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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
I Jl El 1 r A Newspaper Tliat Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Tor One Dollar. UKD nLOIIl), MSmiASKA. MAY ". TiioX m-m0m , ' 1 "J "f ' " -J-r VOLUMJfl XX XV II. NVMnmi iu ii 1 I J S53?iss2&s gsss&s&3s a The Miner Bros, Co . (Inc) The New Coniici H. A. Letson, Mtfr. . Gencra-1 Merchants We have' the Largest and Best Stock pf New Merchandise shown in South ern Nebraska. ::::::: Notions Furnishings Rugs Groceries ss Dry Coed ..Women's Suits Carpets Shoes miMn iiwii iii Our Special Sale of Women's Hue Tailor Made Suits will Continue through next week in which time we expect to have sold every suit. y There are rare bargains in store for vou. TflE JIIIiER BROS., GO. (I46.) H. A. LETSON. Mfir. f A Ntee New Stock (0 w w.i , gwiMmi,rg wi AS. M Of Groceries just received at the Home fc (?) Grocery. We now have a complete iti i$ line of fancy and staple groceries. : : jj '.?? ikl f) suome wa & s m (ov CjIAlso a lame assortment of choice ; (0 queensware at the lowest prices possible. & T. M WPV1HIMII IIIIMMMIIIIIMUI M , ml IIIBMB llil--. ' to to to to to to to fiv to P. A. Wullbrandt I SUCCESSOR TO Fulton Grocer Company. gsssssss-.sssessfs-ss-$$$ i I.vri MMIOItV HllKUMATIHM Cl'ltlll) IN :i D.vvh. Morton h Hill, of Lebanon, Intl., says: "My wife hnd i, Inflammatory Ithouinatism in every muscle and joint; - 4f r suffering whh terrible and herjbody nuu lace were swollen almost uoyonu recoKuition;had bcenlnbcdfor six weeks and hud eight phy&ioiaus, but received no benefit until she triodlDr.Detchou's Relief for Ilhoumatism. It gave her immediate relief and she was nblc to walk iihoiit in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by Tho II. K. (!rice Drug Co , Hod Cloud, Nebr. Ttibler wells, wind mills, pipe fitting and repairing. Call on T. CiinvAUi it, Campbell, Nebr. Write or phone. I for a wilhiy of $::, per month mull tlio iif.Nt ri'iAilar tiioutiug of tho Coimeil l li- idly eomii-ll mot Tmsday .niglit ; Veus ll.tjili-y Ntid U.ttmuu. Nnys Mo ami cltiM-d tip i.hcir lnlnc-s for the ' Arl,,m,,f, your slid Hdjuiriii-d slo.. die. M yojSppohiioil Col. 15. M. flurd Tim ne w i-MiiioiV imnioliiifelv ,:.. i 'Hv Mufidmlllo surve with out any vened mid W?d .T. A. MoArthur as piviblunr or tlia 0 ull. Tlio fuinhtfptf iiiut.uwi cnic nt pointed for tliiyeur: Slroels MBtl Ht !.?, i'lilmpher lat ivunl, McAithurVnd ward ' Fhintnv, firfilhv. Oaf mail, VoXitliuY. .Major Potior floHvcicd a InttdiiSMM like luuugutnl nddrr-ss to tho eouuoil -l f inif out lliu woilt before them for) ovpeiiMUo the city. 'mf .MoArthur. Iiiiiluy,uhtmau. Curried. tn-tini'io.l orlliiii' fo soo oiinfj turunl tho wutur north Into (Vookfd Crook. l,.v tllHl. U of the i Carload if i fV'V V va'm AAm Of Furniture! ihisjear, ciiipliH'.iziiig tlie nec-slly of ltmiifdialeiydit Miiiiiiiiigtlie lUiiiin rial condilioii of 1 ho eity mid I he keep tug of tho ivooids in n live .ondilion at all timi'h. Mr. Potter lu'ipiltti'd liimsolf I'ledll-ilily and promised tlio IJAflN It is KUiivf itn-ily dry. Kvuryody is linllng corn. . ( 'Mr.pi in- iilek is mi fhoslok llsf. i .loliljlttiiL'hiun has a nuw unto niobilfv.', ' i I MUsTuda N'oUoit Is working for .Mis. ,Jvs. I'olu.cky. i Misds May and .lullti .leliliok spout flljusl received and our Little Store crowded to its utmost. Price and quality I the best we have ever been able to offer l our customers. ::::::: eouiieil his aid at all times. Saloon liuiMises wore grunted to Pol- nieky A l-ongt!n Doylo & llusliuv. and ttto wookH ,, js inin.viug uleelv. win uprigui Sunday with Mm Minnlo Kollel. Umul Poliiii-ky who got hurt about Itriiigyour eggs and get cash.