00 A New Stock of Alarm Clocks Guaranteed $1.00 NEWHOUSE Jewelers and Optometrists IT IS NOT A SAYING POLICY to K" without insurance The ii-U assumed is too meat for the small premium you beep in your pooVet. Figure out. how iniiny years you would have to bo free from any II re in order to nave the value of your house ami content'-. Then consider that you may have a tiro this very night. Tho cost of even a little Ida a- will bo more than the pre mium of VW. IN.SI'KANCi: VOW Y13AUS Hotter have mo issuo you a policy to-day. It's a whole hit better to be sure than Mirry, as many an un insured man has been. IIIIIIIIIIHBf.SSlS".!" It-"" K'' NUMBER '1 5 7.00 &9.00 N ew 1 even ewe Watch. patent micro-metric regulator found only in higher priced :::::::::: MOVEMENT ONLY TO $8.00 A BROTHERS Red Cloud, Nebraska. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. a t nirs&i Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. t -.'." waM l. wi. iAiio:i tl .UAItDINO frarttaaa fsioss lor sale. Not pnr'kuJn' iiUout location. Wrti to hear (ruui ovriicr only wtio ! .irKw rr -.; istvi n niu veil mrt-i 10 uuyr. uivo price, M RJ dcsurtptlon ami Btnto v;.ea poisoialon II cm bo lind. AiUlri'tq. IB LDARDYSHIRE, D.i 99 Koci.iler, H. T. R 4? "l Red Cloud, Neh.