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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1909)
K .lUT)iltll' M !! mta 3tato Historical Socioty THE RED CLOUD CHIEF A Newspaper That filvea The News Fifty-two Keeks Each Year For One Dollar. VOLUME XXXVII. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH 18, 1905). NUMBER 12 I .d... .1 -..) II ' ' " I t ML $ Something To Eat? A : 2 Hi Hi to m Then just call at the HOME GROCERY Store. 2; Every thing nice, clean and fresh and just what you want. $ We want your business and will make it i) JH worth your while to Call or Phone. j- g Prices Right n Everything. Come In and Lets fat acquainted, t to 1- A TV T 111 1. W S r. A. Wullbrandt w SUCCESSOR TO Fulton Grocer Company. fe56eft r-s- S-:6S:g:-3' tf ft ft ii - i .-. i - ..."- r4ft v V ... , if; - i -l "A I,, i-V ' A f :aeMh i8&-V idl ., U jflwt.15 '?-." Vi X...W r, ':' '' wjr ! '0 -X f ")? .A1 "4. ft ,' , . ' ' I grr- .;v- ' '" ::& 4 "V U V --""- w , . . -". f w .L.. J " 7n; ' ' '" " -, -i -u ESJHUl HtjjBMMttnvnrl IB f , '" 1 .M . ' The above is the new Church of Christ at Arapahoe, Nebraska that has been built under the leadership of Elder J. A. Parker. Who will begin Revival Services at the Church of Christ in Red Cloud, Lord's Day March 2 1 st. Mr. Parker has so ably led the brother hood there that they have retained him for his third year at a largely increased salary. O. P. Hendershot's Tenth Sale at . Lincoln, Neb., Thursday, Mar. 25th. 20 Percheron and Belgian Stallions 20 30 Percheron and Belgian Brood Mares 30 1 0 Kentucky Mammoth and Spanish Jacks 1 0 IJThe best boned lot of well bred stock I ever offered at public sale and my sales have been noted for the quality of bone and good feet of every animal. CflWrite for catalogue to O. P. Hendershot, Hebron, Nebraska. Col's F. M. Woods, Z. S. Branson and J. L. Currier, Auctioneers. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. I. N. Smith litis tho grlppo this week. Kmmct Ilagan was in Uubbell Satur day cm bushies. Mia. II. E. ltloh hns boon hick for about two weeks. V. A. Secloy lins been on tho sick list for several days. Albort Horn and wife huvo both beon ill with grippo. Kmaniicl Peters who has beon on the sick list is reported bettor. Mr. and Mrs. Win Mel'herson of Hostwlok visited hero Sunday with relatives. Merman Rerglleld lias beon quite hick. He is at the home of his mother this week. .Miss (Ircon of Superior began work Monday as trimmer in Mrs. llryan'B nilllliiory store. Mrs. U S. Garbcr came up from Hcatrice KrlJay evening and is tho guest of relatives here. Lowis Smith's littlo duughtor, Una was very sick for n few days threat ened with pneumonia. v Mrs. Elsie Ely camo up from Rey nolds Sunday evening to sco hor mother, Mrs. C. E. Vanglmn who has been quite sick for the past three weeks. Tho W. C. T U. mot with Mrs. Chus Ely Wednesday of this week. There was a short program and a good at tendance, xno union will give a Conundrum social at tho opera house Friday evening March 20th. A number of relatives were guests Wednesday at tho home of J. W. Rob inson. They were Mrs. S. H. McHride and Mis. C. P. hvans of Red Cloud, Mrs. Frank Filsble and daughter .lose phine of Lest or and Mr. A L. Tullis of Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Tullis is a cousin of Mi"!. Robinson and Mrs. Evans and they had not seen him for over thlity.years. - , 330 8000 :ir,oo 'J 111!) :iooo Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, Mai eh 17, 1000. Heniy Cook to 1). E. & W. I!. Saundeis, lots 21, 22, Hlk. .-., Red Cloud, wd Oiin M. Iledgeto Edward P. Kel logg, se 1 1-2-11 , wd Thomas T. Tobln to First Nail. Rank, Hluo Hill, mv! 18-M), wd Thomas T. Tobln to C. P. Omul, lot 3, Bile. 2, Tylers sub dlv to Ulue Hill, wd Marion Fairmau to Henry Fiess, 110 20-4-12, wd State of Nebraska to E U. Over man, swl nwl sol, 1G Ml, wd. Pdward P. Kellogg to Orrin M Hedge, ptswl UJ-2-11, wd Charles Neimeyer to Christian F Panzer, s2 no M-i-O, wd -1000 Christian P. Panzer to Charles Neimoyer, s I 1-U-ll, wd 7200 .John T. Robinson to E. Williams pt sw 2-1-11, lots 1, 33, 31), 10, 12 Patmoro's sub div 4500 E. Williams to Isaac II. Holmes, pt sw 2-1-11, lots 1, U8, 3J', -to 42 Putmoru'h sub div wd I. II. Holmes to Bertha .1. Holmes s2 lot 3, all lots 4, 5, 0, Blk. 17,' Red Cloud, qcd W. B. Ottis to Aaron li Uolbert und M w2 swl sw4, 23 1-0, qcd E. U. Overman to James M Stowait et nl, hw4, n2 e2 hc4, nwso4, 10-1-11, wd John L. Ingcrsoll to Clyde Wet zel, bw 18-1-12, wd. ,... C00 O. D. Ilodgo hherift' to Bernard McNeny, pt Blk. 23, pt lots 0, 10,11, 12, Blk. 14, Rod Cloud, sd Alico M. Whlthon to Charles p. Cathor, lots 10 to 24, Blk. 19, Smith & Mooro's