The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 25, 1909, Image 3

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    i.miwiiiffi' !.""'
t-w A,-rrf' vsf
May C, tho Stnto Land Commissioner
of Wyoming will distribute 7,000 ncroa
Irrigated land nt Cooper Lake, near
Laramie and Denver, on main line of.
Union I'aclllc; CO cents per acre. Old
est Reservoir and Direct Water Rights;
?5 an acre cash and J3 nn acre an.
nually for ten yenrs. Free trip and
two town lots to all who apply before
May 1. Write for application and cir
culars. Tallinadge-nuntln Lnnd Co.,
Agents, 2nd floor, Railway Exchange-,
Chicago. Agents wanted.
The Only Way.
Mrs. Sunflower I'ete Green am get
ting to bo quite an artist. Dey say ho
Dm wedded to his art. Do yo' think yo'
could be wedded to yo' art, Sam?
Sam Sunflower (with a yawn)
Wall yeas, if art could cook a good
dlnnah en tako In enuff washing to
keep me In tobacco money.
Important to Mothers.
Examlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA a sufo and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and sec that It
CearB tho
In Use For Over HO Ycaro.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
His First Practice.
Tho old farmer stood In front of tho
"Ilumnn Frog" In the museum. "How
did yeou ever find out yeou were n
contortionist?" he drawled, curiously.
'"Sh!" whispered the contortionist.
"It's n secret, but I onco tried to dress
in tho upper beith of a Pullman
Professor Munyon hns just Issued a
mo&t beautiful, useful and completo Al
manac; it contains not onlyall thcscleu
llilc Information concerning the moon's
phases, in nil the latitudes, but has il
lustrated articles on how to read char
acter by phrenology, palmistry and
birth month. It also tolls all about
card rendlnc, birth stones nnd their
meaning, and gives the Interpretation
of dreams. It teaches beauty culture, J
manicuring, gives weights nnd meas
ures, and antidotes for poison. In fact,
It Is a Magazine Almannc, that not
only gives valuable Information, but
will afford much amusement for every
member of tho family, especlnlly for
parties and evening entertainments.
Farmers and people In the rural dis
tricts will find this Almanac almost
It will he sent to anyone absolutely
freo on application to the MUNYON
PHIA. Architectural Note.
Judge lialcom was talking to a
crowd on tho street a few days ngo,
telling them tho proper way to put
shingles on n house. He said: "The
old rule was to allow six inches of
the shingle to 'show to the weather,'
but that Is too much. You should al
low not moro than four Inches to
show." Some wag remarked In a mat-ter-of-fact
tone to the Judge: "How
would It do not to let any show?" Tho
Judge replied, "I've seen roofs mnde
Hint way; but It takes a great many
shingles." Then tho Judge wanted to
get mad when tho crowd laughed.
Twiggs County (Ga.) Citizen.
Early Morning Poems.
"Why, Hlram," began Mrs. Duseri
bery, glancing up from her favorite
newspaper nt her husband on tho op
posite sldo of the table, "did you ever
hear of such a thing? Here Is a piece
about a man who writes four magazine
poems every morning before breakfast.
Must bo quite n strain on him to do
nil that writing on an empty stomach.
Don't you think so, Hiram?"
"Well, I dunno about that," re
sponded Hiram dryly. "I reckon a man
wouldn't have such a terrible strain
on him writln' tho sort of magazlno
pomes we run across now'dnys with
his stomach an' head both empty!"
Invention of Porcelain.
At a display of porcelain in China
nn exhibitor, said that Chinese lltern
turo ascribes tho invention of porco
lain to a period some 25 centures be
fore Christ. Foreign experts aro by
no means certain that tho art oxlstod
before the seventh century of this era.
Palatable, Economical, Nourishing.
A Nobr. woman hnB outlined tho
prize food in n few words, and that
from personnl experience. She writes:
"After our long oxpcrlenco with
Grape-Nuts, I cannot say enough In its
Xnvor. Wo have used this food almost
continually for seven years.