-. I. O. Caldwell. Lvorybody is likely to have kidney and bladder trouble. In fact nearly everybody has some trouble of this kind. That is tlio reason why you so often have pnins in the back and groin scalding sensation, urinary disorders, etc. that's your kidneys. The best thing to do is to get some of DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills right uwny Take them for a few days or a week or so and you will feel all right. In this way, too, you will ward off ('an. gorous and possibly serious ailments. Thoy lire perfectly harmless, and nro not only antiseptic, but allay pain quickly by thoir healing properties. .Send your name to 10. C. UoWitt & Co. Chicago, for a free trial box. They n ro sold hero by all druggists psaaareBassssBgaEms 3 ...... B lWSTdxeOTWCX. RTXK4 v!lfc...t;.r,Bka "r-, II i vi 'tw. ran i shi ffl r CSKWI tWZlsie3P5&tt CZW d'Si,njEHH:KA. ft , ,ic,'iimBakifflg PewderJ Made from cream of tartar derived solely from grapes, the most deli clous and healthful of all fruit acids. trrffrirrfiT-TTruTTnrrrfTrniiVTiv iBMmsm Corn-go V: Uiugc-sof Alma was ap pointed water mid light commissioner at KK) pur month. Mr. lliirgess comes highly lecommended and liiHqualitlcu tions are of the liihiht kind. Ho has been engaged in this business since lie was u boy oi t:t and bus tho practical ovporlenco'of ovoiy department The oi'i;:ens of Jod Cloud liavo reason to expect much of the nuw olllcer as ho enjoys mi on viable reputation both for ability and integrity. The fact that he has made good at Alma ought to be snlllcioiit gu iiantee that ho will do tlio smile lor us. The nuw council, i judged by their first mooting, bcem to bo harmonious and they showed a disposition to work together for the best interests ot the city. If thoy continue to hold the high aim as disclosed by tlio first meeting thru out tlio year they will render much service to thu city." Wo wore much pleased Willi the evident desire upon ti.e part of all to give tho city n straight forward business ad ministration. City Clerk, O 0. Tool took to his uowdutleh'iiko a (Inelt to wiiter and ho will unquestionably be of consider able assistance to the mayor and council. His occupation qualifies him exceptionally well for his now duties. jvs in eieiu-ai aoiury no Del I or mater ial can lie found in tho city than Mr. Tool and his predecessor Mr. Fort. While we have every conlidonce In Mr. Tool we believe it is due tho retiring clerk, Mr. Fort, to say that he lias served the city faithfully andetllcient ly and deserves the praise and approv ntinn of all our citizens. Tho Chief trusts that the new coun cil will become derilect in no duty and that they will give us the exact condition of the eity within sixty days. We hold ourselves in readiness to uphold them in all things which are for tho best interests of the city but should they so far forgot themsel ves as to drift into negligence or mis management wo feel it itieumbont up on us to give the full mid true facts and infoi mation to our readers. Wu much prefer to praisu but if wu must condemn tlio fault will not lay with us. I lie city demands as never before an administration of the highest char actor and we have confidence in the now otlieers and believe that they will render us otllcicnt ocouomio service. Council adjourned to moot Wednes day evening. Kkd Cloud, Nun., May fl, '09. Council met. Roll Call. Mayor Pottor prostdlng. Present MoArthur, Bailey and Oatmaii. Absent Pulsi pher. Minutes of last meeting also those of the hist mooting of tlio old council were read and approved. Mr. Butler on behalf of the Fire De partment appearing before the council fc.fflftfwl lll.l I. ...1 ....... .. 