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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1909)
V f FWWWI1"? ' rvi fi&Btfl A j. Ml 'r tL 1 1 ' LOGALETTES buhsjribo for thu Ubluf. C. C Drown iu emtio Hitr t.liU u-pulr. K1 Wlttwcr is iutte stoic with pneu monia. V N. Klchurtl.soti is on tliu sick list this week Uf.v. Hill wus down from lutivnle Tuosihiy. llrs. Wntt wns up from Guiclo Uoelc Tuesday. Fd Burr was up from Guhlo Rock Tuesday. . Jflss Clara Hurgcss was in Fmriklln Saturday. Mr. Waller was down J from Cowles ' t ', ' CaltiriYnt """ V '!. , Glenn Walker spent Saturday in Frank in. Miss Lottie Emortou went to Lin coln Sunday. " Miss Vera Wilson returned to Lin coln Sunday. Mrs. W. II. Tabor went to Lincoln this morning. Oscar Peterson was down from Dla en Saturday. Roy Garbor came down from Hast ings Saturday. Kobort Lee of Aurora visited f rionds here Saturday. Fred II. Clatto of Itltio Hill wns in ur city to day. Lee PoTour was up from Guide Rock Saturday. Mrs. Alex Dcntloy is visiting in Lin coln this week. Roscoc Brooks was down from Cath rton Saturday. Mrs. Fred Bortfolt wont to McCook Monday moruiug. Dr. Crcightoll went to Omaha tho first of the week. Jesse Null was over from Bolairo, Kansas, Saturday. Miss Riuli Olmsted of Lincoln wns in town this week Juke Ellinger returned from St. Joe Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess spent Sunday in Iimviilc. Al. Galushn wns hero from Lincoln tho last of the week. Mrs. T. J. Bomford was quito sick the first of tho week. Roht. Lynn left for his homo at Boyd, Nobr., Monday Mrs. Frank Smith entertained at cardsFriday afternoon. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cardsaro out announcing tho Jun ior banquet Marcli 17th. Roy Rife and family moved buck from Beatrice this week. Mr. and Mrs. Coplcn went to Lin coln Saturday for it visit. Buy u ton of coal nud get a novelty ust pan. J.'.O. Caldwell. Mrs. Fred Guild returned to Blue Hill the last of the woi-lc. ' For, Salk Six room nouse, o lots Inquire at. Newhouse's store. tf Miss Helen Yoarka visited her par cuts at Bloomington Sunday. V r. and Mrs. III?. Points are tho proud patents of a baby boy. Lloyd Bradbrook came front Woodruff, ICas , this morning. Alfred MeCitll shipped four car loads of cattle to St. Joe Wednesday. Kd. Relher nus on the river market with cattle the first of the week. Arthur Robinson, who has been slek Willi the grippe is able to be out. Mrs Dwigltt Jones was up front Guide Rock the first of tho week. Rube Sehult. living south oast of town is quite sick at this writing Miss MeC'atty of Kansas City arrived Saturday to trim for Titrnuto Bros. Chas (iurney shipped two carloads of cuttle to Kansas City Wednesday. Chas. SmlthVststcr and nc'phow re turned to Iowa Tuosihiy after visiting hore. Mrs. T. J. Bomford's trlntmor ar rived from Omaha the last of tho week. County Treasurer Frnluu is sitting ou tho grand iury in Hastings this week. Pete Mcintosh took his sou to Omaha Sunday to have ills eyes doc tored. Mrs. Edith Finch of Wray, Colo, is visiting her paronts Mr. and Mr. Chns. Palmer. O. W. Pope and family havo gone to Exccllsior Springs for an extended sojourn. Tho loth grade had a class party nt F. M. Barlow's south of town Friday evening. The young people gave a very nice danco in the Kaglo Hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rifo returned from a two month's visit at Weeping Water Mon day morniug. Bert Garbor departed Saturday for Galveston, Texas, where he will pitch ball this .season. Tho llttlo child of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Perry who live south of Iiuivnlo died Wednesday. Frank Zilch of Bladen wns in town Tuesday and whllo here ho made this office a pleasant call. Miss Schultz loturned the last of tho week to Concordia, Kuns., where sho is attending school. .lelf Cat away wns up ft om Superior He is in tho stock food business. Earnest Jonson has resigned his po sition at Cottiug's Drug store and re turned to Grand Island. Mrs. Hughos and daughter returned to Hastings Tuesday after visiting Oscar Hughes and wife. For Sale two good milch cows. In quire of K L. Ilunsicker, 2 miles east of Inavale Phone 0 on C. Dr Wintcrson physician and sur geon; ofllce and rcsldeneo phone sumo as Dr. Raines. Potter block. Tubler wells, wind mills, pipe fitting nud repairings. Call ou T. Ciievamku, Campbell, Nebr. Writo or phono. Mrs. D. II. Larrlck rocolvod the sad news of tho death of her brother Sun day morning at his homo iu Gottys berg, Pa. He visited hero ft couplo of years ago. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammm zz If you arc open to con viction, we've an "open" shirt here that'll open your eyes. You get into it, and you get ou of it just as you would your coat. It's just an " off-and-on-likc-a-coat" shirt, made by people wIig have been making shirts on honor for over forty years. And the COAT SHIRT isthubest thing they have everdonc. $1.50 and more. I Next Wednesday Is St. Patrick s day. The bank guaranty bill was pushed by tho Houso of Representatives Titos day by nit ovor whelming majority. W. A llulett nud B. H. Shollen Imrger of Beaver City were in Red Cloud Friday and bought 7 car loads of hay. Foit Sali: ou Hxciianok A large sized Base Burner or exchange largo sle Round Oak.