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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1909)
-or V MtaTvrrMi.tir ugnwifnvrw i IhBIHI ' kf Simply I S Press ihe I Vol Crescent- I 0 Fi,lei I i H. tllll I- ' '.e f - i. r. ! nr:'nniMTHf'TOiwWTiM''lirriwiiiwMli-MJiwi ' t,i k( Vl Ml DlliHMiU It I" ! I- it,'l.t i'i Ki.uih- I 1 I- the ). -Hi lf,mi Ffi-fm jrone to with -itiil1tiV , wwtfiiii.iii.waK.M naaw wwBfMwltrr a ------ "- I .?.n Scdere. ('ml 4 ' lli,v Harbor of I Wtn M.i,lun, Wright. rt W." t'n' ll - i wr ' in l!e i ' i jii niiv i in' i mh'i ii, H i' i. - w i ,ii i ii aivc Mr 'A I 'l! I i- Ii- ll. i" . (Hill 5.'iAVv v ' VHi'v'N''? I i', and U-.3 thuti.b. AIM t . . inn i s an t;- .t h require. ! tb fill Conklin'3 Sch-Filling Pen. There is nothing to take np-irt or 1 -.e, No muvty dropjvr- to , -m u the ram1", or c! jthin,j. CONKUN'S Sclf-FiUlnrf Fountain Pen vrltei nj easily as filled. You will naver know v'.. t real fountain pen tut! .fac tion lu until jo'.i have used a Couklin. Xore of the bother and an- t Sn noyauce so cmamwa Cr,!,, with other fountain if pens. The des cent-Filler Monti- fieithcCoaklia. 1 n Mi ,1 tin' v till i" Ml i.iM of s,"! "'' wuit Win M ... , , I, i. M i M I u New Goods ll llll . I I II JZ n.'.t m urines Ink UH Guaranteed. Lite 81 A Camel Chas. L. Cotting, , The Druggist. --iil-S-:3ieSfr ti r iftCALETTES 2 11 1 t to 11 Mir is ill liiMi'i lb! i- 1:1 I. tills T. O. II ' i tiny. 'I 1 week. Mr. I,u cu lu !; wrik K-tlUM I'bl'lsOII week. Cl.a-. 1 h -u - leiu h Tuesday. Buck l!.-'.nei- utuinv ' Sunday. Judiro !''- .i v..i- in lil.ii'i. Suudny. X. 'v stock 1 i' -' ' i: .i'"nii Cottings. I Mrs. T.J. Hoiuford win'. ' ("i.ika ! Stinduy. Paul I'opo and wife Suttflnyed in Superior. Mrs Xellc llt' wrlit t lnu-oiu this week. No n t' in 1 II ' , I I!) V M-'.t '..( lUMtf' , t 1 s! 'i' liilf-u. J . s 1 r.iaiiini'iiU v '' 'in from . ' 11' K !-.. S'lii.i i. J ( 1,. I'l.'n . .' '" U IMit liivoti ' .1 i M.lllllU lliullt I' 4.11 ' "W ot ..M.-l-uir api'ln-. 1 Mo in town n Wi t U. 1 r r.i ' ll-mi fi m IVnir It. 1. ' 1 oi'ii I t!.i nil r. 'I 1 , Mli ht ivtiuinvi Tu 1 111 't I. il v i it. i, s Turn i .u. I AUju Tulli-y-1 v.i i In I, it coin M 'ii'la.v. In ulKr K '. i-iMnu at llif Jmiui 1 ot huh! iJnlli y tins ui'k. I Moi-ilnj ln-iii-; Ij'ilior Day the uutl c.irr.i i-h 1 njied h v.iciittoii. j t .rl,f I'-!' -. Iihvo -Ii.ppi'd In 1' 'r- i tn ;' tn i iiii- whiti'r. I ) hi. t Wclifh expert- to leave for ! ,.Ui.i 1 - H.itu:.'H,- on buiilu-H. j Mr, liniwii let' mi tlio HuittinKS I ( 1,1 f ! t!i north Welnr- Iny. ' .' Mr., IVtli Itob -it-oil re m mi 11 -.itni'lay from Colorado. Mr .ml Mis cliirU are In Lincoln I Id, v.k tnkitig n tho State 'Fair. i;i 'i -1 ..t Hi- Uli 1 1 ii I f.- let'ii ii..l the t'uitf in I . (in H. j 'ivi'l Ion " 'i.ihi U'.n II. i' 1 'hi ii i - tit -1 i- w I i Mi' I I "I lit t'lL"'lU UK'' ' UT -tlld Si 1 - l ' Suiniii 1 a 1 1 11 ; it- v III li.ll-.K-. .I11I111 I null .Hid ift e.ltu,- tloiii'- :llll il.i, ni'lit fn'iu ,t i-it llu-nitfli ,tlii ' Kahtel n -tule-. I i,u n put' Ml' 1- 1: W 11 i-.ii 1 ii. i Pi in I'll---. . ' Mi . Hit, 1 rlu- fioii 'tli. . . w'l'ul" - . 101l 1 - H ll t . In llh I ' I As win . . . . . - r , 1 'ii-i.- 1-, i t t 1 it. -tail. I in 1 S . t. ..