add to Red Cloud, qcd Nannie Sims to L. 1). McLaugh ten, set tie, n2 sol.sosel, 22-1-0 wd Joseph L. Gnutdfituif to Josie L. Morey, no 12- M2, wd lr.oo 1730 92.10 J003 CO 0.100 , 2000 8C0S80 Mortgages tiled, $1.1001.15. Mortgages released 820010. i , , , 1 1. ..I.., Mau.iin Pile Reiui'dy Is put up in u I Plneiiles are for httekiioliu.iiml I ling , . ..,. m),j.i0 ,,Uachod convenlont I uukkiellef to lumb.igo i4ieiiiiiaii:ii,fornsi, vl be upilied directly to latlKiie and all other siiutoms ol Kid- tho airet-tt-d parts iVdueing and reliov oy diseases. Tlieyaioa tonic to UK ,n Uj(J ,u Hll n,,lIIIIIIlltQll( t.OP entire system nml UuiW up stiong h k, , of p atmimitcocl. Price ami ! health. I'rlco nno and SI. Sold c(to y0, by 1Ionry Cook by Honry Cook. A ilianftc In Dentists Dr. J. S. Emigh who has so protielant ly and so successfully conducted a dental practice in this city for the last 25 years and so widely known ns a gentleman of honest integrety and citizen that has done much for the advancement of your city has sold his praet'eo to me; and I assure his many 'patrons Hint I will use my utmost skill ami earnest ordcavor to continue and ni.ttiilulii lilk Ktiiiitnttmi iik n rlnntlKl and citizen S J . Cunningham, D. D. B. ' jiti,t inauguration of Line jln lt was WASHINGTON LETTER. j Tho special session of Congress ' called exclusively for the consldcrnt-: ion of the tariff bill will nssemble Monday the fifteenth of this month. It was expected that there- would be a light at once between the insurgents and the old guard. The Insurgents, it is known, nro those who aro rebell ing against tho czarslilp, of Speaker Cannon, and the old guard arc those who have stood by him in his usurpat ions. A fow days ago the lnsurgonts were exulting In the hope of success and tho Catiuoultes wero no doubt alarmed and had made somo couscss Ions but now it appears that tho presl dent lias taken a stand practically favoring (lie old guard and thoro is dejection in the ranks of the insur gents They had hoped to elect an other speaker than Cannon and this they probably could have done by combining with the Democrats, but tho President, under tho impression that contention and division will in imically alfect the speedy solution of tho tarilT question, has urged harmony and Speaker Cannon at this writing appears to bo tho selection of the majoiity for tho Speakership. Tho Ways and Means Committee has all but completod iv tariff bill which is practically ready for present ation and it is understood that the American Protection Tarllf League has Issued a call for tho reserves. Hy "reserves" arc inoaut all t.uo stand patters at homo or abroad. They rro urged to como to Washington und use their lutlucneo for a strong protection tariir bill. This moans, of course, that tho real light has not begun. Tho draft of tho bill made by the Ways and Moans Committee is a more skele ton upon which n hill, after much debate and scrambling will be hung and whad tho 11 n it I bill will be, no man can tell ortcarccly Imagine. Tho advocates of real revision look ing to wider inatkets and those who would like to have a t.irilf bill for tho whole people, producers and consum ers allo, are unorgani.e 1 and widely bcatteivd They cannot lie aligned like tho standpatteis, but it Is of great importance to them (for they are a very majority) that thev shall do something to oll'set the compact or ganization oT Uiomj who will oppose every cluingo in tho dlicction of real revision. With Speaker Cannon in charge us is now expected and with his tariir convictions unchanged und unchangable, the taiifY reformers of tho House have a hard task before them. At the other end of the Cipit ol, Senator Aldrich, is tho chairman of tho Commltteu ou Finance and the undisputed bass of the Senate. It is ditllcult to understand tho reasoning which insists that the retention of Caution lu the chair of the House Is necesary, as Is claimed, in order to tret revision. Rut this is the argument advanced by those who desire the speaker's continuance in control of thollou-c There Is going to bo it desperate struggle aud it will piobably keep Congress In session all summer. .A jmMj ., . -I Aiongm pros. Agents for Sealy Mattress and Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets. Theic is at present u strong deter mination in Congress and doubtless throughout the country, us voiced hy pi ess, that there shall never bo an other inauguration on Match the fourth Lust inauguration diiy out did all its predecessors und more could not bo said as a superlative of elemental vilenuess. It probable that tho last Thursday iu April will bo the day selected for future inaugurations. This would bo in accordance wjtlt