"Wo sometimes tried other adver
tised breakfast foods but wo Invariably
returned to Grape-Nuts as tho most pal
atable, economical and nourishing
of all.
"When I quit tea and coffee nnd ho
gan to uso Postum and Grnpe-Nuts I
was a norvous wreck. I was so ir
ritable I could not sleep nights, had
no interest in life.
"After using Grape-Nuts a short time
I began to Improve and nil these ail
ments have disappeared and now I am
a well woman. My two children havo
been nlmost raised on Grape-Nuts,
which they eat three times a day.
"They aro ptcturcs of health nnd
hnvo never had tho least symptom of
stomach trouble, even through the
most sovero slego of whooping cough
they could retain Grape-NutB when all
else failed.
"Grape-Nuts food has saved doctor
hills, and hns been, theroforo, a most
economical food for us."
Nnmo given by I'ostutn Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Well
vllle," in pkgs. "Thoro's a Reason."
IJier renil Hip nliim lollerf A new
one uppt-nrM from lime to lime. Tfct-y
nro Kenuliir, true, uud full of Iniuiuu
Musings of the Metropolis
News of New
Outlined in
Chicken Farm Now
NEW YORK. ningham Is the Imp
plest man In New York not Hlng
ham who Is at the head of our police
department, hut Ezra C. Hlngham, who
is at the head of the engineering nnd
mechanical departments of tho Waldorf-Astoria.
Hlnghnm la happy he
cause, after years of urging, he has at
last pursuaded Georgo C. Holdt to per
mit him to establish a chicken farm
on tho roof of the mngnlllcent hostelry
on Fifth nvenue over which Mr. Holdt
Hlngham Is a farmer from tho far
weBt. A big, Htnlwnit fellow, with the
breezy atmosphere of the prairies still
clinging to him. During the warm
spring, Bummer and early autumn,
when the doors and windows were
all open and Hlngham could breathe
something like pure air, ho did
not mind living In tho Waldorf
Astoria, but when tho late fall and
winter months came and like every
one else doing Indoor work he had to
be housed many hours of the day, his
mind reverted to the old life iu the
west and he longed to bo back on the
farm raising live stock of somo sort.
Mrs. Stirling Once a
ALONG thnt thoroughfnre sometimes
known ns "Tho Grent White Way,"
the chorus girls aro all gossiping over
the remarkable English achievements
of one of their number, Clara Taylor,
now In the divorce court nt Edin
burgh. Scotland, as Mrs. John Alexan
der Stirling.
There nre those In paint and
patchouli who say that Mrs. Stirling's
confessed fondness for Lord North
land, who has been nnmed In her bus
bnnd's suit for divorce, should not be
a matter for surprise, as. sho was al
ways partial to the nobility nnd ns a
show girl in London, nfter leaving New
York, she was always surrounded by
the unmarried young gentlemen of
Clnra Taylor came to New York
from Washington in 1001. Sho brought
a letter of Introduction to the editor of
a dramatic paper. Sho got a job on
the paper and worked thero two dnys.
Sho was only 1G years old, so sho said.
She was attractive, and nppeared to bo
well educated and well brought up.
Sho was looked upon ns a runaway
from home, an innocent, heedless
young thing.
Hut sho gathered wisdom In those
first days of her Hrondway life, gath
ered it quicker than did Solomon or
the Queen of Sheba, nnd soon lowered
g, Il7n 1 II h v U
"Tim" Sullivan's Annual Shoe Party
D distribution of shoes and woollen
socks among his friends and support
ers in the Howcry took place tho other
dny. Five thousand pairs of shoes
were distributed nt the Metamora club,
on the Howery.
"Llttlo Tim" Sullivan attended the
nffnir in tho cnpnclty of master of
ceremonies, although the actual work
of passing out the shoes wns accom
plished by a selected corps of workers.
Ono day recently men In Howery
lodging houses received invitations to
tho nffalr from Sullivan.