- Call at Sloss Wi.ll Piipor Store C. C. Cowdou returned from St. .loo Thursday night where ho had been visiting ins sister and while thore he had the misfortune to sprain Ills wrist. Will Kent left Sunday for Omaha, In company with Roy Kent, who,ho took thero for an operation. -.Roy was suf fering from u broken leg that was not doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Boltlor stopped over In town on their way homo at Cowles this ck They had boon visiting hor pn i .mil-, Mr. and Mrs. Harphitm at Nut ton, Kns. The ladies of tho Christian church will havo tho first of their monthly markets Saturday, Marcli 1.1th. nt Geo. Johnson's store. They will also havo on snlo aprons and sun-bonnets. Wo desire to thank our friends and neighbors for so kindly assisting us during the sickness and death of my wife. And to tho Odd Follows and Robcknhs for the flowers. Alfred Saladctt. Tho Commercial Club Installed their officers; L. E Tait President D. II. Kaley Vico President 0. C. Tool Soc. and TrciiH. and Chairman Excoutivo Board G. W. Hutchison nt tholr meet ing Tuesday night. Will Tabor moved his Tepee up in tho building vacated by I'nrkes & Hick's pool hall this week and ho will soon have tho Tepco running again. Mr. Tabor deserves n hotter patronage than ho lias had In tho past. The elty council Is to bo commended for taking efi'eetivo measures to pro vent loss in wiring. Several hundred dollars havo been lost to tho elty in the past and this will stop another leak. An honest iiintt will not object to paying in advance for his wiring and labor. This action is aimed at tho dishonest person who wants work done gratis. Mr. Stewart, who is in town in ad vance of McCabe ami Mack's "Irish Senator" Company, claims that this company has btoken more houe rco ords this season than all other com panies of a like, calibro together. And It is not to be wondered nt, as every theater-goer who is at all familiar v ith theatricals know that they nro always assured of an evening's hearty laugh ter and wholesoino fun when these fnvorito Irish comedians appear. Oporn house, ono night, Saturday Marcli 1.1th. Tho pioneer friends gave W. N. R churdsou a farewell reception Sun day afternoon nt)tho Royal hotel. The committco in charge issued invitations to all tho older rosidonts and when the hour arrived for the festivities the hotel was filled with the old time friends of Mr. Richurdsou and his es timable wlfo. Father Fi zgcrald on behalf of his friends presented him with a solid gold headed cane and al llgator skin suit-case, and her with a beautiful silver handled paiasol as a token of esteem and good will. Mr Richardson lias lived iu this city for many years and his friends regret that he has decided to leave the placo whei o he has spent the hotter part, of his lifo. J. S Gilliam mado a speech and T. J. Ward acted as mastor of ceremonies. if you are down-hearted, deep in business trouble, tliere is one prescript ion that is sit. e to benefit you. "The old maxim, '-that a hearty, laugh is the best of sauces" contains more truth than a great many people think and tho physician that can give you a tonic that will benefit you as much as an evening spent with MeCabe and Made, who will givo you more laughs iu a single evening is yot to bo born. A long hearty laugh is a pleasant pro scription to take nud you should join the merry throng of patients at tho opera houso on Saturday evening March 13th. und soo those funny fol lows In "Tho Irish Senator." w-VW Spring 1909! New line Soring suits now on our ? tables for your inspection. Nol to early to buy as the best selection of the season is right now. v. V! ..,-. H i - t ' I J W I. '.J.- The most elegant assortment wc have ever offered all the new shades of Greys, Tans, Browns and Blues. No Cotton goods this season. All wool fab rics in almost every line sold. ; ; . Come and take a look and have a suit saved for you. T y$ lK $ v v v ffij II If VL. If w!s. T5k r Cowden-Kaley Clothing go. Always Reliable First Door North of Postoffice 5 PAUL f STOREY fD Ml!l!fe?J?V''"'') CD i Notice. Our new pool and billiard parlor is now open to tho public and wo cor dially luvlto a visit. AVo shall run a clean, business-like placo, frco from gambling, and all boys under 18 will bo excluded. This rule will be strictly adhered to. Paiikks & Hicks, old Topeo building. Notice. The ladles of the M. E. church will hold tholr annual Easter Bazar ono wohI; earlier than usual. Tho reason of this changels to glvo tho Sunday school a chance to havo an Easter program. Tho ladles are working very h.ird for this Bazar undvwill tiy to