- tin i i. t 5 II oT I lie I !.- t llo , J, ITU mM Daily I llIM tfl-ll.l S.-etl Thi- n I'H- il .1- 1 in1 1' I 1 1 i , . M i ii s.illej. , '1. .lu-'1 I ti .- l -i j r pin. I! 1 I'urkey .ili-ii' I. I'prt I h1h I -s neilt limit.- I'i 1 il .ii.-.- t in l.iiioihi thi fii .ii Aili. it e ,.t 1. Ht Mi P. m t V li-eh woht to Lincoln Monday wlimv h v 1 - ',i- : . aUend the State fair. 'htndios at tho Univois! Ti froii M , l'.i , mt. 1 Mu,l. l-.iU' r came home 1 t in I!:iNt'ui(.', Tuesday .M n We. : en eft .Sunday for Wctwfr whe.e 1:l v Ih tfach school. Chestei-r. .v ninl family returned 1. m llu.ui th- or tho wc. M.ii Liml-eN .mil wifu left Mon- .in, - ..him for l.n.iolnandOninun. ; . M'l uhind arrived homo the !. . 'lie week from tho mountains. I'oj. mi Am i.lmost uew Smith Preuiii r T pew liter IJ.X. r2s Itutl Cloud. Snuietliiurf doinj? all the lime ot the Opera House IVIday and Saturdny nitrht. Mrs thiislle I'atmote duparled for Work where she will leach -UllOi)'.. FALL ?0IIffllP III Every PAY. JBest things in every line ever shown for the Price. H.S.(aM Clothing Crawford Shoes . Dutchess Trowsers. GLAD TO SHOW YOU. Mr mil Mrs. Snii-otii me the prnnd launlsnf.i ll4 ptiiitid Ihi whidi ar rled Tii'-sdaj. With met 1 whin h nu'lit if Joe Foel ,oi (,'i-Na fi'o eliaiici on an f 18 s'uutlo b.iniusit. Mister .'! uctir-- iJUtiin- r.'tiiriiod to supti-ior Sunday after a !vw weeks vi-ii lu this eity Tbe.W. t' T. V.. will iniset with Mm. ' II. Thomas next Wuhietday after noon at :i o'elni ' liiiitfs l.'.ttl.. Liwr rtils insy to 1 1 ik-, l" i' tie ;n iictloti. plon-ant eflot. Sold by Henry Cook. Mri. Iv.iu Amuck of dulik' Rock was isltiut;lier pan nt- Mr and Mrs. ! I Holui'iaiu Tuen.lay. I MI--S Mary Tei ip!e pent Sunday III this city on lu-. n.iyhjuie from fall foruia to Kansas City. Uruee lieekwiili went to Lilioolu will rcMttme his ity. 1'u.nk Scibt-it'.s otde-tt boy Is suffer luj; with blood poi-on which Is In bin hand tills week. Silver Loudon iloparted Hunday nlirht for su Marv. K , where ho will attend school. I.t-ek (Jihvis hau 1eiii umpiiiutf for the lliiitius aiut Superior base ball Karnes the last week. Mr. a d Mrs. Joe fair and -oil went to Mludeii Monday In visit their son iiert Cnt-r and family. ill Overman departed Friday for Oxford whive he takes the prluripal fillip ol tho public school. The ChieiiKO -.peelaiist will bo tit tho Iloynl hotel ill KcdClotid, Friday. Oct. 1st. Consultation free. .J. K Chancy and wife and J. A. Mo Arthur and wife went to Lincoln Tues day to attend tho State Fair. Vincent Johnson and Don Fulton went to Aliua this morning to attend tho county fair at that place. Miss Martha Able went to McCook Sunday where she will take up her school duties for the coming year. Mlss'.Vera Crabill left for Chicago Sunday morning wliuic she will study music at tho American conservatory. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carpenter went to Franklin Sunday to spend the day with Ills patents. They went via auto. Will Wolfe and sons Clair and Clyde and 1'. L. smith went to Lincoln Tues day morning to attend the .State Fair. Foil Sai.i -A house of t rooms and two lota cheap if t-old soon. Inquire of the Chief otliao for fin titer informa tion. Mr and Mrs. Xed drliiies, Mr. and Mis. Frank l'ototson, Mr. and Mis. iioyd Smith are Lincoln visitors this week. Mi-s May Sunburn who has been visiting Mr. Cutting left for Wyoming Wedne-day whete she will teaeli school. Ur. 1!. F. Haines has moved hisolllco from tho Potter building to the Dr. Cook building up Mtairs first door to the light Joe Fogci. liernard McXony, Art Myers and ticorgo Iiiishoo wcro in Lebanon, Kns Friday attending tho anniversary. Tile Indios of tlio Christian church will hold I heir monthly market at Amuck it thanov's furniture store. September 18, 1003. .Mr. nud.Mis. Clm. Hohellak returned to tholr liotne lu Alliance this morning after visiting lier pnrcnts Mr. nnd Mrs. Chin. Stett'en. MW"i tl"!'! tmm -". T V HI " "V 1 PAUL SlOKhY THE CLOTHIER liruco HobiUhon and Quy llradbroak went to Clay Center Tiioagny whero they have a job of helping iiutall nn oleetile lij;ht plant. . Ii. Cnunor went to Wulioo Moij d iy to attend the wedding of his son, Hurry Ciaincr to Miss Kilnn Air tin which took place Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell of lied Clnnd. visited .Mcflonl: lclutli-p. mill , frlonda, from last Saturday eouing pil'Hi-iei.1 illl'lul oil IIH I'.llUes lllrlll. "lie ii. ol mi e wi .t of K -'I I'lod. C. .1. I'i u , !y inkii a tli -i iv lo t.f Her-. L-lV.ltlM' CoUgll Sll,. tMIII will not piollip I- li'l fro! I II cuitgh I'I- told. It centU inors Hi" l.owels. In. aK Iril ot tlie throat am! stoj s Ihe coujfh. It ii pleiiiilil lo lake. Mold by Henry Cik. Take . u.- of your stomach. Let Kodol dir.-t a'.l the food you cat. for that U what Ifodol doc-.. Kwrj table spoonful r Undol dfge-ts J'i iwaiiids of food. Ti, it today. It '.s guaran teed to ri'li.-e j on or your money back. H ild Wy all dealers Curds an nut announcing ilia roin ing man ' i .e of Lou la Mane, dntiglilcr f r. an I Mr-. Wm. 'lute-, to Mr Archie II. , iis of lot , Ktiu-u-. '1 In imppj eent will occur on the 1'itli of this moiiili and tho Chief extend hi-irty r mgnttulntions. I lure i-i notldiig belter wo know of for all Liiluoy troubles than l'lui.ule These pill aie really excellent Incises of weak liiu-k and backache, pains lu the neck of the bladder. lUeuniatie Dai n and kindred ailments, due to weakened, disordered kuljiym. ""old by Henry t 'iilt,. On aeeoutit of an addition, lu-ing bnjlt to the Catholic chui'.'b at huper- 1nr, at Ihe present time, there will be no services held at the clmirh there this coining Sunday. Mn-s will theie fore bo eelebruted at llu- atholh: ehuieli, Ueil Cloud, n.-st siimjuy, nt the usual limn- 10;:iO a. m. - H. Fit?. gernld, l'll-tor. Sermon thpuies at tho Congregation al church noNt Sunday. In the uiorti iug the pastor will preach the third sermon in a -erics on the Holy Scripture-. Subject: "Why i- the Uible mis understood V ' In the eicniiig lie will give some thoughts suggested bv his recent trip. Subject: '-True and false lleauly." A hearty welcome nwailsall The workmen at the Christian church are rapidly finishing the inter ior and furnituie. The Ladles Sowing Circle are planning on putting in new carpets and draperies whero needed. Mr. L. A. Iliis-ong the new minister is here and ready to greet his many old time friends and make a host of new