The line of "denr friends" formed
early In front of tho Sullivan Btrong
hold. It extended south n distance of
two blocks. Policemen who confined
Alfred G. Vanderbilt in New Romance
SOCIETY is constructing a new ro
mance, Eleanor Sears and Alfred
G. Vanderbilt have been cast for tho
leading roles.
Ever since Mr. Vanderbilt sailed
awny for Europe the other day and
MIsb Sears, the Hoston society girl,
waved good-hy to him from tho dock,
gossip has connected their nnmes.
Miss Senrs and her mother wero in
tho party which went to tho dock with
Mr. Vanderbilt n few minutes boforo
Balling tlmo to seo him off. Not a mo
ment of tho Interval before tho "going
ashore" whistle hounded wero Mr.
York Town
Brief Form.
on Waldorf Roof
"I don't see," snld Illngham to Mr
Holdt one day, "why New Yorkers
don't have some sort of farms on the
roofs, of course they enn't have dairy
fauns, hut they might have chicken
farms or squab farms."
"We can't have farms," said Mr
Holdt, "but we can have roof gardens
both summer and winter, anil this wlih
ter we will open a garden on the tool'
of this hotel which will be as good as.
a farm. Wo will spend $100,000 to
make this winter garden and sun par
lor tho finest In the woild. Now Is
your chance, Dlnghnm. You mny hnv
chickens, ostriches or birds of para
dise up there If you like, so long as
they nre an attraction."
Hlngham saw his chance nnd took It,
With the icsnlt that he has In n few
months built the finest and most com
plete chicken innch In the world on
tho roof of the $8,000,000 Wuldorf-As
torhi. Way up In the towois, abovo
the plane of the roof, ho has construct
ed the most complete modern nnd ex
pensive chicken houses ever seen, and
stocked them with the llnest breeds of
white Wyandottes and white Leghorns
to he found In America. Hlngham hns
12i chickens in tills ranch, nil of which
ho has hatched In Incubators on the
picmlses. They lay from fid to 75 eggs
dally. These eggs are not for sale, but
arc given to poor Invalids who cannot
afford such luxuries, or to any guests
of the hotel who may be 111 and require
such delicate food as a fresh-laid egg.
Broadway Nomad
nil records for holding nnd resigning
Jobs ns a show girl. In one week she
had six different places.
The little runaway girl from Wash
ington brought her New York stage
enreer to an end when she tried the
patience of George Ledercr, seven
years ago, when Ledercr hud on "The
Wild Robc" She wns In tho chorus of
this company, along with Evelyn Nes
bit, Mazlo Follette and Vlda Whltmoro.
Eddie Foy, then playing In the piece,
Indulged In a little joke, and this
meant the turning point In the enreer
of Clara Taylor.
"Why don't you go on bnrefooted?"
ho suggested to Miss Taylor as the
chorus stood In tho wings, waiting for
the cue to romp on the stage.
"Why not?" nsked tho lass. And
down she sat on the boards and
stripped off shoes nnd stockings. Hare
footed and barelegged she went down
to the footlights, Inaugurating the
Trilby dnnco In New York.
At tho close of tho show MIsb Tay
lor packed her handbag and went forth
seeking another Job. Having run tho
gamut of the New York shows, sho
went to her friends nnd collected
enough money to take her to London.
Sho landed In the chorus of "Tho Earl
and tho Girl," playing nt tho A del phi
theater. In the company wore mnny
American girls, friends of Miss Tuylor.
These friends found that Miss Tay
lor had n suitor In John Alexander
Stirling, nnd that she wns well sup
plied with money. Tho announcement
thnt she had married Stirling did not
surprise tho profession on this side
of tho water.
their attentions to the tnsk of trying
to keep the shoo seekers from ex
tending their line into the street said
there were more men In line thnn Inst
year. Tho line led up the nartow stairs
into a big clubroom on the second
floor. At one end of this room the
Hhoes nnd socks were idled In a stack
extending almost to the celling. Ab
each man entered ho surrendered his
ticket of invitation and told an attend
ant his size of Bhoo. Most of tho
shoes given nwny were numbered nlno
and ten, although there were some
eight's. Thero whs nothing smaller
than nn eight, nnd nil the shoes that
wero distributed were of excellent
wearing quality.