1.. fl..... . -.. "" -" jimiiii.s in riaiis ;kiiii- tion neoded fixing before l'lro Depart ment could turn on water in easo of fire. Moved by Bailey second by Oat man that Mr. Butler get hydrants ro pilred mid present bill to council. Can-led. Mossrs. Xcwhouso and BeekwiHi in behalf of School Hist. asking council to grant permission to tap main for now school hoimo with a light weight pipe. Moved by McArtiiuruud second by Oalman that School Uist. 2 bo al lowod to place temporary pipe and at tach meter and remove same and re place with permanent pipe according to ordinance when tho required mater ial arrives. Carried. Bond of J. O. Butler, eity treasurer, read and on motion same was appiov ed. C. II. Potter appointed J. W. Kiuscl night watch temporarily. Moved by Outmaii second by Bailey that J. W. .Kinsol act as night watch temporarily Thu big wind last Sunday blowed Ivobert. IlurilV wind mill down. , Miss IJtta ltthrer has completed a suceussful term of school In Dist. 'Jit. Seeing is Believing Albright j : Brothers. : ROCK. visited Iter son, II. GUI I) Mrs Joe Taylo Taylor Monday. Hli l-'owlor is tterois the liver this week hanging paper Mr and Mrs Albert Kindscher visited relatives In the country Sunday. The graduating exorcises hero occur May tilth. I lit ro are live in tlio class. Mis, Charley Wehrloy formerly Miss Mabel Kyker is very ill witli rlioinna- t Mil. You now get your meat out in (lie I st root as the moat markttt was pulled out Monday to make room for the now brick Miss Muli-su I.umbcrl has again boon elected primary toucher of the Dillor schools. She has bueu very successful. Friends hero have received word that Jlrs.ul.H. Largout has been veiy ill at her home near Canadian,' Texas. Sho is reported better. Merrlmiiu & Spiies have sold their stock of goods which they recently placed in tho Hayes' building. The now owner takes ihimm-hs'iou next week. Mis. N. M. Doudiia and Mrs. I). K. Burr wont to Lincoln Monday to at tend tlie Lodge of l'JasternStar They intend returning Friday. Miss Mary Class visited her brother and family near North Branch and then spout a few day with friends in town. Sho returned to her home in Beatiicc Saturday. Xow olllcers of the M. II. Aid society me: Mrs. G. M. Allan, president; Mrs. C. T. lily, vice president; Ms.W. M. Minor, secretary; Mrs. Clarence Guy, treasurer. Licensed Embalmors and Undertakers. 5 'WJ Ncbraskans Will Sec Exhibit. Whether Nobraskans go to Seattle or not to attend tho Alaska-Yukon ex position, they willhavuauopportunlty to see tho government exhibits from the Department of Agriculture at home. This exhibit is larger in itself than those at any previous exposition except tlio Louisluna purchase exposition at St. Louis. Eight cars will be required to tuko tlie exhibit to Scattla It Is on the return trip that this great dislay will stop in Nebraska for two weeks and will compriso n part of tlio government oxhibit ut tlie Nation al Corn Exposition to be held in Omaha. Tho exhibit will be made in sections by six different bureaus including thoHi of animal Industry; forest ser vice; plant industry; horticultural de partment; liber investigation mid corn investigation bureaus. Nebraska raises cattle, hogs, sheep and the bureau of animal Industry will have an exhibit of unusual interest, showing all practical ways of handling stock, eradicating disease, sanitary handling of dairy cows; tho method of nicatinpcction which is used by the bureau. liemp has been shown to bo a Crop which will make profits for growils In Nebraska. The govonuiient has boon working with the Ubro. Tho process of nianul'acturo will bo soon In the ex hibit at Om ilm and Nebraska hemp will bo used. Tlie forestry but can shows the adapt ability of dlll'orent timber, the presor vation of construction timbors as well us hundreds of pictures of forests in the northwest. It Is an attractive ex hibit even in a state where lumbering is unknown Five cases of charts and models from the bureau which has to do with frlltl tffAivlni. tvtll rvlt'rf vlltt nlu nl rttl. .. ...v t,.. ...... h, ..... H.. ..,...,..,.... .j.