the resolution introduced by Senator Hour, deceased, which resolutions was twice passed by the Senuto and was pigeon holed in tho House. Washington was llrst inaugurated on Thursday aud that day is advocated not only f rum n standpoint of soutimcut and historic precedence, but in order to preclude the possibility of tho Inauguration falling on Sunday, as would happen if a duy of the mouth werejselected. (governor Charles Hughes has writt en baying that It gives liliit pleasure to serve on the Committee for tho purposo of changing tho inauguration datoand toco-operate, so far as he may, lo bring about tho desired uliauge. Governor Hughes was here arid saw tho weuthor. Ho secured special re flew by tho Presldentof tho Now Votk Seventh Rogiiuout which, ou account of tho bllzzird, did not arrive hero until after tho inauguration, although it had started the day buforo, and he met several thousand of his constitu ents from Now Vorlc who wore quite as badly olf Of course, everyone Is agreed that tho date of tho iiiugurat- Ion should bo changed. Soiueo.u has taken tho trouble to look up the re- cards and it is discovered that for the tJCarry a complete line of Furniture, Car pets, Rugs, Lace-Curtains, Picture Frames, Pianos, 'Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical Merchandise Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers. clear and bright, nis second inatig i ration was on a co'd and cloudy day and tho streets were muddv. The llrst Grant inaugural was ou n raw rainy day and tho,socoud iu 18711 was upon tho coldest over known iu Wash ington with tho thermomotor only four degrees above zero. There was rain on the Hayes inaugural and the ground was covered with snow when Gnrileld came into olllce. Iu 1&)5 Cloveland had n very favorable day but four years later when Harrison was inaugurated there, was snow In the morning and a cold ruin during tho remainder of the day. When Clovel mil came into olllce the second time, ilraiucd and snowed. McKinley iu ISO? had a line day but ho had a rainy day for his second Induction in to olllce. Roosevelt's inauguration was on a tolerably good day. It was clear but cold and windy. I his year the Inauguration capped the climax. It was the. worst ever known and has rniiM'd an universal demand for a change of date. I.M'I.XMM MOItV KlIIIUMAIISM Cl'llltlt IN 3 Da vs. Morton L Hill, ol Lebanon, ml., snys: "My wife had lnllamuiiitoiy Rheumatism iu every iiiuselo and jonl; her sniveling was terrible and her body and face were .swollen almost beyond lecognltlondiad beciilnbedforsix weeks and had eight physicians, but tccelyed no benefit until she tried Dr. Deletion's Relief for IthounmtUin. It gave her immediate relief aud she wus able to walk nbo it iu tluee days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by The 'H. E. (Jrlce Drug Co , Red Cloud, Nebr. ' YOU may not ahvuys havo the chance to go to school. Von may not arwajh bo able to work phi-dcally. l'ou may not always have an income to keep you; then what are you going to do? Why not prepare now by taking duo of our'J co irses? If you hav'nt the money to pay down you can pay uftor you tinlsh Writo fr particulars, IIlIIIIION BlJSISKSS COM.hUK,' Hebron, Nebr TflLWSEt TO TIT ANY EYES To be sure it costs a littlo more money -to get Health-Kay Louses. It "costs mom" to get the best of anything, yet, it's always a quos', tloti if It Isn't cheapest iu the long run even If it be only a pair of shoes, or n hat. Rut with'tho I'.ves, if you once get these lieja giving Health Ray L-nses befoioUhum,, the eiso and comfort and Milisfaetion will soon make yon fniget pi'li'ic' own if it bo a tiillo 'i ore. Viyt may eeoiininie on your shoo- on your hat and lo-m only your money und the good opinion of your neighbor. Vision once lost is gone beyond locall- the shoes or hat may bo tephicod, but. eyesight never. Do without light ami the life giving qualities only found in The Health'Ray Ee (ilassand you may lose something of more value than opinion aud money. Those patient, ubii ml, over woiked eyes ui'iy some day rebel and put you Into tho lealiu of the one-eyed or no-eyed. Health Ray Lenses will to a certainty keep you in the laud of the two-eyed and blight e.ed Trnilo Mnrk ou elicit I.ciihwIicii delivered. Neajhotise Bros. Jewelers and Optometrists Satisfaction or Money Back. Subscribe for the Chief,, the enly democratic paper In Webster Cwnty. EWSIrl ROYAL Baking Powder yibsoltxtely Tare The Only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from Grapes Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening agents. i i .) ft r I :).A 1 l II" r ll MS 51 J ?'f . 4--Hm ?'f72"lS ssjvspffiL'" JSSSS ?mwEB K'lllll '' lll!H MWJ'IMW'