"nig Tim" Sullivan looked In during
tho nfternoon to see that everything
was running smoothly. Ills appearance
was greeted with cheer's.
Somo of his friends remained In the
club till the last pair of shoes was
given nwny. Thcso friends reported
that thero were many new faces In the
Vnnderbllt nnd Miss Senrs separated,
nnd the millionaire's attention to the
young woman was generally comment
ed upon.
When Mr. Vanderbilt bonrded the
vessel, he was accosted by a man be
lieved to bo his lawyer, and after a
few momenta of earnest conversation
ho was seen to sign a number of legal
looking documents.
Mr. Vnndeibllt Bald he was going
abroad to prepare for another season
of coaching In England.
The names of Alfred O. Vnnderbllt
and MIsb SeniB have never been asso
ciated before, and for this reason their
ovldontly firm friendship wbb all tho
more remarked. They have been fre
quently together in past seasons nt
Newport, however. Miss Sears, scv
oi al years ago, was reported to he en
gaged to Harold Vanderbilt, n cousin
of Alfred G.
I ml Personnl knowledge
IW tins comnctitivc nnc and
possessor in the front ranks of
The Well Informed of tho World.
A vat fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement ot the
highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products arc all of the utmost value nnd in questions of life and health
when a Utc and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of
l... l!s 1M.. lwMnlinHnn M1 Knniim lnmnnnAnl
Pjirta nnd has won the valuable natronaac of millions of tho Well Informed of the A
world, who know of 'their own
and best ot family laxatives, for
This valuable remedy lias
under the name of Syrup of
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As to pure
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, nre well known to physicians
and the Well Informed ot the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy,
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs nnd to get its beneficial
effects, always note, when purchasing, the full
name of the
A Substitute for Work.
"Physical culture, father, Is perfect
ly lovely!" exclaimed an enthusiastic
miss just homo from college. "Look!
To develop tho nrms I grasp this rod
by ono end nnd move It slowly from
right to left."
"Well, well!" exclaimed the father;
"what won't science discover! If that
rod had straw at the other end of it
you'd bo sweeping." Success Maga
zine. Hod, Wcnk, AVenry, Watery Hym
Ttclluved by Murine Kyu llemrtly. Com
pounded ly Kxpcrlenceil I'hyHleluiiH. Con
VorniH to I'uro Wood and DniK l.iiws. Mu
rine Doesn't Hmurt; HootlieH Kyu I'uln.
Try Murlnu In Vour Kyea. At DruEKlato.
When woithy men fall out, only
ono of them mny bo fnulty at lirst;
hut If strife continue long, commonly
both become guilty. Fuller.
A Cough, If UPRli'i'tPd, often affects the
Luuhh. "Hrown'H Hronelilal Troehes" rIvii
relief. 25 rents a lio. Humpies nent freo
by John 1. Drown & Sou, Iloston, Mums,
If a woman hnd nny other excuse
than "because" for falling In lovo
with a man Bho probably wouldn't do
Lewis' Single Hinder ntraight 5c cipar.
Mnde of extra quality toliaceo. our
dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'coria, 111.
Why doesn't somo enterprising at
torney wrlto a book of unwritten
I'AZO OINTMKNT U Kiinrnritced to euro any can
r llcblns. llllnd, IileiHllntf air i'rnirudlBg i'Xlo to
6 to 11 days or money refunded. 60c
What you call temper in your wlfo
you call temperament In yourself.
Mri. Window's Soothing Hymn.
For children teething, oftene thaKurai, reduce la.
tunmiUon, alliyi pain, euros wind ooUu. 15c a bottle.
Call a spade a spade, and you may
get It In the neck.