make it ono os tho best ever hold in Red Cloud. They will have sun bon nets, aprons of all kind, dress.s, dtess lug saoks. dust caps, sllppor ca-es, pil low cabes, fancy work of all kind and vui ions other articles to numeious (o mention for sulo. Tho dato of tho Bazar Is Saturday, April 3rd. Mrs. llatlc Fisher. Mrs. Katie Fisher wlfo of Win. Fisher died at her homo Sunday, March 7th., at the age of iW years. Mrs. 1' islter s (team .n .m.i- j sad owing to the fitct that she leaves n new born balto to battle with the world nlone. , , , Mrs. Fisher was tho daughter of Mrs. Teresca Alios. Rev. MiirUn of the Christian church of Gitldo Rock tii.. services which wore held In tho Methodist church in Gtu ilulil township. Tho services were at tended by a large concourse of fi lends and relative". , , , . Mrs. Fisher leaves u husband, thteo children, a mother, one sister and i luce hi others to mourn her untimely demise. Intormont was in a de in the Wagoner cemetery, March tub. Mrs. Susan Saladcn. Mrs. Susan Saladen, wlfo of Alfred Saladeri passed away at their homo oasUof this city Thin Mluy, M arch Ith. Sho wits' thiity yeum old at the time of her death. Tlio Illness of their child caused Mrs. Sahithn considerable anx iety and sho feared that they might lose the little one. L'nraoratilo con ditions arose which a'tlmatoly re sulted lu her death. Services were held in the Pleasant Hill church, Rov. SUtllcr olllciatlng. The building was far too small to hold tho many friends and relatives who had congregated to pay their last re spects to tho departed. The Robekah's of this city, of which order tho deceased was a motnuer, in tended the services in a body nud con ducted the ceremony at the grave. The ceremony was simple and hu rt e&slve. it ,, The heat t felt sympathy of the out ire community goes out to .Mr. Saladen in tills hour or his great loss. Mrs. bala den wits beloved by all who know her and her absence will lo loll iv maty She leaves a husband and child, father, mother and sister to mourn hor loss. Tito burial took place In tho I'lcasaut Hill cemetery. Report of Water 8 Llfilit Commissioner. K) Till. H0N0HAIH.1J Jl.VYOU AND CITY ravsviu. (JKNTi.r.siKN: I herewith submit a report on Water and Light for the month of February. Aside from collections I have also looked after the Water and l.iuht ser vices, 1 havonlso repaired thteo biolieu culverts at stteet intersections during the month. Tho Air light clicult was broken in six different places by tho storms nud wero repaired as fast as tho brake wus located ltupaits were nocossary on four of tho largo air lights and upon examination it proved that they hud beon badly neglected, as per oi dors of tho City Council A new Western Electric arc lamp was put up at tho Depot tho sumo being sus pended from a crane attached to a single pole. I havo replaced thirty four lamps that wero broken or burnt out In the street scries, besides attend ing to many minor dotails. I havo tuken out ten electric light meters u portion so removed wor for tho non payment for current furnished. Four meters wero taken out by being out of order and wero replaced with new ones. In tho past two mouths three now meters have been furnished to now consumers of light current. From Fobruary a 1st to February 20th my collection for light fund was 8933.51); of this amount nearly ninety percent was delinquent accounts. February water pollcetlons $!200. I havo also rpcoived 8110.1 5 in credits to the light fund, and M1.28 in credits to tliu water fund rrotn February 20th, to ditto. I liavo collected 87tt8 40 for tho ll.rlit. fmi). l.Vtiriuirvaiirictit amount- od toSlH-'.nof thut unuttint loss the discount, therohnsheen ftO'J.Sli paid ou February current. Total receipts are as follows: From Fobruary nth to March (1 Cash collection to light fund 51701 1)9 " v " to water her. !!(), tiO Ci edit to electric light fund I lo.ufl Credit to water service 21.M Total 820.10 32 Respectfully J A. Toinllnsnn, Water & Unlit Com for I hm ..vv,NV, A Special m Rugs days. k to your Interests and buy now. WEAHE Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking MOON BLOCK ALL TH E PHON ES Amack 8 Chaney A llem Snappy Line of hadies' Famishing Goods. &" In The Fair Store Building. We will be in shape to fill your wants in Every Thing in Ladies' Furnishings in the way of Shirt Waists, Muslin and Gauze underwear. Ladies', Misses and Childrcns Hoes. Gloves, Collars, Helts, Face Vales and notions of all kinds. ladies' Suits and Skirts made To Order a Specialty., Will be adding more goods rapidly from time to time All Special Orders filled promptly. Call and Sec us. Yours For Business, Geo. P. Johnson. Chief Office for Id todate Job Work. i&v 'rWn&rWtim&r The only Baking Powder MBL mjmwrv made from Royal Grape H, ff-msSS'i 088? Cream of Tartar fflk r'-W Absolute! JaW sUk kk Pure m$r i. A t lUs N i iy. 1 M I.!1 h ml )ir I . ' 1 in JS ' I I w (- hi t v rl j lil rf ; 't &' r Mv sasarfgiagEa