- , U, V. R58ZER, Pecs. S. K. F10&ARCE, Gnslllcr. WESSfffi COUNTY EAMi CAPITAL $25,000 1 his bank offers Lo depositors the most liberal terms consistent with the conservative manage ment or a sound financial institution. Interest paid ort time deposits p 5ttj -" fflffittS Wt- JKi iff lit- ' -viaBBIH u ?T rl.'' J l-i Y Jt When You go for an Outing Away from Mental and Physical Cares Your Eves Work On Tlio New Henlth-Hny ntnttci ora especially recommended for outdoor tport and recreation. No trjIiiR Unlit nunoymicc for tlie wearers or ttic Hkai.tii. Kav, bccnuie tlicy ghc the eye Quality .fgfit tight la right pro portions ns Nature Intended. I)ut ten per cent, of nntiirnl health lljiht reaches the eye through tlie present cye-nlnsi lenses you wear. All tlie liciillli-KlvliiK part Is ntisorhid by the ul" d few of tiny but the heat rays reach the delicate rethui of tlie cj c. Hi:Ai.TU-ItAY I.i.ksi.i rest and protect, give health nnd vigor, transmit the health rajs, nnd through this avcuue create rich i cd blood for the entire s stem. Health-Rays Give Easy, Comfortable Vioion No strninliiB or striving to sec as others bee-no dread of tlie bright Min noc(. "break downs". If you want tho genuine, look for the nlinvn trade mark on each Lent. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Jewelers and Optometrists. portunity to sou tlio most improved inotliodH of tfrowiiiKi lmrvostiiiK, Krudf iiiK, hriisliiiif,'. wushiiiK, lutudliii, truuspoi-tliiK and srot-iiiK fruits. Wtix modolK of fruits liy tlio liuudi-ud will 1)0 hllOWII. Tin? tfowrniiiutit oxlilhit of gralnr. will limlio a ani'.il Miow Uy tliomsolvoK, Tliousaiids of Kiimplui aro inoliidod, amoii wliioli aro thoso coreals lin porto . liy the ovornmutit. Tho origin of oach varioty ih noted and all aro plainly labeled. Tlio orifjin of oiicli varioty ih uotod and all aro plainly liibblod. Tlio dopiirtniHiit roroah in iti) oxhibit tlio iiiolhodM of suod testing usod in onforointf tlio piu-o sued lawn. Tlio sti(,'ar lioot industry oomos in for Its hliaro of attention ovorytliin ciniiuutoit wllli tho industry hoiiij,' hliown from tho host varlotios'ofheofH to frult9 and jann pretirvod in the hugur; from confootlonery mado from Bp'clul process htijiars to fertillzerH mado from the pulp. s Announcement. Rcallziiiff that it.wlll requli-o homo timo to eKtabllhh conlldoiieo in tho mindH of tho pooplo of Ued Cloud and vicinity as to my ability to do first el.tss, donlisti-y. I will, for tho inontlis (f April and May make an exceptional effort to ploafc. Consul tation and oxanil nation free. All woik satisfactory. S. J.Cunmmoiiam, Sueeessor lo ,T, S J2ini,'h. aurncy SmIiih Top Market. Tlio top price paid for liojs on tho .Soutli St JoHupli on Monday of last woek, April yo, was 7.Jo per ovvt., which (Ijfiiro was secured by Gluts, aurrioy of Ited Cloud for a consifrn tnontof 17 head, averajring 31t lbs. sold for hi u by Clay, It ibjiibon & Co. This was fie per owt., hlher than any other !ik made on tlmt market that day. For Headache. Biliousness M - OoWIUV Little EARLY RISERS i i. .1 M 4i i fit i;' J. i .uA' w.tir(Wi Tjjj mmtM&mmimvtmviir.mxb&fl &iitoMiifi?Z?2r"r " ot-MiB - v 4 itm: i4 HMrV--)M(lIUtMW1l4y vfr h'ZrmfeX3l&tti tawttTBWfwws(wSfSpIWW