.Allcn'd Towdor
hnrfwollrn.fcwratlnKfwi. (JIvnalnManirrllrf. Tho
crlulnul powder fur tlio feet. Tic at all Druuiclkti.
The common people bcllevo without
proof. Tncltus.
U, b, I'at. Offlc
The genuine sold everywhere
Color more pood brlohter and latter colon than am other dye. One tOe oackaoe color all fiber. Thet de In cold water better than any other die. You can dio
Biu Wrmenf without ripping oparu Writo lor IreebooUot-Hon to Dye, Bleach and Mw Color. MONROE DftUO CO., Quinsy, tlllnolu, j
Personal Knowledge?
is the winnina factor in the culminatinR
when of ample character it places its
personal knowledge and from actual use that
which no extravagant or unreasonable claims
been long and favorably known
Figs and has attained to world
Company California Fig Syrup
printed on the front of every package,
whether you call for Syrup of Figs
or by the full name Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
Are You Protected
against pneumonia, which so often
comes with a sudden chill, or con
gestion of the lungs the results
of neglected colds ? If not you
should have a safe and sure rem
edy at hand all the time.
has proved to be the most effective rem
edy known for colds, coughs, pneu
rnonia,bronchitls,inllammationof chest
and lungs. It relieves and cures the
disease by removing the cause. Get It
today and you'll be ready for tomorrow.
Sold everywhere in three size
lollies, $1 00, 50c. 25c.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
m I nicy niso relieve ins
HITYLC treHHfroinI)yHjeHln,Iu-
ln I Pf I dlRCNtlouiinilToo Hearty
Mm Vfc.K' a,'"K- A perfect rein-
fl fl O leily Sur Dl"l'icss, Nnu-
MM " tfcj, I Ben, DrownlnesH, Bad
J3JB TuHtelntlieMoiith,Coat-
HlH led Tonntie, Pain In tho
" Im.., TOliriD LIVEH.
They regulate the UoweU. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
DEFIANCE STftRCH-i: ;.;'.:
other ttarrhni onlr M ounre lama price and
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
bearing this trade
mark. Don't be
misled by imitations
contcsls of
it is the first fl(
are made.
45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre
have been grown on farm land in
Much let would be
tatiilactory. The gen
eral average ii abovo
twenty buineli.
"Allure loud In their
prnlte of the nrcut
crop and that won
derful country." A-
UkI from correspondence Niltoml EdltorUt
MsocUUon of August, 1903.
It it now possible to secure a homestead o 160
acres (tee and another I CO acres at $3.00 per acre.
j Hundreds have paid the cost oi their farms (if
purchased) and then had a balance of from $10.00
to $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. Wheat, barley,
, oats, flax all do well. Mixed farming is a great
success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel
lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail.
' ways bring most every district within easy reach
of market. Railway and land companies havo
lands for tale at low prices and on easy terms.
"Last nest Wet"pamphlet and mnp nent
I free. For these and Information ns to how
to arcure lowest rullwny rates, apply to
Superintendent of Immluratlon, Ottawa,
Canada, or the authorised Canadian Govern
ment Airentt
101 New York Lilt Bulldloi. Omtbi, Nebraska.
will protect you nirulnut loss
flf Idf.ninn ilnjilnr'd l.lllu ..... IH
cane you nre Hick or Injured nnd
regulur occupation, llcnetltu ore
,I.A 1... .. 'll....
ever offered.
, National
Fidelity & Casualty
Omnha. Nub.
! national!
Tile HtrouireU
Aceiuent uud
Ueultn liisur-
nnco Co. of
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 9, 1909.
A flavoring tlutt Ih lifted the Rnmens lemon
or vitnillii. Iiy i1Ihu1vIiik (.'mnululed xugur
In vnter nnd lidding Miipleiue, u dellc Ioiih
nyrup In made and a arrup bettertlmn maple.
Miiplclmi In mM lijrKroeerik 1 f not wind 84c f or
2(z.tot.undroclpubook. trntBr. ro.,Kttul.
I t
m w -n-fi