ones. His -erinons la-t hold's day weio indicative of his work and gave promise of splendid pulpit ability. Hear him next Sunday at 11 a. m.,atul S p. in. A.X.hlebortls unstinted In liisprai-c of the Fidelity Accident Insurance Co., of Lincoln, having just received a check for SIO bring iirst monthly pay ment on his policy Hew-as seriously injured on Aug otli and litis been un able to do any work since, lie had the foresight to take out a policy with the above company and says that their piouiptness in making payment was a great help to him. He will continue to receive payments until ho is fully recovered Mr. Ilany Cramer depaited hist Sun day for Wahoo for .tho purpose of tak ing unto himself a wife. The birds have been whispering considerably f late prophesying this action of Mi. Cramer and it seems that for once they received iusido information. The bride is, Miss I-Miia Austin tho charm ing daughter of Iter. Austin who oc cupied the Methodist pulpit in this city for several years. The groom has u wide and favorable ncipitiintnuee in tliis city Imvtiig been head olork for years lu Tttrntiro Uros., department htoto. Tho homo Is all prepared and will bo occupied lu a fow days. The Chlof extonds to Mr. and Mrs. Crnraor heart list grcOtlugA and withes them nil lliult'd hnnnlnosi May they reh- j brute tholr 'i a' golden wedding Come in and see the styles for fall wear, Always glad to show voUo i i new wmfmmmimm-m am m ? Gowdeii-Kaley Clothing Co. K t Always Reliable Firsl Door North of Postoflicc d i,vANAv'AftAAV'AvANAvAA,WvW v rVV-fSs-j.-,vvvA.sJvy"- f 4!M3 H eaaauarcers FOR hurniture, Carpets AND UNDERTAKING REDFERN Whalebone CORSETS Dlrrxtolrr. Motile 39 is moderately short and full above the waist but has the very long -klrt, fully i iiciising the hip- ijipi-i -sing their fullness and producing the ftiaiht hip line. Designed foi liitln-i- shoit, full forms. An addition to tkis model adds to its . umfort and flting beauty is found in the SECD&2TY Rubber Button Hose Supporters. rust pioof of course which mo ac-cuiately placed by the designer of these model- at front nnd sides. Moitc! 3!) White Batiste. White Coutlllc PIMCE $1.00 to $5.00 .Same Pattern In delicate White Figured Hrocirc. Pi!ia: $1 00 to $500 i i JOHNSON & GROUT n nit,......, UjiiiiliiiiililiLiUlilii'M'lirii'iwva, , s 9 a i SAY, niSTERI Do you know that It will pay OU, us well as US, to buy your Uuilding Ma torlal and Coal at our yards if Not only that our prices avkkaok lowor, or nt lotist us low, as those of our competit ors, but nrcAt'SK we tako 08oll cam of and protect nil onn bo ola".' a. It K I'.n.A Ii CUSTOM, i. :s. . itititiiiiii"til;itilililp-c-&J.uLiliiLn s- r- tr i- ( tr Ir S- e-f Caucus 15i:ii Ciot i), Ni.u , Sept. 'J, 10)'.i. A joint caucus of Democratic and People's Independent parties will bo held at tho court houso for tho precinct of Hod Cloud September llth. at 'i p. until Monday. They were ourouto j in., for tho nomination of preclivt of homo from a trip to Colorado. -McCook J fleers, W. L. Weesner and Henry all Tribune, ham committee, PL ATT & FRBBS CO. Coal. Lumber. lT1l1l1ltlt1'1,1'1,11''ll1M1,'eT'e I'll 11l V11 VI1 1111111 V11l 1 1'T1lV1l,rt'fllilbiia The Chief $ 1 a year rt u I 1 .t "1 M f l